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Hidden Ocean
Hidden Ocean
Hidden Ocean
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Hidden Ocean

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About this ebook

Shree Adheesh is a lover of the Beloved Master OSHO. He came from India to Agios Nikolaos on the island of Crete, where he creates an ocean of deep relaxation and super- understanding. Man with a loving heart presented this book to the seekers who love themselves. Very early, he discovers and explains by himself the mysteries in Life. For twenty years, he has been guiding meditation and teaching yoga for the modern man in India, Europe and Australia while the last years he shares his time between India and Crete.

As a musician, he gives concerts playing classical Indian music. He also records music for meditation, yoga and Reiki.

Shree Adheesh is the founder of Karavi Yog International in Agios Nikolaos, Crete.
PublisherDiamond Books
Release dateDec 7, 2021
Hidden Ocean

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    Hidden Ocean - Shree Adheesh


    The purpose of life is to stop fight.


    With acceptance.


    All the acts are natural; walking, sleeping, fighting, shouting, thinking, talking. Then what is the mistake that we do not realize nature? What is the difficulty in accepting them as natural acts? The difficulty is that we get hypnotized. We get hypnotized as an ego form that it is me who do it, I walk, I think, I eat, I am in love, I dislike. All this is hypnotism. In between each natural act and the happening, between these two poles - there is the ego state.

    It is so simple when you realize that ego as an ego form is hypnotized by I do it and not only that but I do it better, let’s see who does it better though it is only a natural act. Swimming is a natural act, dancing is a natural act, running is a natural act, it is a happening. The act is happening but, to say: let’s see who does it better, this is hypnotism. If you win the race you get a gold medal but to run fast is a natural act, basically you ran and so you created ego because you won the race. However, the other pole, the ones who comes second, third, fourth and last, he also creates a different form of ego that "I did not, I could not win the race, so I was not good enough". This is the hypnotism yet, all these acts are natural.

    If we did not have the nature to write and read, if we did not have the sense of hearing and understanding, the sense of seeing and remembering, if we did not have the sense of smelling and remembering, these things which are happening in the world would not exist. Everything that exists in the world, of human, for human and by human is a natural act. Then, why the difference from man to man, why the competition between men? Because of the hypnotism Who is the best? Whose family is the best? Whose language is the best? Whose tradition is the best? Who has the best technology? this is the hypnotism of I do - though basically it is a totally natural act.

    When the inner joy is there, all happiness and sadness is eliminated. When somebody realizes the hypnotism which is in between the act and the happening, whatever is there, it is joy, and not I do and then this joy eliminates both sadness and happiness.

    Practising yoga in everything we do is a natural act. This intellect inside you concentrates on oneness. This state of oneness eliminates all differences and any kind of difficulties, all competition and comparison between people.

    With this simplest understanding of oneness, there is a knowledge of the senses and the mind. The knowledge of senses and mind makes the act natural. However, without the knowledge of mind and sense, the capacity of decision in the intellect is almost impossible. It is also very important to know this too, that if oneness within our intellect is not happening, then the intellect does not have the power of decision-making. If one does not have the power of intellectual decision he does not have feelings and without the feelings there is no peace. The circle completes with the question: without peace how one can attain bliss?

    The way the boat on the water is carried away by the wind, in the same way the senses are carried away by desires; and the mind is with that sense of desire. Just that one desire can make the mind and the senses unconscious. That state of unconscious is the hypnotism of I do it. Do you see the circle now?

    The body functions and acts according to nature, breathing acts naturally, the senses act naturally, the mind acts naturally, the intellect acts naturally and the nature itself within us acts naturally. However, you wonder, where am I going? Where am I? What am I doing in all these natural phenomena?

    Yoga in any form is to make you realize through your intellect that these are complete natural acts, also to center your intellect to experience the oneness within you.

    This very oneness is basically the beyond.

    Then there is no interest in earning respect, and then there is no interest in losing it.

    One thought of desire -where you exist in that desire- creates a difference between you and the others. When you say, I want to fulfill my desire at any cost creates an unnatural act. This unnatural act creates ego problem and this ego problem destroys the sense of understanding. Without the power of decision making there is no feeling – small children are killed at war. If there is no feeling how is it possible to have peace of mind? When the intellect functions unilaterally as ego then you are in a state where it is impossible to attain the bliss.

