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Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Love Me Deeply, Proposition, Secretary, Tainted Love)
Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Love Me Deeply, Proposition, Secretary, Tainted Love)
Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Love Me Deeply, Proposition, Secretary, Tainted Love)
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Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Love Me Deeply, Proposition, Secretary, Tainted Love)

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Here are four of Alexis Blake's best selling series, available in one Complete Collection!

Love Me Deeply:
Emma Browning has worked hard to secure the number-two seat at the company her father co-founded. The only thing standing in her way of the CEO job is Cameron Roberts, the son of her father’s partner and Emma’s lifelong nemesis. Cameron is every bit a sexy man as he is a commanding boss, though Emma is every bit as smart and capable as he is. When the prospect of acquiring a new resort presents itself their fathers decide to send them both to check it out. Emma couldn’t be looking forward to it less: A few days spent with the man who holds her heart, but has never been less than an arm’s length away from her. But will either of them own up to their feelings? And how will Emma react when she discovers Cameron’s unique sexual tendencies?

Samuel Benedict has been gone for 10 years. But now he is back and Katie’s never forgotten the boy she grew up with—the only boy who had ever captured her heart as well as her other secret desires. This Samuel is different from the person she knew ten years ago - now a devastatingly handsome man with a forceful yet mysterious demeanor that oozes sex appeal - he is determined to get Katie back in his life, at any cost. But is it possible that he wants more than what they had a decade ago? Will they be able to remain just friends, or is the desire for something more too intense for either of them to resist?

When sexy and alluring executive James Carter walks in to his office to see his new assistant holding the paddle he keeps in his top drawer, the professional barrier between boss and secretary will be changed forever. Seeing her makes his desires boil to the surface and James takes Clara to sexual heights she has never known—right there in the middle of the office. As they explore their deepest fantasies together, Clara worries she’s made a terrible decision that she might not be able to turn back from. But with James Carter, anything is possible...

Tainted Love:
Alice Smith loves her job as the personal assistant to Grant Anderson, even though she has only been with the company for a couple of months. Grant is sexy but his cool demeanor and ability to hide his emotions leaves Alice feeling confused, but also tempted. Occasionally she catches the sidelong glances he casts her way and can't ignore the fluttering in her stomach when he is around, though he more than intimidates her. When he gets his latest consulting assignment in Iceland, she is more than thrilled that he requests her presence. Going out of the country with a man that she finds dangerously sexy could prove to be more than she can handle. Will Alice find herself mixing work and pleasure?

This ebook contains very hot and explicit descriptions of romantic activity. Only mature readers should download this book.

Release dateFeb 10, 2015
Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Love Me Deeply, Proposition, Secretary, Tainted Love)

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    Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Love Me Deeply, Proposition, Secretary, Tainted Love) - Alexis Blake

    Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Love Me Deeply, Proposition, Secretary, Tainted Love)

    Published by Alexis Blake

    at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2015 Alexis Blake

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years or older.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Table of Contents

    Love Me Deeply Book 1

    Love Me Deeply Book 2

    Love Me Deeply Book 3

    Love Me Deeply Book 4

    Proposition Book 1

    Proposition Book 2

    Proposition Book 3

    Proposition Book 4

    Secretary Book 1

    Secretary Book 2

    Secretary Book 3

    Secretary Book 4

    Tainted Love Book 1

    Tainted Love Book 2

    Tainted Love Book 3

    Tainted Love Book 4

    Love Me Deeply Book 1

    Emma Browning moved among guests who were decked out in sparkles, sequins, and tailored black suits. Christmas carols played in the background, and the buzz of well over fifty voices crowded into a room that was a bit too small gave her a monstrous headache. She wasn’t in the mood for inane conversations, false smiles, and petty gossip. She was closing the Conrad-Myers merger in the morning, and had a pile of contracts and notes to review before bed.

    A shrill peal of laughter made her cringe, but she fulfilled her hostess duties. She’d get nothing done until after her father’s annual Christmas party, so she socialized, networked, and made small talk. Scanning the room – with its garland and lights twisting their way up the staircase, baskets, and planters of poinsettias in reds, whites and greens placed around the room, along with holiday decorations – she smiled. Christmas was one of her favorite holidays--and also the saddest.

