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City of Death: A City of Assassins Urban Fantasy Novella: City of Assassins Fantasy Stories, #3
City of Death: A City of Assassins Urban Fantasy Novella: City of Assassins Fantasy Stories, #3
City of Death: A City of Assassins Urban Fantasy Novella: City of Assassins Fantasy Stories, #3
Ebook117 pages1 hour

City of Death: A City of Assassins Urban Fantasy Novella: City of Assassins Fantasy Stories, #3

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A Rebellion In Tatters. An Overlord's Unstoppable Army. One Assassin To Save The World.

The Overlord must die.

My enemy hunts my friends. I want to save them. I have to warn them. No matter the cost. 

Can I save my friends from annihilation?

If you love fast paced, action packed fantasy books with romantic elements, you will love this!


Release dateJul 29, 2022
City of Death: A City of Assassins Urban Fantasy Novella: City of Assassins Fantasy Stories, #3

Connor Whiteley

Hello, I'm Connor Whiteley, I am an 18-year-old who loves to write creatively, and I wrote my Brownsea trilogy when I was 14 years old after I went to Brownsea Island on a scout camp. At the camp, I started to think about how all the broken tiles and pottery got there and somehow a trilogy got created.Moreover, I love writing fantasy and sci-fi novels because you’re only limited by your imagination.In addition, I'm was an Explorer Scout and I love camping, sailing and other outdoor activities as well as cooking.Furthermore, I do quite a bit of charity work as well. For example: in early 2018 I was a part of a youth panel which was involved in creating a report with research to try and get government funding for organised youth groups and through this panel. I was invited to Prince Charles’ 70th birthday party and how some of us got in the royal photograph.Finally, I am going to university and I hope to get my doctorate in clinical psychology in a few years.

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    City of Death - Connor Whiteley


    Everyone will die. But whether or not I will kill you is down to you.

    Breathing in the smoke filled air, I pressed my body against the cold wood of a bakery as I scout out my next location.

    I always like to be near a bakery because sometimes you can easily steal something and dash off into the distance. Granted I normally give the stolen good to a starving child but I still love stealing.

    Wearing my thick black leather armour and black cloak, I made sure my smooth face was covered up. I was not going to be recognised here, especially with all those crazy bounty hunters who want my head.

    Looking forward, my eyes narrowed on the busy street full of busy common people walking past in their smelly clothes. I wish some of these people would take a bath, but I guess they aren’t, and that’s why I do what I do.

    I want to help people.

    As I looked past the crowd in the busy dirty street, I turned my attention to the massive solid grey stone wall ahead in between two bigger towers. I smiled and placed my hands on the hilt of my two long black swords.

    The sounds of the people chatting and talking filled my ears as I focused on the wall ahead. I needed to focus and analyse my target, a lot of people would have said how I analyse buildings and people is flat out weird. I prefer to think of it as making sure I stay alive.

    Two entrance points by ladders about twenty metres away. A large crowd in my way. Definitely not my favourite conditions to get to a target but not my worse and these people in the street were hardly enemies.

    Stretching my neck a little, my eyes narrowed on the grey armoured guards on the wall. Six guards, that should be easy enough to kill but I needed to do it quickly.

    Then I smiled as I looked at what my real target was, from where I was standing I couldn’t see it perfectly clear but it was enough.

    Looking at the large brown crates with wooden bars across the top, my smile didn’t stop as I imagined the birds inside. I needed only one bird but that was risky.

    Making sure my hood was up, I walked into the street carefully, trying to blend into the crowd (and trying not to gag on the body odour of these commoners!). In the back of my mind, I knew I had to succeed here or many great people would die.

    As I passed through the crowd towards the massive grey wall, I couldn’t believe I was doing this in all honesty. For my entire life I have been a cold, calculating assassin. Killing for a paycheck and loving every moment of it. But damn that Rebellion with their kind words, warm hearts and their cause. They hooked me in tightly so when I learnt on my last mission that stupid, tyrannical Overlord had sent an army to kill them.

    I sadly grew a damn conscience.

    So I rode here, wrote a warning note and now I want to, no have to attach this to a bird and release it. The Rebellion has to get my note, they have to live.

    Another breath of horrible sweat made me cough, and oddly enough it reminded me of the juicy salt bacon breakfast my mother use to make.  

    As I got closer to the wall, I gripped the hilts of my swords as I noticed two grey armoured guards next to the ladder. I saw two other guards take the other ladder away. I was not impressed!

    The two guards started to look at me, under my hood I started to wonder what to do to them. Should I kill them quickly? Stab them in the liver and let them bleed out slowly?

    I rolled my eyes as I realised because I had to save my friends and all the other Rebels, I sadly didn’t have time to play with my prey.

    I walked up to them.

    The Guards frowned.

    Reaching for their swords.

    I whipped out mine.

    Slashing their throats.

    Someone shouted.

    I charged up the wooden ladder.

    A Guard charged at me.

    I jumped into the air.

    Kicking him in the head.

    He fell off the wall.

    His corpse smashed below.

    Another two Guards attacked.

    I looked at the crates.

    I needed to move.

    The Guards swung.

    I dodged.

    Leaping back up.

    Thrusting my swords into their heads.

    I charged to the crates.

    Got out my note.

    An arrow hit the ground.

    I spun.

    Two Guards fired.

    I grabbed the arrows.

    Snapping them.

    The Guards stopped.

    I charged.

    Jumping into the air.

    Another Guard fired.

    I caught the arrow.

    Thrusting it in their head.

    The arrow exploded out the back.

    Blood gushed out.

    I landed on the Guard.

    Wrapping my legs around her neck.

    I swung my body weight.

    She fell.

    Slamming onto the ground.

    I snapped her neck.

    One more Guard.

    I jumped up.

    The air moved.

    I ducked.

    A blade rushed past.

    I slammed my fists into his face.

    He whacked me.

    He swung his sword.

    I jumped.

    Leaping over the sword.

    I swung my swords.

    Slicing off his hands.

    He screamed.

    I silenced him.

    I smashed his skull in.

    Common people stared at me.

    I had to act.

    I rushed to the crates.

    Opening them.

    I heard more Guards coming.

    Grabbing a little grey bird.

    Attaching my note.

    I threw it into the air.

    It flew.

    Arrows flew through the air.

    The enemy were attacking.

    I looked at the crate.

    There were more birds.

    I had to protect my friends.

    I launched all the birds.

    Twenty birds flew into the air.

    Arrows roared through them.

    Birds were slaughtered.

    As I watched the little corpses fall to the ground, I smiled as I watched the bird with my note fly off far, far into the distance.

    Maybe my friends would be safe and maybe my warning would be enough, but I had to make sure they were safe, and for that I needed allies.


    Commander Coleman stared out over his amazing valley and mountain range that surrounded his Rebel stronghold. He loved it here, he loved everything about it.

    Coleman wasn’t exactly sure what his favourite part was but he sure loved how the sharp dagger-like black mountains in the distance provided some protection for his stronghold.

    Feeling the cold, hard rock under his feet, Coleman knew he needed to be prepared. He couldn’t place the feeling, everyone

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