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Alien Secrets and the Path to Ascension: UFO Powers, Methods, Identities, and Agendas Amidst a Scientific Inquiry
Alien Secrets and the Path to Ascension: UFO Powers, Methods, Identities, and Agendas Amidst a Scientific Inquiry
Alien Secrets and the Path to Ascension: UFO Powers, Methods, Identities, and Agendas Amidst a Scientific Inquiry
Ebook337 pages2 hours

Alien Secrets and the Path to Ascension: UFO Powers, Methods, Identities, and Agendas Amidst a Scientific Inquiry

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How we came about is clear from two distinct lines of evidence. DNA is a masterpiece of intelligent biomathematical coding by an extremely advanced alien civilization. The theory further begs biological proof of alien "super-microbes" on Earth. It has it in our family of Giant Viruses. The historical event of discovery and accompanying evidence is presented. 

A complete analysis of UFOs based on scientific inquiry follows from the details of the Roswell incident, to alien types and identities, and to possible technological methods used in flight, abductions, memory erasure, and missile tampering. We acknowledge the influence of ancient aliens on major religions. Based on universal evolutionary principles, we can predict likely agendas

Takeaway: Studying alien technology, consciousness, and skillsets will lead modern humans to a similar mastery. This will help guarantee our survival as a species and guide us into multiple and diverse levels of ascension.


Release dateNov 25, 2021
Alien Secrets and the Path to Ascension: UFO Powers, Methods, Identities, and Agendas Amidst a Scientific Inquiry

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    Alien Secrets and the Path to Ascension - Scott R. Campbell



    Modern science, with its innovative technology, coupled with a close look at the Genome Project, informs us that our DNA proves to be genetically engineered by an advanced alien civilization. DNA applies mathematical principles to optimize performance and maintain its basic structure and function for billions of years. We have now unlocked its virtual codes. All life on Earth is an alien hybrid. The evidence remained undiscovered for over three and one-half billion years.

    Alien microbes, especially the Giant Viruses, played a most prominent role in our evolution.

    Whether intentional or not, the aliens have already presented us with clues on how to solve two of the most challenging problems we face. Both involve the mastery of quantum mechanics. Einstein could not figure out, after thirty years of attempts, nor many of the top physicists for the last one- hundred years, how to come up with a workable theory for quantum gravity that meshes with the theory of General Relativity, the so-called God Equation." ¹

    The aliens did because they applied that knowledge to propel their ships by curving space-time around them. The aliens influence our consciousness and objects from a distance. Hints about their levels of prowess also came with the little, gray ET clones found at the Roswell crash. The biological entities, rather than mere pilots, were part of the ship, a single unit of impressive technology.

    The key to fully understanding ourselves lies in understanding how nonlocal quantum effects in the neuron microtubes underlie consciousness. ² The aliens seemed to have mastered this as well. Understanding quantum mechanics and alien technology will help us ascend to levels comparable to the

    aliens at an accelerated pace. Perfect health, higher intelligence and empathy, and an extra helping of longevity will all be within reach of science and medicine. Free—or at least very-- cheap and high-powered energy, and also extremely disruptive to a fossil fuel planet, is a given barring censorship.


    We thank the US Navy for releasing authentic data on several observed spacecraft--now termed UAP for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The Navy captured the data, which shows how the UAP executed their astounding speeds and navigation, leading to a general theory of how UAP moved. The videos come with chain-of-custody authentication, meaning they show originality free from any form of tampering.

    Einstein would stand proud because the aliens use a principle based on geodesics that he described at length in his published papers on General Relativity.

    Aliens have dominated life on Earth since day one:

    could lead to various new forms of being or afterlives.

    Takeaway: Studying alien technology, consciousness, and skillsets will lead modern Humans to a similar mastery and will not only help guarantee our survival as a species but guide us into multiple levels of ascension.


    For national security, maintaining the status quo, and expanding global power and profits for large corporations, the United States government decided long ago with the first retrieved alien craft not to share what they knew.

    After seeing the Roswell crash reported on the front page of a local newspaper from New Mexico, USSR’s Stalin sent an army of agents to find to spy on us. ⁸ They would work to assist communists here in creating our CIA and infiltrating it. ⁹ To help shut out Stalin and keep the treasure for themselves, our government’s official position on UFOs and aliens soon became one of denial and disinformation:

    What UFOs? What aliens?