    In the window, the fifteen-foot tree glittered with tiny white lights, gold balls, and red ribbon. She sighed. Though it had been ten years since her mother died of cancer, the holidays were just not the same, which was why her father entertained heavily during this time of year. He couldn’t stand to be alone. Emma’s gaze panned the room, eventually finding the man she loved more than any other: Her father, James Browning.

    James chatted with his best friend and business partner, Matthew Roberts. Like most of the men attending the party, James wore a black suit. Emma smiled fondly. If he didn’t lose a few pounds, he was going to have to get a new suit. If she said anything, he’d just joke that he had the build to play Santa at the holiday party he and Matt threw each year for their employees and families. She decided to speak to his housekeeper and cook instead.

    Emma studied the two men. Her father might be rich, but he was a normal Joe: The type of man who became everyone’s favorite uncle. Her father’s laugh boomed throughout the room. Matt was much more reserved, stiff and unyielding. No one forgot that he was an important man in the community. It amazed her that the two men, each so different, still managed to be closer than most brothers.

    Her gaze swept over the third man in the group, Cameron Roberts, who was Matthew’s son. Cameron had inherited his father’s dark looks. He had the face of an angel—a fallen angel: Dark hair worn just a bit long, a tall, lean body, and a killer smile when he used it. The man was reserved, contained. He was cold, she thought, though she’d known him her entire life. She narrowed her eyes. He was also the current CEO of Browning & Roberts. His father had stepped down four years prior, and Cam stepped up.

    Up into my dream position, she thought sourly. The job I’d worked so hard for and would never be able to claim.

    She shifted her attention to the petite woman in a red sheath who was clinging to his arm like a flea on a dog. The blond bimbo giggled and rubbed herself against him as though she were his lap puppy—or a lap dancer. Emma grimaced. Cam might be smart and successful, but it wasn’t his clever mind that chose his women. That little function was centered between his legs. The man went through women the way some men smoke their cigars: A few nice inhales, and then he flicked them off as though they were nothing but ashes.

    Cam glanced over at Emma, holding her gaze with his bright aqua-green eyes framed by a fringe of thick, black lashes that most women would kill for. Immediately, her blood heated and an arrow of lust shot deep into her core. Tall, dark-haired, and broodingly handsome—he was easily the best-looking man at the party.

    He said something to his date, and then headed toward Emma. Her heart raced. Dammit, she wasn’t a silly teen infatuated with a boy five years her senior. Cameron Roberts had always been out of her reach, first by their age differences, and then by his marriage.

    Until now.

    He was divorced and free, and the two of them were pretty much equals, discounting the fact that he held the coveted seat of power. Still, she was a successful businesswoman, holding the second highest position in their company, which meant she was also an intelligent woman. So why did she still want what she couldn’t have?

    The women Cam chose were petite blondes with big boobs and no brains, which left Emma out, as she was a tall, plain Jane with boring brown hair and dirt-brown eyes. And she had a brain. She didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of attracting Cam, neither now nor ever. Disgusted that he had a hold on her that she couldn’t break, Emma lifted a haughty brow and greeted the man she both hated and loved.

    Glad you could make it, Cam. She couldn’t help the fluttering in her belly when she met his jewel-bright gaze.

    Emma, he said with a nod.

    He’d only spoken her name, but that deep, smooth-as-molasses voice, combined with those sexy bedroom eyes, was enough to send need sliding through her belly, ultimately lodging between her legs. She yearned to be the one hanging on his arm—well, okay, standing beside him, but confident that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

    She shoved her desire for the man back into the most distant corner of her heart, and fell into the safety afforded by concentrating on work.

    Heard you just got back from New York this morning, she said. Was it as bad as we feared?

    One of their manufacturing companies had been showing a steady loss of profit. Emma noted the lines around his eyes and mouth, and knew he’d put in long hours. Cam looked exhausted.

