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The Evil Truth of Nazism: A History of Occultic Evil
The Evil Truth of Nazism: A History of Occultic Evil
The Evil Truth of Nazism: A History of Occultic Evil
Ebook196 pages2 hours

The Evil Truth of Nazism: A History of Occultic Evil

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A book which endeavours to reveal the truth of the evil Nazi regime, records the unsavoury reality of the occultic past of World War Two and explains why the Nazis rose to being nearly unstoppable.

A documented look at how evil nearly won!
Release dateDec 10, 2021
The Evil Truth of Nazism: A History of Occultic Evil

Shaune Anthony Ashworth

Shaune is a mature energetic 48-year-old who’s a managing director of his own company; he has also been in the security industry and close protection industry for over 30 years. Shaune has been married for nearly 20 years and his great love of history drove him to write this book on World War 2 and strives to bring a really good experience to the reader. Shaune is in the process of writing two other books, one fiction and the other nonfiction. It would be fair to say that writing has become his number one passion and he is hoping to become a full-time author in the very near future.

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    The Evil Truth of Nazism - Shaune Anthony Ashworth

    About the Author

    Shaune is a mature energetic 48-year-old who’s a managing director of his own company; he has also been in the security industry and close protection industry for over 30 years. Shaune has been married for nearly 20 years and his great love of history drove him to write this book on World War 2 and strives to bring a really good experience to the reader. Shaune is in the process of writing two other books, one fiction and the other nonfiction. It would be fair to say that writing has become his number one passion and he is hoping to become a full-time author in the very near future.


    I dedicate this book to my grandfather, Jeffery Bloom, and my brother, Peter Ashworth.

    Copyright Information ©

    Shaune Anthony Ashworth 2021

    The right of Shaune Anthony Ashworth to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781786125590 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781786126498 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2021

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    Well, like any good author, I’m doing the preface last. I’ve been engrossed in writing and researching this book, The Evil Truth of Nazism, and personally, I’ve found some of the subjects controversial and jaw dropping, and to simply put it, I just had to write this book. I believe that we are all pretty well versed with WW1 and WW2, particularly because of the amount of world war documentaries we have all seen over many years on TV.

    I really did feel that as I had direct blood descendants dating back to WW1 and WW2 that I could offer a valid book for you, the reader, to read and enjoy. I’ve stated I would always look at the celebrated history and work with that, and with what I could offer from being around my granddad when I was growing up with these stories that he told me. They were of priceless value to me, and he was someone I trusted, he was very dear to me. He told me how things were from 1939 to 1945, and for several years afterwards. How it really was while fighting in WW2. My grandfather was a man of very few words, but we were very close, you could probably say I was his favourite. I remember some of those sobering stories he told as I was growing up, and as I looked back, analysed and checked through some of the timelines, and boy, I realise, I was so lucky to hear these things straight from the horse’s mouth (what a witness, I thought). So, basically my granddad was my inspiration to write this book but not just to write but try to best reflect good evidence and of course credentials and to look at subjects that are not easy to cover and get right. I’ve spent considerable time researching; some eight years plus, and I felt I had a duty to write this (because of everything my granddad had spoken to me about first-hand). This book is in no way fiction and is a good complimentary work for any WW2 enthusiast. I also haven’t been worried about being open-minded with regards to researching some of the more unusual material from the WW2 era as it is well known that the Nazis had some very strange beliefs in place, and I wanted to document everything. I wanted to be fair and to offer a complete overview of WW2 and the Nazis. As I’ve said throughout the book, I always follow the evidence, and of course, the credentials of the individual, and then we can have a better understanding of the events of what happened during these poignant and controversial years.

    So, my other main inspiration is my dear wife Tracy Ashworth; without her constant support and understanding and my endless debating on all the subjects and chapters in the book, I can honestly and whole-heartedly say that I wouldn’t have succeeded. Without my lovely understanding wife, I wouldn’t have had the framework to put such a book together, so a big thank you to her, and all my love x.

    The next very patient and understanding little blessing to any child is my dear mum Pauline Ashworth, as it did take eight years plus to research and to put the framework together. Every Tuesday, I went to my Ma’s to write, as this was a good environment, and it kept me focussed. It worked; it just seemed a fantastic environment, away from all the other business stresses of my daily life. It enabled me to plough through the work, with my mum, ever supporting and looking after me with food, cups of tea, and of course, her amazing work ethic Come on, Shaune, dinner’s over, back to the book. Thank you, Mum, for everything; you’re an angel!

    I would also like to thank all my children in all their support, Shone, Kaitlyn, and Clareece, thank you, ladies.

    A big ‘thanks’ to my father Peter Ashworth, in how you gave me that strong work ethic, and who taught me to never give up in life, and to always push forward to the finish. Thanks, Dad.

    A big thank you to Emma Hutt, my super point of contact from The Word Hutt.

    I would also like to thank Phil Eaton from Speedyhosts for all your amazing technical support.

    Thank you also to Jenny Long for her fab support overall, and again, many thanks to everybody for all your constant support and understanding. I’m so grateful to you all.

    With any work or book you are writing, you must always look for the best sources and witnesses, and as I’ve worked and studied from many books and many well-written documentaries, I’ve always been conscious of the credibility of my information. This has been firmly set in my mind, so I would like to mention the following authors/historians as being a great inspiration and focus for me; Frank McDonough, James Holland, Guy Walters, Ian Kershaw, Richard Stegmann-Gall, and of course, the amazing Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke – who sadly passed away in recent years. May I say this gentleman was a brilliant historian; ahead of his time, and a true scholar by any standard; he is a loss to the world. I would like to say all these gentlemen are a credit to WW1 and WW2 history, they have done some amazing work and wrote some fabulous books and are very credible in our historical circles. I would recommend their works in a heartbeat.