    Now look around you. Within the words, within the senses, within the mind, within the intellect, what has happened and why is it so difficult? It is difficult because of the ego itself. I do it, I bought the house, I am the president, I am a rich man, I am a guru, I am a yoga teacher, I am a doctor then it turns into I am just a human being, I am not god, what can I do now? I am a simple man, such things happen to everybody, it happens to me too, aren’t we all the same? Maybe somebody is better than somebody else but aren’t we all humans? Do you see the point? What is happening in the world is the affectionate depression of the kind, what can I do now? How can I manage these things now? Oh, god! Please, help me!

    Now such behaviour cannot happen with the joy within you in the first place, secondly this does not lead you towards heaven. Now, when I state heaven here, it is just to make your ego understand the affectionate depression - because of a person, place or thing - bliss does not give you joy and the third important thing is – it does not give you a well-being too. Even if a man who does yoga and has the ego, that I do yoga then even that person has a quality of being in peace and joy. Yes or no?

    Do you experience these things?


    Truth is not just a meaning but Life itself.

    Truth is very difficult to achieve because of the triangle of illusions. Triangle of illusions means three angles of illusions inside our mind.

    Truth is difficult to find because we try to catch it through logic. Logic is the first angle.

    Truth is difficult to find because we logify with words and then we think we are succeeding. Now the second angle of the triangle of illusion is ego. We become egoistic about it.

    Then the third illusion of the triangle is that we become identified with our ego. We logify what truth is, we define truth. The definition of truth comes out. Then there is agreement and disagreement upon the definition of truth. Those who agree constitute a group who share the definition of truth and there is also a group of logicians who object to it with their own definition. It’s not even truth, it is just a logic which defines truth on the basis of what truth is. It is an illusion, utterly an illusion.

    Why is it an illusion?

    Now to understand this illusion of logic we have to use some logic. Let’s say logic is very immature which intensely wants to catch the non-ending truth by trying to create a tiny net of words so we use proper words to logify the non-ending truth. In the end, it creates war, disagreements, hierarchies, no-archies, mediocrity, and then it creates all those worldly phenomena that logically look right, seem right. So they cling to the conclusion because logically it sounds and seems right. Some do not believe in it so they are opposed to it.

    So, you see that mostly two things are available in the world. Those who agree with the logic they create a collective ego of themselves. Those who do not agree with those things create also a collective ego. We are opposed to it. You can see those things in religion, you can see those in politics, you can see those in the society, you can see those things in business, you can see those things in your family and you can see those things in yourself. It is a huge network of logic but it looks very tiny in front of truth, why? Because in the whole existence of a complete truth only humans have logic, no trees, no sky, no stars. However, when the logic becomes adult, mature, it destroys its own network, then the logic loses its own existence, then the logic dies. It is exactly like a mango growing on a tree and the moment it becomes mature it falls down by itself and then it turns into truth, the truth that is the deepest knowledge. You see how logic creates an illusionary idea of defining truth, idea of explaining truth, idea of following truth. The moment the logic matures, it loses its existence as if it were an illusion. It is just like a lame man using crutches, logic is the crutches for the lame man, but it is burden for a runner. You cannot run with the crutches when you have both your legs strong - it is difficult to hold the crutches and run. Actually, it is the heaviest load for those who have wings to fly.

    If a person who seeks the truth comes across logic, it is helpful for him. Why? Because he is searching the truth through logic. Logic asks: what is truth? It is a logical question. Then the logic defines it, but one who understands it, throws the logic away and walks or runs fast towards the truth. Even when he carries logic while running towards truth, he is carrying a burden on him. When both the feet are strong, why do we need the support? It is a burden.

    That is why meditation is difficult. The question of a seeker is logical, how to find the truth? He seeks a logical explanation to a question, but as he understands the path of truth becomes clear and then when the path of truth is clear to him the logic is illusion, it is a burden οn him. As a person walks on the path, goes closer to the truth he still carries the logic and it is a heavy load on him. So unless you become mature it does not lose its existence even you are inside the truth.