    Worse, I’m afraid. We’re going to have to make some major changes. I’m planning to send Martin to New York for a few months to oversee things. He shifted closer to Emma as two women hurried past them.

    His nearness made her heart thump. Pride kept her from backing up. Concentrate on work, she told herself. Most of the time it worked. Mostly because they had two totally opposite styles of managing, and usually argued and snipped at each other when alone. And right now, snipping was good. Anything to cool the lust slipping and sliding through her veins.

    Martin is a good choice, but his wife is pregnant. We should send Baker instead.

    Cameron shook his head as he snagged a glass of wine from one of the wait-staff. Baker doesn’t have the experience.

    Her gaze roamed the room. She didn’t dare stare at Cam. She’d never live it down if he saw in her eyes how much she wanted him. This is a good opportunity to give him the experience he needs.

    Not this time. Not with this. We need someone who knows what they’re doing. I’m afraid Martin is the only one who can handle this. His voice was firm. He turned his attention to the blond bombshell who joined them as though the matter was settled.

    Emma hated the way Cam so easily dismissed her. Typical Cam. He’d said no, and now he expected her to abide by his his decisions. She narrowed her eyes. Jerk. She’d graduated top of her class and worked her way up through the company, same as he. She was every bit as sharp-minded and business-savvy, yet he held the reins of power, not to mention that he wasn’t above pulling rank.

    Cam. She set her wine glass down on the table with a snap. She waited until she had his attention. We are not sending Martin. His wife has had two miscarriages. She pulled back her shoulders, tipped her chin, and met his narrowed gaze. Baker is single and hungry to prove himself.

    Cam’s father joined them. Looking lovely as always, Emma. He drew her in for a hug. And if you two are talking about Henry Baker, I’d have to agree. The boy’s sharp.

    Thanks, Matthew.

    His father nodded. You thinking of sending him to New York?

    "Yes. Cam wants Martin, but his wife needs him here. He won’t be any use to us there if his mind is here, on his wife and their unborn child.

    We’d be sending Baker into a hornet’s nest, Cameron pointed out, eyes narrowed, jaw set.

    Emma ignored the hard stare that so often had lesser men or women trembling. Then give him a good, protective suit, and arm him with everything he needs. We’ve trained him. Now let him prove himself.

    She’s right, son. Send Baker.

    I’ll arrange a meeting tomorrow.

    Pleased to have won a round with Cam, she shifted her attention to his date. I’m Emma, she said, holding out her hand.

    I’m Barbie, Cam’s date said. She held out a limp hand. It’s nice to meet you. I love your tree. It’s so big.

    Emma barely contained a snort of disbelief.

    Barbie, for crying out loud. Where did the man pick up his women?

    Emma had to admit: The woman’s name certainly fit. The woman’s breasts were much too big on her small frame. Like the doll, her arms and legs resembled twigs and sticks, and her waist was impossibly tiny. Her slinky red cocktail dress hugged every curve, and was slashed from neck to waist. Pale flesh bulged. If the woman moved wrong or, hell, sneezed or coughed, her overly ripe knockers were going to jiggle free.

    Barbie’s baby blues sparkled like the lights on the tree. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I just love presents. She giggled, fluttering her fake eyelashes at Cam.

    Good god! Definitely the brain of a gnat.

    Why did Cam pick blondes with brains the size of gnats and personalities that were as dull as their faces were beautiful? It was hard to be jealous or hurt when he had such bad taste in women.

    Cam, as though he’d heard her internal sneer, lifted one brow. Hear you’ve been busy while I was gone. You’re closing the Conrad-Myers deal tomorrow.

    Matthew nodded. Well done, young lady. That will make us all a tidy profit.

    Don’t start counting your profits until everything is signed. Conrad isn’t totally happy with the offer. Though it was pretty much a done deal, experience taught her not to take anything for granted until it was signed on the dotted line.

    He’ll sign, Cameron said. He can’t afford not to go through with the deal.

