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The Stuttering Supernatural Testifier
The Stuttering Supernatural Testifier
The Stuttering Supernatural Testifier
Ebook190 pages2 hours

The Stuttering Supernatural Testifier

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This book is about the supernatural events that have happened in my life to this point. The Lord Jesus Christ Holy Spirit inspired and guided me on each story.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 9, 2010
The Stuttering Supernatural Testifier

Robert Martin

Hi, readers, my name is Robert Martin, nickname “Donnie.” I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee. I’ve had a speech problem in my whole life. I am a stutterer. I left Memphis at the age of twenty and joined the U.S. Marines. After I got out of the marines, I moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and went to school for law enforcement. I left Atlanta and moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, to pursue a career in law enforcement. I worked in various prisons and juvenile systems. I’m a disabled veteran and attend the Church of Jesus in Indianapolis. I love to testify about the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and the life-changing events that He has used to impact my life. In Jesus name, Amen!

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    The Stuttering Supernatural Testifier - Robert Martin

    Copyright © 2010 by Robert Martin.

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    Rev. date: 12/15/2021





    Chapter 1: Praising

    Chapter 2: Healing Power

    Chapter 3: Repentance

    Chapter 4: The Promotion

    Chapter 5: Football

    Chapter 6: Scott

    Chapter 7: The Lights

    Chapter 8: My Salvation

    Chapter 9: Angel Camps

    Chapter 10: Hell and Heaven

    Chapter 11: The Lord Jesus Christ Is God

    Chapter 12: How to Be Saved!

    In Memory of Sister Dinkins


    In 1998, I got really sick, and I could not sleep or eat. My body was shaking day and night; I was vomiting two or three times a day. My jaw was locked, where it was hard for me to talk. I cried and my body hurt all day and night. At some point, I felt my hair and scalp hurt. I was in and out of the doctor’s offices, and they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. I called 911, and the police came and took me to the hospital and handcuffed me to a bed in the mental ward. This happened twice. I went to see a doctor who thought that I had hepatitis C. He then sent me to see a specialist who stated that I did not have hepatitis C. The doctor sent me to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist gave me pills that didn’t work. I was again on my own.

    I called my brother John in Memphis and told him how sick I was. He told me, Man, you need to go to church, get baptized, and get hands on you to get prayed on. I asked my aunt Mary which church she attended and she told me. I told her how sick I was, and I wanted to get baptized. She asked me to come to her church. Sunday came around; I was in so much pain. I drank some beer and whiskey to kill the pain, but that didn’t work. I threw it all up. Then the phone rang; I answered, and it was one of the deacons at the church. He knew my aunt, and she had told him that I was very sick and I wanted to get baptized. I told the deacon that I would get baptized some other time because I didn’t feel well that day and had been drinking beer and whiskey. The deacon said that he didn’t care because people smell like everything in the church. I told him that I just couldn’t make it to church that day, and we hung up the phone. I sat on the couch, hurting really bad and crying, thinking I should go to that church. My body was so weak from not eating and sleeping for two or three months.

    The deacon had given me the phone number of the church. I called the deacon back within fifteen minutes. The deacon picked up the phone; I told him I was too weak to drive. He stated that he would come and pick me up. I mustered up enough strength to shower and get dressed. The deacon came, and we went to church. I cried so hard from my bodily pain; I laid my head in my aunt’s bosom.

    At that time, a little old lady who sat in front of us turned around and asked what was wrong with me. She said that she had heard me telling my aunt that I was sick. She continued and said I was too young to be this sick. She asked if she could pray for me. Then she kept on talking. I was thinking that this old bat needs to hurry up and get to praying. She looked at me and said, I know what you’re thinking. You old bat, get to praying. I couldn’t believe she said that. I smiled at her, so she went into a room and prayed for me. She gave me a prayer cloth and told me to put it on my stomach and say, Thank you, Jesus! I got baptized. I found a doctor with Jesus, and lots of supernatural things have been happening to me ever since. I was planning on committing suicide, but Jesus intervened. There will be a lot to be shared about Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen!

