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Gideon: Seven Sons, #7
Gideon: Seven Sons, #7
Gideon: Seven Sons, #7
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Gideon: Seven Sons, #7

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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Brittany has been raising her brother and sister since her parents' death eight years ago. When she gets notice she's about to lose the only home she's ever known, she's at a loss for what to do. After talking to her oldest friend about her problem, she's surprised by his offer of marriage. She's loved him since they were very young, but she's uncertain whether she'll ever be able to trust him again.
Gideon McClain has loved Brittany for most of his life. After a botched attempt at romance when they were teenagers, he knows it's time to make his move. When Brittany tells him about losing her house, he jumps at the chance to get her to agree to marry him. She looks at the marriage as a marriage of convenience. He looks at the marriage as forever.


Will Gideon be able to convince Brittany that she can trust him romantically? Or will they spend their lives always needing more?

Release dateDec 7, 2021
Gideon: Seven Sons, #7

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    Gideon - Kirsten Osbourne

    Chapter One

    Gideon headed into the office at the McClain Boys’ Ranch to see his brother. Well, really, he went there to see Brittany, but he would say he needed to see Adam so she wouldn’t realize he still carried a torch for her—if carrying a torch was still a thing. Maybe he just had feelings for her. Whatever it was, he liked to be around her, and he wanted to ask her out, but he knew she’d shoot him down.

    When he got into the office, he saw Brittany sitting at the desk with her back to him. He felt waves of sadness and desperation wash off her, and he frowned. His Brittany was always happy and teasing him, and he could rarely feel her emotions. You all right? he asked.

    She turned, swiping away at a tear that was coursing down her cheek. Yeah, great.

    He walked over to her and sat in the chair in front of her desk. Brit, it’s me. Tell me what’s wrong!

    She took a deep breath. I think we’re going to lose our house. I didn’t know there were back taxes to be paid, so I haven’t paid them, and I just got a letter saying that we have to be out in fifteen days so the house can be sold. She grabbed a Kleenex from her desk and blew her nose. Gideon had been one of her very best friends since junior high. They’d gone out for a couple of months in high school, but he’d broken up with her suddenly with no explanation. They’d managed to remain friends. I have no idea how this has slipped through the cracks for so long, and I’ve been paying them every year...but I can’t pay the back taxes. I just don’t have the money.

    Gideon wrapped his mind around the problem quickly and logically, forcing himself not to feel her emotions. Normally he couldn’t feel her emotions, but today, they were washing over him in waves. He’d always been drawn to Brittany in a way he had been no other woman—in the way men in his family were only supposed to feel about their destined bride. Maybe she wasn’t the one meant for him, but she was the one he wanted. Marry me.

    Brittany gaped at him with shock on her face. Excuse me? There’s no way he could have just told her to marry him. He’d dumped her.

    You know in my family it’s the youngest who inherits the house as soon as he marries. I’m the youngest. There’s a huge house waiting for me within a five-minute walk from this office. Marry me, and there will be a place for you, Madison and Kaeden.

    You can’t just ask me to marry you so we’ll have a place to stay! That’s crazy! Madison and Kaeden were her younger siblings she had been raising since she graduated from high school. They were both teenagers now, and the overwhelming responsibility was enough to make her buckle from the pressure. Her friendship with Gideon kept her going.

    Gideon shrugged. I can if I want to. He reached out and took her hand in his. You’ve always been my closest friend. There’s something special between us, and there has been since the day we met. If we marry, I can help you the way I want to help. Please.

    Brittany bit her lip. But that’s crazy. I know all your brothers are marrying fast and furiously, but that doesn’t mean you have to. The man had to have inhaled something he shouldn’t have on the way there.

    He studied her for a moment. Let me take you to lunch today, and we’ll talk. Please. I need to be able to present my case.

    She felt a giggle bubbling up. Present your case? Are you an attorney now?

    He sighed. "Why do I even talk to you?" She made him crazy at times, but he knew it was just because he loved her so much.

    Because I’m your friend.

    Lunch today. I’ll pick you up. Diner in town? Or do you want to get all crazy and drive to Nowhere for lunch and eat at the diner there?

    Diner in Bagley is fine. Brittan grinned at him. You always make me feel better, even if you do come up with crazy schemes.

    Gideon shook his head at her as he headed into Adam’s office. Adam was the oldest of the McClain brothers, who were all named for the brothers from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. He knocked once, not waiting for a response, and let himself in. Dropping into the chair across from Adam’s desk, he waited for his brother to look up from his paperwork to pay attention to him.

    Yes? Adam asked.

    I just asked Brittany to marry me, Gideon said, expecting to shock his brother.

    It’s about time. We’ve all been waiting for it. Adam leaned back in his chair, studying his brother. What took you so long?

    I’ve been waiting for my destined bride! I thought that’s what I was supposed to do. He looked back toward the front, even though Brittany was blocked from view. Do you think she even wants to have seven sons?

    That’s for you to talk out with her. What did she say?

    She laughed at me. Told me I didn’t have to marry her. I’m taking her to lunch today, and she’s going to hear the whole destiny thing, including my role in it all.

    Good. She needs to know before you marry her. You shouldn’t have even asked until you told her everything. Adam shook his head.

    Gideon frowned at Adam. Am I allowed to tell her everything? You all told your brides because you knew they were destined to be yours. Can I do that with Brittany?

    Adam blinked a few times, shocked at his brother’s questions. You know Brittany is meant to be your bride, right? I mean everyone else knows, so we assumed you did, too.

    Well, I know I’ve been in love with her since she whacked me over the head with a stack of books in junior high. I didn’t know we were destined. Did Dad tell you?

    Adam nodded. "But even if he hadn’t, you two are obviously meant to be together. I’m surprised you’re even questioning it."

    Gideon sat back down, frowning. So you think I’m free to tell her everything? You don’t think she’ll run away screaming?

    She’s been working for this office for eight years. If she hasn’t figured out there’s a little bit of something unusual going on with our family, then she’s even denser than you are!

    Gideon sighed heavily. "I guess I am dense. He looked at Adam, his head tilted to one side. Think I can convince her to marry me?"

    If we want the McClains to continue, I sure hope so. Adam made a shooing motion. Find someone else to bug. I have to work.

    Gideon made a face at his brother, but he stood up and left his office. Adam was the ranch psychiatrist, and he had a lot of paperwork to do all the time. Gideon was just the ranch Gideon. He was more a jack of all trades and a master of none.

    He headed to the main house, needing a quick chat with his dad. Was what Adam had said true? Adam wasn’t usually one to lie to him, but all of his brothers loved to harass him every chance they got. This may just be more of his usual teasing.

    He walked into the house, calling out. Mom, Dad! It’s me! He’d moved back into the house a couple of weeks before, because his brother Frank had married, and he and Lani, his new wife, were living in the house with the boys. This was where he’d end up anyway. He’d always known it.

    His mother came out of the kitchen. "You

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