    Emma lifted one brow. That’s certainly a typical Cam response: Over confident and arrogant. I don’t plan on celebrating until it’s finalized.

    Her father laughed and nudged his friend. That’s why the two of you are in charge of the company. Young, energized blood. My detail-oriented daughter and your go-getter son.

    Matthew nodded. James and I have a new project to discuss with the two of you. Tomorrow, my office, twelve-thirty.

    Mentally checking her calendar, Emma frowned. She’d been hoping for some time to catch up on her growing to-do list before diving into the next big job, but she nodded. She and Cam might hold the top positions, but their fathers were still every bit the involved owners, retaining their own offices and their air of authority. I’ll be there, said Emma.

    Emma noticed that Barbie was pouting and trying to draw Cam’s attention back to her, and Emma decided her hostess duties were a good excuse to get away from Cam and his nauseating date. If you’ll excuse me, I need to check on dinner. Emma swallowed her resentment as Cam bent his head to give his date his full attention, not noticing as Emma took her leave.

    Probably staring at Barbie’s chest. Big boobs was something Cam seemed to require. She glanced down at her pathetic show of cleavage and grimaced.

    He’d never see her as an attractive, desirable woman.


    Cameron watched Emma move elegantly around the room, chatting with each guest, making sure no one stood alone. Her style was warm and smooth as she tended to her hostess duties. Unlike a lot of the women present, his date included, Emma wore a black dress with no glitter, sequins, or fancy jewels. She wore a simple style that showcased her curves.

    As usual, Emma was stunning. She was every inch the confident hostess and businesswoman, with no airs of importance. She outshone every woman in the room by simply being herself. Even her hairstyle reflected her simple and wholesome nature. She wore it long: A sheet of polished mahogany that nearly reached her trim waist. It gleamed in the light, reminding Cameron of deer hide, which shone with reds, blondes, and all shades of brown. His fingers twitched with the need to thread them through her hair and feel the silky softness slip through his fingers.

    And damn if he didn’t want her.

    Emma, in those black dresses she favored, turned him on unlike any other woman could. How many dreams had he had where she was in his arms, and he would lower the zipper of her dress, his fingers trailing down the curve of her back as he slowly peeled away her clothing to reveal the curves and textures of the woman who haunted his nights?

    All he had to do was close his eyes and he could feel her warm, smooth skin. Hot desire zipped through his body and settled like a boulder between his legs. He’d wanted the impossible for so long. Growing up, their families had been close, sharing holidays and vacations. He’d watched her grow from an awkward, fun little girl into a confident teen.

    But he’d been older and she’d been too young, though she was always too Sweet, too tempting. So he’d taken himself out of the picture by marrying a woman who reminded him of Emma. And hadn’t that been a disaster! Eight years of hell, but it had kept him from being tempted to take what he wanted—what he couldn’t have.

    But you’re not married now, he told himself. She’s not in high school while you’re in college. She’s not in college while you’re working your way up the company ladder.

    No, they were on equal ground now. And he didn’t dare pursue her. They were in charge of the business and relationships that went bad spelled disaster for everyone. Their fathers were best friends. If he got involved with Emma and hurt her, it could damage that friendship, so he kept his distance.

    However, he couldn’t help watching as she chatted with a man who was prematurely going bald: Bob, from accounting. He grimaced. Rumor had it that she was currently dating this boring accountant. Which is just as well, he thought. His working relationship with Emma was often stormy. Last thing they needed was to complicate it with romance.

    There was something else—something that made things all the more impossible: He was a dominant, while there was nothing submissive about Emma. He could just imagine the shock, not to mention the derisive laughter she’d send him if he ordered her to kneel and submit.

    At his side, Barbie chatted about fashion, oohing and ahhing over the designer dresses she spotted the other glamorous women wearing. He wanted to smack himself for asking the woman to be his date, but he did it to irritate Emma, and to keep her at arm’s length.

    But Cameron longed for a real, stimulating conversation with someone who didn’t agree with everything he said just because he was rich and powerful. He wanted passion and fire. Sighing, he wished for the impossible: For Emma to kneel before him, to give him the gift of handing over her control and power, and allowing him to pleasure her and show her what it would be like if they were together.

