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My Father Hears Me: 366 Daily Devotions that will change your life and help you walk into your
My Father Hears Me: 366 Daily Devotions that will change your life and help you walk into your
My Father Hears Me: 366 Daily Devotions that will change your life and help you walk into your
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My Father Hears Me: 366 Daily Devotions that will change your life and help you walk into your

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About this ebook

Each devotion begins with focus Scripture passages from the Bible. Next, a prayer is provided so that we may affirm and declare the truth of these Scriptures over our lives. Having entered the gates of our Father's house with thanksgiving and praise, we then boldly approach His throne of grace with our concerns and petitions. Finally, we wait patiently for His response to us on these and other matters in our life.

No matter who you are, what has happened to you, or what you might have done, remember: There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

As God's child, you may boldly approach His throne of grace, knowing: My Father Hears Me.

Forward by Teresa Alferink.
Release dateDec 14, 2021
My Father Hears Me: 366 Daily Devotions that will change your life and help you walk into your

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    My Father Hears Me - Rita LePage

    My Father Hears Me


    Rita LePage

    © 2021 by Rita LePage

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retreival system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photrocopy, recording, scanning, or other - except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published in Plymouth, Michigan USA by Miracle of Life Publishing.

    Miracle of Life titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales and promotional use.

    For information, please e-mail us at:

    Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    All uppercase, parenthetical, and underlined text in verses of scripture are added by the author for the purpose of emphasis.

    ISBN 978-1-7373453-3-6

    (Also available on an eBook)

    Printed in the United States of America


    "And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said,

    Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.

    And I knew that thou hearest me always."

    John 11:41-42


    This devotional is for all who want to stand on God’s promises. For those who want to seek him daily and believe for miracles in the lives of their families and loved ones.

    My mom put her heart on these pages. She has a deep love for God’s Word and has put many hours into study.

    She is a woman of strength and fervor who has shown herself faithful to God and family. As her daughter, I am so thankful for her dedication and love.

    I am very excited to say that we can all stand upon God’s promises. Our God is true to his Word.

    So be strong and courageous. Continue to stand on God’s promises and claim them for your family and those you love.














    January 1st

    "And he that sat upon the throne said,

    ‘Behold, I make all things new.’

    And he said unto me,

    Write: for these words are true and faithful’

    And he said unto me,

    ‘It is done.

    I am Alpha and Omega,

    the beginning and the end.

    I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

    He that overcometh shall inherit all things;

    and I will be his God,

    and he shall be my son / she shall be my daughter.

    But the fearful,

    and unbelieving,

    and the abominable,

    and murderers,

    and whoremongers,

    and sorcerers,

    and idolaters,

    and all liars,

    shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:

    which is the second death.’ "

    Revelation 21:5-8

    Pray: Father, I worship you and thank you for giving unto me another New Year. Because of your mercy and love, and because you are faithful and true, I know you have made all things new in my life. All through the great price that Jesus paid to redeem me from my sins at Calvary. I have full confidence that you have redeemed me from the second death - eternity in the lake of fire. I praise your holy Name.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 2nd

    "God is not a man,

    that he should lie;

    neither the son of man,

    that he should repent:

    hath he said,

    and shall he not do it?

    or hath he spoken,

    and shall he not make it good?

    Every good gift


    every perfect gift


    from above,


    cometh down from the Father of lights,

    with whom is

    no variableness,

    neither shadow of turning."

    Numbers 23:19James 1:17

    Pray: I thank you Father that you are not a man that you should lie. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. I can and will place my complete trust in you. You will bring to pass every good thing, every perfecting gift, and every life giving word that you have spoken. You will bring to pass all you have spoken concerning my life and the lives of those of my house.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 3rd


    if any man be in Christ,

    he is a new creature:

    old things are passed away;


    all things are become new.

    And all things are of God,

    who hath reconciled us to himself

    by Jesus Christ,

    and hath given to us

    the ministry of reconciliation;

    To wit, that God was in Christ,

    reconciling the world unto himself,

    not imputing their trespasses unto them;

    and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."

    2 Corinthians 5:17-19

    Pray: Father, I thank you that you have made it possible for me to begin a new life through my faith in your Son, Jesus Christ. The old me is gone. I have been reconciled with you from my sin seperation by Jesus. Now, I am your daughter. The new me will live and reign with my elder brother, Jesus Christ through eternity! Amen.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 4th

    "(We are) buried with him (Jesus) in baptism,

    wherein also ye are risen with him

    through the faith of the operation of God,

    who hath raised him from the dead.

    If ye then be risen with Christ,

    seek those things which are above,

    where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

    Set your affection on things above,

    not on things on the earth.

    For ye are dead,

    and your life is hid

    with Christ in God.

    When Christ,

    who is our life,

    shall appear,

    then shall ye also appear with him in glory."

