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A Billion Lies: The Rosetti Crime Family, #4
A Billion Lies: The Rosetti Crime Family, #4
A Billion Lies: The Rosetti Crime Family, #4
Ebook139 pages2 hours

A Billion Lies: The Rosetti Crime Family, #4

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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When my whole world blows up—again, it leaves me with no one to trust.


Everything I thought I knew about the love of my life was a big, fat—lie.


Knowing what I do now, there's no way I can forgive him for what he's done.


When danger comes knocking at my door, what will I do?

PublisherJessa York
Release dateDec 14, 2021
A Billion Lies: The Rosetti Crime Family, #4

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    A Billion Lies - Jessa York



    What did she just say?

    My head spun toward Langcaster who currently looked as though he’d rather be anywhere else in the world than here.

    I-I-believe he’s at the office. Shall I call him for you? he offered the willowy brunette.

    She let out an unsatisfied huff as she shook her head. Well, it’s not like he’ll pick up my call, she said in a sarcastic, know it all manner. Heaven knows he wouldn’t want to take time away from his—dealings or his— she turned to me again and looked me up and down with a snide gaze in her eyes, women.

    That last word came out as though she’d tasted something bitter and distasteful. Are you one of Ilona’s girls? she asked, her eyebrow arching up as she waited for an answer.

    An answer that I was absolutely not going to give her.

    Whoever the hell she was.

    The corner of her red lips raised. Of course, you are. My dear husband likely hasn’t changed his spots.

    I hated the way she continued to stare at me. It made me feel—dirty.

    You’re definitely one of Ilona’s. And since you’re here, she said, lifting her chin and gazing around, I’m guessing he’s enjoying seconds.

    I crossed my arms across my chest, feeling naked in front of this mystery woman. I wish I knew what you were talking about, I said, finally finding my voice.

    Whoever she was, I knew one thing for sure—she didn’t live here.

    I’d been in every room in this huge house and there was no evidence of another woman’s things anywhere.

    She tossed her coiffed head back and laughed. Cut the shit, sweetie. You and I both know you’ve been fucking my husband. That’s nothing new, so don’t feel like you’re special or something. Nick has always—strayed.

    When she said his name, it felt like a direct stab to my gut. I could feel a wave of dizziness set in. Nick—is your husband? I asked over my dry mouth. My tongue felt twice as thick as I stood there—stunned. Or ex-husband?

    Nick had never told me he’d been married.

    We’d discuss that later.

    She shouldn’t be calling Nick her husband if they were divorced.

    Her head tilted to the side and her eyes narrowed. All of her attention was laser focused on me.

    Then she smiled.

    Oh, you poor thing. She laughed and set her manicured hand over her heart. Did you think he loved you? Trust me, you’re merely a plaything for my husband—as in still very much married. I’m not surprised he didn’t tell you. It doesn’t normally come up with women he pays by the hour.

    I stepped back into the wall as my heart broke completely in half.

    This woman was Nick’s wife?

    Nothing made sense.

    It couldn’t be true.

    My eyes found Langcaster’s guilty ones right before he looked to the floor.

    Breathing suddenly became difficult.

    I had to think about what to do next.

    Breathe in.

    Breathe out.

    Breathe in.

    Why don’t you go pack your things and leave? I’m back now, and I’ll be staying. If Nick wants more of— she sneered at me while her eyes raked over me again, you, I’m sure he hasn’t lost Ilona’s number.

    Never in my whole life had I felt more humiliated than I did right now at this very moment.

    And that was saying something considering where and how I grew up.

    Needless to say, I didn’t go back to work.

    After I got dressed and tore out of Nick’s house—against Langcaster’s wishes—I jumped into my car and raced to my house.

    Truthfully, I couldn’t even remember how I’d gotten home.

    Not one turn or stoplight popped up in my mind.

    I texted Nick one last time before I shut my phone off. Your wife is looking for you.

    That was all I typed.

    What else was there to say?

    Those six words pretty much said it all.

    The only reason for him not telling me about his—wife—were obvious.

    He had no intention of ever telling me.

    Whatever kind of marriage Nick had—and it didn’t seem like a very good one—I would never get emotionally attached to a man who was taken.

