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Tracy: Seven Sisters, #5
Tracy: Seven Sisters, #5
Tracy: Seven Sisters, #5
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Tracy: Seven Sisters, #5

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About this ebook

Tracy McClain has spent years working toward one goal and one goal only. She wants to open an Irish pub in her hometown of Bagley, Texas. When her old high school friend—and secret crush—walk into the car dealership where she works, she needs to decide if there's room for him in her life or if she's too busy.


Steve Langley is annoyed that his workday is interrupted by a truck that's not working right, so he goes to buy a new one where his family has always purchased vehicles and runs into Tracy, the girl that got away. As they renew their friendship, he begins to hope for more between them.


Will he be able to convince her that they're meant to be together? Or will he wonder about what could have been for the rest of his life?

Release dateDec 8, 2021
Tracy: Seven Sisters, #5

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    Tracy - Kirsten Osbourne

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    Chapter One

    Tracy McClain sat at her desk and took a sip of her Coke. She’d been on her feet all day and had sold three vehicles, which thrilled her. That was the last of what she needed to put the down payment on her pub, and her dream of owning her own business was about to come true.

    She’d taken a gap year between high school and college, and she’d backpacked around England, Scotland, and Ireland. It had always been a dream of hers, and she’d been thrilled to do it, staying in hostels as she went. Since that time, it had been her dream to own and manage her own Irish pub, and she had a place in mind, right on Main Street there in Bagley, Texas. No, it wasn’t common to have Irish pubs in Texas, but she didn’t care. She was ready to do what she wanted to do. She was a McClain after all.

    She looked up and saw an old friend walking toward her, Steve Langley. She and Steve had gone to high school together, and though he’d been two years ahead of her, they had been good friends and run with the same crowd.

    Hey you! How’re you holding up? Steve’s father had died just a month or two before, and he had inherited the family ranch. Tracy knew he’d been struggling to find his way.

    Steve walked toward her and leaned down, hugging her tightly. It’s been rough, but I’m slowly getting a handle on things. I need some help . . .

    What’s up? Tracy was willing to do just about anything for this man. At one point she’d thought they might actually date, but then she’d found out he harbored a secret crush on her sister, Rebekah.

    He rubbed the back of his neck, obviously perturbed about something. I need to trade in the ranch truck. It’s not working right, and I don’t have the time or the patience to keep having it fixed.

    Do you want me to take a look at it? As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Tracy regretted them. No one but her sisters knew how she could diagnose objects.

    What good would that do? Nah, I’ll just trade it in and get something new. Hopefully something I can drive off the lot today.

    No problem. I’m always happy to make a sale. Let’s get your truck into the garage and have them check it out and give me a trade-in allowance for it, and then we’ll run your credit and start looking.

    Thanks, Tracy. I knew you were the person to come to. Only car salesman I would ever trust.

    That’s saleswoman to you! Tracy flashed him a grin as she followed him out to his truck. It was an older truck, more than seven years old. It had been sold to him before her time at the dealership, but there was no doubt in her mind it had come from their lot. She knew Steve’s family had always dealt with them. They were the only car lot in town.

    He gestured to the old blue truck, covered with mud. Have you been driving this through the fields with all the rain we’ve had? she asked.

    Haven’t had a choice, he said, shaking his head. Some of our new calves got stuck in the mud down by the river, and I had to use the truck to pull them out. All this rain has been ridiculous.

    I’ve heard several of the ranchers have had trouble. What’s weird is in Austin and San Antonio, they’re below normal rainfall, and here in Bagley, it just won’t stop! Tracy walked to the truck and put her hand on the door, as if checking for parking lot door dings. The repairs needed were minor, so they’d be able to give him a good trade-in on the truck. That pleased her. Would you mind driving this over to the garage door? I’ll go talk to the head mechanic now.

    As he got into the car and drove it over to the spot she needed, she walked over and talked quickly to the mechanic, explaining what the problem sounded like to her. George had learned to listen to her when she had a feeling about a vehicle. All right. I’ll call you with the trade-in value in fifteen.

    She nodded, waiting on Steve and walking him back to her desk. Let’s do the financial stuff, and then we’ll go look and see what floats your boat.

    He grinned. I knew you’d make this process less painful. I think when we’re done, I’m taking you out for supper. What do you think of that?

    I think that sounds like a brilliant plan. I would love it. She pushed a form toward him so he could fill it out and she could take the information to her manager, and then the manager could run his credit and let her know what he qualified for. Someday she was sure everyone in a car dealership would have a computer at their desk, but for now, that was out of reach.

    As soon as he finished with the form, she took it to her manager, and said, Run this quick. He wants to make a deal today.

    The manager looked at his watch. Does he know we close in two hours?

    We can have it all done by then. We’ll just hurry!

    Albert gave her a look that told her he thought she’d lost her mind, but she didn’t care. She’d handle things as best she could and get them done quickly.

    Ten minutes later, he handed her a piece of paper with an amount on it, and she walked back to Steve, handing him the paper she’d glanced at. This is the amount you qualify for. Let’s go look at trucks!

    He nodded. Yeah, let’s look. I want four-wheel drive, of course, and AC is a must. I’d love a cassette deck if I can get one.

    No problem. Power locks and windows, or do you care?

    They went through the process of choosing a vehicle and test drove a couple. It was a fun process for Tracy, because they got to catch up on each other as they drove.

    Two hours later, he drove off the lot with his new truck, promising to pick her up at eight, which gave her two hours to finish her paperwork on a record number of vehicles sold in one day and get home to change for dinner. She didn’t want to go out in her work clothes. Jeans and cowgirl boots were the orders of the day.

    Albert walked over to her desk, shaking his head. I’ve got to hand it to you. That’s the best sales day anyone has ever had at this dealership.

    Tracy grinned. All in a day’s work, bossman.

    For you, maybe! I’m going to see that you get a bonus for all this.

    I’d appreciate that! A bonus might pay for a shiny new computer instead of a cash register at the pub. She wanted to start out with the best.

    Once the paperwork was done, she walked the block to her apartment and quickly changed into her jeans. She put on a pink and purple plaid button-up shirt and her purple cowgirl boots. Looking in the mirror, she grinned. She loved the effect of all the pink.

    When Steve knocked on her door twenty minutes later, she rushed over and opened it. "I’m ready. Let me just

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