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Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Capture, Scorched, Touched, Trouble)
Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Capture, Scorched, Touched, Trouble)
Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Capture, Scorched, Touched, Trouble)
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Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Capture, Scorched, Touched, Trouble)

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Here, for the first time, are four of Alexis Blake's best selling series, available in one Complete Collection:

Jess Sanders is a travel writer for a company that markets beauty and pleasure in exotic international locations. In Jess’ opinion, she has the best job in the world, and she wouldn’t sacrifice it for anything...or anyone. But when Jess is sent to Hawaii, she meets Nate – a ruggedly handsome man who’s job it is to show her just how exciting life can be off the beaten path, with him leading the way. But as Jess’ fantasies intensify she reveals a side of herself to Nate that takes him over the edge and leaves him breathless. Will he be up to the challenge of Jess’ adventurous spirit, not only on the island, but also in the bedroom?

Lucy’s ordinary life is about to be turned upside down. As she rents the home of the striking man she flirted with over the phone, she’s introduced to a world of extraordinary pleasure, yet the secrets this new man is harboring might cause more harm than good. But as their relationship takes off, Peter begins to pull away - just when she thinks she has it all figured out, Lucy begins to realize she knows nothing about the man she shares a home with...

Enter Morgan Hall, charming smile and heart-stoppingly gorgeous. What Hall needs is simple: A woman who shares his ex-girlfriend’s name—a name that just happens to also be Kelly Clark. For years, he has planned an around-the-world trip with his girlfriend, but after they’ve broken up, he is left unable to attend this couples’ excursion without her. Kelly, jobless and without other prospects, and in spite of all common sense, decides to take this stranger up on his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. an she can handle?

Maddison Rosewood lives a simple life, living by a simple set of rules - do her job, avoid relationships, and everything would be fine. Orphaned when she was a child, she was no stranger to being alone. Her past relationships were a joke. But the day Maddy meets Dillon McCoy everything changes. He’s handsome, suave, and frustratingly confident, yet there’s something about him she finds equally irresistible. Now, for the first time in a long time, she’s beginning to question her own set of rules, and her choice of being alone. Maddy can’t stop thinking about Dillon, but with a dark secret he has lurking beneath, her attraction can only lead to one thing – disaster.

Only mature readers should download this book.

Release dateMar 30, 2015
Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Capture, Scorched, Touched, Trouble)

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    Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Capture, Scorched, Touched, Trouble) - Alexis Blake

    Alexis Blake’s Four Complete Series (Capture, Scorched, Touched, Trouble)

    Published by Alexis Blake

    at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2015 Alexis Blake

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years or older.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Table of Contents

    Capture Book 1

    Capture Book 2

    Capture Book 3

    Capture Book 4

    Scorched Book 1

    Scorched Book 2

    Scorched Book 3

    Scorched Book 4

    Touched Book 1

    Touched Book 2

    Touched Book 3

    Touched Book 4

    Trouble Book 1

    Trouble Book 2

    Trouble Book 3

    Trouble Book 4

    Capture Book 1

    So, where are you off to this time? Angie asked with a groan from across the table.

    Jess smiled with a silent laugh, knowing how jealous Angie was that she wasn't going away on one of their company trips of solitude. Give it a few months, Jess told her, knowing good and well that Angie may never get back into that particular line of work again after she had her first child.

    Ugh! Being pregnant sucks! All those women who say it's such a wonderful experience are full of crap! The one thing I love most is to travel, and now the doc's got me grounded for the last trimester. So unfair! Angie rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair, exposing the large, solid hump in her belly that was covered with a black and white polka dotted maternity shirt.

    You know, once you have a child, you're not going to want to go back to work, Jess commented blatantly, hoping to strike a nerve so they could continue with their playful gibes at each other.

    Jack can babysit, Angie said as though she had the ultimate say so in the matter.

    Yeah, right! Jess brushed back her long strawberry blonde hair from her face as she looked at her friend mockingly, both of them registering just how bad of an idea that would be.

    Angie leaned in close over the table, making Jess think she had something secretive to tell her. You know what? He's gonna have to learn! Angie said.

