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Witnessing the Providence of God: Testimonies on Understanding and Acknowledging God's Activity in Our Lives
Witnessing the Providence of God: Testimonies on Understanding and Acknowledging God's Activity in Our Lives
Witnessing the Providence of God: Testimonies on Understanding and Acknowledging God's Activity in Our Lives
Ebook194 pages3 hours

Witnessing the Providence of God: Testimonies on Understanding and Acknowledging God's Activity in Our Lives

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About this ebook

"God may not come when you want him-but He's always right on time." My mother and father told me that-and Rev. Dr. John Womack reminds us in vivid detail and testimony about the truth of that saying. Witnessing the Providence of God will encourage, inspire, and renew your perspective that God is Good all the time and all the time G

Release dateDec 9, 2021
Witnessing the Providence of God: Testimonies on Understanding and Acknowledging God's Activity in Our Lives

John Henry Womack

REV. DR . JOHN HENRY WOMACK, Born and raised in a family of sharecroppers, became an entrepreneur, owning and operating several highly successful businesses over the course of more than thirty years. He also served as the pastor of Metropolitan Baptist Church in Dorchester, Massachusetts from 1993 to 2010. Rev. Womack earned his Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and served on the Board of Trustees for twenty years. He and his wife of fifty-six years, Bertha, reside in Florida. His goal is to continue to be a servant for Christ, helping others in any way he can by sharing his God- given gifts, abilities, and experiences. John and Bertha have three grown children and one grandchild.

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    Witnessing the Providence of God - John Henry Womack



    OF GOD

    Charleston, SC

    Witnessing the Providence of God

    Copyright © 2021 by John Henry Womack

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form

    by any means–electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or other–except for brief quotations in

    printed reviews, without prior permission of the author.

    First Edition

    Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-68515-184-3

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-68515-183-6

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-68515-185-0


    This sequel to the Rev. Dr. John Henry Womack's enlightening autobiography, Sharecropper to Entrepreneur to Pastor, is an interesting interweaving of Bible study on the doctrine of God's providence and testimony of God at work today, focusing on the life of the biblical Joseph, with whom the author resonates entrepreneur to entrepreneur. The opening chapters examine God's providence from a number of insightful aspects, the center of the book interprets incidences in the author's life as clearly applied acts of God's providence, and the final section contains responsive testimonies of other Christian leaders as they reflect on their own lives as fields in which God's providence has been effectively active. More than just a sequel, this delightful book will help readers see the providential God at work in their own lives and come away with an expanded vision of how the fruits of God's grace have nourished them.

    —Rev. Dr. William David Spencer, Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Theology and the Arts, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Boston Campus for Urban Ministerial Education and author with the Rev. Dr. Aída Besançon Spencer of JOY THROUGH THE NIGHT: Biblical Resources on Suffering.

    God may not come when you want him—but He's always right on time. My mother and father told me that—and Rev. Dr. John Womack reminds us in vivid detail and testimony about the truth of that saying. Witnessing the Providence of God will encourage, inspire, and renew your perspective that God is Good all the time and all the time God is Good. Rev. Womack reminds us that there are no accidents when God is involved. Rev. Womack is not a theorist when it comes to God's providence—he is a practitioner. Rev. Womack doesn’t just talk about providence—he has lived it out his entire life. This a must read for anyone who needs direction about seeing God at work in their life. Rev. Womack clearly reminds us that how we got over is nothing less than God's good hand at work in our lives.

    —Rodney L. Cooper, Ph.D., Former Kenneth and Jean Hansen

    Chair of Discipleship and Leadership

    Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

    It is not unfounded to say that some Christians in their acceptance of Christ and their walk with God in the realm of Christianity, have at times asked the question how can I be sure of God's Providence? In his continual pastoral mission, Rev. Dr. John H. Womack's book, Witnessing the Providence of God, elucidate God's general providence (his ability to uphold the existence and natural order of the universe), and his special providence (God looks after the details of a person's life), as He intervened in the life of the author with miracles and other extraordinary interventions. As a collaborator in a national organization for many years and as a friend, I am aware of his previously published life story, From Sharecropper to Entrepreneur to Pastor. In this new book, Reverend Womack revisits those previously shared life experiences with the reader and now reflects on his many achievements as evidence of The Providence of God in his life and that of his family.

