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Words for the Soul: Poems to Ponder
Words for the Soul: Poems to Ponder
Words for the Soul: Poems to Ponder
Ebook288 pages2 hours

Words for the Soul: Poems to Ponder

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Words For The Soul, a devotional book, is a collection of original poems by author Sandra A. Haynes, which highlights the spiritual and practical values of the Christian lifestyle. Its precepts are time-honored and inspirational. The poems give insight to current happenings and life challenges. Words to Live By joins Haynes’ previous books: The Things That Matter, Of Butterflies and Men, Perspective, Reflections, Contemplation, From Where I Stand, Viewpoint, Poems to Ponder, and Harbingers of the Apocalypse.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 25, 2021
Words for the Soul: Poems to Ponder

Sandra A. Haynes

Sandra A. Haynes was born in the South. Her first poem was penned at age eleven when she was inspired by a lovely sunset. Her interest in writing was later developed in college where she majored in English. She became an English teacher and taught at several different levels, her last being at a junior college where she taught writing for many years. Her books of poetry were written during this time after she learned to use the computer. Her interest in spiritual topics has influenced much of her writing. Many of her poems reflect on life’s values, opportunities, and relationships. Sandra’s poetry has been featured on Better Life Television Network where she was interviewed in a segment on creativity. Reflections joins her previous collection of poetry books which include these titles: Of Butterflies and Men, The Things That Matter, From Where I Stand, Viewpoint, Perspective, and Contemplation.

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    Words for the Soul - Sandra A. Haynes

    Copyright © 2021 by Sandra A. Haynes.

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    Rev. date: 11/23/2021






    A Definitive Move

    A Dreadful Beast

    A Letter to Laodicea

    A Peaceful Rest

    A Raging Controversy

    After Covid19

    At Dawn’s Light

    Esther At the Door


    Christ’s Kingdom

    Every Wind

    Finding Your Voice

    First Choice

    God’s GPS

    Green Sabbath

    In Days Like These

    In This, Our Time

    In Turbulent Times

    Leaning on Him

    No Baloney

    Peace in the Storm

    Prayer for Truth

    Ready or Not

    Sabbath Truth

    Sola Scriptura

    The Book of Revelation

    The Cross and the Law

    The Hold Out

    The Root of the Gospel

    The Ten Commandments

    The Test

    To Burn or Not to Burn

    Two Agents of Evil

    When God Said Remember

    Will the Real God Stand Up?


    A Better Model

    A Christian in Camouflage

    A Dreamless Sleep

    A Pastoral Appreciation

    A Pilgrim’s Prayer

    A Sinner’s Plea

    A Writer’s Prayer

    All God’s Promises

    All This and Heaven, Too

    An Easter Revelation

    An Evening Prayer

    An Offer of Love

    At Calvary

    Be Still

    Body and Soul

    Cacophony of Life

    Certain in Uncertainty

    Closer Than a Brother


    Covenant Terms


    Created Equal


    Do You Know Jesus?


    Early Resolve

    Easter Joy

    Eve’s Lament


    From East to West

    God Calls

    God’s Grand and Holy Day

    God’s Great Gift

    God’s Holy Temple

    Grateful Debtor

    Harmonious Rhapsody

    Hath Made of One Blood

    Heart Probe

    Heaven Isn’t for Sissies

    Heavenly Connection

    Heavenly Plans

    In Christ Alone

    In Service to Him



    Jesus Barabbas


    Keep the Faith

    Light for the Journey

    My Heavenly Brother

    New Jerusalem

    No Friend Like Jesus (Song)

    No Pinkie Promise

    Not a Fish Tale

    Not About Me

    On a Tree

    On the Mark

    One Life to Live


    Picturing God

    Prayer for Today

    Pride Goes Before a Fall

    Punching Holes in the Dark


    Resurrection Revelation

    Resurrection Truth

    Return to the Cross

    Sabbath Connection

    Sabbath Rest

    Sabotaging the Sabbath

    Search and Rescue

    See Him There

    Serenity Challenge

    Sing the Songs of Zion (song)

    Son of God, Son of Man

    Study for Approval

    The Called, the Chosen

    The Controversy

    The Mantra of Heaven

    The Master Plan

    The Mystery of Iniquity

    The Open Cage

    The Outstretched Hand

    The Path of Return

    The Pinnacle

    The Power That Wins

    The Saga of Jesse McGraw: A Parable

    The Sanctuary

    The Seventh Day

    The Unconventional Christ

    The Underdog

    The Wheat, Tares, and Weeds

    Unrivaled Heritage

    Victory in Christ

    Weapons of our Warfare

    What is in Your Hand?

