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Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Wicked, Irreplaceable, Heat, Burn)
Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Wicked, Irreplaceable, Heat, Burn)
Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Wicked, Irreplaceable, Heat, Burn)
Ebook413 pages6 hours

Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Wicked, Irreplaceable, Heat, Burn)

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Here, for the first time, are four of Alexis Blake's best selling series, available in one Complete Collection.

When Grace is gripped tightly from behind in her own home, fearing for her life as an intruder presses hard against her, the last thing she expects to hear is the voice of her husband in a cool, demanding tone, right in her ear, “I’m going to rip your clothes off and take you right now...”
Grace and Steve have been together since school. They’re each other’s first love, and they are blissfully happy. Or, at least, that’s what Grace thought. But when Steve suddenly turns the dial up on their sex life, shifting from rare moments of intimacy to an erotic re-enactment of one of Grace’s most sexy fantasies, she is excited but even more confused. What’s the reason for Steve’s sudden erotic dominance? Is he masking his guilt? And is her perfect relationship on the verge of shattering? Or is he unleashing a deep fire within that is about to awaken their sexuality?

Annabel Hastings has heard a lot about Max Carter, the man who owns the company where she works. Max works from his Washington office, and although Anna’s never laid an eye on him, his reputation as a ruthless man who drives a hard bargain precedes him. Anna doesn’t need added pressure in her life, she’s got problems enough with her ex-boyfriend Jason who refuses to move out or get a job, lounging around and living off Anna’s hard work. When Max Carter suddenly appears in Anna’s office unannounced, he turns her life upside down like a storm. Anna is immediately struck by Max’s commanding presence and undeniable sex appeal. He is also not shy about letting Anna know that he is attracted to her, if the smoldering intensity of his gray eyes wasn’t enough, he tells her flat out that he wants her – and Max Carter is a man who is used to getting what he wants. Despite her resistance, she finds herself falling into Max’s world of sexual exploration and adventure, swept up in his irresistible mix of strength, fierceness, and tenderness. Will Anna fall into Max’s spell of seduction? And as their relationship develops, will Max allow his feelings for Anna to become deeper and more intense than he ever imagined?

Cara Levine finds herself once more on the way to Vegas for another unexciting conference. Having slept in and running late for her flight she stumbles headlong and finds herself pressed against the most gorgeous man she has ever seen. On board the flight another encounter with the handsome as sin John explodes into some in-flight entertainment her wildest fantasies could have ever imagined. Now that love — and lust — are in the air as on the flight to Las Vegas, how long will it take for the pair to realise their time together has only just begun? And when Cara learns who this man really is will she be able to resist submitting to temptation?

Michelle, known as “Elle,” takes pride in her ability to prove herself in masculine roles, despite her attractive appearance. She loves to see the surprise and respect in men’s eyes, especially in her current job as a construction equipment operator. Although many men have tried to turn her head, she’s always ended the relationships completely unimpressed... and usually bored. She’s basically given up on finding a man who can conquer her, and she’s not expecting to find him on the construction site - then Damian appears. He’s an intense project manager, rugged, demanding, and extremely sexy. She finds herself irresistibly drawn to him. Will she let herself submit to his commanding demeanour, or will the intensity be too much? Will she risk her job for a man that might fulfil her forbidden desires?

This ebook contains very hot and explicit descriptions of romantic activity. Only mature readers should download this book.

Release dateJan 13, 2015
Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Wicked, Irreplaceable, Heat, Burn)

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    Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Wicked, Irreplaceable, Heat, Burn) - Alexis Blake

    Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Wicked, Irreplaceable, Heat, Burn)

    Published by Alexis Blake

    at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2015 Alexis Blake

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years or older.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Table of Contents

    Wicked Book 1

    Wicked Book 2

    Wicked Book 3

    Wicked Book 4

    Irreplaceable Book 1

    Irreplaceable Book 2

    Irreplaceable Book 3

    Irreplaceable Book 4

    Burn Book 1

    Burn Book 2

    Burn Book 3

    Burn Book 4

    Heat Book 1

    Heat Book 2

    Heat Book 3

    Heat Book 4

    Wicked Book 1

    You shouldn’t marry him even if he does eventually propose, Hazel said, flicking her chestnut coloured hair from her shoulders. You know you’ll regret it.