    Colossians 2:12, 3:1-4

    Pray: I thank you Father that my old life of sin and shame was nailed with Jesus to His cross. My new life of victory is found hidden in God with the victorious, risen Christ. I will set my affection upon your Word and your instruction, and not waste it on the vain things of the world which will soon pass away.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 5th

    "And you hath he (God) quickened,

    who were dead in trespasses and sins;

    Wherein in time past

    ye walked according to the course of this world,


    to the prince of the power of the air,

    the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

    But God,

    who is rich in mercy,

    for his great love wherewith he loved us,

    Even when we were dead in sins,

    hath quickened us together with Christ

    For we are His workmanship,

    created in Christ Jesus for good works,

    which God prepared beforehand

    that we should walk in them."

    Ephesians 2:1-2, 4-5, 10

    Pray: Father, when I was dead in my sins, walking in the lusts of this world and following after its false doctrines and lifestyles, you had great mercy on me and loved me. You made it possible for me to have eternal life when You raised Christ from the dead. I thank you for your saving grace toward me and my house.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 6th

    "Thus saith

    the LORD

    the maker thereof,

    the LORD

    that formed it,

    to establish it;

    the LORD

    is his name;

    Call unto me,

    and I will answer thee,

    and shew thee great and mighty things,

    which thou knowest not.

    And call upon me in the day of trouble:

    I will deliver thee,

    and thou shalt glorify me."

    Jeremiah 33:2-3Psalm 50:15

    Pray: Father, I thank you that you love me so much that you desire to have intimate communion with me. You desire to deliver me in my times of trouble. You desire to reveal your innermost thoughts to me. All I have to do is to be faithful to you, seek your face and call upon you, and you will be faithful to answer and deliver me.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 7th

    "And we know

    that all things work together for good

    to them

    that love God,

    to them

    who are the called

    according to his purpose.

    According as he hath chosen us in him

    before the foundation of the world,

    that we should be



    without blame

    before him in love:"

    Romans 8:28Ephesians 1:4

    Pray: I thank you Father for the eternally priceless privilege of being led according to your loving plans and purposes for my life. You knew me and planned my life before the foundation of the world. Planned that I would be found holy through your righteousness imparted by my faith in Christ Jesus. Planned that I would be without any blame when I stand before Christ on my day of judgement.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 8th

    "But what things were gain to me,

    those I counted loss for Christ.

    for the excellency

    of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord:

    for whom

    I have suffered the loss of all things,

    and do count them

    but dung,

    that I may win Christ,

    And be found in him,

    not having mine own righteousness,

    which is of the law,

    but that which is through the faith of Christ,

    the righteousness

    which is of God by faith:"

    Philippians 3:7-9

    Pray: Father, I realize that the world and all it offers will pass away. This fallen world has nothing of any lasting value for me. I join the apostle in declaring that all that the world offers is dung compared to the knowledge of Christ. All that religion offers is dung compared to the knowledge of Christ. All that I desire is found in Christ. Only in Christ can I receive the righteousness of God by faith.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 9th

    "For thou art great,

    and doest

    wondrous things:

    thou art God alone.

    Teach me thy way,

    O LORD;

    I will walk in thy truth:

    unite my heart to fear thy name.

    I will praise thee,

    O Lord my God,

    with all my heart:

    and I will glorify thy name for evermore.

    For great is thy mercy

    toward me:

    and thou hast delivered my soul

    from the lowest hell."

    Psalm 86:10-13

    Pray: LORD, I will set my course to walk entirely in your truth for my life. Teach me of your righteousness. Heal my heart with your love so that I might have a holy reverence for you. Great has been your mercy to me. I will praise your Name forevermore.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 10th

    "When the men were come unto him (Jesus), they said,

    ‘John Baptist hath sent us unto thee, saying,

    Art thou he that should come? or look we for another?’

    And in that same hour

    he cured many

    of their infirmities

    and plagues,

    and of evil spirits;

    and unto many that were blind

    he gave sight.

    Then Jesus answering said unto them,

    ‘Go your way,

    and tell John

    what things ye have seen and heard

    how that the blind see,

    the lame walk,

    the lepers are cleansed,

    the deaf hear,

    the dead are raised,

    to the poor the gospel is preached.’ "

    Luke 7:20-22

    Pray: I will obey your command Lord to go my way - my life - my destiny, and tell many of how you have demonstrated your wonderful love for me by delivering me from sin and death. I will tell them the specific acts of mercy and love you have performed on my behalf, and for those of my house.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 11th

    "Therefore take no thought,


    What shall we eat?


    What shall we drink?


    Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

    (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:)

    for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

    But seek first

    the kingdom of God and His righteousness,


    all these things shall be added to you."

    Matthew 6:31-33

    Pray: LORD, I will not spend an undue amout of time and energy or stress over how I will aquire the necessities of life. My Father knows the things that I need to live. Instead, I will purpose in my heart to seek you and your kingdom first and foremost, above all else. You alone have the words of life. All of my provision and blessings come from you.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 12th

    "But in a great house

    there are not only vessels of


    and silver,

    but also

    of wood

    and clay,

    some for honor

    and some for dishonor.

