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Kryptos: Secret Prophetic Treasures
Kryptos: Secret Prophetic Treasures
Kryptos: Secret Prophetic Treasures
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Kryptos: Secret Prophetic Treasures

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Kryptos is the ultimate book to prepare anybody for ministering God’s voice to people. You will learn how to minister with the Holy Spirit and allow His power to flow through you to those who need to hear God’s voice. 

Seeing into the very secrets of people’s hearts by the power of God will release you to encourage, to empower and to set the captives free. 

The Prophetic is now demystified and you too can learn this wonderful language of the Spirit. 

Release dateJul 19, 2018
Kryptos: Secret Prophetic Treasures

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    Book preview

    Kryptos - Elhadj Diallo



    Secret Prophetic Treasures

    Elhadj Diallo

    ISBN KRYPTOS 978-1-7753888-6-9

    ISBN KRYPTOS e-Book: 978-1-7753888-7-6

    Unless otherwise indicated, all the Bible verses

    are quoted from the NIV.


    No achievement in life is without the help of many known and unknown individuals who have impacted our lives. I owe every measure of my success to many and here is listed here a few:

    To my wife and co-labourer, Nadia, for her unwavering support and patience.

    To my children, Raphaella, Amadou and Aisha for allowing your Dad to pursue his passion and purpose. For being so patient and supportive.

    To Claudia, my Senior Executive Director for her patience and continual inputs, hard work and encouragement.

    To my Board of Directors at CrossPointe (Jeff, Kennedy, Thuy and Dolores) who made themselves available to continually encourage, honour and support my family and the vision of the house. You are the great pillars who continually promote my heart insights as you sacrificially stand to protect the integrity of the vision. Your support and love have been a source of strength for me and my family to rise up and lead.

    I thank my Lord Jesus for the inspiration and the insights he entrusted to me. Thank you Lord for your patience, generosity and love towards me.


    Today, the Christian Church is not on the advance, she is in retreat. The reason she is in retreat is because the world threatens her. About us on every side are people trying to poke holes in Scripture instead of proclaiming Scripture.

    We are attacked by philosophers, psychologists, and psychiatrists; by the whole massive front of evil, no matter what garb it takes. The idea is to push back the Christian Church.

    And there is only one way that you can resist such force: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, Says the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4: 6). It is a grounding in the Word of God, it is a fullness in the Spirit and life, it is the realization that if we are going to be more than conquerors for Christ, then we must have our priorities ordered.

    You and I are the commissioned and ordained servants of the King of Kings. He gave us the opportunity to obtain divine wisdom and knowledge. He gave us the power of the Spirit. He gave us access to His Word. He challenged us to become more than conquerors. He opened the fields unto harvest.

    In this book I will share with you secret treasures in the realm of prophecy.

    Your spirit man will awake to divine understanding, you will be able to discern the spirits operating in your jurisdiction and be able to effectively minister to people.

    You will be able to hear God clearly and boldly release His word with great impact.

    You will break from a boring life of routine and tap into the supernatural life of expectations and miracles.

    Our god speaks! This is what separates Him from the idols men have worshipped throughout time and around the world. Idols are dumb (cannot speak). Some are fashioned, carved, molded, or shaped with mouths, but they do not speak. Our God sees! Many idols have eyes, but they do not see. They are inanimate and their form has been designed by the imaginations of men.

    Our God is the living God who moves throughout the spiritual and physical realms in all power and authority as the Creator of every living thing. He desires to commune with His creation.

    One way He does this is through prophecy, which includes hearing, speaking, and seeing what God is saying. God speaks to and through His people to share with us His many wonderful works and to declare His thoughts toward us.

    As Psalm 40:5 says, O Lord my God, You have done many wonderful works, and Your thoughts toward us cannot be compared; if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.

    Through the power of His Spirit we are given the ability to not only hear God, but also to see what He is doing. KRYPTOS is designed to kick-start and develop believers in all these areas.



    Paul said that if people prophesy and an unbeliever or an uninformed person comes in, he is convinced by all, he is convicted by all. And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed; and so, falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you. (1 Corinthians14: 24-25, emphasis added).