    Grace, sitting across from her friend in the dimly-lit coffee shop, simply laughed. Hazel, you’re just worried that a happy ever after might actually exist after all and that would mean your theory that all relationships end in messy heartbreak would be proved wrong.

    Hazel tried to look indignant at the comment, but there was a smile in her blue eyes. I’m just saying—you’ve never been with anyone else, you’ve kissed two men your whole life and slept with just one—the man you’ve been with since high school. You need to get out there and check that you’re not missing out on something better. You need to see more than one penis before you die.

    Because ‘getting out there’ has worked out so well for you, you mean? You’re such a life inspiration to me Haze. The sarcasm was delivered with a soft affection. Grace was more than used to Hazel’s disapproval of her one and only relationship with Steve. It wasn’t that Hazel didn’t like Steve, in fact, the two got along brilliantly—it was just that Hazel didn’t like love. Or at least she protested that she didn’t. The two best friends often spent the first half of their mid-week catch up trying to convince the other that their lifestyle choice was the best one.

    Grace nibbled on the shortbread she’d ordered with her tea. Anyway, I’ve told you a thousand times, he’s not going to propose. Why would he? We’ve been together for years, we live together and we share our lives together. We’re practically a married couple just without the documents.

    And with the sex life to match.

    Hey. Our sex life is just fine, thank you very much.

    Hazel snorted. Honey, the very fact you’re describing your sex life as ‘just fine’ means that it’s boring as hell and you should try someone new. I’m just worried that you’ll get to eighty years old and regret not having any other experiences.

    Not everyone wants to be a slut, deal with it, Grace retorted and then stuck out her tongue. She had won, this time. So enough about me, how’s your sex life little Miss ‘I don’t need to be emotionally connected to anyone’.

    Well, since you were so kind to ask…it’s actually pretty good at the moment. I met this guy a couple of nights ago—he was kind of cute, in a dorky sort of way. Looked a bit boring, so I was thinking that I’d have to put all the work in once I got him back to mine but surprisingly…he knew his way around, put it that way. It normally takes me a while to come, you know that already, but with this guy, happy days. I had the place to myself again within the hour, Hazel said, grinning. Her graphic talk didn’t make Grace flinch one bit, she’d known her far too long to be affected by it. But something in Hazel’s face, in her tone of voice, made Grace narrow her eyes.

    Oh my God, Grace exclaimed. You like him. You like this guy.

    A ‘pffft’ sound left Hazel’s lips. Er, no. I can’t even remember the guy’s name. I realise this is completely alien to you with your nun-like lifestyle, but I really am able to get my rocks off with a guy and not feel anything remotely romantic towards him whatsoever. It is possible for a woman to go out and just have sex when she wants it without chasing around after the man to put a ring on it after.

    Looking around the coffee shop quickly, Grace made sure that there were no elderly folk within hearing distance of Hazel’s frank outlook.

    I know you can. I’ve seen you do it a thousand times, Grace said, giggling as Hazel protested slightly at the gross exaggeration of numbers. This time though, there’s something look excited. You look happy, Grace accused her friend.

    I look no such thing. He’s just a guy, doing what guys do. He didn’t offer up his number and I didn’t ask for it. We had sex, albeit good sex, he fucked off, and I got a decent night’s sleep. And that was the end of it. Stop trying to see romance in my happily non-romantic life. Just because you’re stuck going home to the same boring person every day, doesn’t mean I have to suffer the misery too. There was a smile on Hazel’s face. The words were cutting but the intent was just playfulness. Besides, imagine how much greyer your life would be if you didn’t have my horny exploits to come and hear about all the time. I need to stay single to remind you what you’re missing out on. She winked as Grace rolled her eyes.

    Try as she might, Grace knew that Hazel’s hard, unfeeling exterior had a very soft centre. She had seen Hazel fall in, and out, of love before and that speck of light she saw in Hazel’s dark eyes was not something that existed by simply having good sex.