    Wasn't he the one who said he never got a dog because he didn't want to have to clean up after it? Doesn't he know babies make even bigger messes? Jess asked teasingly.

    Their laughter rang out across the restaurant, causing the couple at the neighboring table to eye them with annoyance. Jess decided to really piss Angie off. Molokai, she said.

    Hawaii? Angie asked with surprise, her voice changing to a higher pitch. You get the best destinations! You get the 'Off The Beaten Path' column and I'm stuck with historical destinations.

    Jess felt the need to remind her, And now you can't even go to any of those.

    You bitch!

    The nearby couple looked at them strangely again, but that just made them laugh even louder.

    Jess remembered their conversation as she waited to board her plane out of Los Angeles to Oahu, wondering if Angie would regret the decisions she'd made—getting married, starting a family, putting her career on the back burner when necessary. Jess wouldn't question it, except their jobs had always been everything to them. That was one reason they got along so well. They'd shared that common passion. If someone were to ask one of them, they'd say it was the best job in the world! It was more than traveling. It was eating great food, experiencing the fun things to do at the various destinations, taking pictures of it all, and the best part, writing about the experience from her own perspective to share it with the world.

    Sometimes Jess wondered if Angie didn't quite love it as much as she did. Before Angie married Jack, she'd talked about getting to do all of those things, but complained about not having anyone to share them with. I mean physically, she’d said, explaining the details as though Jess had no idea.

    Angie was right about that part. Jess figured that was one reason why she loved writing the most, because it was her chance to share her experiences with someone else. Jess had to admit to herself that it could be lonely at times. But whenever she started to feel that way, she'd think of all the wonders she'd seen, like the waterfalls in Dominica that were tucked away in a rainforest of green paradise, or the enormous elephant seals basking on the rocks off the coast of a ghost town in Alaska, the right whales she’d seen frolicking in the bay of the Valdes Peninsula in Argentina, or the view from the window of the train that traveled along Italy's northern coast with the mountainous ranges on one side, and the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean on the other. Jess found her appreciation for it all to be more than enough to satisfy her. She hadn't ever really questioned herself needing much more.

    Once the little propeller plane from Oahu landed in Molokai, Jess picked up her rental car and headed towards the middle of the island where the main town was located. She drove through the small double lane road to look at the few shops, gas stations and restaurants. Her stomach started to growl as the smell of food wafted into the car.

    Jess stopped by one of the restaurants that had a little of everything and put in a 'to go' order while she walked around the corner to the small grocery store. With a few snacks and some other basic items, she headed back to the rental car, then picked up her order and drove to the tiny cottage on the upper east end of the island.

    Jess drove along the highway, which eventually turned into a narrow winding road as it moved away from the shoreline and started to climb the mountains. She pulled into the driveway that was on a slope made of gravel and lined with lush trees. She pulled up in front of the cottage and stepped out to see the view of the blue Pacific Ocean in the distance beyond the drop of trees and lava rock.

    Jess had a look around inside the two-bedroom cottage and got comfortable in front of the TV while she ate her dinner. After eating, she went back around the house and made a few notes for her article, jotting down the bamboo furniture and bright flower patterns on the curtains and cushions. There was a bookshelf with some worn books and a guest journal. She opened the journal and read through some of the entries. Mostly couples and small families had made their stay at the cottage over the years, but everyone had something different to say about the island or the cottage.

    Jess made her way outside into the January eighty-degree weather and found a path behind the house that led to a neighboring property. No one appeared to be renting the larger house, which Jess was glad of, since the pool for both houses was in its backyard. As long as that house stayed empty, she would have the pool all to herself.

    Since she wasn't scheduled to meet with her island guide specialist until the next day, Jess went back to the cottage and put on her bathing suit, grabbed a large towel and walked back to the pool to go for a swim. After she made a few laps, she spread out her towel on the pool deck so she could sit and air dry. The birds, flowers and fruit trees were like a budding Eden. She couldn't wait to get out and do some hiking to see some of the surrounding sites. One thing she knew she wanted to do for sure was to go kayaking to the sea caves. More than anything though, she was excited to see the humpback whales in the surrounding waters, who were there until early April when they would migrate back to cold waters.

