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Revenge: Lesbian Love Affair
Revenge: Lesbian Love Affair
Revenge: Lesbian Love Affair
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Revenge: Lesbian Love Affair

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It had been two solid weeks since the last time we had sex. We were both as horny as polecats. We kissed as we made our way to the bedroom. I used my foot to push the bedroom door shut behind us.

"Arrest me officer," I told her. "I've been a bad girl."

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PublisherRebecca Stone
Release dateDec 16, 2021
Revenge: Lesbian Love Affair

Rebecca Stone

I love writing and reading erotica. I enjoy publishing my content online and get people's perspective on my writings. I hope my readers enjoy the content I put through. Happy reading!

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    Revenge - Rebecca Stone

    Revenge: Lesbian Love Affair

    By Rebecca Stone

    Published by

    Ecstasy Publications at Smashwords

    Copyright 2021 Ecstasy Publications

    Distributed by Smashwords

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

    The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to any actual person, living or dead, events or locales is entire coincidental

    Authors Note:

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old or above. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



    Chapter One: Where's Olek?

    Chapter Two: Lehka's Story

    Chapter Three: Max Starts the Search

    Chapter Four: Lehka's Story

    Chapter Five: The Hunt

    Chapter Six: Lehka's Story

    Chapter Seven: Safe and Sound?


    Hi, I'm Maxine Max Pemberton. In this story I was in my early 40's. Still had the semblance of a figure with a very large bust and wide hips. I was a big gal by any measure and not afraid to throw a punch.

    I was a tomboy when I was a girl but upon coming of age I had attention getting breasts. The attention was for the most part unwanted and uncomfortable. I met Jim Pemberton when I was at the University of Cincinnati. Jim was in my Criminal Justice class and wasn't like the other guys who were interested in me. Jim and I had long discussions about the criminal justice system and how to make it better. It's not to say he wasn't aware of my body, but I didn't think it wasn't as important to him as it was to others. My opinion was important, and I respected him for that.

    A two year platonic relationship became more than that my junior year of college. We got married a year later. The fizzle went out of the marriage relatively quickly, as my disinterest in sex was incurable. Being a cop on a cop's schedule didn't help. We suffered through ten years before calling it quits.

    I grew up in a tough neighborhood of Cincinnati. Being gay was a ticket to isolation, ridicule and worse. I didn't challenge my sexual identity until I was well past twenty. Being heterosexual was assumed. I just assumed that I just didn't have as strong a sex drive as most people. It wasn't until I saw a naked woman, and was aroused by it, that I questioned whether I was gay. Having sex with a woman confirmed my suspicion.

    This story takes place about midway through my career. I should have been at the top of my game (but wasn't). I had learned valuable and hard lessons about abusive relationships, political and police corruption, and addiction (my own and others). My Achilles' heel was drinking. I was and am an alcoholic. It's a demon that sometimes gets the best of me. The results are always disastrous.

    A bit of background if you haven't read Betrayal and Loss of Innocence.

    At that time I was hard luck Max. My longtime girlfriend (who happened to be my partner on the force) dumped me for a younger and more beautiful sweet, young thing. Predictably, I got immediately drunk and really didn't stop for several months. It almost ended my career.

    My former partner was murdered by a drug lord while I was struggling with my drinking. In the process of chasing the culprit, I befriended Brianna, a prostitute who I wanted to rescue. She overdosed, and her death sent me into another tailspin.

    My long-time professional partner and friend, Lehka Singh, an attractive woman of Indian descent, helped me through that tough time. In the process, our feelings for each other came out. Lehka was on a six month temporary reassignment from Columbus to Cincinnati. We lived together for a good part of that time, trying to see if it was an arrangement we wanted to make permanent. Of course I fucked it up. It started to unravel when I tried to leverage my relationship with the Mayor's chief of staff, Heather Murtaugh, to obtain funding for surveillance on Olek Shevchenko, a Ukrainian crime boss, holding down the Cincinnati area for a Detroit-based gang, for the kidnapping of four Guatemalan women. All the available evidence pointed to a rival Columbian gang, but I had a hunch that Shevchenko had planted the evidence to throw us off his trail. I turned out to be right, but still royally pissed off Lehka for ignoring the orders of Captain Sheehan and getting blinding drunk with Heather (who happened to be a drop dead gorgeous blonde).

    Although we rescued the kidnapped women, the perp, Shevchenko, got away. That wasn't before my partner Lanny Townsend fired a round at Shevchenko through a car window. The glass changed the trajectory of the bullet so it missed him, but the thousands of shards of glass didn't, and peppered his face. We now had a man of pure evil who was disfigured beyond recognition and bent on exacting revenge for his living death sentence. And so we begin this stormy tale...

    Chapter One: Where's Olek?

    Lanny and I knew Olek Shevchenko was looking for us. After all, it was Lanny's bullet that caused a shower of glass shards to lodge into the side of the Ukrainian's pretty face. We had captured his safe house, his cash, and two of his trusted lieutenants, so we had him on the run. The last time he was sighted was at Syd's, a dive bar in the West End, the toughest neighborhood in Cincinnati. As part of my deal with Syd, in exchange for valuable information that helped us recover four kidnapped Guatemalan women, I helped facilitate a favorable parole decision for his wife Charlene. Even with that help, there was still no love lost between the two of us.

    My longtime partner Lanny Townsend tagged along when I decided to pay Syd a visit. His neighborhood looked worse than the last time I was there, if that was possible. A vacant lot next to the bar now harbored a refrigerator with the door taken off, and a rusted washing machine with tall weeds growing out of it, in addition to the usual assortment of junk piling up in it. It was late morning with a light misting rain, and there were a few regulars hunched over a shop worn Formica-topped bar nursing their drinks. The bright light from the open door attracted their attention and Syd's. He was not pleased to see us. His wife was leaving the storeroom in the back carrying a case of beer. I could hear the clatter of bottles being moved in the storeroom.

    Hey shitbird, how is it having your main squeeze back? I asked him.

    I prided

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