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Teenagers who reached 16 would need to leave their orphanage on the September 1st every year. But some officials came to Halo 12 before the due date and claimed that the laws had been changed. After a series of inspections, every orphan was forced to carry on living there by the officials.

However, Vasek didn’t trust them at all. After he entered the camp, he tried his best to investigate and found the evidence. In the camp, he met the woman who had sent him to Halo 12 years ago and realized that she was part of an evil organization called W.O.T.H which wanted to dominate the whole country by installing the robotic limbs on the orphans.

Then, Vasek started to figure out a way to break through the camp. During the process, he made several mates who were willing to trust him and escape together. As more mates aligned with Vasek, they meditated on the plan to knock down the camp so that they could charge the headquarters.

Release dateJan 4, 2022

Andy C.H.

Andy C.H. is a new novelist who comes from Taiwan. He works as a full-time office worker in the week days. He wrote Robotician by making use of the leisure time after office hours and also on the weekends. He wants to bring his unique idea to the novel world.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm glad to buy this book last month. After finishing reading I recommended to all my friends immediately. In the story, there are full of action, suspense, twists and turns. I was on the edge of my seats until the last page. I can't wait to read the sequels. If there was any studio searching for the film adaptation I believed this one would be one of your best choice.

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Robotician - Andy C.H.


Andy C.H.

Austin Macauley Publishers


About the Author


Copyright Information ©


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

About the Author

Andy C.H. is a new novelist who comes from Taiwan. He works as a full-time office worker in the week days. He wrote Robotician by making use of the leisure time after office hours and also on the weekends. He wants to bring his unique idea to the novel world.


To Heather. Thanks for the different kinds of opinions on the road.

To A.T who really loves my story.

Copyright Information ©

Andy C.H. 2022

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

C.H., Andy


ISBN 9781645751380 (Paperback)

ISBN 9781645751397 (Hardback)

ISBN 9781645751403 (ePub e-book)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2021949919

First Published 2022

Austin Macauley Publishers LLC

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To Meowe, you gave the best support to me. You are the best gift in my life.

Chapter One

Ms. Chester had a very successful life for the first half. She married to her husband 25 years ago. Her husband was an enterprise owner. Basically, she just needed to stay at home and do some chores. They had everything they wanted but no child and that was their only pity in their marriage. But it didn’t affect their relationship. They still loved each other very much.

Everything was good 15 years ago until one day the doctor said that Mr. Chester had cancer. It changed their life totally at that night.

Doctor, how’s the report of the tumor? Ms. Chester said with anxiety.

Mr. And Ms. Chester, I’m really sorry to tell you this. The doctor picked up the report. It’s a malignant tumor with terminal stage.

My husband is always strong and there isn’t any symptom on him before Ms. Chester became agitated. How’s that possible? Are you sure the report is correct? It might be something wrong, we can do the investment again.

Ms. Chester, I can understand your reaction right now, but the report is correct. The doctor said and tried to comfort Ms. Chester. Your husband has less than one year life, hope you can accept it.

It was hard for them to accept the truth. Although they didn’t have a child, they still maintained a wonderful marriage. However, her husband was diagnosed a malignant tumor by the doctor. What was worse, the tumor was at terminal stage and he had less than one year life. The sudden shock situation made them stuck in a distressing atmosphere.

As the doctor said, less than one year after they found the cancer, her husband died. She still hadn’t got ready to face it then; she went out of her husband’s company. She took the inheritance and moved to seclusion in the mountain.

In the first few months, it was an ideal life for Ms. Chester. There was no hustle and bustle of the city or intriguing business world for her. Only full of animals, forests and uncountable fresh air left in her life.

However, when the seclusion life in the mountain came to the 7th month, she started to feel vapid. Woods, animals and beautiful sceneries were really great for her, but she felt lonely in the night. It was good but too regular. From the beginning of the marriage up til now, her life was always easy and comfortable and she didn’t have to do so many things. Mr. Chester always did it well.

For the entire next week, she recalled about her past life. When she was young, she was determined to be a teacher because she really loved kids. She worked really hard to be a teacher. When she graduated from college, she thought that she was ready to be a teacher.

Man proposed; God disposed and she met her true love, Mr. Chester. It was her first love and she never felt like this before. She fell in love and believed that he was the right man.

