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Wholeness: A Journey Towards Mental & Emotional Healing
Wholeness: A Journey Towards Mental & Emotional Healing
Wholeness: A Journey Towards Mental & Emotional Healing
Ebook84 pages43 minutes

Wholeness: A Journey Towards Mental & Emotional Healing

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About this ebook

Wholeness: A Journey Towards Mental and Emotional Healing is a book designed for you to read and spend time with God. Its purpose is to lead you on a path towards wholeness and healing in Jesus Christ. Many in the Body of Christ need counseling and healing due to past trauma, abuse, disorders, dysfunction, disappointment, etc. However, you can’t conquer that which you are unwilling to confront. God wants us healed. He wants us whole. The Lord cares about our mental, emotional, and spiritual state.

We all have areas of our souls that require healing and should be surrendered to the Lord. The Holy Spirit is aware of your every issue and need. His understanding is infinite (Psalm 147:5) and He is the God of all comfort (2 Corinth. 1:3). Now is the time for freedom and healing. Now is the time for deliverance. If we want to truly experience the abundant life that Christ died for us to receive, then we must be honest with ourselves and with the Holy Spirit. Take this 21-day journey of healing with Amina and be whole in Jesus’ name!

Release dateDec 13, 2021
Wholeness: A Journey Towards Mental & Emotional Healing

Amina R. Maybank

Born and raised in Newark, NJ, Amina relocated to Philadelphia, PA in 2009 as she answered the call of God for a new life in Christ. Amina is a licensed minister, author, and encourager. She has served as a faithful member at Brand New Life Christian Center in Philadelphia, PA for the past 13 years operating in leadership roles for various ministries such as the Singles Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, and the Intercessory Team.As an aspiring writer since an adolescent, Amina has fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a published author through Words From Heaven Publishing in which she is the founder and CEO. In 2014, Amina published her 1st book entitled, "Single, Saved & Seeking Him" which is geared towards helping singles in the Body of Christ seek the Lord and His purpose for their lives. She also maintains Words by Amina, which is a faith-based blog purposed to address the topics that Christians face in their daily lives all while encouraging people to seek God’s will in every circumstance.In May 2021, Amina launched her very own Podcast, "Faith to Faith Podcast", which is purposed to encourage the hearts of God’s people and win the lost for Christ, one episode at a time. Minister Amina is determined to fulfill God's purpose for her life and seeks to inspire others to do the same.

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    Book preview

    Wholeness - Amina R. Maybank

    Note from the Author

    First, thank you for taking the time to read this devotional. I’m so excited for you to understand and apply all that the Lord has given me to share with you regarding wholeness. My prayer is that God will speak to you, encourage you, and heal you as you sit with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to minister to you.

    God desires for us to be whole in our minds and our emotions. However, I’ve noticed that many times we as Christians wear masks. We put on a façade because we feel the need to portray a certain public image. We don’t want people to really know what we’re going through. Sunday after Sunday we see Christians going into the House of God bound and leave out bound. We continuously see the saints of God jumping, shouting, and running in the sanctuary – but still in chains. The tragedy is, not a soul will admit that they’re still struggling or unhealed in certain areas of their lives. We’re shouting but our souls remain in shambles. We’re running but our souls are in ruin. The enemy has used this tactic of saving face to keep the people of God in an unhealed state.

    Most people would rather not admit that they have internal struggles or unhealed areas of their soul. Mainly because we don’t want to deal with the shame or humiliation that it may cause us. However, now is the time for freedom and healing. Now is the time for deliverance. If we want to truly experience the abundant life that Christ died for us to receive, then we must be honest with ourselves and with the Holy Spirit.

    Many of us have experienced some sort of pain, disappointment, trauma, and/or abuse ranging from childhood to adulthood. Unfortunately, some have yet to address these issues. These unaddressed issues and unhealed parts of us present themselves in our behavior, relationships, and our perspective on life. I want you to really indulge in this book, the scriptures, and sit with God so that He may begin to do a good work in you. I want you to be honest with God about your struggles so that you and those in your bloodline can be healed once and for all.

    But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

    Isaiah 53:5

    With Love,

    Amina R. Maybank



    the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity.

    containing all the elements properly belonging; complete.

    undivided; in one piece.

    not broken, damaged, or impaired; intact. good physical or mental health.

    uninjured or unharmed; sound.

    a thing complete in itself or comprising all its parts or elements.

    pertaining to all aspects of human nature, especially one's physical, intellectual, and spiritual development.

    About This Journal

    Wholeness: A Journey Towards Mental and Emotional Healing is a book designed for you to read and spend time with God. Its purpose is to lead you on a path towards healing and wholeness, a completeness in Christ.

    We all have areas of our souls that need to be healed and surrendered to the Lord. My assignment is to take you on a 21-day journey with God as you address issues that you may feel uncomfortable talking about or even admitting to others. Remember, we’re in this together. You are not alone. While I’m not an expert or a trained professional, the

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