    Like that will ever happen.

    Emma was a woman in charge: A woman who enjoyed power and was in complete control of her emotions. She’d never agree to be his submissive.


    You want us to do what? Emma paced behind the black leather seating area, her heels sinking into the thick carpet. Her father sat in one chair, his ankle resting on his knee, his hands folded in his lap. It was his totally relaxed pose. She didn’t trust it, or the gleam in his eyes.

    Matt and I think purchasing the resort is a good investment, he said.

    Plus, we can use it as a reward for our employees, or even hold retreats. Save us money in the long run. Just need you and Cameron to go check it out, Matthew added.

    Emma ran her hands through her hair. She was tired and hungry. After the party, she’d put in a couple of hours of work. Finalizing the merger that morning had taken longer than she’d planned. She’d missed lunch, had a stack of messages on her desk, plus emails that needed attention. How could she drop everything and go to some resort? She glanced out the window, noting the pouring rain.

    I can’t just drop everything and leave. Why do we need to go check it out? We have people to do that, not to mention the two of you. She speared the two older men with her narrowed gaze. They’d shed most of their duties and responsibilities, taking on just enough to keep their hands involved and their minds sharp.

    Too old to be driving in the winter, her father said with a sigh. My arthritis would play hell in the snow. Besides, it’s Christmas. His voice trailed off.

    Those three simple words were enough. He’d lost his wife, her mother, just before Christmas, and every year, he honored her and his memories of her by continuing with her traditions, including playing Santa at the local shelter for women and children.

    She sighed. Fine, but this trip has to wait until after the holidays. This isn’t a good time for me or Cam to take off. She sent Cam a pointed look, letting him know she expected him to back her. He’d just gotten back from a trip, and another trip to some resort wasn’t going to be high on his list of priorities, but to her surprise, he shrugged his shoulders.

    Price is right, Emma, said Cam. I hate to agree with them, but the time is now.

    His low, smooth as honey voice slid through her, both soothing and warm, yet at the same time, it ignited his needs and desires that were best left untouched. God, she loved his voice. She repressed a shiver and the urge to go to him, to fall on her knees, and to beg him to take her.

    If you go to the resort with him, you’ll be alone.

    Her pulse jumped. The thought of being alone in some resort with the only man who could heat her blood by just a look made this wild idea of their fathers a very bad idea. Drawing herself up, stiff and unrelenting, she glared at Cam, saying to him, You want to tell me that you don’t have a pile of work two feet high on your desk? Especially after being gone for two weeks? The company closes down in five days for the holidays. I can’t take off now. This has to wait until after the holidays.

    Cameron leaned back against the leather couch, his feet stretched out and arms crossed lightly across his chest, appearing totally relaxed, yet his eyes were sharp as a cat watching a mouse. The property just came on the market. Owner wants to sell now. Other interested buyers will be waiting until after the first of the year to move on this. Dad and James are right. The best time to move is now. If we decide we want it, we can get the negotiations started before Christmas.

    He sat, leaning forward with a thoughtful expression. I could probably take Shari with me, he said. She’s got a good eye for detail

    Emma noticed the glint of challenge in his eyes, and wished she had something to throw at the man. Shari Anders, from the finance department, was a bottle-blonde with paid-for big boobs and the morals of an alley cat, and that’s if even a third of the rumors were true. There was no doubt in Emma’s mind that Shari would jump at the chance to be alone with the boss in some damn resort.

    Crossing her arms across her chest, Emma drew herself up. The only detail Shari will focus on is getting you into bed! she challenged.

    Cameron shrugged, and then stood. It’s settled then. I’ll pick you up at your apartment in two hours.

    Two hours? That’s not enough time to wrap up loose ends, arrange for my assistant to handle or cancel my appointments for the rest of the week—I have to pack.

    Big storm on the way. I want to get there before dark.