    I hope you enjoy this book, and I hope your quest for knowledge carries on after this book and it helps you want more knowledge. I have put together this book with utmost zeal, honesty and determination. I can truly say that my quest to make this book a credit to anyone’s book collection, and for people to treasure it, as a super addition for any historian. I can stand by this to know that my hard work and being so fastidious in my quest for the very best historical knowledge and evidence will be second to none. So, without further ado, please enjoy, as I have enjoyed researching and writing this first volume of The Evil Truth of Nazim.

    Chapter I

    The So-Called Aryan Race

    When I first decided on this chapter, I was so sure things would be different from what I wrote. I was adamant that I knew what Aryan meant; interestingly I wanted to find out exactly what the word Aryan actually meant and not what popular culture implies. I knew and understood what the Third Reich thought it meant; that was tall, blonde hair and blue eyes. This is the common perception of what it means. So, me being me, I dug a little deeper, or I should say to the bottom! I first did my searches with Google on esteemed authors, and so on.

    A Nazis’ march with the Nazis’ flags being depicted as friendly, the crowds saluting in triumph.

    I spoke to several sets of people about their understanding of Aryan, and I got, Yes, Shaune, it’s someone who is tall, has blond hair and blue eyes.

    This didn’t float with me, and I was no further to understanding until I bumped into a set of friends of mine and my wife, who are indeed spiritual monks and have studied extensively in the Vedic scriptures. They actually advised me that the word Aryan was a noble word and you are meant to be fluent in the Vedic scriptures, which I found interesting, so I asked how many scriptures there were in total. They advised that they came in a compilation of over thirty books called the Srimad-Bhagavatam. So, I gulped and said, I suppose I will have to buy them all as I’m researching my book. As I explained about my book, one of the monks told me that one of the epic books is called the Bhagavad-Gita, which I had heard of, but not read. He also explained to me that it was said that Heinrich Himmler used to carry a copy of this book everywhere with him. I was shocked and said, What do you mean? And why? So, I bought the book and started to read it, wanting to understand why such a killer would carry this lovely holy book. I started to piece things together quickly. The book is a very old classic and explains about reincarnation; it tells of the Battle of Kurukshetra in India, the battle happened over 5000 years ago. So, as I researched the word Aryan, various other things popped out at me. Coincidentally, this is how I found out what the term Aryan truly means. It’s not tall, blonde hair and blue eyes; it’s to be fluent in the Vedic scriptures, which is no easy task – trust me on this! So, I actually started to read these beautiful classics realising that it’s a lifelong pursuit of a person seeking a spiritual life, so I ask myself, Why would Heinrich Himmler carry this holy book the Bhagavad-Gita? I puzzled over this for many months, and with what I’d learned about the Nazis, I asked myself if they were looking for a religion, they could call their own? It’s unclear as to why Himmler would cling to this lovely book like he did, but I came to understand their mind set and their justification of how things unravelled for the Third Reich.

    I believe that they thought that if they gathered enough ancient knowledge and holy objects, then they had some sort of justification for their actions. I believe that they thought that they were on a godly path of ideology, and for me, this started to make sense, and it started to paint a picture. You don’t send millions of people to their deaths wholesale, without some divine plan, or that’s what they believed. I also found out that the word Aryan was from Iran, and it is believed that Alexander the Great used the term Aryan for Iranian charioteers who had helped Alexander to fight in various battles with some great success.

    Again, I could only assume that the Nazis took this and added it into their terminology hoping no one would know that the actual word in its full context is a very noble and esteemed word (especially knowing what we know about it now). It’s definitely not blond hair, blue eyes, and oh, of course over five feet eleven inches. Anyway, going back a touch, let’s see what the Nazis determined was needed to fulfil this word, or should I say what wasn’t fulfilled? Let’s start with the Fuhrer; he was five foot five with jet-black hair. Then you had Joseph Goebbels at just over five foot four inches with a deformed foot (definitely not their vision), and then we had Himmler himself; again, under the requirements of the SS, which was five foot eleven inches, he was barely five foot nine inches (again not part of the Nazis’ vision). We also have Speer, Goering, Bormann and so on. We see a familiar pitch here, little truth in anything. So how did it come to pass that so many people believed that they were following the Messiah? I will explain more about this in the chapter called ‘Propaganda at Its Best’.

    So, going back to the Nazi Aryan policy and so forth, you can see that there were a few little hiccups, to say the least! Their policy writers must have been in cloud cuckoo land, as their leaders, I would say, didn’t even fit the Nazis’ idealistic vision of the Aryan Race. Anyway, when I started to look into the perception of what the Nazis thought was perfection, I realised that many civilisations have touched on this ‘perfect being’ subject; a major one, of course, was the Spartan Civilisation. What should an ideal warrior look like in their vision? Well, all we need to do is look at the statues they carved, and some of the fabulous Greek myth and mythology. We can see that the Spartans aimed for a pure race and fantastical physical and exceptional fighting skills. As we know today, the Spartans were an exceptional fighting force and were raised from day one to fight and excel in life as a warrior. I really believe that the Third Reich again was taking bits of history and entwining it into their views with a somewhat different twist of sadism. The Spartans as we know lived over two thousand years ago, things were a little different back in those days, and I suppose mass killings in battle and leaving the ill and deformed children in the woods to die might have been acceptable for the time. Fast-forward two thousand years to the Nazis eugenic programs, and sterilisation of the mentally ill, the killing of Jews, gypsies, political enemies of the state, homosexuals, non-desirables and so on. The list goes on and on, and the questions kept coming, why? And how? Didn’t 80 million Germans see that they were getting the wool completely pulled over their very eyes? As I’ve said previously, there seemed to be much more at work with

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