    On the drive up the mountainside, Jess had seen a few whales surface, catching the spray of seawater bursting from the swells, and then she’d quickly turned her eye back to the narrow road. She'd wanted to pull over and watch, but she was hungry and she'd told herself she would have the next four days to watch them.

    As the sun began to set, Jess walked around the property and into the wooded area down a trail beyond the pool. She took pictures of the different tropical plants and the lime tree and just as she was about to turn back toward the cottage, she saw a deer. It looked different from the deer she'd seen at home though. It was smaller and of lighter color, like a biscuit blonde color on its sides and a honey brown on its back with little white spots. When she got back to the cottage, she looked up the species of deer on the island and found that it was an axis deer. She made some notes in her phone about the deer and the foliage she'd seen so she could research them later.

    Jess showered then settled into bed with a thin paperback book she'd picked from the shelf in the den, but she fell asleep before she was barely able to read a few pages. Early morning presented her with an orange haze drifting over the misty horizon of sea and treetops. There were three large windows on one wall, which faced her bed and the east. She could see movement in the yard beyond her window and when she rose to move across the creaky wooden floor to see what it was, a deer lifted its head out of awareness, twitching its black nose before sprinting across the grass and disappearing into the trees.

    While eating breakfast, Jess heard a loud car moving over the gravel, coming up the hill off the main driveway and towards the house. She made a dash for the bedroom and dropped the bamboo blinds from the top of each of the large picture windows. She quickly threw on some shorts and a t-shirt while calling out, Just a minute!

    Nate could hear Jess scrambling over the floor through the open windows and when she called out to him, he took a seat on the wooden chair on the covered porch. A minute later, Jess opened the front door to greet her island guide.

    You must be Nate, she said as she put her hand out to shake his. I didn't think you were coming until eight.

    Nate smiled and put out his hand to shake hers, before walking into the cottage. Sorry, I might be a little early.

    Jess realized that he was right—it was close to eight. Actually, I've had my phone turned off since the airport yesterday and had completely forgot about it.

    Did you just wake up, he asked, thinking he was intruding.

    No, I've been up for about thirty minutes. I've been a little anxious to get going. I thought about it all night, she said.

    Do you need for me to wait outside, Nate asked politely.

    No, not at all! I just need to get a few things together. Jess hurried into the kitchen with her backpack and scurried around the cottage while Nate waited.

    So, how do you like the cottage here? I've never been inside, Nate said as he looked around at the little knickknacks and the décor on the shelves and the walls.

    It's great! I love it! So cozy and beautiful here! Everything is so vibrant and it just really gives you a feeling of being in nature, being in touch with it. Jess stepped out of the bedroom, slightly short of breath from hurrying about. She paused for a moment to take notice of Nate. He had a honey wheat skin tone—naturally dark complexioned and complemented by his sandy brown hair. He had light eyes, but Jess couldn't see their color without getting closer and staring. The bridge of his nose started high between his low brows and dropped into a straight and somewhat flattened slope to its tip where it had the slightest little curve. She figured him to be close in age to her, probably in his early thirties.

    Wait until you get out into the woods on the trails. Some of the scenery along the mountain side is incredible. Nate spoke with enthusiasm.

    As Jess stocked her backpack with one last thing, she turned to Nate to ask, So, you think we'll be coming back around mid afternoon?

    Yes, usually a hike to the waterfalls takes about that long, but it could take longer if we stop to look at other places, or linger for too long, but I'm good for the day so don't rush on my behalf.

    Jess tried to think of anything more she might need to pack. Are there any hazards that I need to be on the lookout for?

    No, it's relatively safe here. The woods can get a little thick and some areas might be a little steep or strenuous, but overall it's a pleasant hike, Nate said.

    Okay! Let's get started, Jess told him as she zipped up her backpack and headed for the door. They got into Nate's Jeep and Jess commented on the soft top being down for the warm sunny day. It feels like vacation! she said. Most of her job related travels were like vacations—with the only downside being that she didn't choose the locations.

