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The View from My Window: A Walk with God
The View from My Window: A Walk with God
The View from My Window: A Walk with God
Ebook149 pages1 hour

The View from My Window: A Walk with God

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About this ebook

Birds. Flowers. Flowering shrubs. Changing seasons. Changing skies. These can be seen outside author Rachel Jolly West’s window every day. It tells her creation is alive, and she realizes we may often take it for granted. In The View from My Window, West shares how it’s more than watching the neighborhood from the window. It is seeing creation through God’s eyes.

In The View from My Window, Rachel Jolly West offers a collection of stories that shares what she sees outside her window and how God speaks to her through nature. Have you ever seen your inner beauty through a gerber daisy plant? Have you heard God tell you the meaning of a fallen tree on your hike through the woods? Have you watched birds at a feeder searching for seed, and God opened your eyes to the spiritual experience and meaning?

In this devotional, West encourages you to sit on the porch, on the beach, at your favorite window seat, or wherever your comfort place is, and let God meet you and share his wonderful creations.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 13, 2021
The View from My Window: A Walk with God

Rachel Jolly West

Rachel Jolly West grew up in Clarksville, VA, and served as a recreational therapy director in a hospital and in a developmental center for individuals with intellectual disabilities. After retirement, she returned to Clarksville with her husband, Pastor Mike West. They have two grown children and several grandchildren. West enjoys gardening flowers and vegetables, kayaking, and any outdoor activities.

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    The View from My Window - Rachel Jolly West

    Copyright © 2021 Rachel Jolly West.

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version® Copyright © 1982

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-4926-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-4925-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-4927-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021922835

    WestBow Press rev. date: 12/10/2021

    To God, who is the initiator of every message.

    To those who will read this book and learn something different

    about God; to those who will share this book with someone

    who does not know God or who has questions about God;

    and to those who will begin a relationship with God.

    May God bless each of you immeasurably as you read and study!




    Section 1     Who Is God?

    He Created Us

    Are You the Spittin’ Image of God?

    You Are Important!

    Are You a Snowflake?

    Hidden Beauty

    He is Our Protector and Provider

    In Us and Everywhere Present!

    A Screen Full of Diamonds


    Already in My Hands

    Enough Just for Today

    He Gives Us Strength

    The Strength of Spider’s Silk

    Beaten Down but Not Defeated

    He Gives Us Peace, Hope, and Is Always with Us

    Can We Have Peace in the Mess?

    New Life, New Hope!

    You Go First—No, You Go First!

    Section 2     How Do We Respond to Him?

    Trust and Focus on God

    Stand Still and Experience God

    Back Off, Devil!

    Let the Water Roll

    Stripping the Weight

    There is Value in the Darkness

    Two by Two

    Listen to God


    Feasting on What Fills Us

    Traditions—Positive or Negative?

    When God Talks, People Listen—Or Do They?

    Helping Others

    Just What a Person Should Do

    Humble Ourselves and Serve

    The Root of It All

    Seek God

    Are We on God’s Path or Man’s Path?

    New Growth

    Signs and Wonders

    Searching for the Right Seed!

    Look to Nature

    That Brilliant Tree!

    Jesus and the Jack-O’-Lantern

    That Zoe Life

    Does a Hair Color or Cut have a Spiritual Side?

    About the Author



    To my husband, Mike, who promised to be in this adventure with me and who has totally supported me in this endeavor, for helping to find just the right wording when I needed him, giving me encouragement when I doubted my skill at writing God’s messages, and taking care of cleaning up after dinner when I was too tired to do it! He is my superhero, and I am so grateful that God brought us together at just the right time to join in ministry.

    To my two sons and their wives for their encouragement: John and Jess, and Chris and Lis. Thanks!

    To my girl tribe who has prayed with and for me throughout this process of delivering God’s Word. Thank you to Betty, VJ, Carolyn, Jane, Dixie, Suzi, and Terry! I always know who to come to if I need an extra dose of the Word!


    In 2018, I began writing the blog Simplify10—a Blog About Walking with God. I remember three things that God placed in my spirit about it:

    1. Put all distractions aside. Simplify and focus only on me (God).

    2. Write my thoughts just the way I give them to you (Rachel).

    3. These messages are for all believers around the world.

    God told me to simplify, focus only on Him, and stop trying to be so busy each day, taking care of other tasks first and leaving Him until last or until I could fit Him in. He wanted all of me.

    This word, simplify, is not just for me or for this blog; it is for all believers around the world. God says to simplify our corporate worship and our time spent with Him by going beyond the programs or bulletins and by focusing only on Him. Let God direct our worship; let God direct our day.

    That was in May 2018. At the end of 2020, I asked God how I could get His Word to more people. I maintain an email list of those who have signed up, and I also post messages on Facebook. Soon, I began seeing and reading articles on how to write and publish a book. After researching some publishing companies, I signed with WestBow Press, and now, here is this book. God has paved the way during the entire process. Every potential obstacle was overcome by God leading me to people who could help me or by leading me to the answers.

    God is the source of every single message. I give Him all the honor and praise for sending this forth!


    Who Is God?



    Are You the Spittin’

    Image of God?

    "So God created man in His own image; in the

    image of God He created him."¹

    When I was growing up, I enjoyed playing basketball in high school. It seems that I was pretty good. So when people saw my mom, they

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