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Tainted Love: Complete Series
Tainted Love: Complete Series
Tainted Love: Complete Series
Ebook122 pages2 hours

Tainted Love: Complete Series

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Alice Smith loves her job as the personal assistant to Grant Anderson, even though she has only been with the company for a couple of months. Grant is sexy but his cool demeanor and ability to hide his emotions leaves Alice feeling confused, but also tempted. Occasionally she catches the sidelong glances he casts her way and can't ignore the fluttering in her stomach when he is around, though he more than intimidates her. When he gets his latest consulting assignment in Iceland, she is more than thrilled that he requests her presence. Going out of the country with a man that she finds dangerously sexy could prove to be more than she can handle. Will Alice find herself mixing work and pleasure?

This ebook contains very hot and explicit descriptions of romantic activity. Only mature readers should download this book.

Release dateFeb 2, 2015
Tainted Love: Complete Series

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    Tainted Love - Alexis Blake

    Tainted Love

    Published by Alexis Blake

    at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2015 Alexis Blake

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years or older.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Table of Contents

    Tainted Love Book 1

    Tainted Love Book 2

    Tainted Love Book 3

    Tainted Love Book 4

    Tainted Love Book 1

    Ms Smith?

    Alice jumped at the sudden deep sound of her boss's voice coming over the intercom on her desk phone. Trying to calm her racing heart she took a deep breath and pushed the button.

    Yes, Mr. Anderson?

    I need to see you in my office. Bring my calendar if you will.

    Right away, sir.

    The intercom was disconnected and Alice pushed out the pent up breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding. Quickly, she pushed her chair back and stood. Making sure that her skirt was still without wrinkles, and her ivory button up shirt was still immaculate, she pulled her glasses from the top of her head and tucked an errant strand of curly brown hair behind her ear.

    Confident that she didn't have anything wrong with her appearance, she scooped up the tablet from her desk that held everything important about her boss, Grant Anderson. She quickly moved away from her desk and made her way down the short hall that lead to his office.

    Taking a deep breath, she stilled herself against the nervousness that still clung to her every time she was in Grant's presence. She'd only been with Reed's Consulting firm for three months and had been Grant's personal assistant for only two of those months.

    Chiding herself for being such a chicken, she lifted her knuckles and rapped quickly on the frost-paned door. In front of her, on the glass, Grant's name was etched in bold letters. The typeface of his name even commanded attention.

    It didn't take long for his gruff response, calling for her to enter. Squaring her shoulders—trying to convey more confidence than she felt—she stepped through the door. His office was nothing super fancy but what few pieces of decoration that adorned the walls were expensive pieces of art.

    Good morning, Mr. Anderson, she said politely as she moved to stand in front of his desk. He was staring at his computer, deep in thought as his mouth pressed into a thin line. For a man who just turned forty, he was an incredible looking specimen. Dark chocolate-colored hair was carefully styled for the tousled yet professional look. His jaw was square and in the rare instances that he actually smiled, she caught a glimpse of a deep dimple in his right cheek.

    His nose was strong and just a touch crooked, appearing to have been broken at some point in his life. Even behind the thin reading glasses perched on his nose, she could see thick black lashes encircling his light gray eyes.

    Those cool eyes lifted from his screen and looked up at her.

    Have a seat Ms. Smith, he said as he tugged his glasses from his nose and tossed them carelessly to the side of his desk.

    Doing as she was told, Alice perched on the end of a chair, clutching the tablet in her lap. She waited for him to tell her what he wanted her to do. She met his gaze and held it, even though she wanted to look away. She couldn't be intimidated by him every time they were in the same room.

    Shifting uncomfortably under his gaze she waited, but it was a solid two minutes before he spoke. It was almost as if he were toying with her, waiting to see what she would do or how she would react. She was sure her ribs would be bruised from the furious beating of her heart. When he finally spoke it was all she could do to keep from sighing with relief.

    What does my calendar look like until next Thursday? His voice was low, carrying with it a slight gravely edge. He reminded her of a famous actor that had the same low tone and it sent tiny goosebumps rushing over her skin.