    Jess liked to think of her first day away as a vacation, only taking notes and lots of pictures to follow up later. She usually spent her last days doing more work—writing about her trip so that when she got back to the office she'd already have most things put together on her flash drive, and everything would be fresh with nothing forgotten. Her articles were usually due by the end of her first day back anyway, just before she would get assigned to her next job. In most cases, she didn't even go back to the office in between locations, depending on where she was venturing to next.

    Nate continued driving along the narrow road that wound down snake-like curves along the north-east end of the island until the road ended at a black sand beach. They walked around the shoreline to look at the lagoon area that fed into the ocean, then stepped over a bank to take the coconut tree lined path that led to the open beach. Nate pointed back towards the mountains and showed Jess the waterfall that could be seen in the distance, pouring from the green cliffs.

    Oh, how incredible, Jess exclaimed as she squinted to see the waterfall in the morning fog that was still covering the mountaintops.

    There are actually two waterfalls there, but from here it looks like one, Nate said as he started leading the way down the trail that followed along the stream.

    Jess trotted along to catch up after stopping to get shots of different flowers. Do you know the names of some of these flowers? she asked.

    Some of them, Nate told her as he pointed to one nearby. That one is Plumeria. You'll see those all around the island. The other ones back there, the little white one was a spider lily. If you want, when we get to the falls, I can go through your photos and I can tell you what I know while you take notes.

    Perfect! So have you always lived here? Jess was eager to make conversation in hopes the trek would be more enjoyable.

    No, I'm from Grants Pass, Oregon. Just moved here three years ago, Nate said.

    What made you want to do that? She paused to look around her, then stated, I mean other than the obvious.

    Nate laughed. My grandfather lived here and left his house for my father. My dad wasn't interested in even coming here for vacation and was going to sell it off. I hadn't been out here since I was a kid, so I thought I'd come for one last visit before he sold it. When I got back home, I knew I wanted to live here for good.

    It is beautiful here, Jess said.

    Nate smiled as he nodded in agreement. It was more than that though. This place has a way of opening your eyes, of connecting you with nature, with your spirit. I'm telling you, after a few days here, you're not going to want to leave.

    I'm feeling that way now, Jess said with a laugh. So, is this your full time job or just something you do on the side?

    It's my only job. Before I moved here, I was an engineer at an automotive plant. I liked what I did, but honestly, I wasn't the best at my job. I mean, I could've been, but I just wasn't giving it my all. I didn't have that fulfillment we look for in our careers, but I'm thankful for all that now. If I hadn’t been so unhappy with my job, I probably would've never moved out here.

    I can tell that you love it here. But who wouldn't, right? It's amazing! Jess stepped over some large rocks on the bank of the river as they crossed over a narrow flow of water to head into the denser part of the trail.

    The path they followed was fairly worn, and Nate told Jess that it was a popular destination for the few tourists that came to Molokai. Going into the third hour, they made their way to the waterfalls where Jess took lots of pictures of the pools before Nate jumped in to relieve himself of the sweat he'd worked up. Jess also got a few shots of Nate swimming around before she decided to join him.

    Oh wow! The water is so clear, she said as she walked into the deepening pool.

    Did you find the bathroom? Nate joked with her, knowing she'd just stepped away to hide behind some bushes.

    The sounds of the waterfall overpowered her voice as they swam in closer. Jess watched Nate dive beneath the falls, and caught herself staring at him as he came up out of the water, slinging his hair back and smiling at her. He had a beautiful body, at about six feet tall, with well-defined shoulders and a lean stomach.

    Jess grabbed her underwater camera from her bag and swam back toward Nate to see where he was diving to under the falls. She got a good shot of the falls beating into the water's surface from underneath, and another of some rocks and some small fish darting in and out from between them. After Jess got more photos of the surrounding foliage, she and Nate took out their lunch sacks and sat near the water to eat.

    It must be nice to do this for a living, Jess said just before biting into her sandwich.

    It is. I get to meet lots of different people.

    I guess no one is ever in a bad mood when they come out here, are they? she said.

    There’ve been a few times when couples started out in a bad mood, and one time two guys got in a fight over a girl, but I don't think anyone has ever walked away in a bad mood. Even a lady who twisted her ankle... He paused to chew his food. She was still happy and making light of the adventure when we carried her out.