They decided to marry after half a year, but Mr. Chester had a request. Since he owned a company, therefore, he asked Ms. Chester to quit the job and stay at home or work at his company. It was a really tough dilemma; she really enjoyed her education job, on the other hand, she really loved him and wanted to be with him for the rest of life.

Mr. Chester thought that a job in kindergarten was too weary for her. If she can worked at her company or even stay at home, then she will had less fatigue and more happiness marriage. This dispute continued for weeks; it almost broke their engagement.

One night, Mr. Chester didn’t want to postpone their marriage anymore and he asked her to make a decision which caused a really acute quarrel between them. Tears dropped on the floor; Ms. Chester had the notion to cancel the engagement.

I think, maybe we are not suitable partners for each other. Ms. Chester wiped her tears and said it to him calmly.

What do you mean? I thought we will marry each other, Mr. Chester said.

You are forcing me to quit my favorite things. If someone asks you to break up with me, how do you react? Ms. Chester stayed calmly.

Of course I won’t listen to him, you are my lover, Mr. Chester said. How can I leave my favorite things?

At this moment, Mr. Chester realized that if he continued to force her to make a choice then, she must leave him definitely. He stopped to compel the answer but a mild attitude. He told her the reason that he wanted her to resign the current job. First, it’s really exhausted to take care of kids at the day and the family at the night. Second, he owned his company, in his mind; the spouse should work together for the company. Last but not the least, he promised her, if she didn’t get used to of the office life then, she could go back to kindergarten at any time. Finally, after an hour discussion, she accepted the ideas from Mr. Chester.

They had a great time in marriage, although she quit her favorite job, she fitted well in the office job. All the employees loved them. However, she could only lock those mutual blissful memories deep in the heart.

The isolation life was great, but she still had the dream. She really loved kids but she didn’t have one, therefore, after a week’s pondering, she decided to leave the mountain and back to the city, tried to realize her dream. She wanted to run a kindergarten but after the estimation, it was too difficult to realize. A kindergarten needed teachers, students and the high costs, all of them were a huge burden for her. Therefore, she changed her mind, an orphanage instead was practicable. She started to find the place and prepared everything.

During the search, she faced the cold-shoulder treatment several times but she never gave up. Eight months later, although it was in suburb, she felt satisfied with the new place and started to refurbish the entire building soon.

At the first half year of the orphanage, no kids sent to here. She felt a little frustrated but she still kept an optimistic attitude to wait her first children.

Until that night, twelve years ago, a young woman brought me to Ms. Chester in a rainy night.

I’m sorry to disturb you at this time, but it’s a little urgent situation. She lifted her raincoat. This boy, his parents were dead, could you please take care of him?

Sure, this is an orphanage, I’m glad to take care of him, Ms. Chester replied and opened the door. Just come in and we can talk about the details.

I appreciate for your kindness but I’m in a rush and I write down the details about this boy in his swaddling clothes, She said and left hastily.

Well, just you and me, you are my first kid, let’s see what she wrote in your swaddling clothes. Ms. Chester talked to herself.

There’s only a slip of paper with my name, Vasek, and nothing. Ms. Chester wanted to ask for more information, but the young woman already left. Although she still had some question, she didn’t have chance to ask. She was glad to receive her first child.

She treated me like her real son. In this year, she found happiness that she never had before, even she felt in love with Mr. Chester. Next year, she received another gift from poor parents; they weren’t able to raise their kid, so they came to find Ms. Chester and beg her to take care of this little girl for them. Ms. Chester was really happy to have another kid, Katherine.

Katherine and I were soon became good friend. During this year, we continually receive children not only children but also teenagers. Most of the children were lucky enough to find a new family, except Katherine and me. Teenager must leave orphanage when they turned 16. It was hard to face members in and out such frequent but we were used to accept the farewell.

The state economy was steadily deteriorated in the past five years. Therefore, fewer and fewer family was willing to have a baby. Many of the orphanages started to face no kid in their house, including us.

Last year, the situation was much more aggravated that we only receive four teenagers from the children orphanage.

Chapter Two

Most of the juvenile in my age were enjoying the school and the peer life, but not include me, or us. We really envied them because we couldn’t go to school. We were now a big family with eight children and Ms. Chester. Halo, it’s the name of our home, an orphanage in the suburb.