    If a man therefore purge himself from these,

    he shall be a vessel unto honour,

    sanctified for the master’s use,

    and prepared unto every good work."

    2 Timothy 2:20-21

    Pray: I desire to be a vessel of honor in your house and in your service, LORD. Show me what I must repent of (turn away from) and remove from my life to prepare myself for your purposes. Show me what I must change and repent of to be sanctified for your holy use.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 13th

    "And you hath he quickened,

    who were dead in trespasses and sins;

    Wherein in time past

    ye walked according to the course of this world,

    according to the prince of the power of the air,

    the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

    But God, who is rich in mercy,

    for his great love wherewith he loved us,

    Even when we were dead in sins,

    hath quickened us together with Christ

    For we are His workmanship,

    created in Christ Jesus

    for good works,

    which God prepared beforehand

    that we should walk in them."

    Ephesians 2:1-2, 4-5, 10

    Pray: Thank you LORD that while I was dead in my sins, in your great mercy you had made me your special creation in Christ Jesus. I am now your daughter, created to do your good works. The good works which you had ordained to occur and prepared for me even before I received Christ.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 14th

    "At that day

    ye shall ask in my name:

    and I say not unto you,

    that I will pray the Father for you:

    For the Father himself loveth you,

    because ye have loved me (Jesus),

    and have believed that I came out from God.

    I came forth from the Father,

    and am come into the world:


    I leave the world,

    and go to the Father."

    John 16:26-28

    Pray: Lord Jesus, I thank you that when I pray to my Father, in your Name, he answers my requests. He answers because he loves me and hears my requests. He answers because I have loved you Jesus, and believed that you came from the Father.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 15th

    "Ye are all the children of light,

    and the children of the day:

    we are not of the night,

    nor of darkness.

    Therefore let us not sleep,

    as do others;

    but let us watch and be sober.

    They that sleep sleep in the night;

    they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

    But let us,

    who are of the day,

    be sober,

    putting on the breastplate of faith and love;

    and for an helmet, the hope of salvation."

    1 Thessalonians 5:5-8

    Pray: Father, thank you for your precious salvation through Christ Jesus. Because of your great mercy and love toward me, I am now a daughter of your light. I will be sober in my faith walk in the power of your Holy Spirit. Knowing the time is short for all, I will avail myself of all your provisions for successful Spirit-led life.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 16th


    be followers together of me,

    and mark them which walk so

    as ye have us for an ensample.

    For our conversation is in heaven;

    from whence also we look for the Saviour,

    the Lord Jesus Christ:

    Who shall change our vile body,

    that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body,

    according to the working whereby

    he is able even to subdue all things unto himself."

    Philippians 3:17, 20-21

    Pray: LORD, I praise you that you have raised me up to have conversations with you everyday in heavenly places. I will never take this precious privilege for granted. I praise you because you have promised to change my body, which is subject to experience decay and corruption, into a glorious body like my elder brother Jesus. I will rejoice in that glorified body in your presence throughout eternity.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 17th

    "I will bless the LORD at all times:

    his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

    My soul shall make her boast in the LORD:

    the humble shall hear thereof,

    and be glad.

    O magnify the LORD with me,

    and let us exalt his name together.

    I sought the LORD,

    and he heard me,

    and delivered me

    from all my fears."

    Psalm 34:1-4

    Pray: LORD, I will will bless your holy name and magnify it in my praises at all times. Not just in church. Not just when I have a need that is impossible without your help. Not just when I need your hand of favor on my life. But I will bless your name at all times. For you are worthy of all praise and blessing. You hear me when I cry out to you and you have delivered me from all my fears.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 18th

    "For this cause I bow my knees

    unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    Of whom the whole family

    in heaven and

    earth is named,

    According to the eternal purpose

    which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:

    In whom we have boldness and access (To God’s throne) with confidence

    by the faith of him (Christ Jeusus, our Lord)."

    Ephesians 3:14-15, 11-12

    Pray: I thank you Father for your eternal purposes for me in Christ Jesus. By you, all the families of Heaven and earth are named. Because of Jesus, I have unwaivering confidence to come boldly unto your throne of grace with my requests. I am your daughter through my faith in Christ Jesus. He is my elder brother and the eternal author and finisher of my faith in you.

    Father, today I need your favor in the following areas of my life, in Jesus’ Name. (tell your Father what your concerns are)

    Holy Spirit, what do You wish to speak to me about today?

    (open the ears of your heart to hear and wait for His response)

    January 19th

    "Being confident of this very thing,

    that he (God) which hath begun a good work in you

    will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

    And this I pray,

    that your love may abound yet more and more

    in knowledge and

    all judgment;

    that ye may

    approve things that are excellent;

    that ye may

    be sincere


    without offence

    till the day of (the return of) Christ;"

    Philippians 1:6, 9-10

    Pray: "You are a good Father, and you love me. I am confident that you will continue the great work of salvation and sanctification that you began in me until the glorious day I am present before you. I will repent of (turn away from) the useless pursuits of

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