    The author cites biblical examples of scriptures and parables to support his position. Collectively these personal experiences and the supporting evidence from the Holy Scriptures become a beacon to the non-believers among us, and proof to the doubting Christians, to solidify their beliefs and to become more unwavering in their faith in God, and his Divine Providence.

    —Anne B. Steele-Holsey, Ph. D., Past President,

    National African American RVers’ Association,

    Inc., Resident, Las Vegas, NV





    I Have a Testimony!

    Chapter 1 How I Got Over

    Chapter 2 Definition of the Providence of God

    Chapter 3 Biblical Example of the Providence of God

    Chapter 4 Another Biblical Example of the Providence

    Chapter 5 How Do We Acknowledge the Providence of God?

    Chapter 6 Testimony of My Early Life

    Chapter 7 The Providence of God Working in Our Marriage

    Chapter 8 Early Married Life with Emphasis on Our Housing

    Chapter 9 Our Work Life in Boston

    Chapter 10 Providence of God Working in Our Business Life

    Chapter 11 Providence of God Working Through the Ministry

    Chapter 12 My Personal Testimony about God's Providence in the Ministry of My Life

    Chapter 13 My Testimony of My Call to the Pastorship

    Chapter 14 The Providence of God Working Through African Americans

    Chapter 15 Testimonies About God's Providence in Retirement

    Chapter 16 Testimony about Military Benefits

    Chapter 17 Our Involvement with the Organization Ambassadors

    Chapter 18 Covid-19 Testimony

    Chapter 19 The Providence of God Working in Our Parents, and the Womack Family


    Testimonies of Colleagues and Associates



    First, to my lovely wife, Bertha, who has been my greatest supporter for sixty years. I love her dearly.

    To our wonderful children: Tonya, John Jr., Monica, and grandson Malik.

    To my deceased parents George and Elnora Womack, and to my deceased brothers Alphonse and Daniel, and my deceased sister Allie Wallace.

    To my living siblings Ecynthia, George, Janette, Sherman, Jerry, and Gregory.

    To my spiritual mentor Rev. Dr. Eddie O’Neal.

    I am extremely grateful to God for the wisdom, will, and stamina to do what I do, to recognize the providence of God working in my life, to be grateful enough to acknowledge it, and not be fearful to share it with others.

    I am thankful for all the wonderful people God has placed in my life, for the encouragement you have given me.

    I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all those who shared their wisdom, knowledge, and experience through your testimonies and endorsements. Thanks to all who have contributed to the contents of this book. Special thanks to Mary Riso for her commitment to helping me see this book through to its completion.

    Now I would like to thank you the readers for expressing the interest and curiosity to read testimonies on how God's providence has worked in our lives.


    No one can know the mind of God or predict how God will act in each circumstance. Our destinies are always under divine control. It is very difficult to ascertain with confidence what the end results of situations that confront us will be. What our Christian faith tells us is that no matter the vicissitudes of life, we are, as Friedrich Schleiermacher asserted long ago, absolutely dependent upon God.

    In his first book, Sharecropper to Entrepreneur to Pastor: Looking Back and Giving Thanks, the Rev. Dr. John Henry Womack shared the paths his life has taken. Through trials and tribulations, setbacks and successes, he demonstrated his belief in God in Christ Jesus and his prayerful commitment to trust that God is ever-present regardless of existential ebbs and flows. Having confidence in God to address obstacles and opportunities is the hallmark of devotion to the transcendent creator and benevolent architect of the universe.