Due to the state economy problem, it’s hard to maintain an orphanage. Most of the teenager orphanages were less than five people, over half of them already shut down and those adolescents didn’t have place to go. Under the unfriendly environment, most of them weren’t able to work, therefore, they became homeless. However, the government still had no idea to solve this problem.

Children orphanages usually sent them to teenager orphanages when they turned to 13. Some of them might found a new family if they were lucky enough.

Due to the laws, any type of orphanage couldn’t support a teenager who was over 16. They needed to leave their orphanage on September 1st every y year and worked for their selves. The government provided the multiple jobs for them to choose. Orphans didn’t go to school to receive the education and didn’t have enough skills to handle any jobs. We were hard to survive in the modern society, especially under the terrible state economy.

According to description from our superintendent, Ms. Chester, I was sent to the Halo 12 years ago in a pouring night by a young woman. However, she didn’t tell too many details about my family or my parents. All we knew is my parents were both died in an accident. Before they died, my parents passed the torch to her but she wasn’t able to raise me. Therefore, she requested Mr. Chester to take care of me.

Halo was a startup orphanage then and located in the suburb. Ms. Chester treats me as her son. Two years later, we start to receive more orphans, including my best friend, Katherine.

It’s a tranquil night. Everyone sit around in the common room and chatted with a joyful tone. Unlike the others, I stood beside the window with a little gloomy mood. Kyle moved toward me.

Anything alright? Kyle says.

Pretty good, I replied.

It’s not the first day I know you. Kyle hit lightly on my left shoulder. Obviously, there’s a somber expression on your face.

As you know, they left tomorrow morning, I said.

You mean Mike, Samuel and Katherine? Kyle said.

Yes, I replied shortly.

What do you worry about? It didn’t ask you to leave here, Kyle said.

Yes, but next year, it’s my turn, I said.

Kyle didn’t say a word but left me alone. I am the only 15-year-old here which means I had to leave the orphanage alone next year. It’s not surprised that they didn’t quite understand the cruel truth about farewell.

In the children orphanage, the superintendent wouldn’t tell them the truth about the society and job after 16. They thought the responsibility should belong to the teenager orphanage, therefore, except Katherine and me they didn’t really know about the real society.

Mike, Samuel and Katherine were all 16 this year. Katherine and I were the only members who stayed in the Halo since we were still a baby. The others all sent to here when they turn 13 last year.

In order to avoid the noise, I decided to back to my room and tried to enjoy the tranquility. I stared at the mirror for a while. Tomorrow was the day to say goodbye to my best friend, Katherine. In past decade, every year, we faced to say goodbye to our family members. Now, we need to bid farewell to each other.

We both know this day came; it’s still disheartenment to face tomorrow. 10 minutes later, someone knocked on my door.

Katherine. I looked at her with a little surprise.

Hope I didn’t bother your me time, Katherine said with a little anxiety.

Of course not, came on in, I replied.

In fact, she really broke my me time, but, I wouldn’t be angry about that. First, she’s my best friend. Second, she had to leave here tomorrow. For these reasons, we should get together with each other whole night.

Sorry to bother you so suddenly, Katherine said with a little anxiety.

Not at all, I am also considering to disturb you or not and you just show up, I replied.

Well, I think that we are on the same point. Katherine got a little relaxation when she heard what I said.

You can say that again. It’s the last night. I’m not yet finished what I said and interrupted by Katherine.

When I said last night, Katherine just embraced me. She didn’t say a word and just hugged me. I could feel her tears dropped slowly on my shoulder.

I’m just afraid that I will be too sad to say goodbye to you tomorrow. She wiped the tears while talking to me.

We both couldn’t believe that it was over 10 years. We chatted whole night, started from our beginning in the Halo to now and every moment rose before our eyes. We wouldn’t have any chance to talk to each other like this.

The time came to tomorrow morning, as usual, any orphan left here, our superintendent, Ms. Chester will send them a whole new suit to wish them found an adequate job and I would receive it next year, too.

Mike, Samuel and Katherine, congratulation, you just graduate from here, hope all you can find a job rapidly. Ms. Chester hugged everyone.

