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In Search of the Fairy. Book 3. Familiar of the Tempest and Dragons of the River
In Search of the Fairy. Book 3. Familiar of the Tempest and Dragons of the River
In Search of the Fairy. Book 3. Familiar of the Tempest and Dragons of the River
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In Search of the Fairy. Book 3. Familiar of the Tempest and Dragons of the River

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Tanya woke up at the edge of the forest. It was midsummer in the place where she found herself. There was unbearable heat all around. To such an extent that the leaves on the trees were touched by yellowness. Some of the dry leaves fell to the ground.
Tanya didn't know where she was. The girl had no idea: was she in the World of Fairies or not?
“I thought the Familiar of the Tempest would kill me or eat me, but it looks like I was transported somewhere again,” she mused. “Did the fairy’s spell really work? Did my unawakened magical diamond help me? Or is there another reason? Or maybe, in fact, the Familiar doesn’t kill anyone? But it just takes me to distant lands... Maybe I was transported to another magical world?”
Tanya's assumption turned out to be correct. The place she found herself in was not the World of People or the World of Fairies. It turned out to be a distant World of River Dragons. But of course, Tanya didn’t know about this yet.
After thinking a little about the current situation, the girl, just in case, tried to contact Emerald again using her earring. The earring didn't work.
Tanya decided: “I’m probably still in the past. And I don't know how to contact anyone I know. In the World of Fairies, I learned how to use magic mirrors — to do this, I just had to click on special symbols on the frame of the mirror. And then I had to say the special magic identifier of who I wanted to contact. If this place is still the World of Fairies, then I can ask someone for a magic mirror to contact the mansion of Duke Lime, where Petya is now in the guise of Raphael. Or I can contact Princess Snow Rose... But if I’m in another world, then that’s a problem... But in any case, I can’t stand in one place and do nothing. I need to at least understand: where am I? And if possible, I need to find some help. Although I have no idea how to do this...”
After some thought, Tanya, just in case, picked up a stick lying at the edge of the forest. Then she tried to leave the forest. One might say that she was lucky: soon the forest began to thin out, and she found herself on a wide road. Ahead, a little further away, a certain village was visible.
“If this is not the World of Fairies, then I’m unlikely to understand the local language! But maybe I can explain myself with gestures?” she thought. “If this world is technologically advanced, I will probably be mistaken for a lost tourist and taken to the local police station. If this world is similar to the Middle Ages, then I will try, using drawings on the ground, to depict a sad story about how ‘an evil witch sent me far, far from home’. If I'm lucky, and there are magicians in this world, perhaps they will be able to cast a spell so that we can understand each other..”
Tanya was confused. She was afraid of the locals: it was unknown how they would react to a stranger. humans? Or are there no humans in this world at all?
“But still, I have no choice,” Tanya finally decided to herself. “I need to go to the village...” That's what Tanya did.
Coming closer, the girl realized that the village, in its appearance, resembled a settlement described in a textbook on ancient history.
There was a small square in the middle of the village. Now a large number of people are crowded on it. On the platform, in the middle of the square, stood a man in white spacious robes. He said something, but Tanya could not understand his words. Otherwise she would have immediately started running away. For the man, and this was the local Priest, said:
“Villagers! We have been tormented by heat and drought since the beginning of spring! If it doesn't rain soon, our crops will die! And we won't survive the winter!”
“But what should we do, Priest?” one of the villagers timidly asked.
“Of course, we need to perform the ancient ritual of sacrifice!”

Release dateDec 12, 2021
In Search of the Fairy. Book 3. Familiar of the Tempest and Dragons of the River

Elena Kryuchkova

Elena Kryuchkova started her creative path in 2012. She writes in different genres, such as: esotericism, fantasy, Slavic fantasy, sci-fi, dystopia, post-apocalyptic and others. Has several graphic works. A number of her novels were co-authored with Olga Kryuchkova.She is inspired by various fantasy and science fiction.Loves cats and draws.

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    In Search of the Fairy. Book 3. Familiar of the Tempest and Dragons of the River - Elena Kryuchkova

    In Search of the Fairy.