    Watching him leave, Emma wondered just how she was going to handle being alone with the man who was, by day, a thorn in her side and, by night, the man of her dreams.


    Cameron waited impatiently as Emma ran around her apartment gathering what she needed. She’d changed into jeans that were tight enough to hug her ass, and a creamy, bulky sweater that would make it easy for Cameron to slip his hands inside and cup her soft flesh. He put a brake on the direction his thoughts were going. She was just as off limits now as she’d been when she was in high school.

    Outside, a flash of lightening made him frown. The boom of thunder shook the windows. On the drive over, the storm had broken loose. He’d hoped it would hold off. Let’s get going, Emma.

    This is crazy, Emma complained. I know I’ve forgotten something. She dumped her suitcase at his feet.

    Relax, Emma. The company isn’t going to fall apart because we’re gone for a few days. Our fathers can handle anything that crops up. Come on, he said. Let’s go.

    Cameron gripped her suitcase in one hand and followed her out, waited for her to lock her door, and then led the way to the elevator. Water dripped from his raincoat. It was pouring outside and he wanted to get going. Inside the elevator, he stabbed the lobby button. With a jerk, the elevator began its descent.

    Heading out in this weather is not smart… Her voice broke off when the lights flickered. It’s really storming out there. Maybe we should get out and use the stairs. She pulled her coat close.

    Cameron frowned as he met her sherry-brown gaze, seeing the worry and fear. Not a bad idea. Don’t trust this old elevator. Before he could poke the next floor button, the elevator came to a jarring stop, throwing Emma against him. He reached out, caught her, and steadied her. After a moment of total darkness, the emergency lights flickered on, giving off dim lighting. He pressed the alarm button, and then heard the clanging bell. There was no phone. The elevator was too old. Why you chose to live in this old building is beyond me, he said.

    Emma pulled free. Has charm and character, which is more than I can say for you. Emma hugged herself as she paced in front of the closed doors. Elevator has never broken down before. Power must have gone out. What are we going to do?

    The ringing of the alarm continued. Guess we wait. Damn, I wanted to get on the road before the storm got worse.

    He had to admit that she had a point. It was crazy to head out during a storm, but if they waited, they might not get through the pass. He pushed a few buttons, but the elevator was nonresponsive.

    Cam, we can’t be stuck in here. Her voice rose.

    Got news for you, Em. We’re stuck.

    Get us out of here, Cam. Her voice rose with panic. I can’t do this.

    Frowning, Cameron heard her frantic breathing. Her face was nearly white. He realized she was going into a full-blown panic attack. He pulled her back into his arms. Breathe, Emma. You’re okay. You’re with me. Just breathe. Hopefully your building has an emergency generator to lower us. Just might take some time.

    She clung to him. I’m sorry, Cam. I feel so stupid, but I can’t stand being trapped in small, enclosed spaces—not since I got locked in my closet when the door jammed. I thought I was over that stupid fear.

    Hush. It’s all right. He ran his hand up and down her back: Soothing, feeling, wanting.

    The storm is bad. We could be trapped for hours. Her voice rose.

    Cameron tipped her chin up. Look at me, Emma. He waited until her eyes, now dark with fear, met his. We’re safe. You’re not alone. I’m here with you.

    I can’t do this, Cam!

    Of course you can. Just look at me. Hear my voice.

    His voice, low and soothing, along with the feel of his hand stroking up and down her back, cut through some of her fear, but it was his eyes – those Caribbean blues – that calmed her. Unfortunately, funny things happened to her whenever she stared into his eyes. Her body grew uncomfortably warm. A humming-need buzzed through her veins and settled between her legs.

    Look at me, Emma.

    She shook her head. Can’t. Pressed flat against his chest, his arms tight around her, that long-denied desire flared into desperate need. She kept her eyes squeezed shut. She tried to ignore the pulsing between her legs.

    Sure you can. Come on, Em, open your eyes.

    God, she wanted to. She loved his eyes: Those calming blues that made her think of water surrounding an island paradise, and paradise was what she wanted with Cam: Him holding her, kissing her, and satisfying every delicious craving she could think of. She shook her head. Don’t dare, she muttered.