    On the walk home, Grace thought about Hazel’s comments and smiled to herself as she recalled intimate moments between her and Steve, particularly during their college years. Hormones raging, they would sneak any opportunity they could in any snatched place they were able to find. As they settled in and became familiar with each other, Grace liked how they knew exactly how the other liked it. After all this time, it was always satisfaction guaranteed—even though the frequency may have diminished somewhat. And perhaps she had to be a little honest about how their lovemaking had perhaps become a bit predictable. But the frequency was the only thing she sometime wished to change, because, unfortunately for her, her appetite for sex was larger than Steve’s. Whilst he had snuggled back into contented closeness without the sex, Grace found herself occasionally wishing for the rampant teenager she had first got together with.

    She remembered when he had first put his cock in her mouth. She’d watched him as she did it, as if looking for direction and instruction. She remembered how there had been a salty tang on her tongue. Mostly, she remembered the look on his face. His eyes had half closed as her lips closed around his girth and he’d exhaled loudly. It was sexy, encouraging. As she dipped her head up and down, she found herself getting more and more turned on by his response to her. The way his dick had quivered in her mouth. The way he had whispered, Oh God, oh God, over and over as he neared climax—eventually saying her name and moving his hand to the back of her head as his manhood jerked upwards and pumped spunk onto her tongue. She had been determined to swallow it all up—she’d decided she’d wanted to do it properly, the way all her guy friends went on about. Then she’d found that, as he spurted, she’d not wanted to waste a drop of him anyway. She loved his taste. Loved that she had caused him to come so quickly. She had lapped at his dick afterwards, delighting at the way he groaned with post orgasmic pleasure.

    Grace still loved sucking Steve’s cock and, from what he’d told her, she’d practised her way into being a master of it. But she had to own up and admit that the best part of it all was the reciprocation. When Steve had put his head between her legs for the first time and tentatively licked her clit she had jumped back. It was almost as though the pleasure in it was too intense. He had persevered however—his inexperienced tongue flicking along her bud in a quick, prodding motion. As she got more and more aroused, she’d had to ask him to stop moving his tongue away so quickly. When the hot, wet pressure was on her, she began to see stars, and having him moving his tongue on and off wasn’t enhancing her experience. She wanted it slow—more pressure, more contact. Steve took the instruction well and spent much more time with his tongue pressed against her bud. It felt thrilling and liberating to have him kiss her pussy and, once she’d orgasmed, he had snaked his body upwards to her and put his cock inside of her. He began to pump but her body was telling her exactly what she needed and she stopped his forceful in and out movements by pulling him down, hooking her legs across his back and therefore forcing him to use more of an upwards, grinding motion. With his dick in her pussy and his pelvic bone rubbing along her bud she had come in a matter of seconds.

    They’d snatched another opportunity several days later when Steve’s parents had gone out shopping. When he’d parted her legs to go down on her again, she wondered if he’s been reading up on it. Instead of just circling his tongue over her clit, he sucked and licked—taking much more time and seeming a lot more confident. She had raised her hips up to him as her stomach muscles tightened with building desire.

    He sucked on her button, much like she had with his cock, and she could feel it harden beneath his touch. The tingling in that area started to grow, but she wanted more of him, more touching. Her breathing became quick and heavy and she scrabbled around for his wrist and drew it up to her entrance, hoping that he’d get the message. He did.

    With delicate strokes, his fingers traced light patterns on her inner thighs. She was so horny by that point, her skin so sensitive and alive, that it rendered her paralysed for a second. And when his fingertips neared the edges of her outer lips—very close but not quite touching, she had sworn. It was the most heightened, sexy anticipation she’d ever felt. A delicious tease.

    With tantalising speed, Steve eventually reached her hot, wet and wanton sex and he toyed at the opening for a few seconds before slipping his finger inside of her. With his mouth on her bud, hot and moist, and his finger stimulating her inner sex, she had opened her mouth in a silent scream of pleasure. It felt different this way somehow, a little more naughty, a little more intimate. Between her legs was a white hot ball of growing orgasm, she felt her wetness leak down Steve’s inserted finger, down his wrist. She was wetter and sexier than she’d ever been before, her groin just a mush of quivering, heart-pumping…she exploded. Hard. Grace took a hold of Steve’s hand and shoved his finger deeper inside her as she came, wave after wave, coming so much that she felt it over both of their hands as she held him inside her pussy, moaning and jerking.

    These days, Steve didn’t need any instructions. Grace’s smile grew wicked—all this reminiscing was making her horny as hell.