    What's your favorite spot on the island? Jess asked.

    Nate stopped chewing as if it might help him concentrate harder. Uh, I suppose it would be this one spot coming up the mountain towards your cottage. There's this spot where you can walk out onto these huge rock ledges and sit. You can see Turtle Rock from there. You know that island that...

    Jess finished his sentence, That looks like a huge turtle in the water? Yes!

    It's the perfect thinking spot. I like to jog up that way a few times a week and just sit and stare out at the ocean. His eyes drifted into a trance-like gaze for a moment.

    That sounds nice. I'll have to check it out before I leave, she said.

    And you? You said you write about travel? Where are you from? New York? Nate asked.

    Jess replied with surprise, Yes, how'd you know?

    It seems like writers are always from New York.

    I hadn't noticed, Jess commented with slight sarcasm. She finished up her lunch and put everything away in her pack, then continued talking. I've only lived there for five years. I moved there for the job I'm doing now, but it was under a different column at the time. It involved more footwork within the company. Now that I write for one of the travel columns, I can work from anywhere. I still go into the office between trips, but it's not necessary.

    Your job sounds as good as mine. With yours, you're able to see new places, Nate said.

    That's true! I've been to places I didn't even know existed, and I've witnessed cultures so different from ours. I'm really thankful for my job now, Jess said, smiling.

    So, what about your favorite place? Nate asked, wanting to know more.

    Hm, that's hard to say. I guess my favorite top two or three would be Madeira, Portugal, maybe Dominica, and... Maine. I stayed on the coast at a bed and breakfast place and it was so beautiful.

    I'd be willing to bet you'll have a new addition to your top favorites within a few days, Nate told her as he flashed his white smile in her direction.

    I think you're right. This place is paradise!

    And there's still lots more to see. On the west end of the island, there are gorgeous white sand beaches with walls of lava rock along the shore, which creates a barrier so you can't swim in some areas there, but it's really a sight to see. There's lots of good snorkeling, especially along the south part of the island, Nate said.

    Jess and Nate started on the hike back to the beach, but Nate led the way along on a different route. As they walked, Jess continued asking lots of questions about the island, making brief notes on her digital voice recorder as she followed behind.

    Nate finally slowed as they started along a steep hillside where the path wasn't quite as worn as where they had been walking on their way in. Not many people come this way. It's a little more adventurous, Nate said.

    Jess smiled, sensing that Nate might be trying to impress her. He reached for her hand to help her up over a fallen tree as they followed the narrow winding path up then down. Jess' heart rate felt like it was going to beat through the walls of her chest. She could hear Nate breathing heavily as he spoke, stopping in between words occasionally to catch his breath. He turned back to check on Jess frequently.

    Do you need to take a break? he asked.

    Jess looked up from the trail to meet his eyes, which were only a few feet away from her when she glanced his way. She realized her mouth was wide open with sweat beading over her forehead and down her neck. She took a deep breath and closed her mouth, trying to disguise her exhaustion. No, I'm fine. Good exercise! She waved her hand to motion him onward.

    Nate moved forward, telling Jess to watch her step. He explained their next move. Looks like we may have to turn around and go back. It's been a while since I've come this way and the path here has been washed away.

    Oh? If you're worried about me, I can handle a little rough terrain, Jess called out as she tried to catch up to him to see what he was referring to.

    Nate looked at the descent below them, noticing the steep grade and the loose rocks, and questioned whether he'd be able to make it down the slope without a fall. I suppose we could take it slow. Just be careful and make sure you get a good footing each time before moving.

    Jess looked down the rocky slope, trying to identify the best path. I will. It's not that bad looking. And what's the worst that could happen? A scuffed knee?

    Nate admired her bold spirit and took the first step to lead the way down. Okay, just let me know if you want to turn back though.

    Nah! This looks like fun to me! Jess waved an arm at him as she stepped where Nate had stepped. They moved along the old, overgrown path, holding onto tree roots that had grown out of the ground as they descended the fifty feet. As they neared the bottom, Nate looked up to see Jess step on a larger protruding rock that resembled the bottom of a milk jug. He watched her test her footing with it, but as she moved down, the rock began to slide from its home in the ground and Jess yelped, moving her body toward the ground to try to grasp for something to hold her weight with, but there was nothing stronger than what she already held in her hand, which was a low hanging branch from a small tree. The thin branch snapped in her hand as she tugged on it with her full weight and she went tumbling downward.