    The crash at Roswell was not a UFO, but a balloon, and the bodies retrieved were not four-foot-tall, gray alien clones with oversized heads and eyes, and skinny appendages, but test dummies, chimpanzees, or Japanese spies. Case closed.

    The Cold War and the technological prowess and huge profits to be reaped from Roswell overshadowed officially informing the public about the greatest discovery in Earth’s history.

    Instead, we settled for B-rate movies about aliens and UFOs. — until, in 1971, twenty-four years after Roswell, we finally welcomed the classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind, based on real-life encounters. Ufologist and astronomer J. Allen Hynek consulted for the film. ¹⁰ ¹¹

    We had entered a cat and mouse game with the Soviets since 1947, with the secrets of aliens and their craft and powers as the mouse to be captured, that never ended. In this book and The Day After Roswell, Heroic Lieutenant Colonel Corso details how his every move to help the timely dissemination of certain

    alien artifacts and technologies to American industry found itself shadowed by the CIA and KGB. The CIA—and the Air Force—just happened to be formed within three months after the Roswell crash in early July in 1947. ¹²

    Corso once walked into the office of the Soviet communist sympathizer in our military, whom he was sure was behind ordering the spying, and laid down a .45 pistol on his desk. Corso intimated that the next person who followed him might have his eyes shot out.

    In addition to a cold war with the Soviets over UFOs and aliens, our military-experienced an internal cold war between its departments concerning who would get the most goodies- and hence benefits-from Roswell.

    The secrets of Roswell were about technology, weapons, global power, and trillions in future profits. The American people were lied to and continuously disinformed, often with most insulting explanations—‘It was a weather balloon, or swamp gas, or reflections of light off of geese undersides."—were not to ask questions but only to acknowledge the derived products like lasers, integrated circuits, transistors, fiber optics, particle beam weapons, and small and powerful personal computers and cell phones. We eagerly chose to participate in new, robust, and earth-shaking tech industries which arose from Roswell artifacts.

    Washington, DC, found itself the setting for a flyby by UFOs in 1952. Photographs from multiple perspectives, hundreds of witnesses, and numerous radar reports confirmed it, but the government dismissed it as reflections.

    The purpose of Project Blue Book was to reassure the public that they had a system for reporting what they witnessed and to distract them from the Roswell crash.

    Grudge and Sign were classified projects with a greater level of secrecy to enable the military to evaluate sightings and encounter reports that could not be explained away as

    balloons, geese, or the planet Venus. Blue Fly and Twinkle, along with a slew of other camouflage programs such as Horizon, HARP, Rainbow, and even the Space Defense Initiative, all had to do with extraterrestrial technology.

    However, few stood aware of it.

    Smart people saw the Roswell crash and the increasing number of sightings and legitimate abduction cases through the government’s coverup efforts. They realized that we were not alone --if they didn’t know already. Alien craft hovered above New Mexico area nuclear missile production and testing sites, power plants, and naval ships, like insects to light at night.


    Let’s get through the bad news first. The government intentionally misled the public about aliens and UFOs for at least nine decades and likely continues to censor key information. For those of us who were not smart and deductive, the answer to one of the most important questions for Earthlings about possible galactic company lay buried in government bureaucracy. It turns out that the other question most frequently asked by Earthlings is, "Where did we come from? The truth may, again, hide among alien secrets. Science is telling us that somebody or something genetically engineered our DNA over 3.5 billion years ago. In Section: DNA, we will explore the mind-boggling and exciting evidence in detail.

    The good news: The United States successfully kept most of the alien technology and insight from Roswell and other crashes out of the hands of the communist Soviets and Germans.

