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The Treasure Bites: A 30-Day Devotional Vol 3
The Treasure Bites: A 30-Day Devotional Vol 3
The Treasure Bites: A 30-Day Devotional Vol 3
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The Treasure Bites: A 30-Day Devotional Vol 3

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The greatest need for the Christian is the ability to be able to hear from their Creator. The voice of the Lord is full of wisdom. In The Treasure Bites Devotionals, Paa shares with you some of the divine gems he downloaded from His desk. Enrich your spiritual life through The Treasure Bites Devotional Vol III.

Release dateDec 17, 2021
The Treasure Bites: A 30-Day Devotional Vol 3

Paa Durham Tetteh

Paa is a preacher and an author anointed by God to win souls to the Kingdom. God called him in his teens, but he had to pray through to breakthrough and establish God’s divine purpose for his life. Any call of God attracts a legion of demons seeking to abort it, but God is faithful and will not allow the enemy to downtrodden His children.His passion is to make the Bible simple to understand and make salvation easy as intended by the Lord. He believes God’s Word contains eternal truths that man must read daily for spiritual maturity, and missing it is a significant loss. He considers the Bible the inerrant Word of God, having the final say in every façade of life.The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.

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    Book preview

    The Treasure Bites - Paa Durham Tetteh

    Day 1

    Flashlight On Psalm 40

    Iwaited patiently for the L ORD , and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. (Ps 40:1-2). The Lord inclined to me. The word incline means to turn your attention towards something. The Psalmist tells us what happens when God’s children call on Him; the Lord turns His attention towards them. That means no prayer of the righteous goes unnoticed by the Lord. Because the Lord inclines towards us, He hears us.

    The Lord brought me out. David described his experience as sinking in the miry or muddy clay of a horrible pit. In a situation where no one could lift him, the Lord stepped in and took him out of the slippery and atrocious hole. Today, we can make the same declarations over our lives. The God Who brought David out of a horrible pit will set our feet on the rock. After deliverance, the Lord placed David’s feet on a solid rock in a safe and secure place. God delivers us from insecurity to security, sickness to health, poverty to provision.

    The Lord established my steps. God established David’s feet means He ensured that what He had done for David endured. When the Lord establishes us, He puts us where we can grow and flourish.

    He has put a new song in my mouth—Praise to our God; many will see it and fear and will trust in the LORD. (Psalm 40:3). Songs are essential expressions of how we feel on the inside. When you listen to songs played on the radio or other media, they affect your mood. A sad song makes you miserable; a joyful song makes you cheerful. When people experience loss, they sing mournful songs; when they experience love, they sing love songs. We must sing new songs when God does new things in our lives.

    It is obvious that when David was in the miry clay and feeling lost, he sang songs of despair, but when he started to pray, his songs were songs of hope in the Lord. When the Lord delivered him, he burst out with songs of praise. David credited the Lord for his new song and said the Lord was the One who put the new song in his mouth. The Lord Who delivered him also inspired him to sing with joy and gratitude. May the Lord give each one of us a new song of praise.

    Many will see it and trust in the Lord. As David sang his new song, he was aware not all people could see what he had seen from the Lord. When the Lord does something great for us, we are the reality of what the Lord has done. We must still praise Him even when our deliverance has not manifested physically. The lack of physical manifestation of his testimony didn’t stop him from praising God. David was confident that what the Lord had done for him would soon be apparent to all who knew him. He was also optimistic that as his testimony became evident to many, they would turn to the Lord and trust Him. In the end, that is what God wants our testimony to do. He wants to use us as signboards that point to His faithfulness.

    Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; and Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. (Ps 40:5). When we look back on our lives, we cannot begin to list all the great things God has done for us. His works prove that He loves and cares for us. Like us, Israel’s history was filled with God’s beautiful works and wonders. The Lord had performed extraordinary deeds for them throughout their history. As David sang his new song of God’s deliverance, he remembered God’s miraculous deeds for His chosen people in the past and the present. This is where all things begin. They begin with the thoughts that the Lord thinks towards us. Because the Lord has favourable considerations of us, He inclines to us when we call on Him. Though we may have to sometimes wait patiently for the Lord to do something for us, we must always be rest assured that He thinks well of us, His children. A wonderful thing is filled with wonder and admiration. We wonder how He got us through a bad situation; or turned an impossible situation around. Then we come to one conclusion that only God could have done that. The Lord’s work cannot be numbered. God’s beautiful deeds are not rare; they are abundant. From the moment of our lives, we see God’s fingerprints on us. He has marked our existence with His acts. May we never be in want of seeing and telling of all that the Lord has done for us.

    The Israelites experienced many wonderful deeds from God. They were the only people in the world in a covenant relationship with God. God’s Word to them were words of life, and all who held fast to the Lord were kept alive. (Deut 4:4). Again, the Word gave them wisdom and understanding beyond all other nations, so the righteous Word made them the greatest nation of God. By God’s Word, Israel was liberated from Egypt and crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, but Pharaoh and his soldiers drowned in it. By the Word, they journeyed in the wilderness for 40 years, fed continually on manna, were given water to drink and had their clothing and sandals kept without wearing out. (Deut 8:4, 29:5). They also overcame all their enemies by obeying His Word and were kept prosperous by it.

    For us in Christ, God’s Word has given us abounding deeds: it has saved us from sin, diseases, demons and death. In it, we are

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