    Nate was close enough to the bottom, where the ground was starting to level out, so he made a quick jump to get below Jess and steadied himself to block her fall. Her legs came first, slinging the loose bed of pebbles in her path towards Nate's face. He threw up his arm to shield his eyes, feeling her topple into his stance, knocking him over with her fall.

    Nate's body was able to absorb most of the momentum from Jess' fall. He blew the dust from his mouth and rolled over to see Jess on her back beside him. It felt like his heart jumped inside his chest when he saw that her eyes were closed. He felt panic surge through him as he tapped her shoulder and shouted, Jess! Are you okay? Jess?

    Jess squeezed her eyes shut even tighter before opening them, wiping the dust from her face with her forearm. She rolled into a sitting position to see Nate staring at her with intense fear. I'm fine. Are you okay?

    Yes, I'm so sorry! We should've never come this way! Nate said. He saw the blood on her knees and elbows.

    No, no, I'm sorry, I was trying to hurry and I didn't get a good feel for that last rock, she told him as she turned her elbows up to get a look at them.

    Nate grabbed his backpack from where he'd tossed it to the ground. He opened it and pulled out a small first aid kit. Jess's face reddened at the realization of her fumble and how ridiculous she felt.

    I can do it myself, she told Nate as she reached for the alcohol wipes.

    Nate had already slipped on the nylon gloves and was laying out the bandages on the open lid of the box. He took the wipe from Jess' hand and said, I've got this! You just relax.

    Jess didn't argue with him, seeing that he felt as guilty as she did for having fallen. Nate dabbed the alcohol across her elbows first, then her knees.

    Ooh! That burns! she said.

    Nate blew on it quickly, hoping to help avoid any further pain for Jess. I really am sorry. I wanted to show you a small grove of banyan trees. I thought you'd like to get some shots for your article, he said.

    What's a banyan tree? Jess asked, forgetting about the burning sensation as Nate opened another alcohol wipe to finish cleaning her scrapes.

    They have branches that grow outward and then back down to the ground. They're really interesting looking, he said.

    Okay, well let’s get going!

    Not so fast. I need to bandage this knee. He pointed to the one with a deep abrasion that was still bleeding slightly.

    Jess sat back again and let Nate finish doctoring her. She was impressed by his delicate handling of her and how he was thoughtful enough to take care of her, even though she knew he felt guilty for taking her on the tougher path. After Nate taped a gauze pad to Jess' knee, he helped her up and dusted off her pack that was still strapped to her back. The rest of the trail was easy. Though still overgrown, there were no steep hills left. Once they got to the banyan tree grove, Jess stood back and took a good long look, admiring the unique beauty of the scene.

    Nate could tell she was impressed but still felt the need to ask, So, what do you think?

    It was totally worth falling down a cliff for this!

    Nate laughed powerfully. It was hardly a cliff. It was just a wash out in the side of a hill.

    Yeah, on the side of a huge mountain, Jess added jokingly, wanting to tease him about feeling guilty.

    Nate suddenly became serious with his tone. You're right, it was too steep.

    Jess smirked as she started walking towards him, then nudged his shoulder as she passed him and said, Lighten up! I'm kidding with you! You act like I'm going to sue you.

    Nate watched her walk by him confidently and couldn’t help his broad grin. He turned to regain the lead as he responded with the same confidence, Well, if you're not going to sue me, then I have to say that was one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.

    Nate led the way out of the woods and back to the road where there was a picnic area just before the beach. Jess made a dash for the bathroom while Nate put their packs in the Jeep.

    On the drive back to Jess' cottage, Nate asked if she would like to do the kayaking portion of her trip the next day. You don't want to go swimming with all those open wounds just yet. I typically like to go swimming in the caves, but we don't have to. Or, we could do the mule ride tomorrow since it's a dry land activity.