    What is Love?

    When You Care

    With Eyes to See


    A Backward Glance

    A Grandma’s Reverie



    Fall Promise

    Granny’s Dating Rules

    Hands Off Till Then

    Honesty’s Challenge

    In Memoriam

    Kick Start

    Love’s Calling

    Marriage Challenge

    Marriage Retreat

    Power of the Voice

    Remember When


    The Evil of Rape

    The Gift of Words

    The Origin of Valentine’s Day

    The Red, White, and Blue

    The Storm of Twenty-One

    The Thin Blue Line


    What Matters

    White Coats

    Wise Words

    Words to the Young at Heart


    Breath of Heaven

    By Grace Alone

    Christmas Betrayed

    Christmas Is


    The Great Controversy

    The Lion or the Lamb

    The Suffering Servant of Isaiah Fifty-Three

    To Face a New Year


    This book is dedicated to the honest in heart who are looking to God for meaning in life, for Jesus said, If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. John 7:17 May God bless each heart who is seeking truth and direction from the Source who holds each man’s destiny in His hands.



    A Definitive Move

    Distracted by Covid’s relentless attack,

    The people in ignorance sleep,

    While the papacy forges ahead with its plans,

    Eternity on us will creep.

    Assembling elite from the world’s corporations,

    They are called to Vatican City,

    Through subtly disguised intentions to rule

    In a scene that encourages pity.

    Using the cover of cry of the poor,

    And demanding more equitable growth,

    The pope woos investors to a new paradigm

    To engage their allegiance and oath.

    By showing concern for the planet at large,

    Tapping men’s fear of climatic change,

    He uses events, His agenda to push,

    God’s people to finally estrange.

    By innocent family and worker-friendly laws,

    Which propose the world to bless,

    He encourages Sunday--a green Sabbath law,

    To allow the planet to rest.

    America sleeps while the papacy runs

    Toward her goal of control and of power,

    While no one protests, not willing to own

    The crisis that grows by the hour.

    The innocent law will turn vicious in time,

    And those who oppose it will feel,

    The ire of the dragon as the papacy flaunts

    The time-serving power she wields.

    Persecution will turn on the people of God,

    Who are keeping the true Sabbath day,

    Then people will think they do favors for God

    By putting His saints away.

    Then Christians, wake up, though the papacy seems

    To be gentle and mild today,

    The battle still rages; the showdown will come,

    Which will lead many people astray.

    It’s time to return to the Sabbath of God,

    Which is found at the end of the week,

    God’s judgment will rest on the choice that you make,

    Be sure it is truth that you seek.

    A substitute day will lead you astray,

    Don’t follow traditions of men,

    God said to remember the seventh day,

    When His finger was used as a pen.

    Each man has a choice, for all have a voice,

    Will you choose to serve God or man?

    Be sure that today, you are walking God’s way,

    On His Sabbath, the honest will stand.

    A Dreadful Beast

    A dreadful beast that was wounded, yet lives,

    Is described in the Revelation,

    As the product of Satan’s deception and lies,

    Its end is annihilation.

    Backed by the devil, men’s falling away

    From the primitive, Christian teaching,

    Was predicted by Paul, who announced that in time,

    The beast would become over-reaching.

    For after Christ’s death, pagan errors crept in,

    And the church was no longer pure,

    The day of the sun was embraced by the church,

    And truth could no longer endure.

    When those who detected deception and fraud

    Of the practicing leaders complained,

    The result was the dungeon, the rack, and the fire,

    With vengeance and hate unrestrained.

    Fifty million dissenters were slaughtered in death,

    Because they wouldn’t agree,

    To the desecration of truth that was taught,

    With oppression of liberty.

    Indulgence was sold for forgiveness of sin,

    So that temples of gold could be built,

    Sanctimonious garments of white covered men,

    As if to resolve pompous guilt.

    The people at large were kept in the dark

    From the freedom the gospel would lend,

    They suffered from ignorance, error, and fear,

    In a system, refusing to bend.

