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Alone to Alive. Logosynthesis and the Energy of Beliefs
Alone to Alive. Logosynthesis and the Energy of Beliefs
Alone to Alive. Logosynthesis and the Energy of Beliefs
Ebook312 pages6 hours

Alone to Alive. Logosynthesis and the Energy of Beliefs

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About this ebook

Logosynthesis® is an holistic, integrative approach to healing and development, based on the power of words to restore the flow of your life energy. The model offers elegant and effective ways of resolving limiting beliefs and engaging with your life’s dance of love and meaning.

Memories, fantasies, and beliefs are known to be the three most important areas to apply Logosynthesis. Once you have identified one of these three, you can choose the appropriate protocol and resolve what bothers you. You can dissolve a disturbing memory, you can get let go of anxiety, and start to access your potential in the present. However, working on underlying beliefs is definitely the most effective way to free your life energy. Alone to Alive will support you in uncovering limiting beliefs, resolving them, and unfolding the full potential that you arrived with on this planet.

Your current life is based on the sum total of your beliefs. Limiting beliefs lead to unwanted thoughts, negative emotions, and unwanted behaviors. Many people struggle with frustration, depression and a resignation while settling for a less than satisfactory life. This doesn’t have to be you! This book takes a deep dive into where beliefs come from and how they affect you now.

Alone to Alive offers a completely new way of dealing with the challenges of your mission on Planet Earth. This book helps you to:
- recognize the importance of beliefs in your understanding of the world;
- acquire existing theory and protocols for dealing with beliefs
- gain new insights regarding words and beliefs as patterns of language and energy
- become skilled in new protocols for the radical elimination of deep-seated, disturbing beliefs
- understand advanced ideas about the interaction of language, energy and the power of words
- learn new approaches for transforming the energy bound up in beliefs and redirecting it toward your life purpose
- become aware of the creative power of words and how you can use them to shape your reality
- utilize new protocols for activating your own and others' resources
Dr Willem Lammers and Raya Williams provide stunning examples from their own lives and those of their clients of how Logosynthesis and the power of words works—every single day.

Real change is possible. This book is easy to read and using practical exercises, helps to pinpoint your purpose and your path to fulfilling it. Professionals in guided change can use the theory and the protocols in this book to add a new dimension to their work, even with their most challenging clients. Applying the ideas and protocols in this breathtaking book will transform the deepest roots of your belief system. Alone to Alive will enable you to create a life you may only have dreamed of.

A book comes along with practical answers to the eternal question, ‘How do I become who I’m meant to be?’ Exploring the power of beliefs, what they are, where they come from, and how they shape us and our experiences, Dr. Lammers then offers us a powerful solution: Logosynthesis. His potent addition to the field of Energy Psychology is now applied to the structure of beliefs. If you’re struggling with how to create a life that truly works, the answers are right here. All with a process that is simple, gentle, and astoundingly effective, taught by a person of enormous integrity, wisdom, and kindness. Make Logosynthesis and the practices in this book a part of your healing journey and I know you will discover life is truly working with you. Great purpose and joy await you!

Kris Ferraro, Energy Coach, Speaker, Author of Manifesting and the #1 Amazon bestseller Energy Healing

Release dateDec 28, 2021
Alone to Alive. Logosynthesis and the Energy of Beliefs

Willem Lammers

Willem Lammers, MSc, DPsych, TSTA, is a chartered clinical and social psychologist, a psychotherapist, and a consultant to people and organisations. He also certified as a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA) and as a Doctor in Psychotherapy by Professional Studies at Middlesex University. Since 1987 he has been leading a large training institute for coaching, counselling and supervision, ias AG, now in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland.In his training, practice and teachings, he spent many years on the interface of body, mind and spirit, in systems like transactional analysis, NLP, the Reconnection, the Monroe Institute, and Energy Psychology. In 2005, as a result of these explorations, Willem discovered Logosynthesis and has been developing and training it ever since.Willem runs a private practice for psychotherapy, supervision and coaching. His teaching activities are taking him to many countries in Europe and overseas. Willem is the author of five books and numerous articles in the field.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book offers a lot of tools for self-development, means to correct malfunctions in ourselves and helps to clear away blockages. I found it very interesting and I thank the authors for their generosity to share their knowledge with us!