    We have misinterpreted the Scripture in Corinthians for so long. The word translated secret is kryptos in Greek, which means treasure. God actually brings to light the treasures in your heart when you are in the presence of a prophetic atmosphere.

    If we hear that sound from heaven but refuse to speak it, translating it into words that identify with the world and the culture of the unbeliever—then the message will never be heard on earth. Scripture warns us: See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven (Hebrews 12:25).

    I believe there is another reason why the Lord declared that prophecy is for the Church. A believer will receive God’s word and act upon it.

    But an unbeliever will often begin to revere the prophet and miss the message he brings. A Heart of Love The word God gives you must be spoken within the character and personality of Jesus. If not, the message will fail—no matter how accurate it is. What is the heart and personality of Christ? It is love.

    He said, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another (John 13:34).

    Many times I have seen a prophet state truth so arrogantly that it is not effective. The Bible says, A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a faithful ambassador brings health (Prov. 13:17).

    The moment you say, thus says the Lord, you are representing God in speech. If He gives you the word, He will also let you know how He is feeling about the person to whom you are speaking.

    In Old Testament times, when a ruler sent a message to another land, the spokesman would make every effort to deliver it in the same tone in which it was given to him. If his master felt great sorrow, that’s what the messenger would express. If the king had laughed, the ambassador would laugh too. That same method needs to be used in prophetic ministry.

    When you speak the word of the Lord, deliver it in the tone you received it from the Lord! Do you remember when Moses misrepresented God’s heart and mood by striking the rock to produce water? God had ordered him to speak to it: Take the rod; you and your brother Aaron gather the congregation together. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water (Num. 20: 8).

    A word was all that was necessary. But how can we be certain we are operating in perfect love? A prophet must be:

    Slow to suspect, quick to trust

    Slow to condemn, quick to justify

    Slow to expose, quick to shield

    Slow to reprimand, quick to forbear

    Slow to belittle, quick to appreciate

    Slow to demand, quick to give

    Slow to hinder, quick to help

    Slow to provoke, quick to conciliate

    Slow to resent, quick to forgive

    More than once I have been accused of being a compromising prophet because I have refused to publicly expose sin. One well meaning man accused me by saying, We know you have been to churches where there is sin taking place, and you have not revealed it. Hello! Sin is everywhere, and if I were just pointing out sin, I would be there all day.

    People know when they have sinned, and what they are looking for is a word that will lift them out of that dark place and give them courage to move toward God.

    Compassion, not condemnation, is the power that will transform people’s lives. I responded by telling the man that in my beginning I used to operate that way and that wasn’t right because God is not into embarrassing his people or belittling them.

    I was immature in the beauty, love and compassion of the power of transformation of prophecy, the voice of God. Today I have grown and God has directed me to speak truth by demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, and gentleness—and restoration has taken place in hundreds of lives.

    Openly exposing sin can cause fear to enter a church and can cause hearts to become hardened. In that case, people will continue in their wicked ways. But when the spirit of a church is transformed from condemnation to love, there is repentance.

    How should a prophet respond if God says, John, the merchant, is a crook. He is selling reconditioned watches and representing them as new Again, the manner in which a prophet delivers the message is important.

    He or she could go to John and blatantly reveal the sin by saying, You’re a crook. You are selling used watches as if they were new. That may, temporarily, stop the wrongdoing, but John’s heart will not be transformed. Confrontation without love can make one change but not transformed. Since God brings judgment to those who refuse to repent, you have brought trouble into his life.

    How much better to say in his presence:

    I know about a jeweller who sells reconditioned watches as if they were new. Expose sin gently and with love.

    I will always remember a service conducted in Santa Lucia, Nicaragua. On the front row was a man who had his hands raised, praising the Lord. God spoke to me and said, That man is molesting little children. He is obsessed with pornography. When that was revealed to me, I thought, how horrible. He is mixing what is profane with what is sacred.

    Suddenly, anger arose within me. Immediately I ran down and did something I had never done before. I started slapping the back of his hands with short but stinging slaps. I didn’t have to say a word. The man began to weep uncontrollably, and true repentance came into his life.

    Prophetic expressions to convey a message that transform are not always vocal as we can see in this case.