    The Bible was kept from the people until

    The time of the Reformation,

    When the shadows were lifted and people were freed

    From deliberate misinformation.

    The just shall life by faith was the cry,

    Not by penance and cruel flagellation,

    Confession was made directly to God,

    Not to priests in humiliation.

    The entrance of freedom of mind and of soul

    Would dispel the darkness and gloom,

    The Renaissance time of enlightenment rose,

    Education and creativity bloomed.

    The Protestants now are protesting no more,

    For they honor the pagan day,

    By accepting the Sunday as if it were right,

    They’ve wandered from truth away.

    Come out of her, my people, God says,

    For Sunday is of human making,

    It’s based on tradition and not on God’s Word,

    Which amounts to truth, forsaking.

    The devil will come as an angel of light,

    Approving God’s day has been changed,

    It’s more of his lies, now peddled to men,

    When he first, God’s commands rearranged.

    You cannot depend on anything else

    But the truth that is held in God’s Word,

    So open His book and take a new look,

    All other pretense is absurd.

    There’s a heaven to win and a hell to shun,

    God’s truth still matters today,

    Go back to the Bible and study God’s Word,

    So you are not led astray.

    Don’t be caught in the web of tradition and lies,

    But stand for the truth; be bold,

    For it won’t be long, Christ will come once again

    To gather His sheep to His fold.

    A Letter to Laodicea

    When exiled on the Isle of Patmos many years ago,

    John wrote to seven churches then, a message all should know.

    The last church, Laodicea, represents God’s church today,

    Who is commissioned to declare to man, God’s truth and way.

    Though written centuries in the past, John’s counsel here must stay,

    For it reveals some parallels that plague the church today.

    For God condemned the church for being neither hot nor cold,

    Content to have the truth, yet being lukewarm, stale, and old.

    The condemnation may seem harsh, yet as we near the end,

    The church must feel an urgent need to warn each soul as friend.

    God’s judgment time is close at hand; just look around and see,

    The world is running short on time; we face eternity.

    We need to waken from our sleep and change the way we live,

    For souls are being lost today; God’s truth we’re urged to give.

    We need to rise up from our pew, complacency to spurn,

    For there are souls around us, lacking truth they need to learn.

    Though thinking we are rich in goods, in need of nothing here,

    The fact that we are naked seems to come through loud and clear.

    Yet God has promised to His church if they will rise and shine,

    That they will sit upon His throne, their future to define.

    A Peaceful Rest

    In these strange and trying times, everyone needs rest,

    Not just sleeping through the night, but freedom from all stress.

    Life presents some challenges, some burdens hard to bear,

    You need the trust and confidence in knowing God is there.

    Every soul that God has made, though powerful or small,

    At times will feel discouragement, when courage seems but small.

    It’s at these times you need to turn to Jesus Christ, your friend,

    Who promised that He’ll never leave you, staying till the end.

    He knows your frame, for He has made you from the very start,

    He longs to give you comfort and to make your fears depart.

    For He has walked this way before; He knows just how you feel,

    In every circumstance you face, His love for you is real.

    Then lean on Him when days are hard, and you are looking down,

    His presence then will comfort you and take away your frown.

    He’ll send His Spirit to remove your worries and your fears,

    You’ll find you can depend on Him, for He is always near.

    A Raging Controversy

    If you don’t believe that a devil exists,

    Take a look around on earth’s sod,

    For a great controversy is raging today

    Between the devil and God.

    It was set in motion in heaven above,

    When Lucifer challenged God’s rule,

    He was jealous because of God’s power and might,

    Which he wanted to use as a tool.

    But jealousy never accomplished what’s right,

    It comes from a selfish desire,

    But once it begins, as everyone knows,

    It’s hard to put out the fire.

    This angel had beauty that God had bestowed

    But allowed it to go to his head,

    He wanted the power that only God has,

    On this thought, he constantly fed.

    God pled with him long to turn him around,

    But he stubbornly kept on his way,

    Till God decided to thrust him from heaven

    So peace would return to stay.

    He was thrown to the earth where he has displayed

    His hatred of God and of man,

    Wreaking havoc on all of the creatures God made,

    Using power at his command.

    He causes the problems with which we contend,

    The tragedies, illness, and pain,

    The disasters we see on the news every night,

    Repeated again and again.

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