    Why not? He sounded perplexed and amused. I’m not so scary.

    Ha! You yell every time we have a meeting. His warm, masculine scent was like a drug. She drew in deep breaths, keeping her arms around him. She felt safe in his arms.

    Cameron gave a sharp tug to her hair, something he hadn’t done since she’d been sixteen. That’s different. And it’s not yelling. We have high-energy discussions, and besides, you yell right back. It’s work – how we work – but I’ve never yelled at you in anger—or been mean.

    That’s true. They were both strong-willed. Neither was afraid to take on the other. Their meetings often got loud when emotions ran high. Cam had never taken a shot at her, even when she screwed up. They had boundaries.

    What about that time when you were fourteen and put that snake in my back pack? She’d nearly caused the school bus driver to run off the road when she screamed.

    He chuckled. That was payback for being a tattle-tale.

    You were supposed to be taking me to the movies, not kissing Mary Beth.

    I did both. You were a brat.

    Emma smiled. True. Still can’t look at you. You got sexy eyes, a sexy mouth, and sexy dimples when you smile. The last thing she wanted to think about was sex with Cam. Or rather, she wanted sex with Cam far too much to risk thinking about it.

    Her confession was a fist to his gut. You think I’m sexy? His mouth went dry as the blood drained from his body and pooled between his legs.

    You know you are. You can have any woman you want.

    Except you, he thought.

    It’s okay if you think I’m sexy, he said. You can look at me all you want. I won’t tell anyone.

    Just what you need: More fodder for that oversize ego, Cam.

    He chuckled. How about you think I’m sexy while we’re trapped. You can tell me I look like a dog after we’re out of here.

    Resting her forehead on his chest, Emma concentrated on his heartbeat, the rumble of his voice, and the warmth of his body surrounding hers to keep panic at bay. Still won’t work, she mumbled. "If I look, I’ll want.

    Cameron closed his eyes and threaded his fingers though her hair, giving himself permission to lose himself in the feel of her, the scent of her. He’d longed for this for so long. He regretted not waiting for her to grow up so he could claim her. His marriage had put a huge wall between them. Linda hadn’t liked Emma—had seen her as a threat, so family gatherings had been few and far between.

    What do you want, Emma? His voice dropped to a low murmur.

    You, but that’s stupid.

    The fist in his gut twisted tighter. Why?

    I’m not a blonde Barbie doll. I don’t have boobs like Betty Boop or Shari Anders.

    Smiling against her hair, he tightened his hold. Thank God, he whispered. I like you just fine the way you are, Emma. You’re a beautiful woman.

    Nope, she said. I’m a plain Jane.

    He tipped her chin up. Look at me, he said to her.

    She opened her eyes. They were huge, dark pools. He framed her face between his hands and kissed her gently, moving his lips across hers: Tasting, needing. Her lips parted with a sigh. He lifted his head. He wanted more than a teasing taste. He wanted more—much more. Emma, he whispered.

    We shouldn’t, she whispered. We’re business partners. Getting involved with you would be a disaster.

    You’re probably right.

    She rolled her eyes. Trust you to agree with me for once. She licked her lower lip. Kiss me, Cam.

    Had he ever heard sweeter words? Only in his dreams. He’d never expected to hear them outside of his own mind. Part of him warned that to kiss her again could only lead to more pain. Once they were no longer trapped, she’d become that strong, sharp-tongued woman who was always in complete control, but right now, she needed him, and God, he needed her.

    He lowered his head, his mouth swiping over hers lightly, gently, tenderly, in part to savor, in part to give her time to change her mind. She didn’t. Her mouth opened on a breathy sigh, and that was all he needed.

    He claimed her with his lips, his arms tightening, holding, caressing. One hand slid up to cup her jaw, and to hold her so he could take all she offered. She melted into his embrace. Her heart pounded against his chest. She sighed when his mouth closed over hers, sucking at her lower lip, nipping at her upper lip, and then sliding his tongue into her mouth to taste and dance.