Ms. Chester, thanks for the care in several years. We will do our best to find a job and come back to see everyone, Mike said.

I’m glad to have such friends like you, I won’t forget all of you and the great time we stay here, Samuel said.

Katherine just burst into tears, she’s too sorrowful to say a word. Everyone embrace and comfort her. I probably be the only one who can totally understand that why Katherine cry so sorrowfully. We are the most senior members in here with 12 years. We’ve seen so many friends leave here and didn’t see them anymore.

Sorry, everyone, I have great time here, thanks to be my friends, Katherine said and she comes to hug me. I know today will come to me but I haven’t get ready to face it. Thanks to be my friends.

It’s my pleasure, hope you can adapt yourself in the society, I replied. I promise to you, I will find you next year.

Thanks, I will try hard to find you then, too, Katherine said it with a smile.

I know it’s hard to say goodbye but it’s the time, the government officials are already waiting in the front door, Ms. Chester said.

After a simple greeting, the officials took them away. The others just been here last year, they all stayed in the children orphanage before; therefore, it’s their first time to face a farewell condition.

I couldn’t stand that, in fact, it’s really hard for us to find a job. Because we didn’t receive the education and the orphans were always lack of resources. I’ve seen dozens of orphans left here but never seen anyone visited us with a satisfactory job. The truth was I never saw anyone came back here in the past decade.

I went back to my room before Ms. Chester went back to the interior. He might get used to my lightly unregulated behavior.

10 minutes later, someone knock on my door, it must be Mr. Chester.

Vasek, Mr. Chester says.

Yes, Ms. Chester, I know what you want to say, I replied.

No, I won’t blame you for leaving unauthorized this time, Mr. Chester said.

I’m ready to take the blame for absence, I say.

I totally understood your mood right now. You and Katherine are the only children who I take care since a baby. It’s really frustrated to lose one of you. I already saw you as my kids. Ms. Chester.

Don’t blame yourself. You do your best to take care of us and we already seen you as our mother, I replied.

I should be the saddest one, but now, I soothed Ms. Chester. He cried miserable and kept talking about the memory during past decade. That night I spent over three hours to pacify her mood.

Thanks, Vasek, don’t worry, Katherine will perform well in her new job and comeback to see us someday, Ms. Chester said.

Ms. Chester, please, don’t lie to yourself and us anymore, I replied.

Why you say that? She said it out of her surprised from my word.

I’ve been experience it several years, have you seen anyone leave here and back to us? I said. Yes, no one had come back before.

After my word, we sank into an awkward situation for a while. She didn’t expect to hear this from me and I said it subconsciously. The situation last for 40 minutes, we didn’t say a word and just watched each other. However, I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I decided to break the ice.

I’m sorry to say that to you, Ms. Chester, I said. I did not mean to do that; I was just angry with myself. All I can do is watch my best friend leave me and do nothing. It’s a really terrible sensation. She didn’t say a word, so I decided to continue. Especially, when you know how bad the is situation in the society; it’s helpless to face it, I said.

Dear, you already do your best, not only comfort Katherine but also me, Ms. Chester said. You are always the ripest one here. Yes, you are right, I just bury my head in the sand.

Ms. Chester, I said.

Right, it’s really hard to perform well for orphans. Ms. Chester hugged me. But except you, you are my favorite kid and the unique one. You can fit well in any job. You are always do it well.

Ms. Chester, I promise to you, next year, after I leave here, I will try my best to find Katherine and go back to visit you together, I replied.

She didn’t say a word but kissed my forehead with a smile. Then, she left my room.

Since that day, I started to view the jobs and Ms. Chester bought me some books in order to enhance my knowledge. All I wanted is to find Katherine next year.

Chapter Three

Few weeks past, I studied hard for next year. I usually stayed at my room. It was difficult for me to learn at first. I never received this kind of knowledge before. However, Ms. Chester was the only person who I could ask to solve my question, but she still needed to take care of the others, therefore, most of the time, I had to depend on my own effort.

I stood beside my window and watched them played in the yard. Since the day Katherine left us, I seldom got together with the others, besides the meal time. The others became totally stranger to me and I felt a little lonely. However, if it was necessary to be successful next year, well, I could stand that.