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Alone to Alive. Logosynthesis and the Energy of Beliefs - Willem Lammers




After a time of great success in her profession, Michelle felt depressed and turned to me for help. She shared with me how her parents had never really wanted her. They were young, and she was born soon after her brother, with only a year between them. Michelle had already done deep work and was now exploring her reason for being born at all, her mission. In an online session, she said:

I have this expectation that everything is going to be difficult. I had to go on disability a few years ago, I want to get off now, but that seems impossible … I try to be positive and optimistic … I want a good life … It’s hard, I think people are going to put me down. My life feels like I’m wading through a swamp. It’s dark … daunting … I’m afraid inside.

I came here to be a healer, and every healer is wounded, right? I guess I needed to experience wounding to know what healing is, only I didn’t expect it to come from my family. Healers go through a lot of difficulties to gain understanding, compassion, and wisdom. I feel I’ve gained the wisdom and yet I keep suffering. That’s what I don’t understand. I’m stuck. I can’t seem to get what I need.


You’re saying something about your potential: I can’t. You’re also saying that others should offer you something that makes you feel better. What happens when you take out the role of the environment in determining what you are? What is on your side of the equation?


I can’t do it.


What happens when you can’t do that?


I’m alone. Lost.


That means you’re disconnected from your Essence, and that you’re disconnected from other people too. That’s not a comfortable state.


No. I feel like I must figure out whatever is difficult on my own. I’m alone here.


I hear you say three words: I. Am. Alone. If I look at that sentence more closely, I represents your Self on this planet. Alone tells me there is neither a connection with your Essence nor with the Matrix. These two words are connected by Am, and that sounds like a solid connection. That sentence also says something about your future because being is becoming: What you believe you are, is what you believe you will become.


Yes. I really feel that.


So we have this three-word statement: I am alone, and you seem to believe that statement. How true is that belief for you on a scale of 0-10?




How distressing is that belief on a scale 0-10? Michelle: I feel a lot of grief, 7 again.

I give her the sentences of the Logosynthesis Basic Procedure for the word ‘I’ in the sentence ‘I am alone’ and everything it represents. She repeats the sentences and lets the words sink in. She sighs deeply, with tears running down her cheeks. She goes through another round of sentences for the word ‘alone’ in the sentence ‘I am alone’ and everything it represents. Her eyes flutter, she frowns a little and then smiles. Her face begins to radiate, and she sits up straight. Finally, she says the sentences for the word ‘am’ in the sentence ‘I am alone’ and everything it represents. I am, she says as she reaches for her glass of water and slowly sips.


What happened?


I felt this sensation of floating in the universe, or in my mother’s womb maybe. With the last round, I felt a connection between my head and my belly, right through my core. The support of the universe was there! I can feel it! I felt like floating in space and thought of this musician who has a song called I’m Alive! So, I could hear that and felt like I wanted to laugh. She laughs. YEAH! It was like the movie Frankenstein when the electricity brought him to life! I was floating in the universe, getting ignited somehow!


How true is the statement now, on a scale of 0-10:I am alone?


It’s a 1.


How distressing is it on a scale of 0-10?


Oh … I’m not distressed anymore.


I read somewhere that said people who are wise are not alone.


That makes sense. I feel I’ve gained a lot of wisdom, but there was always this gap. I wasn’t embodying it. It wasn’t mine somehow. I’m excited to put wisdom and aliveness together. I feel an enormous potential. I feel this jittery excitement in my body. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to see what good things happen now.

I’m alive!

YES. Alive!




Beliefs are everywhere, all the time. They determine your emotions, your thoughts, and your behavior, but they are as elusive as water for a fish. They are habits or states of mind that are based on limited information, and they stand in the way of living a fulfilled life. Once you let go of these limits, you’ll enter a wide and open space, the state of your Free Self. We have written this book to support you on that path.

Since the inception of Logosynthesis in 2005, I have developed principles and techniques to access and activate the power of words. I have described this power as a phenomenon with some history, some quotes, some anecdotes, and some general statements. That was enough to create a base for a series of Logosynthesis protocols to unleash that power. Each of these protocols contains a series of sentences in the context of a professional working alliance. The protocols restore the flow of your life energy where it has become blocked.