    Though Hazel had been teasing her, what she’d said had been true. Steve was the only man Grace had ever slept with and she only the second person he had. They had discovered, learnt and explored everything that they now knew about sex on each other—and only on each other. Grace was by no means a prude however, and nor was Steve. He like to watch porn, she liked to read it. They both knew of kinkier practices, but there seemed little desire on both sides to try it out. He was happy. She was happy, and they were both fulfilled.

    Calling out to Steve as she entered their apartment, Grace soon realised that the place was empty. Frowning, she checked the time on her phone. Steve would have finished work an hour ago and it wasn’t like him to be late back. Her skin prickled with nervousness and she tapped him a quick text to check he was okay. They had plans to go out to dinner that evening so she had no meal to busy herself with preparing. Instead, she just stared at her mobile, turning it over and over in her palm while she impatiently waited for his reply.

    Pushing increasingly panicky thoughts out of her head, Grace tried to distract herself by getting ready for dinner. She flicked some mascara over her thick eyelashes and ran hair straighteners through her naturally curly blonde locks. Tonight was a straight hair night, she decided. Halfway through the mission of taming her curls, a ping from her phone made her drop the irons and swipe it up in the same, almost frenzied movement.

    Relief flooded her—the message was from Steve. Exhaling, she closed her eyes—glad she hadn’t overacted and started calling around hospitals. Then she stopped and re-read his words, frowning. He’d said he was stuck at work and wouldn’t be able to get out for another hour or so. She didn’t understand—Steve never, never got tied up at work. He was the manager of a fitness centre not a surgeon, and, while he liked his job, he was always adamant that it was not his priority in life. He went in at bang on eight in the morning and always left right on five thirty in the afternoon. He’d done the same for the last three years, ever since he’d got his promotion. Why the sudden change?

    The confusion lasted for a couple of minutes longer, right up to the point where she started to feel a cold drip of anger. They were going to miss their dinner reservations. Steve’s message was vague and mysterious and why, of all the evenings, did he have such a pressing need to stay late at work tonight. He knew they had a restaurant booked and this sort of thing was just really unlike him.

    Grace glared at her reflection in the mirror on the dresser in their bedroom, half her hair curly and the other half poker straight. She looked ridiculous. As she stared at herself, her bubbling anger turned into something far more sinister, something that she had never felt in all her years with Steve—it was doubt.

    The entire time they had been together, all those emotions that Grace had read about in trashy magazines—jealousy, distrust, insecurity—had been absent. Grace knew Steve almost better than she knew herself. She trusted him implicitly, she loved him unconditionally and she was certain, had always been certain and secure, that her feelings towards him were reciprocated equally.

    But his behaviour tonight, his message, his absence…it was so unlike the Steve she knew and she couldn’t control the way it made her feel. Thumb poised above the screen, Grace was about to send him back a message expressing exactly her annoyance with him. And then stopped herself.

    If there really was an emergency at the fitness centre—and why on earth would he lie about it, after all—then a petty message from an over-reacting girlfriend wasn’t going to make his day any easier. Grace put the phone down and reached again for the straightening irons. She needed to get a grip. There was absolutely no reason for her to be so worried, just because he hadn’t done this before did not signify anything awful or suspect. Making the choice to finish her half and half hair, she was going to fix her and Steve some food ready for when he got home and put her earlier crazy thoughts behind her.

    Steve was back within the hour and Grace smiled at how his green eyes and thick, black hair still had the ability to make her heart flutter, despite having looked upon his face for years and years.

    Baby. I’m so sorry, I know we missed dinner. I’ll make it up to you. He dashed over to the dining table where Grace was perched and kissed her on the top of the forehead. Her smile hardened, although she tried not to show it.

    A kiss on the forehead? She watched him open the oven and inhale the scent of the lasagne she had thrown together in haste.

    Mmm. Smells good honey, I’m starving, he said.

    It’s ready. Sit down, she instructed as she got up. She needed something to do while she sorted herself out. Something just didn’t seem right to her, every instinct she had was screaming it. A kiss on the forehead? After him being so late back, she’d have thought he would have swept her up in his arms with apology and showered her with affection. At least given her a proper kiss. She’d been expecting him to come back ranting and raving about this ‘problem’ he’d had at work. She’d have thought he’d be fuming, frustrated that his job had eaten into his personal time and into her time. But there was nothing. He offered no explanation. There was no irritation. Nothing. It didn’t sit right, but until Grace could figure out exactly what ‘it’ was, she kept her smile plastered on and sat down to eat with the love of her life.

