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Don't You Wanna Stay?: A Billionaire Second Chance Interracial Romance
Don't You Wanna Stay?: A Billionaire Second Chance Interracial Romance
Don't You Wanna Stay?: A Billionaire Second Chance Interracial Romance
Ebook143 pages

Don't You Wanna Stay?: A Billionaire Second Chance Interracial Romance

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Book one in the Family Forever series

Decisions must be made about what's more important, love or work.

One explosive night between strangers isn't something billionaire Gareth Ericsson could, or wants to, easily forget. When a second-chance meeting with the one woman unlike any he's met before comes up, he decides he's not willing to let her go again.

Xandra Asher has enough on her plate during the fundraiser she spearheaded when she finds herself facing the man she had a one-night stand with. He's as enigmatic as he was that night, and she soon finds he's inserted himself back into her life.

Work is cutthroat and accusations fly. When careers are on the line, which will come out on top—their jobs or their hearts?

Release dateDec 21, 2021
Don't You Wanna Stay?: A Billionaire Second Chance Interracial Romance

Aliyah Burke

Aliyah Burke is a USA Today Bestselling Author who’s an avid reader and never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She is happily married to a career military man. They are owned by three Borzoi. She spends her days at the day job, writing, and working with her dogs. She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached here. If you would like to be kept abreast of what's going on in the world of Aliyah, please join her newsletter: and/or cozy newsletter: Other places to find her on social media are: Amazon Author Page - Book Bub - Goodreads - Website - Facebook -  Facebook Author Page - Pinterest - Twitter - Instagram -

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    Book preview

    Don't You Wanna Stay? - Aliyah Burke

    Totally Bound Publishing books by Aliyah Burke

    Single Books

    Through The Fire

    Seducing Damian

    Code of Honour

    A Marriage of Convenience

    The Lieutenant’s Ex-Wife

    A Man Like No Other

    When Stars Collide

    In Aeternum

    Casanova in Training

    Harbour of Refuge

    Protected by Shadows

    Polar Opposites

    Theta Corps





    Temporary Home

    Alone With You

    Till We Ain’t Strangers Anymore

    The Edge

    Called Home to The Edge

    Straying to The Edge

    Returning to The Edge

    Cuffed at The Edge

    The Monroe Sisters

    Need You Now

    Let Me Go

    I Won’t Say Goodbye

    Heart’s Compass

    The Princess and the Marquess

    Keeper of the Stars

    Part One

    Part Two

    Part Three

    Part Four

    Part Five

    Astral Guardians

    Chasing the Storm

    Highlands at Dawn

    Fields of Thunder

    Branded by Frost

    Driven by Night

    Moon of Fire

    What’s her Secret?


    A Little Bit Cupid

    This Ain’t No Love Story

    My Bloody Valentine

    Perfect Duet

    With Taige Crenshaw

    Single Title

    Unbreakable Bonds

    Kemet Uncovered







    Family Forever



    Don’t You Wanna Stay?

    ISBN # 978-1-83943-562-1

    ©Copyright Aliyah Burke 2021

    Cover Art by Kelly Martin ©Copyright December 2021

    Interior text design by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

    Totally Bound Publishing

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

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    The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

    Published in 2021 by Totally Bound Publishing, United Kingdom.

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    Book one in the

    Family Forever series

    Decisions must be made about what’s more important, love or work.

    One explosive night between strangers isn’t something billionaire Gareth Ericsson could, or wants to, easily forget. When a second-chance meeting with the one woman unlike any he’s met before comes up, he decides he’s not willing to let her go again.

    Xandra Asher has enough on her plate during the fundraiser she spearheaded when she finds herself facing the man she had a one-night stand with. He’s as enigmatic as he was that night, and she soon finds he’s inserted himself back into her life.

    Work is cutthroat and accusations fly. When careers are on the line, which will come out on top—their jobs or their hearts?


    Thank you to TB for allowing me to write another series for them. To DH, words aren’t needed for you to know how much you mean to me. To the men and women of the Armed Services, thank you, for all the sacrifices you and your families make. You are family whether or not we will ever meet.

    Trademark Acknowledgements

    The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

    Playgirl: Janosov, Lanning INDIVIDUAL

    Uber: Uber Technologies, Inc.

    Holler Back: Tim James, Stokes Nielson

    Waldorf Astoria: Hilton International Holding

    Jack: Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc.