Over the years, people of different professions and backgrounds have gained experience with these protocols, for themselves or for their clients. I have designed training programs and written books to support those people in their applications of the model.¹

For years, I have taken the creative potential of words for granted. Everyone who ever started applying Logosynthesis was puzzled about it because the effect is so different from the words we use to define, to value, and to explain what’s going on in our world. As soon as you speak the sentences of the Logosynthesis Basic Procedure or its more sophisticated versions, things start to change, and life goes on with the relief of having resolved one more block.

Logosynthesis has become a coherent system of healing and development. We have learned to retrieve our own energy from frozen energy patterns in our perceptions, to remove other people’s energy enclosed in those patterns, and to retrieve our own energy from the reactions entangled with those perceptions.

Then new questions came up: How is this possible? How does it work? How does this happen? I wanted to know why and how words and sentences create these mysterious effects. I went on a journey. The year of the first lockdown provided the unexpected opportunity to sort out my previous writing and to publish it in a series of new books.²

Publishing these books created a boost in the spreading of the model, which led to more activity in the outside world. I spent 2020 posting in social media groups, sorting out and rewriting paragraphs, discussing with editors, graphics designers, translators, and typesetters, until the next volume or the next edition went into print.

Then, at the end of 2020, I felt empty. The new books were published, more translations were on the way, the Logosynthesis community had grown by the thousands, but I felt bored, annoyed, and irritated for a period of several months. Was I finished with Logosynthesis?

I’ve known such periods at various times during my life, and usually they are the messengers of a new beginning. I had the same experience when I was an assistant professor at the Free University of Amsterdam, before I moved to Switzerland to accept a job as a psychotherapist, I had it after working in a team for years before I became the head of a department, and I had it before I left that position to become self-employed. I always experienced it before something new entered my life: I felt bored and restless.

The times of corona ruled out any option to fill the empty space with traveling to new places, meeting new people in seminars and congresses, flooding my eyes with new images of cities and landscapes, condensing my experience in photographs. No restaurants, museums, hotels, trains, and planes. Me, myself, and I were left to solve the problem, and the solution appeared during a stormy night in January 2021.

I collected my already available material and presented it in an online workshop about beliefs in Logosynthesis. That workshop answered some questions:

What is a belief?

How do the words block the flow of life energy in limiting beliefs?

What’s the most efficient way to restore the flow of life energy that’s frozen in limiting beliefs?

Initially I thought that this book would only contain answers to these questions. When I had covered them in a first draft, new doors swung open, and new questions arose:

Which linguistic structures underlie a belief?

How can I understand beliefs as energy patterns?

What happens if our life energy is freed from the limitations of beliefs?

How can we use the power of words to channel this energy and focus our intention?

Do words actively shape reality?

This book contains my answers to these questions. Answering them took me on a breathtaking journey, and I’m extremely grateful for Raya Williams’ company on this trip. After Raya had edited my book Sparks at Dawn, I asked her to test one of my new protocols and then to join me in this project. We spent many hours discussing new discoveries that turned into protocols, which then proved to be powerful beyond belief. You’ll find some of our stories in this book.

If we use the word you in this book, we invite you, dear reader, to join us on this journey in the service of your mission as a human being on this planet. If we use the word we, Raya and I agree on the content, and if the word I is used, it’s me, Willem, speaking as the founder and developer as Logosynthesis.

I feel a deep gratitude for this experience of doing what I love most: kindling a spark that lights a fire.

Maienfeld, in December 2021,

Willem Lammers




Logosynthesis is so simple, so gentle. You can use it with the most shocking and painful memory that you have or the most mundane task that you procrastinate over. It allows you to work as slowly as you want to, and to take as many steps as are necessary. You can work alone or with a Professional. People are often skeptical as to how a few seemingly simple sentences can achieve so much, how specifically the protocols can be adapted, how deeply they work and how fast change for the better occurs. This book explains all these things.

Being bored during lockdown in the UK, I volunteered to test new protocols—and ended up working on a book! Funny how that happens. I’ve worked with Willem before on previous books, but only in the final stages, I’d never been involved from the beginning. It has been an experience in many ways.

Writing a book is messy. There are lists of documents, versions, deadlines, and paper everywhere. Ideas and thoughts appear at the most inopportune moments, and it really does seem to have an energy all of its own. Go with the flow was a phrase we used quite a lot—and we did. There was a rhythm that the days had, there was a weaving of our time, a gentle convergence and emergence of ideas, dreams and experiences that ultimately resulted in this book. We spent many hours talking; nothing was off the table. We wrote, edited, critiqued, and rewrote. Sometimes we disagreed. I tested protocols, edited new chapters, collected quotes and references, and I asked far too many annoying questions.