    Well, she said clearing her throat as she began to tap on the screen of the tablet. It looks like you've got a couple of meetings and a dinner as well as the Crimson Project Consult next week, but it looks like tomorrow and Friday are actually clear.

    I don't know how I managed that, he chuckled. Hearing the sound caused a small smile to form against her lips.

    I don't either, sir.

    Well, it's a good thing because as of fifteen minutes ago I just got a job that will require us to be gone until next Thursday.

    Us, sir?

    Yes. Are you not my assistant?

    Y-yes, sir.

    Well, that typically means that you will travel with me," he said as he turned away from her and began to gather a stack of papers. He moved away from his desk and walked around to stand in front of her. Good grief he was tall, she thought as she looked up at him. He perched on the edge of his desk, crossing his ankles as he handed her a large yellow envelope.

    Everything you will need to know is in there. I will require you to make all the arrangements, hotel, rental cars, dinners, client dinners . . . everything.

    She gulped. She was good at managing his calendar and other such things, but something of this magnitude was more than a little intimidating.

    He must have sensed her hesitation because he pulled the envelope back. Is this not a task you can handle, Ms. Smith? Because I can assure you that there is a list of applicants more qualified than you who would be more than willing to do this.

    Flush crept up her cheeks at the slight admonishment. No, sir. I can handle it just fine, she assured him while standing and taking the document from him.

    A smile tugged at his lips. Good, he said as he turned and moved back behind his desk.

    Where are we going?

    Iceland, he said with a simple shrug, as if he'd said they were flying to somewhere as common as Portland—considering they lived in Seattle.

    I-Iceland, sir? she questioned, making sure she'd heard him correctly.

    Yes, he confirmed. Then he looked at her as another thought struck him. Do you have a passport?

    She nodded. I do, but it's never been used.

    A shame. Anyhow, it's a good thing you have one because our jet will be leaving Seattle airport at eight a.m and landing in Reykjavík roughly around one pm.

    Wow, that is quick, she said.

    Yes, the bosses do not want us to waste any time with them. They want us to get over there as quickly as possible and get the consult sewn up. Before winter sets in too hard.

    She nodded and climbed to her feet. She looked at the wall and saw that it was already nearing eleven. She would have to work through her lunch hour to get all the arrangements made.

    Is there anything that you prefer as far as hotels go, sir?

    He nodded. Yes. I want something with a view, hall access and on the very top floor, and room service, make sure they have good room service.

    She jotted down the notes. Do you have a budget you are requiring me to stay within?

    A slow smile tugged up the corner of his mouth. No, this is on the company dime, so expense is not really an issue.

    Very well. Will you be wanting a car rental, limo or town car?

    Town car will be sufficient, said Grant.

    Also, do you want me get you lunch today? You look pretty packed for the rest of the afternoon.


    What would you like? asked Alice.

    Oh, well, get me an Italian sub from that sub shop you go too.

    Alice was momentarily stunned that he knew where she got her lunch.

    I can call it in and have them deliver it today, she said, trying to regain her composure. I won't be taking lunch today.

    His brow tugged together in a frown. Why not?

    She was a little unsettled by the gruffness in his voice. Because sir, it’s nearly eleven. In order to make the arrangements I will need to do them now, especially with the time difference.

    You're not to work through your lunch, Ms. Smith, am I understood?

    Yes, sir, she mumbled as she walked to the door. She did not dare go against his commands. Is there anything else sir?

    I think that will be it for now, Ms. Smith, he said as he returned to work on the computer once more. He hadn't even looked at her as he responded. His fingers began to click over the keys with rapid speed. Alice quietly left the room behind.

    Picking up her laptop and keeping the files in her hand, she decided to take her work with her to her favorite lunch spot. Hurriedly, she pulled on her jacket and scarf and made her way from the building.

    The warmth of the tiny restaurant greeted her, along with the fragrant scent of fresh bread. She ordered a tuna melt and placed the order for Grant's sub for a little later. She took up her usual table by the large glass window, and began to pull the documents from the envelope. She scattered them on the table and began with the list of hotels.

    Firing up her laptop, she did a quick search

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