    Herein, Womack's goal is ambitious. He seeks to explore the manifold manifestation of the providence of God. It is a daunting task that he handles with care and earnest. The approach he uses is the method of testifying—which is a salient, if not unique, feature of the African American religious tradition. And what greater witness to the pervasive presence and watchfulness of the Almighty than to share his own testimony? Womack's intention is not to lord his successes over the reader, but, rather, humbly to point to the Lord's working in his own life and that of his family. He includes visual aids to help us to understand that his road to success was not easy and his perseverance endured through the power of persistent prayer. In addition, he alludes to the plentiful examples of historical figures who experienced hardships, missteps, and seemingly insurmountable hurdles on the way to making their marks in the annals of time. Moreover, he includes the acknowledgement of God's activity by some of his associates as they have labored in the vineyard in the name of Christ.

    Now, in retirement, Womack contends that he discerns the continued workings of God in his own life and the lives of his wife and extended family. He is always impressed by the saying in Luke 12:48 that from whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded (NRSV). Consequently, he continues to live a life of service to the church and to fellow human beings despite the peccadilloes of human behaviors and the infirmities endemic to the ageing process.

    Through this theological journey, the reader is guaranteed a deliberate, thoughtful, and challenging elucidation of subservience to the will of God and the expectation that the love of God will manifest itself in a person's life. Womack does this feat with both feet planted on the ground of human existence and with his contrite heart and spirit focused on the Word and the active involvement of God—however imperceptible it might seem at times. He does so with a self-effacing manner that is convinced by the words of Jesus: My Father is still working, and I also am working (John 5:17, NRSV). Indeed, his book echoes the exhortation of Paul the Apostle: Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain (1 Cor. 15:58, NRSV).

    Womack knows deep down within his being that God cares and will provide. The Lord is the ultimate superintendent over all things human and universal. As Jesus said, preparing his disciples to face the divine destiny in Jerusalem: In the world you face persecution [trouble]. But take courage [be of good cheer]; I have conquered [overcome] the world! (John 16:33, NRSV, brackets mine)

    I recommend this book to you without any reservations!

    Rev. Michael Dwayne Blackwell, Ph.D.

    President & Executive Director

    Project for the Beloved Community, Inc.


    It has been said that the sovereignty and providence of God is the pillow upon which we can peacefully lay our head on at night. It is a joy and comfort to know that our Sovereign Lord, Jesus Christ is persistently and consistently working out His plans for our lives. He works every moment, and every experience and every detail for our good and His glory. Outside of the doctrine of soteriology, the providential sovereignty of God has been the most vital and comforting doctrine in my life. I have seen the Lord weave together the tapestry of my life with perfect faithfulness, love, and care, whether it has been marriage, employment, education, or service to the Lord's local church. I am encouraged to read of God's awesome works in the life of Dr. Womack and know without a doubt that the jewels shared within these pages will provide encouragement for generations to come. This book will be a true blessing to all who read it and rely upon the Lord, who does all things well. The Lord God keeps his word and is faithful to perform what he has providentially purposed for our lives. For this reason, I am filled with gratitude and praise to God. I echo the words of the Prophet Isaiah:

    Isaiah 25:1: O Lord, You are my God, I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. (NIV)

    Rev. Dr. Edward Quary

    Pastor of the New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church

    Lakeland Florida.




    My name is John H. Womack. Today is November 14, 2020. It is a Saturday morning, a beautiful day here in Polk City, Florida. I am ready to start my writing about the providence of God. This has been on my heart and my mind for the last five or six years, after having the time to reflect in retirement. While sitting and reflecting it has weighed heavily on my heart to try to understand, as well as to acknowledge, how, who, and what made it possible for me to be where I am today.

    I will evaluate, study, and look back at how we got to where we are now. I want to know how all the things happened in my life that I did not plan and appeared to be impossible for someone like me to take place? Therefore, in my prayers, in my thinking, in my getting closer to God I came to realize as I continued to study and listen and read God's word that my life and most of our lives have been the recipients of the Providence of God. As I have studied various stories in the Bible, and have seen how the providence of God works, it has inspired me to want to share some of my own testimonies.

    The story of Joseph is the one that sticks deeply in my heart and has gotten my attention for me to focus on in my writing about the providence of God. In many cases we call Joseph the dreamer as his brothers did and that is one of the reasons his brothers disliked him. I found in my life that I have been a dreamer also, by night as well as a day dreamer. Since the time when

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