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Secretary: Complete Series
Secretary: Complete Series
Secretary: Complete Series
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Secretary: Complete Series

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When sexy and alluring executive James Carter walks in to his office to see his new assistant holding the paddle he keeps in his top drawer, the professional barrier between boss and secretary will be changed forever.
Seeing her makes his desires boil to the surface and James takes Clara to sexual heights she has never known—right there in the middle of the office. As they explore their deepest fantasies together, Clara worries she’s made a terrible decision that she might not be able to turn back from. But with James Carter, anything is possible...

This ebook contains very hot and explicit descriptions of romantic activity. Only mature readers should download this book.

Release dateJan 5, 2015
Secretary: Complete Series

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    Secretary - Alexis Blake


    Published by Alexis Blake

    at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2015 Alexis Blake

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years or older.

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Table of Contents

    Secretary Book 1

    Secretary Book 2

    Secretary Book 3

    Secretary Book 4

    Secretary Book 1

    I need a promotion, Clara mumbled.

    No, you need a new man, her friend, Kerry retorted. She occupied the desk just opposite Clara’s.

    Men are overrated.

    Not if they’re doin’ it right. Kerry giggled.

    Well, a new position would be a step in the right direction…then maybe I could think about men. But right now, I am staring at forty emails, Kerry. FORTY! In the time it took me to fetch Karen a cup of coffee!

    Sounds like you better get busy, Kerry teased.

    It would just be nice to feel like my hard work is heading toward something here. This job as Karen’s assistant was supposed to have potential for growth. I’ve been here two years and have successfully worked my way up to a big fat nothing. I should have someone answering my emails for me by now.

    It is hard to get noticed in the vastness of the Human Resources department of Portman, Johns and Carter.

    You could say that again—oh for heaven’s sake, it’s up to fifty now! It’s going to be a long day, Ker. Honestly, Clara liked her job, but it was supposed to be a means to an end. She had the necessary education for upper level management, just not the experience. In her job as an executive assistant to the Training and Development Manager, she got to meet tons of new people every day, and since her department was responsible for training new employees, Clara knew everyone. And she also knew everything there was to know about Portman, Johns and Carter, an international insurance company with offices across the globe. That’s what she really wanted—her dream position as an International Consultant. She’d get to travel and no two days would ever be alike. But, after working for Karen Berry for nearly two years, Clara was no closer to her dream job than when she started.

    Crap! Here she comes! Kerry hissed as she quickly minimized the screen on her desktop. She’d had the job websites open again. Her friend was always looking for something bigger and better.

    The Human Resources department of Portman, Johns and Carter was huge – taking up almost two of the top five floors the company occupied in the twenty story building. Clara gazed around her department; the education staff was currently deeply buried in their work as their boss marched through the sea of cubicles. Karen was a difficult woman to work for, but she was fair.

    Clara. Clear your desk of your personal effects and come with me. Karen dropped an empty box on her desk and waited, her toe tapping in irritation.

    What?! Oh God no…she can’t be firing me?

    Now, Clara!" She snapped, clearly not in a good mood.

    Kerry shot her a sympathetic look as Clara scrambled to gather her things. She fought back tears, hoping Karen was simply moving her to another office for some reason or another.

    Call me, Kerry mouthed as she finished packing.

    With her hands shaking, Clara lifted the box and followed her boss. If she could still call her that.

    As they stepped on the elevator, she found her voice.

    Have I been fired?

    Fired? Heaven’s no. Karen rolled her eyes. Why would you think that?

    Clara gestured at the box containing her things and shrugged. Karen stabbed the button for the twentieth floor with a huff.

    Sorry for that. It didn’t occur to me you might see it that way. You have not been fired, you’ve been poached.


    At least for a few weeks—hopefully not longer. You’re the best assistant I’ve ever had, Clara. I don’t know what I will do without you. Kerry can’t possibly fill your shoes!

    Wait, Karen. Back up please? Why are we going to the executive floor?

    James Carter is in desperate need of an assistant who knows the company inside and out. His previous assistant quit very suddenly and he’s gone through a dozen temps in the last few months. Apparently, he needs you more than I do.

    Clara felt exhilarated at the news. James Carter was a senior partner! A few weeks with him would teach her a lot and give her the opportunity to make a lasting impression! This could be just the thing she needed to make herself stand out among her peers.

    Listen, Karen. Obviously you are upset about losing me, but if I’m still working for Portman, Johns and Carter, then I’m just a phone call or an IM away. If you need anything—anything at all, you let me know.

    Thanks, Clara. I feel I should warn you. James is a hard man—unyielding and demanding.

    I can handle him. The doors to the posh, sophisticated land of the executives slid open, and they stepped out of the elevator. Clara had the feeling she was getting a glimpse of the unattainable. Everything was polished white marble, sleek black and white furniture with small pops of bright color here and there.

    He is expecting you. Karen gestured toward the corridor that housed Mr. Carter’s corner office suite.

    Clara made her way down the silent hall, clutching her box of belongings to her chest.

    Get a grip, don’t let all the fancy go to your head. You belong here. Hold your head high and blow him away and you might get to stay!

    The mental pep talk was just what she needed. Clara pushed her way through the double doors to his suite—all glass and silver with his name on the door.

    Oh thank GOD! You’re here! The desperate voice reached her ears before she saw the older woman scurry from behind her desk.

    I’m Donna. I am Mr. Carter’s receptionist and personal assistant. I’m only in the office three days a week, answering phones etc. I’m so happy to see qualified help! We’ve been so out of sorts since the last girl left.

    Thanks, Donna. Clara was happy to find such a friendly face here.

    Here, let me get that and I’ll take you to your office.

    Office? I get my very own office? She couldn’t help her beaming smile.

    This will be a step up for you. Donna nodded. It will be a very similar job as you have with Karen, but much more demanding. The perks, however, are quite nice. She opened the door to a beautiful office with high ceilings and an actual window.

    I will leave you to get settled then, Mrs. Westfield. She nodded, more respectful now that Clara had taken possession of her new office.

    Erm, actually, I’m Ms. Hammond now. She could feel her cheeks burning and wished she didn’t feel so self-conscious about her failed marriage.

    My apologies, Donna said, sounding flustered. Mr. Carter will return shortly to discuss your duties. In the meantime, I left some instructions on your desk that should help you manage until he returns.

    Thanks, Donna.

    Make yourself at home. She smiled as she backed out of the room.

    Holy crap! What a morning!

    Clara gazed around the room. It was a small office adjacent to Mr. Carter’s much larger one, but compared to the cubicle she came from it was huge! As she wandered around, taking in the rich, sleek furniture, the view, the plush carpet beneath her desk, Clara was overwhelmed. She dared to peek through the door to his office, but found a lounge instead. A round glass table sat beside a ‘kitchenette’ that was bigger than hers at home. Another door opposite the lounge led to James’ office and a third door led to a richly appointed conference room.

    The ringing telephone called her back to reality. She would have to dive in and sink or swim.

    As she arranged her desk with her personal things, Clara managed to stumble her way through a few phone calls, but quickly had her bearings. She was certain she’d handled each call with care and precision. She’d tentatively scheduled a few appointments and needed to add them to his online schedule. Once she managed to log into the system, she was happy to see it was much like Karen’s. She cleaned up a few issues she saw right away, and also added notations to his new appointments she’d set for him, indicating that the other party was aware that the time might need to change. She’d settled into her work so quickly and easily it surprised even her. It wasn’t until late morning that she realized she was in desperate need of coffee.

    Feeling as though she deserved it, she entered the lounge between their offices and

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