    Steve finally mentioned his delay, mumbling something about the CEO visiting unexpectedly, and Grace had to take the choice to accept it at face value. She ignored the fact that Steve tensed up as he was saying it and that he seemed to relax as soon as the subject had been changed—by him. She tried to tell herself that her hackles were already up for some reason and she was looking too deeply into everything. Perhaps she was a little under the weather?

    Needing some closeness, Grace snuggled up to Steve once they were in bed, moving her hips towards him suggestively. She wanted to feel him inside her, wanted to be intimate with him. She had not forgotten her sexy thoughts of earlier and her clit was pulsing with a beat. She needed to be touched, she needed the release of an orgasm from the man she loved.

    I’m beat gorgeous, it’s been a long day. I love you. With that, Steve kissed her quickly on the lips and curled up with his back to her. Grace was stunned. After how he’d been, what had happened, why was he being so distant with her?

    She whispered, I love you too, hoping that Steve wouldn’t be able to hear the way her voice shook as she spoke. Hurt, but no less horny, Grace waited until she could hear the soft drones of Steve’s snores and moved her hands down into her underwear, rubbing the tip of her middle finger up and down on her clit and bringing herself to a hollow orgasm.

    Grace could still sense some distance the next morning, and once Steve had left for work picked up the phone and called Hazel straight away.

    Don’t be too harsh on me Haze, before I tell you anything. I know your views on relationships and how all men are the same but I really need you to help me make this okay right now, not enhanced scepticism.

    Grace, you idiot, I would never want to make you unhappy, you’re my best friend. You’ll get my honest opinion, you know you will, and that’s why you’re calling me. But I’ll try to say it in a nice way.

    Hazel’s frankness made Grace giggle and she told her friend everything that had happened after they’d seen each other yesterday. Holding her breath, she waited for the reaction on the other side of the phone, her hopes fading when she heard Hazel’s heavy sigh. Hazel was romantically pessimistic and Grace had been half hoping that if Hazel could shrug it off as nothing, then there truly was nothing to be worried about. The sigh sounded much more ominous that a shrug.

    So no forgive me sex? I don’t want to make you panic un-necessarily Grace, but you’re right—all that stuff yesterday sounds very out of character for Steve. I always think that if your gut is trying to tell you something then you should probably listen as it’s usually right. Grace scrunched up her face as she listened to Hazel’s analysis as if to brace herself against the words.

    Although, Hazel continued, it’s only been the one night in his perfect and long-standing reign as your boyfriend….

    Actually, Grace interrupted reluctantly, feeling that because now was the time she needed an honest opinion, she should probably admit the honest truth, we haven’t been having as much sex recently. Steve has been announcing tiredness right before bedtime, as if to warn me off, and he’s up and out of bed on a weekend these days… She trailed off, remembering the nights she had felt a tingling as she touched Steve’s skin and trailed her hand down his naked torso only to be stopped with a bear hug, lots of platonic kisses and an overly dramatic yawn from the love of her life. To be discussing the niggles in her head out loud, well, it didn’t sound good to her.

    Hmmm. Look, that’s not a great sign either, I won’t lie to you, but all I reckon you can do at the moment is to sit back and see what happens. He’s only been home late from work once. If anything fishy is going on he’ll do something stupid at some point soon. They always do. Go out for a walk, try not to obsess, and call me tomorrow with updates.

    For some reason, Hazel’s attempted reassurance gave Grace more wobbles than her expected rant about how all men are bastards and of course he’s cheating speech would have done. Instead, unpredictably, Hazel had been sensitive and tactful. Grace loved her best friend to pieces, but she would have never used those two words to describe her before.

    Oh Christ, she thought, this may be very, very bad. Taking Hazel’s advice, she threw her coat on and stepped outside for a long walk, in need of a change of scenery.

    To her surprise, it worked, and she got back to the apartment feeling a lot clearer headed and a tiny bit foolish at her unjustified over-reaction towards the man she had practically grown up in love with.

    On finding the place once again in silence though, all those doubts came flooding back instantly. Steve wasn’t home. Again. She checked the time—it had just gone six and normally Steve would already be sitting on the couch, TV blaring. But the apartment was still. Empty.