    Chapter 1


    I worked at a prison as a correctional officer. After Jesus saved me, I noticed strange things started to happen to me. First, I noticed people at the prison whom I thought were my friends beginning to turn their backs on me and make trouble for me. For my punishment, they would make me work in the gun towers so I couldn’t be around inmates or staff. They labeled me as inmate friendly. I know if I were to be locked up, I wouldn’t want to be treated the way some officers treated the inmates. Besides that, all the dirt and wrong I did, I am supposed to be under somebody’s jail, but Jesus has spared me.

    On one occasion, I was working in the gun tower, sitting there bored; a voice said to me, Beware, they have come to test your knowledge. Then not even a moment without notice, I heard a loud knock on the tower door. A lieutenant yelled for me to open the door. I remembered no one should just say, Open the door. It has to be a staff member who is authorized to come in the tower. I said, Advance to be recognized. It was the lieutenant, so I opened up the door. He walked up the stairs where I was. He asked me what I would do if it were an uprising by my tower and the captain was taken as a hostage. I told him the correct answer from the guidebook; he got really angry, so he asked me more questions. I answered. He got angrier and stormed out of the tower. After he left, I sat there in amazement. I couldn’t believe somebody warned me in a moment’s time. Praise to the Lord Jesus Christ for the Holy Ghost and angels to warn and help me. In Jesus name, Amen!


    I was working in the gun tower one day. I was just learning how to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. I got to the book of Exodus. I was reading where God was talking to Moses at the burning bush. God was telling Moses what He wanted him to do and tell Pharaoh. I said to myself out of anger and stupidity, I could have done what God told Moses to do. I thought Moses was stupid. Then, as I was reading this, the next paragraph said, To you who is reading this on this day don’t say you could do none of this because, I made you different! Immediately, my mouth dropped open. I said somebody is in my thinking. I went back to read it over again, but the words I read were not there anymore. The words had vanished right before my eyes. Yes, I was speechless.

    One day, I said to one of my friends, who is a deacon in the church, that he would think I was crazy, but told him what happened in the gun tower. He said that God spoke to me directly. I was amazed and I said to myself that He really exists. On that day, I was blessed because even though I was ignorant, I heard from the Holy Spirit. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for correcting me my ignorance and stupidity. In Jesus name, Amen!


    One day, I was working in the prison where I was assigned to the protective custody unit. I sat behind my desk reading the Bible. The inmates are locked up for about twenty-three hours a day for their own protection. I heard an inmate yell at the top of his voice, he was saying that there was no God. So I got up to walk down toward his cell. As I was walking down there, I didn’t know what to tell him. I then made it to his cell and I stood directly in front of his cell at arm’s length. Without notice, I blanked out on my feet. I had no knowledge of what was going on. I don’t remember looking at the inmate. I don’t remember being at work or talking to the inmate. This didn’t last long, maybe a few seconds or one or two minutes. Then I came back to consciousness. The inmate said to me, Officer Martin, I guess, you’re right. I walked away and started to scratch my head wondering what just had happened. A few days later, the Holy Spirit made me realize that He used my body and mouth to give that inmate a message. Until this day, I don’t know what God the Holy Spirit told him. I guess, it was none of my business. In Jesus name, Amen!


    I was working at the prison one day. The shift captain informed me that I was going to have a disciplinary hearing. He then informed me as to why. So I was nervous. The major who was supposed to conduct my hearing was on vacation. I thought to myself that I couldn’t get pre-depositioned because he’s on vacation. At that time, another officer was scheduled to have pre-deposition the same day as me. For two or three days, that pre-deposition was on my mind. The night before my hearing, I fell into a deep sleep. In this dream, I was standing at a big wall and was yelling at the top of my voice to a person. I didn’t see the person, but he spoke back to me. The person said to me in a deep voice, Just because Major Curry is on vacation, that doesn’t mean that you’re not to be pre-depositioned. So I asked the person about the officer who was scheduled to be pre-depositioned. I asked if Officer Granda was going to win his pre-dep. The person said to me, If he wins, he wins, and if he loses, then he loses. The next morning, my pre-dep was conducted by the superintendent. I walked into the room where the pre-dep was being conducted, and we proceeded with the hearing. I was found guilty and served a five-day suspension. Officer Granda was also found guilty but only suspended for two days. I guess,

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