    Book 3. Familiar of the Tempest and Dragons of the River

    Elena Kryuchkova, Olga Kryuchkova

    In Search of the Fairy. Book 3. Familiar of the Tempest and Dragons of the River

    Written By Elena Kryuchkova, Olga Kryuchkova

    Copyright © 2021 Elena Kryuchkova, Olga Kryuchkova

    All rights reserved

    Cover Design © 2021 Elena Kryuchkova

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Olga Kryuchkova

    In Search of the Fairy

    Chapter 5. The Abduction of Petya and the Familiar of the Tempest. Or: Why Do I Need Another Person’s Face?

    Chapter 6. Sacrifice to the River Dragon. Or: Have I Really Become a Spirit?

    Book 3. Familiar of the Tempest and Dragons of the River

    This story is fiction and fantasy. And any similarity to real people or events are coincidental.

    This story is completely fiction.

    Chapter 5. The Abduction of Petya and the Familiar of the Tempest. Or: Why Do I Need Another Person’s Face?

    The path to the capital of the Kingdom of the Moon Unicorn, the city of Lunaria, passed without incident for Tanya and Petya. Of course, the children were very worried. They didn't know how to behave or what to say when they met the King and Queen. And even though Snow Rose assured them that everything would be fine, the anxiety still remained.

    But the most important troubles began, after all, directly in Lunaria. Having barely entered the city, the carriage with children got stuck in a traffic jam.

    Are there traffic jams in the World of Fairies too? Tanya and Petya were surprised in one voice, looking out of the windows of the carriage, and seeing many different carriages, carts and horses.

    Among them were similarities to modern cars from the World of People. The boy and girl heard about them from Snow Rose — such cars moved on magical engines. However, even magical engines required fuel, although in less quantity than simple cars. The local fuel was very similar to the gasoline used in the World of People.

    We often have traffic jams in large cities! meanwhile the coachman answered. Besides, there have been more magic cars lately! But Her Highness Princess Snow Rose probably told you that aristocrats and royal families prefer carriages, according to ancient traditions!

    Indeed, the Princess talked about it. But she forgot to talk about traffic jams.

    Are there traffic jams in your city? the coachman asked.

    Of course, when Snow Rose told her parents about the children from another world, she wisely asked not to tell anyone else where the children actually came from. The King and Queen agreed: it is unknown how the inhabitants of the Kingdom will react to this. Sammler also fully supported the idea that it was better to keep the origins of children secret. Therefore, the official story of Tanya and Petya’s sudden appearance in the tower was as follows: they came from a small town in the Kingdom of the Moon Unicorn. But a mysterious wicked witch has cast a spell on the children to ensure they never grow up. The children traveled to find a way to get rid of the evil spell. First they asked the dragon Sammler for help, because ancient magical books were kept in Snow Rose's tower.

    But after studying the books, the children did not find anything, and therefore, Snow Rose kindly invited them to study the books in the royal library, and informed her parents, the King and Queen, about this. The royal couple, in turn, could not refuse the children’s request and at the same time sent a corresponding request to the Fairy Association, just in case.

    In fact, as it is known, everything was not like that at all. And, of course, there were no ancient books in Snow Rose’s tower, although there were still stories in the World of Fairies that dragons supposedly kept ancient magical books. But this was simply a reinforced stereotype. Dragons knew magic on the same level as other magical creatures. Some of the dragons knew magic better, and some worse.

    But the request that the King and Queen of the Kingdom of the Moon Unicorn sent to the Fairy Association, of course, described the true state of affairs. After all, who else will help if not powerful fairies? Of course, the King and Queen also provided children with access to the royal library, but in fact, they themselves did not hope that the children would find any clues there. However, such a possibility could not be ruled out.

    ...Meanwhile, the coachman asked the children again:

    By the way, why do you have such unusual names? I’ve never heard the names Tanya and Petya before!

    Our parents are fans of ancient books, the girl immediately answered.

    Yes, they have long been interested in all sorts of ancient manuscripts, the boy supported her. So they saw our names in one of the books.

    Oh, I see, the coachman nodded. The answer seemed logical to him. But one thing haunted him: Didn’t your parents find a way to break the evil witch’s spell?

    "No, this was not in our parents’

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