    Grace swallowed down the rising lump in her throat and decided to go and lie down—she wanted to throw the duvet over her head and not think for a while. Her feet felt heavy as she trudged down the wooden hallway to their bedroom, passing chronological photographs displayed on the wall of her and Steve—young and shiny-eyed at prom, tanned and relaxed during their first foreign holiday together. Averting her gaze from the pictorial memories, Grace clicked open the bedroom door and walked into the room towards the bed.

    With a loud thud, the door slammed shut behind her. Grace jumped out of her skin with fright and made to spin round so she could see what had caused it to close with such force, but as she went to turn her body she felt a hand close around her throat and hot breath against her neck.

    Heart thudding with fear, she tried to twist around and pull away from her attacker, but his hold on her just grew firmer and, with icy shock, she realised that she couldn’t get away. She was too frozen with fright to scream. Dammit, where the hell was Steve?

    I’m going to rip your clothes off and take you right now. Stop struggling, a voice growled in her ear. It was only then that Grace realised who it was holding her so tightly. Once she’d heard the sound of his voice, she then immediately recognised the scent of his skin and the feel of his hands.

    Steve, she exclaimed, relief making her relax instantly. What the hell? I thought I was being attacked… Grace was cut off by Steve moving his hand from her throat and upwards, over her mouth. She was more than confused and a little irritated, slapping his arm and wriggling to try to turn to face him. He held her fast. Unrelenting.

    Stop talking. I told you I’m gonna take you now. Stop arguing, stop trying to get away. I will have you.

    If his hand hadn’t been covering her lips, Grace’s jaw would have dropped. Was he…was he role-playing? She fought back the smile that threatened to break out—he knew this was one of her fantasies but she’d never in a million years thought that he would actually act it out for her. Sheer anticipation spiked between her legs and she tried to twist her body once more—testing him, making sure he was for real. She still couldn’t move. He didn’t let her move and with that confirmation, this was really happening, she closed her eyes and entered the fantasy.

    Steve moved the grip on her throat, keeping his other arm around her waist and holding her in close to him. Close enough that with her now limp fingers dangling at her side, she could feel his nakedness behind her and his hardness against her hip. Her breath quickened with the proof of his excitement and she couldn’t resist trying to reach for him. Stroking the course hair on top of the hot flesh of his thighs, Grace tried to get to his manhood—greedily groping around until he pulled her into him roughly.

    What do you think you’re doing? Steve’s voice had a thrilling edge. Grace started to feel a sexy fissure of fear mixed in with the pounding anticipation in her heart.

    You don’t get to touch, you don’t get to do anything, Steve commanded. He yanked on her trousers, pulling the button so hard that she stumbled against him. He could only reach down far enough to get them past her knees as he kept her body pressed tightly to his.

    Grace felt her clitoris hardening now that she was exposed. Not once had she seen Steve’s face, she could only feel the heat of his breath brushing her earlobe and the smell of his fading aftershave. But her overwhelming awareness was of his erection pushing into her. With her ass now bare, his cock was hot against her. Throbbing.

    Steve placed hands on either side of her hips and spun her so that she was facing the bed. Keeping her ass in contact with his dick, he kicked at her ankles so that her legs would widen and pressed onto the small of her back, up under her t-shirt. When he then pushed her shoulders, he did it with so much force that she gasped, taken completely by surprise at his dominance. She fell forward, catching herself on the mattress with outstretched arms.

    That’s how I want you. Keep your arms straight and your ass in the air or you’ll be punished, Steve ordered.

    Grace was now far, far too turned on to consider this dramatic change in their usually straight-forward and regular sexual activities. To her mind, Steve had vanished, replaced by some forceful, sexy intruder who wanted to ravish her. She was as still as she could possibly be, leaning on the bed, her legs bound at the ankles by her own jeans. She was frozen with anticipation and desire but not wanting to show it, not wanting to do anything wrong.

    The intruder returned his hands back to her hips now that he had her where he wanted her and, whilst he held on, he slipped his dick along her entrance and then pulled away again—not entering her, just running his cock along her slit and back. His hardness pressed her lips apart slightly and she knew that she was leaving a lick of her juices along the shaft as he moved it back again. On his next slide in, her pussy lips had parted enough so that the tip of his dick rubbed her clit up and down, dousing it with her own wetness transferred from along his manhood. Grace began to ooze and had to twist her head slightly to bite down on her own arm as she stifled a moan.

