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Ketogenic Diet Recipes in 20 Minutes or Less: Beginner’s Weight Loss Keto Cookbook Guide (Ketogenic Cookbook, Complete Lifestyle Plan)
Ketogenic Diet Recipes in 20 Minutes or Less: Beginner’s Weight Loss Keto Cookbook Guide (Ketogenic Cookbook, Complete Lifestyle Plan)
Ketogenic Diet Recipes in 20 Minutes or Less: Beginner’s Weight Loss Keto Cookbook Guide (Ketogenic Cookbook, Complete Lifestyle Plan)
Ebook227 pages1 hour

Ketogenic Diet Recipes in 20 Minutes or Less: Beginner’s Weight Loss Keto Cookbook Guide (Ketogenic Cookbook, Complete Lifestyle Plan)

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Ketogenic Diet Recipes in 20 Minutes or LessBeginner’s Weight Loss Keto Cookbook Guide 2nd Edition

Newly revised and expanded!

Do you want to shed some pounds? Do you want to be on a diet without being hungry? Are you worried that losing weight doesn’t fit into your schedule?

Then Ketogenic Diet Recipes in 20 Minutes or Less: Beginner’s Weight Loss Keto Cookbook Guide 2nd Edition by Sydney Foster can help!

By forcing your body into ketosis, you’re able to shed the pounds you need without lacking energy or worrying about being hungry. That’s exactly what the ketogenic diet does for you, and with these recipes, anyone will have time to fit the ketogenic diet into their lives! All of these recipes are twenty minutes or less, and many of them can be quickly taken on the go or prepared in advance. Ketogenic Diet Recipes in 20 Minutes or Less: Beginner’s Weight Loss Keto Cookbook Guide 2nd Edition by Sydney Foster even includes a one week meal plan to get you started on your new keto lifestyle, leading to a happier, healthier you. There’s no reason to deal with unwanted weight any longer.

Release dateMar 23, 2017
Ketogenic Diet Recipes in 20 Minutes or Less: Beginner’s Weight Loss Keto Cookbook Guide (Ketogenic Cookbook, Complete Lifestyle Plan)

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    Ketogenic Diet Recipes in 20 Minutes or Less - Sydney Foster

    What Is the Ketogenic Diet?

    To understand the ketogenic diet and why it works, you need to understand where the word keto is derived from. It’s derived from a metabolic process that’s called ketosis where the body starts to produce ketones. The aim of this diet is lowering your intake of carbohydrates while you increase your intake of fat. This is a high-fat, low carb diet which is often just referred to as a low carb diet. When your body takes in a large amount of carbs it produces glucose and insulin will rise to a peak. Glucose can then be converted into energy, and your body is actually used to relying on that energy for daily activities. Insulin will help to regulate the level of glucose in your blood stream, and if your glucose rises to high your insulin will work to lower it.

    Since your body is used to storing fat and using glucose as its energy, it will not use the stored fat until the amount of glucose your body has to burn as energy is lowered. So as long as you stay on a high carb diet, your fat levels won’t go down. This is where you need the keto diet. You’ll keep your body from the carbs it’s used to having, which will force it into a state of ketosis. During this process it’ll release ketones, encouraging your body to use stored fat to supply you with the energy you need to function.  

    Basic Types

    There are three types of ketogenic diet, and this book caters to the standard ketogenic diet.

    Standard: This diet consists of a low car band high fat intake with moderate protein. Usually it’s around 75% fat, 5% carbs and about 20% protein. This diet is good for the average person that is looking to stay in ketosis and lose weight. A high protein ketogenic diet is a modified standard diet, which just has 35% protein, 5% carbs and 60% fats. This is better for someone who works out often or is an athlete.

    Targeted: The targeted ketogenic diet will give you the freedom to have more carbs right before a heavy workout. It’s important to know that the targeted diet should not be used for people who aren’t working out regularly. If you use a targeted ketogenic diet for mild exercise or infrequent exercise, you can end up gaining the weight you lose back or not lose weight at all.

    Cyclical: The cyclical ketogenic diet has days where you are on the diet, staying in ketosis and then days that you take off. This is not good for the standard person, but it can be sued if the alternative is infrequent use of the diet. Most people go with five days on the ketogenic diet and five days off of it. However, other people will use it with a full week on the ketogenic diet and then a cheat day before going back on.

    Some Keto Benefits

    Now that you know what the ketogenic diet is, you may be wondering if it has any benefits besides weight loss. The answer is yes, and you’ll find those benefits below.

    Managed Hunger: If you’re on a diet or not, you’ll find that it can be hard to manage hunger. Any other diet would often have you hungry the majority of the time, as you’re restricting your intake of food. This is not the case with the ketogenic diet. Hunger is the main reason that diets are not followed, and it can be a nightmare for all involved. You’ll also experienced reduced cravings on the ketogenic diet, which will help you to keep from cheating. Calorie counting is not necessary with this diet so long as you stay under twenty net carbs a day.

    Easy Weight Maintenance: It can be hard to maintain your desired weight if you’re always off and on a diet again. However, with just moderate exercise you can maintain your weight by continuing to follow this diet. The keto diet turns your body into a fat burning machine, and without hunger it can be easy to switch to the ketogenic lifestyle.

    Quick Exercise Recovery: Exercise is an important tool in weight loss, and it’s necessary to tone your body. Though, even though weight loss is helped along by exercise, it can be difficult to stick to exercise when you have to deal with strains and aching muscles. The ketogenic diet can help with this too! Your body’s inflammation is one of the key reasons that your body aches after a workout, and the ketogenic diet will systematically help to take care of that inflammation as a result of the lower carbs.

    Regulates Your Insulin: Your body needs insulin to use glucose and regulate blood sugar. Your insulin acts as the messenger to make your cells open and use the glucose as the energy source. On a high carb diet, you’ll have various insulin spikes which can leave your blood sugar levels out of control. However, with ketosis your body experiences lowered levels of blood sugar because you consume less carbs. This will keep your insulin from spiking as well.

    Improved Cholesterol: Good cholesterol reacts well to the keto diet, and the keto diet will help to lower your cholesterol. However, don’t expect this benefit to show up overnight. It takes time for the keto diet to work on your cholesterol levels, especially if they were already bad.

    Energizes You: The ketogenic diet will energize you too! Ketones are a source of energy that’s more reliable, and therefore you’ll notice improved energy throughout the day. Even if you experience chronic fatigue, you’ll feel better with the keto diet.

    Enhanced Mood & Clarity: Ketones can also help to stabilize and enhance your moods as well as provide more clear thought. This is because they stabilize neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

    Better Digestion: The keto diet is easier on your digestive system. This is due to the reduced grain and sugar consumption. It will also help to relieve bloating for the same reason.

    Getting Started

    If you’ve decided to take the plunge into the ketogenic lifestyle, you may be at a loss at how to start. Getting your pantry started is the first place to start, but this can be easier said than done.

    What to Buy:

    Here is a list of what you should buy in order to stock your kitchen with keto friendly foods. Just remember that this list won’t tell you everything you need to buy, but it’s a good place to get started when trying to figure out a shopping list.






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