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3 Steps to Financial Freedom: A Poor Girl's Guide to Controlling Your Money So It Doesn't Control You
3 Steps to Financial Freedom: A Poor Girl's Guide to Controlling Your Money So It Doesn't Control You
3 Steps to Financial Freedom: A Poor Girl's Guide to Controlling Your Money So It Doesn't Control You
Ebook55 pages59 minutes

3 Steps to Financial Freedom: A Poor Girl's Guide to Controlling Your Money So It Doesn't Control You

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About this ebook

Does your entire existence revolve around money? Do you worry about where it is coming from, how much you have, what you spend it on, and when it is going to run out?

If you feel like your financial situation is not supporting the life you want to live and is causing you stress, then this book is for you.

"3 Steps to Financial Freedom" shares impactful and difference-making strategies that will help you meet your financial goals. Start your journey today!

Imagine what it would feel like to:
Let go of the stress of making ends meet
Stop the embarrassment of others knowing you are struggling
Establish a healthy money mindset to keep you in control

When you spend most of your life stressing about money, it can be difficult to believe that you can live without stressing about money. This book teaches the practical steps you can take to change your perspective about money and start living your life the way you are meant to live it. Financial freedom is the gateway to enjoying life for what it is – life.
Release dateDec 18, 2021
3 Steps to Financial Freedom: A Poor Girl's Guide to Controlling Your Money So It Doesn't Control You

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    3 Steps to Financial Freedom - Kari Zee

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    3 Steps to Financial Freedom: A Poor Girl’s Guide to Controlling Your Money So It Doesn’t Control You by Kari Zee

    Published in the United States by Kari Zee, Kari Zee Coaching, LLC

    The information provided in this book is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a source of advice or credit analysis with respect to the material presented. The information and/or documents contained in this book do not constitute legal or financial advice and should never be used without first consulting with a financial professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs.

    While all the stories and anecdotes are based on the author’s experience and conversations, some of the identifying details of the persons involved have been changed to protect those persons’ identities. Any resulting resemblance to persons alive or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

    The publisher and the author do not make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using the content of this book. You should never make any investment decision without first consulting with your own financial advisor and conducting your own research and due diligence. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the publisher and the author disclaim any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations contained in this book prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses.

    Content contained or made available through this book is not intended to and does not constitute legal advice or investment advice and no attorney-client relationship is formed. The publisher and the author are providing this book and its contents on an as is basis. Your use of the information in this book is at your own risk.

    Copyright © 2021 Kari Zee Coaching, LLC

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 9781667820323


    For every millennial who followed all of the rules only to discover it didn’t lead to the success you were promised.



    1.      Introduction

    2.      Financial Freedom

    3.      Before You Begin

    4.      What Is A Financial Plan?

    5.      Determine Your Money Goal

    6.      Change The Way You Think About Money

    7.      Develop A System That Works For You

    8.      Life Money Budget

    9.      Money Management Best Practices

    10.      Grow Your Wealth




    I want to thank my mother who always just says ok, love you whenever I tell her I’m about to do something ridiculous.


    I do not have the time or energy to worry about my budget and whether or not I can afford something.

    Life is stressful enough without the anxiety of being asked to contribute a little something for a co-worker’s retirement, or for a friend’s kid’s bake sale when you are barely making ends meet for yourself. Sometimes, we even feel guilty for saying no in these situations and take on a greater financial burden by giving what we don’t have. Perhaps it’s because we know what it feels like to not have enough, or we hope that others will do the same for us when our time comes. But that’s not what financial freedom is all about.

    I grew up as a broke teen whose entire sense of fashion was determined by what was available on the deep discount racks and how long I could wear something until it no longer fit or had too many holes to look intentional. I graduated college with just under six figures in student loan debt at

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