    I am going to fuck you until you scream, he whispered, a lusty rasp in his voice. She could sense him shifting to one side. Then he plunged his fingers straight up inside her. This time, she could not hold back her moan. She could barely stop herself from grabbing hold of his wrist and grinding on his fingers until she climaxed. Instead, she threw her head back and dug her fingers into the bed, wanting so hard to push back onto him. But she didn’t dare.

    He hadn’t told her to. Hadn’t told her she could.

    The intruder pulsed his fingers against her pussy walls. Grace could feel her eyes rolling back into her head as the sensation rendered her completely drenched in erotic pleasure. He kept the motion going, even when she felt a sharp tug on her hair and found her head being thrust downwards.

    Head down, ass up. You need to learn how to follow my instructions.

    Biting her lip, Grace found that she was trying to push her head up as he was pushing it down. There was no way that she could move from the position she was in, even though her mounting explosion was making her body want to writhe.

    She felt a sharp sting on her ass cheek, accompanied by a high-pitched noise. He had slapped her. Hard. He did it again, more forcefully this time, and she yelped. The burn of it hurt for just a second, before making her tingle. Oh God, it felt good.

    Stay still and let me do you my way or I’ll do that again, he ordered. She fought the urge to misbehave just so he would.

    The whole time, an ever increasing fizz of mounting desire was building up in her from his fingers stimulating her g-spot. Grace was trying to keep her head up as much as she could get away with and her eyes open—just to keep some grounding. She was worried that if she let go completely, she’d come too quick and, for some reason, she was trying to hide that from Steve—she didn’t want him to know that she was so turned on. It sort of made the game more fun somehow.

    Giving in, Grace dipped her head and tried without success to control her panting. Steve’s fingers stayed inside of her, pulsing, pressing and kneading her g-spot from behind while he rubbed his rock solid dick against her ass cheeks, pleasuring himself on her body. Just as the fizz of orgasm began to reach the precipice, the intruder pulled down his hand and trailed his sodden fingers along the bottom of her pussy, then following the line towards him up and up to her anus. Here, he circled the puckered entrance, spreading her juice around it slowly.

    Feeling such wetness in that area was so naughty, so dirty. Grace held her breath, wondering with trepidation as to whether he would push that fingertip in there. She felt nervous, expectant. As he played around the area she shivered deliciously—she had never before had the nerve endings around her ass set alight like this—it made her quiver and shake. He slightly pushed on her anus and she felt herself opening very slightly at the pressure and then closing tightly. She closed around the tip of his finger. It was something Grace had never felt before. As he ever so slightly moved that finger, just half a millimetre forward and backwards very slowly, the entire back half of her sparked with electricity. There were butterflies in her tummy. Doubt. Was it okay for her to feel this good? He edged in further—she could feel how taut she was inside there. Her muscles sucked and pulled on him unconsciously, like she was trying to pull him in, push him out.

    With his little finger and thumb, he stretched the skin around Grace’s anus, as if trying to pull her ass cheeks apart. His middle finger was still inside there and, as she relaxed, he pressed it deeper still. It made her throat constrict—the glorious arousal reaching from her ass and spiking right up through her body to her neck. The involuntary moan that she then released sounded like something animalistic. It was deep and raw—as though it had come from a pleasure centre that had been buried within her.

    You like that, don’t you? He asked. She could feel a tapping sensation on her ass. Grace was too caught up in head-spinning desire to realise what it was straight away. With her once taboo place invaded by his hand, it dawned on her that with the other, he was jerking off over her, tugging on his cock while he watched her, her cheeks so tight that the skin either side of her anus was stinging. The burn of the skin made her mouth water. As he wanked, he eased off from the pull for a second, before stretching the skin again. His finger went in further. She wriggled. It was uncomfortable—it felt wrong. The finger stayed despite her wriggling and, after a moment, her sphincter had relaxed a little and pleasure tingled across her whole body, catching in her throat once again. Grace didn’t know how she kept onto her control. All she knew was that she wanted to feel this for a long time, she wanted to

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