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The Osho Way in Romance with Life
The Osho Way in Romance with Life
The Osho Way in Romance with Life
Ebook220 pages2 hours

The Osho Way in Romance with Life

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Modern psychology all around the world is doing something stupid: analyzing the brain. The mind needs no analysis. It is analyzing junk. It needs simply to be erased. The moment the mind is erased?and the method is meditation - you are left with a body which is absolutely beautiful. The moment the brain is freed from the mind, the innocence of the brain becomes aware of a new space which we have called the soul. Once you have found your soul, you have found your home. You have found that the whole existence is ready for you to dance, to rejoice, to sing- to live intensely and blissfully.
PublisherDiamond Books
Release dateDec 7, 2021
The Osho Way in Romance with Life

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    The Osho Way in Romance with Life - Swami Chaitanya Keerti





    Most of us go through our lives unconsciously, mechanically, robot-like. We live our lives without stopping to think of our actions.

    All our actions and reactions are based on the programming we’ve received from our surroundings since birth. We’ve been taught to be polite in some situations, to react angrily at other times and so on. Someone just presses our ‘buttons’ and we react instantly. Someone calls us names or insults us and we are furious! We want to kill him or her. This is mechanical, this is not a conscious or meditative behaviour. This is part of a chain reaction, a chain that binds our freedom. We do not stop to think that we have a choice, that we need not react impulsively, that we have the ability to stay calm and think of a different reaction. To ponder why we were provoked in the first place. If we could do this, it would be a conscious reaction.

    Meditation is the alchemy that can revolutionize our way of thinking and make us aware that we are free. A way, by which, we can transform ourselves from being a base metal, to gold. It is being watchful, witnessing each act that we do.

    It is the way to check unthinking and reactionary behaviour, thus inhibiting violence in thought, word and action. It is a way of revolutionizing society.

    One who goes through this revolution becomes a Buddha, the enlightened one. He who shows light to millions of people. Each one of us carry within ourselves, the seed to becoming a Buddha. If only we would look!

    What a Buddha does, is incomparable. Thousand of social reformers cannot bring the social change that a Buddha can. And a Buddha is born out of Meditation. And Meditation is a science. It is not part of a belief system.

    The Future belongs to science. Science is something universal-that which is applicable to all. Belief systems are not universal, they are local or parochial in nature. You can argue or fight about them. They lead us nowhere, only outside. They don’t lead to self-realization. But Meditation can! Meditation is an inward journey. It brings to light, the unknown treasures that we carry within us. It gives the ability to share our inner joy and bliss with the outside world. Meditation brings bliss and a blissful person, an illumined person, brings joy and light to others. He is a blessing, a benediction.

    Meditation teaches us to become more conscious, more aware. It is the key to making life healthier, more joyful, more creative and more compassionate.

    Nobody wants you to know

    that life is simply romance.

    And that is my crime -

    because that is my whole

    teaching, that life is nothing

    but romance.

    Osho: Satyam Shivam Sundram




    In this meditation we see how we can energize every part of our body by spending a few minutes with each part when we wake up.

    It’s morning now. You are waking up. Become aware that you are waking up. There’s no need to hurry. Before getting out of bed, just wait a few moments to connect with yourself, your being. Feel yourself. Feel that you are waking up. Feel the blessing of the coming of awakening, as a lotus is opening its petals and swaying in the fresh, cool, morning

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