    A simplest form to understand the logic is a sick truth, very sick and the truth is adult logic, mature, grown up logic. The fruit fell down from the tree so the illusion of becoming part of the tree is no more there. An immense beautiful thing with logic is that when logic becomes adult then there is no logical talk, then there is no agreement there is no disagreement, then there is no duality.

    However, if we carry on catching truth through logic, to search the truth through logic, to try to experience the truth through logic or to believe truth through logic it turns into ego - the second angle of the triangle of illusion. Ego, which is ruled by the time - in the sense when you deny it then you deny having it and then it becomes bigger: I do not have ego this denial creates a bigger ego, I am just a simple man, I am the most stupid person in the world, and even the word most emphasizes the ego. This ego is an immature belief of I do, I am, I will be, I was. As time changes the ego changes its form and as the belief becomes mature then the ego disappears. The belief turns into trust.

    The first state of ego is: I exist in a form.

    The second state of ego is: I exist in capacity.

    The third state of ego ιs: I have an identity.

    This identity creates a false truth, the third angle of illusion.

    This identity makes it difficult in finding the truth. How? It creates fear, questions, calling for values, for respect, for honour. This identification fears: I cannot attain the truth, that only when I die I will attain to the truth. This very identification becomes a part of the same logic that says you are a human, you are not a god, although you can meet a god, you are just a human, you have your name, you have your caste, you have your religion, you have address, you have colour, you have race. Again, this identification becomes the burden; the heavier load on the path of truth, although you are walking on the path of truth. With these three angles of illusions, the simplest form of truth becomes almost impossible. So the question what logically truth is, it is understood when the logic becomes mature. Then the understanding of truth becomes clearer when the ego is not denied and then the experience of the truth follows when all the identifications are dropped out.

    With logic, we are always very close to the truth but never inside. Ego says we are very close to the truth, although we do not get it but this is a different story. Then the identification that I search truth logically, I went very close to the truth and I show off my logical knowledge and those who agree with me become part of my religion and those who do not believe in me are against the truth and they should be destroyed. Then the identification of I am turns into we are.

    The truth says, just walk towards me, the truth says, just do not do anything, the truth says, look at your wings. It is enough when you realize that you have wings you will lose the ground of illusion that is logic-ego-identification, only then you become a meditation.

    The very word meditation should not be used as I am doing meditation. If you bring the doing out of this statement, you see that I am meditation, the logic is gone but the ego remains – the ego is I am the meditation. The moment you take the I out from there the meditation remains and this is identification and the moment the meditation is removed then the Truth, then coming home; the logic became mature, the ego drops down from the tree, the fruit drops down from the tree and the identification as a fruit of the tree also disappears.


    Life and death is a dream,

    Oh my dear mind, you had better forget it,

    Because nobody dies.

    Even if you die,

    Nobody dies with you.


    Matter and Consciousness

    The basic existence is divided into two forms: the first form is Matter and the second form is Consciousness.

    The whole appearance of existence is between matter and consciousness. The matter is in a complete physical form and consciousness is in a para-physic form. The combination of both makes a living form, a life form. This combination generates the senses in matter. These senses reflect from matter to consciousness and from consciousness to matter. Since it is generating the sense in between consciousness and matter, it accumulates and produces thoughts within itself. These thoughts are the desires through sense for the matter and mind.

    The senses create two kinds of different thoughts, which are relative to negative, and positive. Because there is a sense in between consciousness and matter, the sense collectively is attracted by matter and it becomes matter oriented. Matter oriented thoughts create non-stop desires. These desires are individual and collective desires. However, without consciousness the senses could not pick the proper desire to go into the state of relaxation. It becomes unconsciousness. Unconsciousness here simply means that there is no consciousness, there is only matter. It becomes almost impossible for the matter to accept that there is consciousness.

    These senses and matter accumulate a multitude of thoughts. These thoughts create a huge space in the matter, a space of thoughtful memories, memories of incidents and it becomes a sub consciousness, but it is based on unconsciousness.

    When the matter excuses the unconsciousness –which means no consciousness- it makes an imaginary consciousness, which is the sub consciousness. This sub consciousness gives the mind or the unconsciousness a little rest to carry on thinking to fulfill the desire of matter. Now this network collectively is called civilization. Collectively

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