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Pushing Past Fear: To Find The Best You
Pushing Past Fear: To Find The Best You
Pushing Past Fear: To Find The Best You
Ebook79 pages26 minutes

Pushing Past Fear: To Find The Best You

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Pushing Past Fear to Find the Best You!

I believe that everyone has a purpose in life. It is what we were created for. No one has the right to scare or bully you into living a life that you were not made to live. You owe it to yourself to liv

PublisherAC Creative
Release dateDec 1, 2021
Pushing Past Fear: To Find The Best You

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    Pushing Past Fear - Velvetta Young


    Dear Reader,

    I decided to write a book on fear because we have gotten really good at wearing masks to cover our fears. But, in the middle of the night, when no one else is around, and we are honest with ourselves, and we call fear what it is. We must realize everyone has someone or something that they are afraid of in their lives. There are two types of fears: healthy and unhealthy. I like this definition of fear as False Evidence Appearing Real. Remember to consider closely what is real because what you believe, you will bring to fruition... good or bad.

    Healthy fear can motivate you to make a decision, and it can help you to stop procrastination. Healthy fear allows you to live in the here and now. Rather than yesterday or a tomorrow that will never come until we make that first step. It helps you to live. If you are always saying, I remember when… statements or next time or next year … you are living in a yesterday" life.

    There is nothing wrong with thinking about or remembering your past unless that is all that is discussed. Yesterday is the past. It cannot be changed or improved. It has already happened.

    No guts, no glory is what they say. You should revisit the past only to remind yourself of the glorious times. Not of the times that took guts. The guts being the tough-it-out stuff. Regardless of where you are in life, if you are living…there will be bad days. Nevertheless, and more importantly, there will be even more good days as long as you are living. It’s our choice.

    The unhealthy fear paralyzes you. You feel as if your breathing is cut short. You can’t think, and you can’t make a clear decision. You simply freeze. Although it may seem that you are living… you really are not.

    You have settled and accepted whatever fate brings to you. This is harmful in several ways. For example, unhealthy fear can lead to overeating, lack of sleep, and stress, which can cause high blood pressure and other harmful conditions to the body. An example of unhealthy fear is being scared to make a decision because it is believed that it will make the situation worse. This is not living. It is simply existing. Why are so many of us wearing masks? Not the masks on the outside. But the masks on the inside that we all have worn.

    Take a moment and think about the world we live in today. Regardless of your age. Our world appears to be moving faster than ever before. And some can hardly keep up. Add on top those things that are out of our control, like the decisions of our politicians are making on our behalf, unforeseen weather conditions such as, hurricanes and wildfires. Plus, the violence planted in so many modern-day video games that it's blinding our youth today. To the point, that it almost seems killing and hurting others is a norm.

    It is no wonder we wear masks and pretend that all is well in our lives. As a society, we are becoming more desensitized, more callous, and less loving in this 21st Century than ever before. The biggest problem is the adults. If we don’t get this right, it will be our children’s, children that suffer from our fear of today.

    The greatest thing I want to share with you about fear is that you have the power to stop it. At any time,

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