What surprised me the most, was the unexpected process of manifestation that started to happen, it was individual, and it was collective. It seemed to touch everything. Creation occurred: Ideas landed, breakthroughs suddenly presented themselves, doors opened wide, and long-standing situations changed. My daily life is different today because of these chapters, these protocols. Was it challenging? Yes. Without a doubt. Interacting with your beliefs isn’t always an easy process, sometimes there is relief as energy shifts, other times it can be quite uncomfortable to confront thinking and behavior that has been a ‘fact’ for decades.

This is a book that, if you engage with it, will take you on a journey, at first, down that familiar road to your past, then back to base, and out into the unknown. It isn’t for the fainthearted or those who want a quick or comforting read. Some terrain may be difficult. The possibility of approaching very familiar obstacles in a new way makes the journey different this time though. There are surprises and challenges. There are new things to create and discover. There are jewels to be found, and things that will never be the same again.

This time has been one I will always treasure, for the experience of working with Willem, for the new learning and for falling in love with Logosynthesis all over again. In a strange way, I will miss this book, it’s become part of my life over these last months. I’m excited to see the effects that these new levels of understanding will have for the world, for our community, and for our clients.

I hope you enjoy this as much I did!

Raya Williams



A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind.

— Robert Oxton Bolton³

Beliefs are active everywhere you go, anytime. They are the roots of your thinking, your emotions, and your behavior. They make your world small or big; they determine your appraisal of the past, the present, and the future; they determine the value of yourself and others; they frame your life and help you to make it meaningful.

Beliefs have many names: assumptions, ideas, judgements, convictions, values, opinions, hypotheses, theories, or even feelings. The words are different, but the dynamics are the same, and that’s what interests us in this book.

Long ago, you acquired beliefs—for a good reason. Now your life has changed, and beliefs that once served you, may now stand in your way. Reading this book may help you to explore and review your belief system. Then you can find new ways of understanding reality in the service of your mission on this planet.

In this part of the book, Raya and I want to take you on a journey to find out what beliefs are, why you create them, where they come from, how and why they can limit or empower you, and—most importantly—how you can change them.




Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.

— Henry Ford

4.1 Some history and context

The Old English word bileave meant confidence reposed in a person or thing; faith in a religion. Its earlier roots are related to the current German word Glaube and the Dutch geloof. By the year 1530, the meaning of the word had become: conviction of the truth of a proposition or alleged fact without knowledge. That definition is close to how we’re using it in this book.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary⁶ a belief is:

a state or habit of mind in which trust, or confidence is placed in some person or thing.

something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion.

the conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence. A belief is a firm thought that something is true.

In the psychological sense, beliefs are statements stored within your mind and brain as default reference points for navigating everyday life. They assume that people, phenomena, or objects are connected in certain ways. Beliefs play an important role in the assessment of the value of yourself and others. Everything you believe about yourself, others, and the world is embedded in a larger belief system—your frame of reference.

4.2 Fields of beliefs

The most important beliefs are those about yourself, other people, and quality of life.⁷ Other significant beliefs are related to love, meaning, health, and wealth. Love and meaning come first because they drive your mission and the realities of your life. Health and wealth are secondary and can be resources for your mission in this world, or they can be necessary conditions to feel good.

These are broad categories, basic assumptions that build the foundation for all other beliefs in your frame of reference. If you manage to change the beliefs in these categories, many other beliefs will follow.

Beliefs are not only about how people and things are. They can also contain aspects of an alternative reality, one that is feared, expected, or desired:

how life can be, will be, or might be

how life could be or should be

how life could have been or should have been

Such alternative realities can freeze your life energy in the same way as it can be frozen in patterns of the past.

4.3 Your mind needs beliefs

Your beliefs help you to understand and find meaning. You need a mental map to help you navigate a world that would otherwise be overwhelming. That’s the reason your mind has developed into a belief engine. It’s always seeking to find order in the information that pours into it. It reflects upon processes and patterns, observing them, thinking about them, and responding to them.

Once your mind has recognized a pattern it turns it into a belief and tries to find explanations—often after the events have happened. This process helps you to determine a course of action, a plan, and a direction. In time, your

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