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Summary Of "Trends In Social Science Research" By Piaget & Others: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES
Summary Of "Trends In Social Science Research" By Piaget & Others: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES
Summary Of "Trends In Social Science Research" By Piaget & Others: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES
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Summary Of "Trends In Social Science Research" By Piaget & Others: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES

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Characteristics and epistemological foundations of the human sciences
The first type of science to be updated was the deductive sciences. The Greeks propose a developed logic and mathematics. In modern times the natural sciences based on experimentation emerged. There are three reasons for this delay, and they are also of interest to the sciences of man:

1. While in deduction reason works spontaneously and freely, experimentation requires submission to external instances
2. Deductive operations are the simplest. On the other hand, in the field of experimentation, complex operations are required, since the data is presented to us in a confusing way
3. The "reading" of the experience supposes an action on the real thing and implies a logical or mathematical structuring
These three reasons also apply to the human sciences, where the problems are even more complex. In addition, in the human sciences, the scientist has immediate intuitions about the reality that he tries to know, which delays the resort to experimentation. The distinction of the factors to consider is much more difficult.
To the difficulties that they share with the natural sciences, the human sciences add other methodological problems of their own. First, in the human sciences, the subject who studies and the object of study coincide.

Release dateDec 9, 2021
Summary Of "Trends In Social Science Research" By Piaget & Others: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES


Mauricio Enrique Fau nació en Buenos Aires en 1965. Se recibió de Licenciado en Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Cursó también Derecho en la UBA y Periodismo en la Universidad de Morón. Realizó estudios en FLACSO Argentina. Docente de la UBA y AUTOR DE MÁS DE 3.000 RESÚMENES de Psicología, Sociología, Ciencia Política, Antropología, Derecho, Historia, Epistemología, Lógica, Filosofía, Economía, Semiología, Educación y demás disciplinas de las Ciencias Sociales. Desde 2005 dirige La Bisagra Editorial, especializada en técnicas de estudio y materiales que facilitan la transición desde la escuela secundaria a la universidad. Por intermedio de La Bisagra publicó 38 libros. Participa en diversas ferias del libro, entre ellas la Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires y la FIL Guadalajara.

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    Summary Of "Trends In Social Science Research" By Piaget & Others - MAURICIO ENRIQUE FAU

    Summary Of Trends In Social Science Research By Piaget & Others




    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. December 9, 2021.

    Copyright © 2021 MAURICIO ENRIQUE FAU.

    ISBN: 979-8201347185


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    Jean Piaget, Paul Lazarsfeld , W. Mackenzie & others

    Characteristics and epistemological foundations of the human sciences

    The first type of science to be updated was the deductive sciences. The Greeks propose a developed logic and mathematics. In modern times the natural sciences based on experimentation emerged. There are three reasons for this delay, and they are also of interest to the sciences of man:

    1. While in deduction reason works spontaneously and freely, experimentation requires submission to external instances

    2. Deductive operations are the simplest. On the other hand, in the field of experimentation, complex operations are required, since the data is presented to us in a confusing way

    3. The reading of the experience supposes an action on the real thing and implies a logical or mathematical structuring

    These three reasons also apply to the human sciences, where the problems are even more complex. In addition, in the human sciences, the scientist has immediate intuitions about the reality that he tries to know, which delays the resort to experimentation. The distinction of the factors to consider is much more difficult.

    To the difficulties that they share with the natural sciences, the human sciences add other methodological problems of their own. First, in the human sciences, the subject who studies and the object of study coincide.

    This situation is not new. In physics, for example, objects are known thanks to perception, which is always subjective, and thanks to logical-mathematical structures, which also represent activities of the subject. However, the individual subject, focused on the sense organs and its own action, is distinguished from the decentered subject. This descendant subject is capable of coordinating his actions with those of other subjects, his activities are verifiable by any other subject. The history of physics is the history of decentration, which will reduce the deformations introduced by subjectivity. In this way, the object of study became relatively independent of the subjects. On the other hand, it is known that on a microscopic scale, the action of the experimenter modifies the observed phenomenon. Decentration also makes it possible to overcome this problem.

    In the human sciences the difficulty is greater, because the observer himself can be modified by the phenomena that he observes. Decentration

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