    When Jesus talked with the woman at the well, He knew everything about her life, but He used great discretion in choosing His words. Jesus said to her, Go, call your husband, and come here. The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said to her, You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’ for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly (John 4:16-18).

    The Lord actually complimented her for the half-truth she told. He didn’t say, You lied. Instead He said, Well spoken, but…. Then He told her the truth that set her free. A prophet must know more than what to say; he must know how to say it. Jesus said, Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matt. 10:16).

    The prophetic word was never meant to beat people down and expose them to shame. It was meant to give hope and to help God’s people understand that He has put eternity in their hearts because He has a destiny for their life.


    Simon Peter had a divine quickening when he declared with great assurance that Christ is the Son of the living God. The word comes from heaven, bypasses his mind, and speaks out through a spiritual quickening. Revelation is like a flash of light that comes so quickly that the mind cannot take time to dissect and define that word. It is spoken before it is even fully perceived.

    Jesus made it clear to Peter that this truth did not come from exegetical, theological contemplation. It came to him from the heavenly Father. The truth that Peter expresses is the truth that heaven has declared, and Peter is only the instrument for heaven’s declaration. Then Jesus goes on to declare that He who lives by the quickening power of God will get the keys.

    What keys? He will get the keys to open up doors. He will be able to bind and loose because he has learned to be an instrument to heaven’s voice. This kind of life will restrict and contradict sinful nature. Quickening contradicts sinful nature. Impulsiveness fashions it. Now Peter is ready for the next phase of his training.

    There is no single experience that completes our training. Jesus begins to talk about crucifixion—His crucifixion, the crucifixion of God’s Son. This did not fit within Peter’s theology of the Son of God. Simon had an impulsive thought: No, no, no. This cannot be. God’s sons don’t die on crosses; they reign on thrones. Peter realizes that this could put his reputation and future at stake. No, You will not be going to the cross.

    Impulsiveness, mixed with human thought and insistence and need, becomes an obstacle to God’s purposes. We think we need to be delivered from impatience and anger, so we try to get rid of our human nature. But actually there is a sense in which God puts it there. There is a divine aspect of that impulsive nature when it is exposed to the light of God’s nature.

    Impulsiveness is a compelling force created out of a need. Simon had a need—a need to protect his destiny—and therefore he speaks. He thinks that he can speak under the same guise as if he is under this anointing. What happens, though, is quite different. Peter moves from the divine to the sinful aspect of impulsiveness, all under the disguise of anointing. It is frightening how easy that is.

    Don’t ever act out of a need for recognition. Just because you get one revelation right does not make you God.

    There exists within all of us that little need to be recognized and to be appreciated, but if that need becomes the controlling influence in our life it will eventually have destructive effects upon our life and ministry.

    Consider this example. Remember the story of Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria? He had become afflicted with leprosy, the scourge of ancient times. He goes to Israel seeking his healing.

    Elisha sends his servant, Gehazi, to him and tells him to wash seven times in the Jordan River. Now, Elisha is an itinerant prophet. He is not a wealthy man and in fact lives by faith. This rich man could be the answer to his need. But Elisha does not minister out of his need. When you act out of a need, it is no longer godly. Gehazi is of a different spirit, however, and seeks to take advantage of the situation.

    Impulsively, he runs after Naaman and propositions him, seeking some financial reward for the healing Naaman received. Naaman, of course, is quite eager to pay for his healing and offers him two bags of silver and two changes of clothing.

    When Gehazi returns, Elisha is suspicious. He can smell the deceitful act. The leprosy that was upon Naaman was still in the atmosphere; and even though it was expelled from Naaman, it was now at Gehazi’s door, and his deceitful act opened the door.

    What should have been a blessing for Gehazi was transformed into a curse because of his impulsive, greedy actions. He spoke out of his need rather than from his heart. God wants to teach us how to act out of eternal grace not external need. We must be motivated by the love of others, rather than the love of self.


    When God speaks, He gives a remarkable preview of what His people can expect. He talks about today and tomorrow, while using yesterday as a lesson. Eternity is in all three tenses as though they were one.

    When God chooses to speak to His people,

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