    Coke: The Coca-Cola Company

    Grand: Grand Hotel LLC

    Jerry Maguire: TriStar Pictures, Gracie Films, Vinyl Films, Sony Pictures Releasing

    Uptown Girl: Billy Joel

    Chapter One

    Don’t worry, Mr. Yoon, I just got off the phone with the management staff liaison we have at the MontClaire, and Ms. Noit has confirmed with me that all the stipulations we gave them to hold the fundraiser there have been and will be met.

    Xandra turned her right wrist, caught a quick glimpse of her fitness tracker and made a mental note to make sure she changed out the floral print band for her gold one, which would better accentuate her outfit. She listened to her boss, who was a business tycoon. Mr. Yoon had turned all his attention and money to a line of banks that had been on the way out and now he rivaled Rockefeller and Rothschild in his standing.

    He was well known in the business world for his brutality, though she tended to laugh at that description. He could be that way, sure. The man took no prisoners when it came to business, but he was a devoted family man, still married to the same woman he’d fallen in love with back in school. They had three children who he worked hard to make sure had respect and didn’t assume they were better than anyone because of their money. Or rather, their father’s money.

    She flicked a hand along her red dress, dislodging a piece of lint that dared to land there.

    The car will be by to pick up you and Mrs. Yoon at half past eight. I will meet you there when you arrive.

    Did anyone say they weren’t attending?

    She touched the device in her hand, even though she already knew the answer. Mr. Ericsson is unable to attend, as he came down with something, but he is sending his son in his stead. Gareth Ericsson.

    That’s good. I know his son. You will like him.

    Regardless of the fact that she was rising in the executive elevator alone, she smiled as if her boss stood before her. I’m sure I will.

    Mr. Yoon laughed, and her smile fell from practiced to real. She truly enjoyed this man.

    One day a man will come by and sweep you off your feet.

    You keep me far too busy to give my feet a chance of holding still for that to happen. The door to the elevator slid open on silent gliders and she stepped out into her boss’ waiting area. Is there anything else you need from me before this starts, Mr. Yoon?

    I will see you there. I hope you’re heading home to get something to eat first.

    She walked toward her office, the thick mat beneath the carpet masking her steps. I’ll be on my way shortly.

    I’m calling back in ten minutes, and you better be on your way. She opened her mouth, yet he continued, not giving her a chance to speak. I’m calling security because I know you’ll lie. Get home, and I will see you for this fundraiser. It will be amazing—you always make sure they are. He was gone, and she still gave her usual farewell before touching the device in her ear, completing the call on her end as well.

    The moment the door to her office closed behind her, she kicked off her shoes and moaned as she padded in her sheer stockings to the large leather couch and flopped down.

    She could totally go for a full-body massage. Or a hot tub with massaging jets. This fundraiser was important to her boss and she refused to let him down. It wasn’t like this was the first one she’d ever put together—far from it—but this one meant so much to him and his family. It would kill her to disappoint him.

    Mr. Yoon had taken a chance on her when she’d first applied for this position. There had been others who had had resumes that had made hers look like a turd she’d tried to polish beside their shining stars, but he’d gone past their ivy-league degrees and chosen her. That had been five years ago, and now she spoke fluent Korean, had holiday gift exchanges with the family, and his children looked upon her as a person they could go to for anything they needed if they were unable to reach their parents.

    Moaning once more, she pushed up on her arms and glanced around her office with eyes that were far too blurry and, with her luck, probably swollen. Giving in, she fell back down and mentally ran over everything on her schedule, making sure she didn’t have anything that demanded her attention right now.

    Content she didn’t, she began looking for the energy to get back up and make her way down to the car to head home. If she moved now, she could sleep for an hour before she put on the face that would hide all this exhaustion.

    Her ear vibrated with the notification of an incoming call. Struggling, she touched her ear and answered the call.

    This is Xandra.

    I would love to hope that your voice was all muffled and exhausted because I’m interrupting some spine-tingling sex, but given your fundraiser is tonight, I’m sure that’s not the case.

    Despite her exhaustion, she smiled as her cousin Xahara’s words reached her.

    You’d be correct. In fact, I’m face first in the couch, wishing I had hands on me. Would you like to spare your man? You know, share and all that.

    Don’t make me plant some evidence on your ass and shoot you.

    They weren’t words to be taken lightly.

    Fine. Don’t share.

    I won’t. I wanted to check on you before this thing started, and yes, I know you’ve been busting your ass, which is why I’m calling. Are you eating enough? I’d ask about sleep but I don’t think that’s happening.

    Not until tonight. Thankfully I have the next week off—Mr. Yoon said I deserved it. Pumped by speaking with her cousin, she managed to wrangle her body up from the couch and back to her

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