    When I’d worked for Ilona, I’d slept with married men.

    A good number of them were.

    They didn’t bother to take off their rings.

    But I wasn’t trying to have a relationship with any of them. They came to me for a service that I provided.

    And then they left.

    Simple as that.

    Did I feel bad about that?

    Honestly, I felt bad enough for what I had to do to keep my family fed.

    Other peoples’ crappy marriages didn’t factor into my everyday existence. I did what I had to do to survive.

    I wasn’t responsible for anyone else’s decisions.

    But with Nick?

    With Nick, he’d said he loved me.

    And I’d said it back.

    Many times.

    He bulldozed his way into my life, right from day one.

    I didn’t ask him to.

    I’d tried my best to fend him off.

    There was a knock at my bedroom door, and I wiped my face with the back of my hand. What?

    He says to—and I quote, ‘Answer your fucking phone.’ Rae said through my door in an angry voice. Would you just call him, please? I have an exam tomorrow and don’t have time to deal with your lover’s quarrel. She hit the door one more time before stomping off down the hall.

    No, I was not going to call him.

    He could rot in Hell as far as I was concerned.

    All I wanted to do was lie here in the dark and feel sorry for myself. Mourn the loss of a love that I never really had in the first place.

    I was mad at Nick.

    That was a given.

    But even more—I was mad at my own damn self.

    How had I let this happen? I was too smart to fall for a guy like this.

    Before Nick, I’d been focused and determined—and miserable.

    Still, I had kept control of my heart.

    I’d learned you could do almost anything as long as you were able to hold onto that.

    Disappointed didn’t even touch how I felt about myself right now.

    All I wanted to do was dig a big hole and fall into it.

    Not long after that, I heard a door slam downstairs. It made me sit up straight in my bed. The kids were in their respective rooms doing their homework.

    And as far as I knew, nobody was mad at anyone.

    Certainly not enough to nearly break a door down.

    What the heck?

    Eve! I heard Nick’s voice call in a more than frustrated tone.


    Eve, get your ass down here, now! he bellowed, making me suck in a breath as my eyes opened wide.

    Nick was furious.

    Pfft, I said, then laid back down in the warm spot on my bed. He could bite me if he thought I was going to listen to a word he said.

    Eve! he shouted even louder, and I swear the walls shook.

    That was when I heard heavy footsteps on the stairs.

    Oh, that’s just great, I muttered to myself, but remained on my bed. He had a key. I’d have to get it back from him.

    My door flew open. I’ve been trying to call you. Why haven’t you picked up?

    My eyes traveled to the massively angry man filling my doorway at the moment. He was still in his suit, but he looked more—disheveled than normal.

    Go back to your wife, Nick, I mumbled out. My body felt heavy and tired.

    Oh, my God, Blair’s not my wife, he said, and the tiniest of tiny hopes bubbled up in me—even though I knew he was full of shit.

    My stomach twisted, and my heart broke even further hearing him say—her name.

    The name of the woman he’d exchanged vows with.

    It wasn’t as though she or Langcaster had made introductions, so I had no idea what her name was.

    Other than, Mrs. Rosetti.

    His hand was raking through his hair as he leaned against the doorway.

    She’s not your wife? Really? Because she and Langcaster were fairly certain she was, I said, not falling for what he was saying.

    He let out an exasperated sigh and shifted from one foot to the other. Technically—legally—yeah, she’s my wife. But—

    But nothing, Nick. You lied to me. You had your fun, now it’s time to get back to your wife, I said as a burning sensation I’d never felt before shot through me, directly between my ribs.

    Look, I didn’t know she was coming back. I wanted to tell you, but—

    I couldn’t help the sadistic, psychotic laughter that flew out of me. You wanted to tell me? I sat up and threw the blanket off. You—wanted to tell me you were fucking married?

    My body rose of its own accord.

    I could hardly think or speak—or breathe.

    Yes, he groaned out, stepping into the room. Yes, I wanted to say something. I just—it was never quite the right time, I suppose.

    Yeah, I hate when that happens. Totally understandable, though, I snarled back at him while my feet moved me toward

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