In these days, I hadn’t adapt the life without her, I still recalled Katherine frequently. The worst things were oblivion the memories about her, instead of losing job. In order to keep these memories in my mind, I started to write the diary since the day she gone. I wasn’t quite certain if I could find her next year or not, but I would try my best. I also recorded our pleasant memory.

It was three o’clock in the afternoon; I felt stress and wanted to get some fresh air. I left my room and walked to the front door. I met the others at the hall. It was a little awkward, since I didn’t join their chat and didn’t play with them in the leisure time, either. We had an eye contact, but I didn’t sure if I should greet to them or not. While I was pondering on this question, they just went straight away. Thanks to them, we didn’t need to face the situation.

I saw Ms. Chester when I approached the front door and she saw me, too.

Want to go somewhere? She asked.

Yes, just walk around in the neighborhood, I replied. It is tense to study for a long time and without any break. I think some fresh air might be helpful.

In that case, just remember to come back here before the dinner time, she said it with smile.

Don’t worry, house rules, I said.

She waved the hands to me. We were in a real suburb. The nearest supermarket took 40 minutes’ drive, the restaurant took 60 minutes and the station took 90 minutes. Fortunately, we had a small park just two blocks away and that was the only suitable place for us to relax.

It was a park, but in suburb, we couldn’t see a child play here. As usual, I sit on the grass at the corner. When we were still kids, we used to play here with Ms. Chester every weekend.

I couldn’t help but worried about Katherine, did she accommodate herself to the job, did she get along with her colleagues, and did she still remember the life here. There were too many questions just arose in my mind.

Although the park didn’t have any child to play, it still had some animals, like some dogs and cats. That’s another reason which I liked here. When played with these animals, I could get rid of the vexations temporarily.

Due to the state economy worse and worse, the birth rate reduced a lot, however, people also abandoned the animals increasingly. More and more stray animals got around in this park. At first, we wanted to keep these animals in our yard, but the amount was much more than we could afford. We just visited them regularly and also brought some food for them. That’s all we could do.

It was nearly the sunset which means I needed to back to the house. The meal time was 6pm, as for Ms. Chester, you could late for anytime, except for meal time. She thought that the meal reunion with everyone was the most important thing in a day. Therefore, I said goodbye to those animals and told them that I would came to see them very soon.

Less than a year, I had to leave here, the place which I grew up. When I was on the way back to the house, I spent more time than before, tried to remember everything as possible as I could. I successfully went back to the house before 6pm.

Have fun? Ms. Chester said.

I think so. I smiled. Those puppies and kittens were still cute.

Yes, they are really adorable, Ms. Chester replied. But I think that the amount of them must increase again, right?

Yes. But I did feed them, I said.

We both knew the situation, but we couldn’t do anything for them. We just smiled to each other’s eyes and went back to the dining room together. When the others saw me, they all ignored me and sit in a table. I was used to face the situation every day and quite accommodated myself alone.

Our meal was cook by Ms. Chester and I always went together with her to the supermarket every Sunday afternoon. We didn’t have sumptuous food but it was enough for me, it felt like home. I always finished my meal first and left alone, including tonight. As I passed through their circle, Kyle’s fork just fell to the ground. I picked it up before him bended down his body.

Thanks, Kyle said.

Careful, I replied.

I didn’t say more words and left directly. I could hear that they talked about me but I didn’t want to know the contents. Ms. Chester always finished her dinner before us so that she could teach me as I finished my dinner fast. That was the only free time she could give me.

When I went back to my room, Ms. Chester was already there and read my notes.

How was the meal? Ms. Chester asked.

As usual, spectacular cook made spectacular delicacies, I said.

You are a sweet talker. She laughed. I already read your notes. You really study hard.

I want to fulfill our promise to find Katherine next year, I said. I know, as long as I can behave well, I have more chance to find her.

I’m glad to see your high morale, Ms. Chester said. But you should sleep early and try not to study all night. It is unhealthy.

I understand. I nodded my head. I will go to bed early afterwards but this is my only chance to find her, I said it with a little intense emotion. I have no choice but to study hard.

Dear, I know that. I’m not trying to blame you. She gave me a hug. Let’s start to review the lesson, alright?