    The Pentagon UFO films are selected visual recordings of cockpit instrumentation displays from US Navy fighter planes deployed aboard aircraft carriers USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt in 2004, 2014, and 2015 and additional material captured by other Navy personnel in 2019. ¹³

    Since 2017, the four monochrome films scooped up considerable attention, as they officially captured UFOs on vetted media. In 2020, the Pentagon addressed and publicly published the first three films, and, in 2021, the Pentagon verified the origin of the leaked 2019 footage. ¹⁴ Commander David Fravor examined radar signals of a potential target off the coast of southern California on November 14, 2004. ¹⁵ The USS Princeton (CG-59), which was part of the strike group, had

    been monitoring strange aircraft for two weeks previous to the event, according to Fravor. Astounded, Fravor reported seeing a white, oval-shaped object floating over an ocean water

    disturbance, a possible mother ship, the famous tic-tac UAP, which he assessed to be about forty feet in length. According to Fravor and another pilot, Alex Dietrich, four individuals (the two pilots and two weapons systems officers in the rear seats of the two aircraft) saw the object for five minutes. According to Fravor, when he spiraled down to get closer, the object rose, following his plane’s course, until it quickly vanished at unbelievable speed. ¹⁶

    Figure 2 USS Nimitz

    Not only did the United States Navy and other militaries

    around the world release official sighting evidence starting in the second decade of the 21 st century, but they also provided such detail from video, infrared video, radar, and sonar data

    from multiple perspectives, and operator narration, that physicists have come up with a theory on how alien craft execute their most astounding motions. Parts of this theorized technology and methods can be extrapolated into explaining some of their other powers, like beaming people and other objects into their ships, shutting down electronic systems from a distance—like nuclear missiles--and erasing human memory.

    Let’s go back to 2017, at which time somewhat of a milestone occurred in getting some official information about UFOs from the United States government.

    December 2017: The Pentagon and the New York Times seemed to want to kiss and make-up with UFO enthusiasts for misleading them for decades. The New York Times published two bombshell articles on UFOs, the main one entitled Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: the Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program.

    From 2007 through 2012, the Pentagon spent millions of taxpayer dollars, $22 million, investigating UFOs as they continued to tell the public they had no evidence that UFOs were real. The program continued after 2012 secretly in Barrack Hussein Obama’s second term.

    The official program had an impressive name: Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification of AATI. Luis Elizondo, who at least understands the public’s thirst for information about UFOs and comes across as a believer himself, headed up the program as a career intelligence officer. The government began calling UFOs threats. Hoaxes are not threats, and neither

    are weather balloons, so the government had revealed the seriousness of the subjects of their investigations.

    Politico soon claimed that Elizondo, keeping his non- disclosure agreement in mind, nevertheless admitted that Navy pilots witnessed dozens of unexplained sightings. The threats showed astounding maneuvers and speeds way beyond any known aircraft. Ships at sea, nuclear facilities, and power plants were among common sighting locations. Although such sightings have been reported, including reports by military personnel worldwide since WWII, Elizondo quipped that they had never witnessed anything quite like it.

    Bigelow Aerospace earned a contract to examine materials that came from UFOs. Some of the materials were rumored to have few similarities to any on Earth. One is purported to be a memory metal capable of remembering its original shape after being folded without being heated like Nitinol, a modern alloy of titanium and nickel. A remarkably similar material occurred at Roswell in 1947. Alien spacecraft may change size and shape during changes in direction or speed, and memory metals become quite useful for restoring original dimensions.

    Of all of the pages in the 154-page report, these materials found and under examination, if real, are sufficient evidence that aliens visited Earth, especially if they are composed of elements not found on our Periodic Table. Some appear to be forms of isotopes not found on Earth. One investigator for Bigelow Aerospace stated publicly in a video that he would like to start utilizing such materials in various applications.

    According to Popular Mechanics, Eric Davis, an astrophysicist, consulted with the original UFO program from

    the Pentagon and informed a Department of Defense agency regarding off-world vehicles and materials that Earthly scientists could not fabricate. ¹⁷

    Some people claim they suffered health problems after encountering a UFO, and the government admitted to studying them but fell short of revealing their findings.

    What is still blasted all over the internet is the footage of the November 2004 encounter of UFOs by the USS Princeton within one hundred miles of San Diego Pilot David Fravor, the most quoted witness in the media, concluded that the craft was not of this world.

    To have the Navy admit that they saw this, much less show footage of it, is indeed promising progress. Congress did pass a bill saying that the Pentagon was to come clean about what it knows about UFOs. The government said more information is to be disseminated by June 25, 2021. Other videos show UFOs submerging themselves in the ocean. The government said it had no proof that the UFOs were alien but couldn’t rule it out. An explicit order tucked away in the Senate Intelligence

    Committee’s Intelligence Authorization Act

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