    That sounds good, Jess said, thinking whatever he took her to do would be fun. When they pulled into the gravel driveway, Nate turned off the Jeep and sat for a moment while Jess grabbed her bag. Thanks a lot! It was fun and I got a lot of good stuff for my column.

    Nate smiled sweetly, showing his kind eyes under the visor on the windshield. You're welcome. I'm glad you made it out alive.

    Me too! Jess started to walk away, but Nate called out to her.

    Hey! How do you feel about getting something for dinner with me? I could take you to one of the best spots on my island, Nate said.

    Jess was surprised, the look of shock clearly showing on her face. She wondered if he really felt guilty for her fall, or if this was something he did with all of his clients. Then she wondered if maybe he was interested in her. She felt like they had clicked in a positive way, and she already knew she found him attractive.

    Give me just a minute to clean up and change clothes. I'm covered in dirt, she reminded him.

    Yeah, I wouldn't want anyone to see me with you looking like that. It could be bad for business, Nate joked.

    Very funny! In case you don't recall, you are partly to blame for this.

    Oh! The truth comes out now! Nate played along as he got out to stand beside his Jeep.

    Well, I wanted to wait until I was out of the woods with you first before I admitted it. Jess rushed inside before he could respond. She headed straight for the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth to wash her arms and legs off with. She scrubbed her face, pulled her hair back again, and threw on a dressy shirt, a pair of jeans shorts and some sandals. She checked herself in the mirror one last time and then rushed out the door.

    Jess called out to Nate as she approached him, Do you want me to just follow you so you don't have to drive all the way back up the mountainside to drop me off again?

    No, that's okay. It's not that far from my place and it's too pretty to be driving with a roof over your head. I gotta make sure you get the full island experience, Nate said.

    After dinner, Nate walked Jess out to the nearby wharf. If you're interested, there's a ferry that comes each day. It gets here real early and goes to Maui—if you think you'd like to see the tourist stops. Just for kicks, not for your article.

    Thanks, but even outside of my work, I find places like this to be more up my alley. I like the quiet away from the bustle, too many people and I start to get a little uncomfortable, Jess said as she hunched her neck into her shoulders indicating an uneasy feeling.

    Are you one of those people that can't handle big crowds? Nate asked.

    Jess snickered and replied, No. I've just always been better off alone.

    Is this your way of telling me you don't want me to drive you home? Nate asked.

    I don't think I could make it up another mountain today, Jess said, laughing.

    You don't really believe that, do you, Nate asked with a thoughtful tone.

    What? Jess was suddenly confused.

    That you're better off alone. Nate lowered his voice to prove his sincerity.

    Well, that's what's worked for me so far.

    So, you're one of those bitter single women? I bet you like to bust men’s balls. Nate caught himself, forgetting that he was with a client. I'm sorry, I was joking around. I didn't...

    Jess interrupted him. Are you trying to put a label on me?

    Nate stopped in his tracks, thinking he may have offended her. I should probably just shut my mouth now.

    Jess laughed. It's okay to be yourself with me. You're not going to say anything to offend me. And if you do, I'll let you know.

    A smile slowly spread across Nate's lips. I like that. Your forwardness.

    Jess eyed him for a moment, catching a glimmer in his eyes. They walked halfway down the wharf where there was a swimming area roped off in the water. There were a couple of young girls swimming and laughing. One of them called out to Jess, What did you do to your knees?

    The other quickly followed, Did you get in an accident? They both had a native accent.

    Jess smiled and nodded as she replied, I fell down a mountain.

    Nate rolled his eyes and shook his head with disbelief. You're not going to let that go, are you?

    Probably not. It's going to be that story I always tell whenever I speak of my trip to Molokai, Jess teased.

    And I'm sure it won't include my side of the story, Nate said.

    Exactly! And it will get more and more dramatic each time I tell it. Jess laughed as she continued walking.

    Nate took a few quick strides to catch up while he talked, So, your whole speech about being better off alone, does that mean you're not married?

    That obvious, huh?

    Not really. I mean—I know we were just sharing in some playful banter. Have you ever been?

    Married? No, it's not really my thing, Jess said.

    What does that mean? he asked.

    "It just means I'm not against

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