I totally understood that she was just worried about me, so I cleared up my mood and gave her a smile. She could always solve my questions. When I studied hard for my future, the others were in the common room and watched the television. That was the only entertainment for them but not for me. Ms. Chester finished my question tonight after 40 minutes instruction.

That’s all for tonight, Ms. Chester said.

Thanks, Ms. Chester, you really help me a lot, I said.

That’s my duty. I want to help you to find Katherine, Ms. Chester said.

Don’t worry, I will find her definitely, I said with smile.

Just don’t stay up late, Ms. Chester said.

I will go to bed early tonight, I promise, I replied.

She went back to her room and I continued to study. Sometimes in common room, they turned up the volume which affected me. I would go out and ask them to turn down the volume but not this time. I prepared the earplugs when we bought ingredients last Sunday. I could concentrate on my study now.

At first, I hadn’t gone to school before; it was difficult for me to focus on those books. It was also difficult for me to sit on the chair for a long time. I tried many methods to maintain the attention; at last, I just increased the study time step by step. Now, I could keep the focus on the books over an hour at one time, but I would take a 10 minutes break after an hour study.

There was another advantage in my room, I had my own bathroom. The others were four people in one room so they needed to line up to take a shower. I decided to have a bath and paused the study temporarily. It was my favorite time of the day; no disturbance, no other people and no pressure, only me. I could stay in a bathtub to get rid of all the pressure and the fatigue.

After a comfortable bath, I geared up again to start the second half. I just started 15 minutes, although I wore the earplugs, I still could hear a light noise that someone knocked on the door. At first, I thought that one of them was knocked on their own door but it was unforeseen, the noise didn’t stop. I was sure that it wasn’t Ms. Chester, she wouldn’t bother me after 9pm, in that case, I decided to ignore him, no matter who were they. However, the noise continued to interrupt my study nearly three minutes, I couldn’t endure it anymore. I took out my earplug.

What do you want to get by knocking my door for three minutes? I yelled.

Vasek, sorry to bother you. Could I bother you for some time? he said.

Through his voice, I recognized that it was Kyle but why was he tried to find me at 10pm? Did he try to say thank you to me for the help in the dining room? I wasn’t sure what did he want but I decided to continue the conversation.

Kyle, right? I said.

Yes, Kyle replied.

Well, if you want to say thank you for the fork in the dining room, I said. It doesn’t matter to me. It was lift a finger.

That was one of the reasons, but not the primary one, Kyle said.

I knew that it was really odd to talk to each other between a door but I just wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible so that I could get back to my chair and continued to study.

So, what do you want? I said.

Could you please open the door, I have some question, Kyle said.

To my surprise, I never thought that any of them would like to talk to me to say nothing of asking me the question. I preferred to reject him because of the study was interrupted. While I tried to reject him, he said something.

Vasek, I know that you are studying for next year, Kyle said. Therefore, I won’t occupy so much time.

Well, he said that, if I still rejected him that would make me like a cruel man. So, I decided to open the door and tried to listen what he want to say.

Sorry to bother you, Kyle said.

Not at all, just come in and take a seat, I said.

Thanks. Kyle walked in my room. So many books, are you going to read them all? A surprised tone from Kyle.

Basically, yes, I said it and back to desk. Please wait for a moment.

Take your time, Kyle said.

In fact, due to the study was paused; I just tried to make a note on the page which I stopped tonight. I turned around and looked at Kyle, in my mind; I didn’t think that I still had time to study after the conversation with Kyle tonight.

After the note on my book, I walked to the side table at the center of the room.

What makes you here? I said.

I know that I’m new to here and to you, Kyle said. If it is possible, I want to make friends with you.

If someone gave me the choice that the reason Kyle came to see me, made friends with me would definitely not on the list.

Are you serious right now? I said it with doubt.

Maybe It’s strange to you, Kyle said.

Any reason? As you know, I will leave here next year, so we won’t be familiar to each other as we think, I said.

In the children orphanage, they don’t tell the truth about the society, Kyle said. I didn’t say a word so he kept talking. After Katherine leave here, you always lock yourself in the books. I realize that it must be not easy in the outside society; otherwise, you won’t study so hard. Therefore, if it possible, I want to understand the truth and make friends with you.

They were not really as naive as I thought. Not like the others, Kyle really had some cognition. I decided to make this friend.

"You are not as

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