    Heat chased the chill of fear, while years of need ripped through Emma’s body and mind. Her fingers sank into his thick, dark hair. She pulled his head closer, mating their mouths harder. His tongue swept inside: Tasting, teasing, and exploring. She sighed, the sound a small cry in the silence broken only by their breathing.

    She teased the tip of her tongue beneath his, stroking the smooth moist flesh. He shuddered, and a low moan escaped. He pulled back. Emma took advantage and followed his retreat by entering his mouth, allowing her tongue to explore and taste the spicy sweetness that was Cam.

    Against his chest, her breasts swelled, her nipples hardening as desire heated her blood. More, she needed more. She moaned when his lips closed over her tongue and suckled hard. Need settled between her legs. She shifted restlessly, her hands roaming up and down his chest and across his broad shoulders inside his coat. Holding Cam, kissing Cam, was everything she’d dreamed about and more—so much more.

    His taste, the textures of his mouth, lips, tongue, and the hard, muscled wall beneath her hands drew her in like a helpless moth to a flame. His harsh breathing mingled with hers. She needed more—so much more.

    Cameron slid out of his coat, letting it fall to the floor. Emma’s roaming hands fueled his desire, while her mouth set it on fire. One hand curled behind her head, gripping the back of her neck, his fingers sliding up into her hair, holding her so he could kiss her hard, long, and deep. The other slid down over her sweater, hesitating at the crest of her breast, and then continued down to the hem.

    He’d dreamed of this for so long, but he was afraid it was just another dream—would he wake alone in his bed with the mother of all hard-ons? Her skin was soft, smooth, and warm. And real.

    God, let this be real.

    His hand slipped from her ass and snaked up her spine.

    A moan of pure delight escaped when his hand closed over one of her breasts. He felt her shudder, drawing in a deep breath, and let it out on a sigh. More. He had to have more. His fingers dipped inside her bra and found her puckered nipple. He brushed his fingers back and forth, swallowing her cry of pleasure.

    Hot flames of lust licked a path from his mouth to his balls. Blood pounded through his veins, shooting directly into his swelling cock. There was no way to stop it. The taste and feel of her mouth was all it took to turn him into a randy sixteen-year-old boy again. He slid his knee between her legs and pulled her hard against him, his hands splaying across her bottom, holding her.

    She cried out.

    The heat of her body seeped through his jeans and zipped through his veins, and then swirled like a tornado in his balls. He gasped. God, Emma, we need to stop, he said. He knew that if they didn’t, he was going to fuck her right here and now.

    No, she begged. Need you. Want you. Can’t have you, but let me pretend. Desire swirled in her belly and throbbed between her legs. His hands on her ass – his fingers digging in – was warm and exciting. Shivers of pure delight swam through her veins with each flick of his tongue into her mouth.

    Her head fell back to allow his roaming lips the freedom to kiss her jaw and trail down her throat, his teeth scraping her skin. She thrust her hips out, sliding her aching center along his hard thigh. She slid one hand down his chest and his belly until she felt his erection. The knowledge that she turned him on made her want to shout with joy. He wanted her, at least for the moment. She refused to let him go. She’d waited a lifetime for this moment. She might not be Barbie or Shari, but in that moment, she was the one who was with him, being kissed by him, set on fire by his clever mouth and fingers.

    Cameron pushed her against the wall, keeping his thigh between hers. Both his hands slipped beneath her sweater and traveled up her front, finally closing over her wonderful breasts. It wasn’t enough. He wanted to feel her flesh in his palm.

    Unhooking the clasp of her bra, he caught her breasts, taking his time to hold and massage them: Learning the feel and shape of them. She filled his hands: A perfect fit. Not too little, not too much. Just right, he thought as he stroked his thumb across her pebble-hard nipples.

    Her soft, breathy sighs and low moans surrounded him. Her responses and her passion thrilled him—drove him crazy. Pinching her nipples lightly, he was rewarded with a loud gasp of pleasure. She tightened her thighs on either side of his. Flashes of hot

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