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Tanni and the Dark Souls
Tanni and the Dark Souls
Tanni and the Dark Souls
Ebook26 pages17 minutes

Tanni and the Dark Souls

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Tanni and the Dark Souls is a journey of discovery for an aspiring young Elvish creature from the realm of Hashii. The short story highlights the mighty game of Maul, and one younglings desire to be the next Scavenger in his team the Dark Souls, and play on the hallowed ground of the Mord.

MAUL is the most significant event of the calendar for any Rogue or Orca!
The fiery contest between the eternally embattled clans serves to both allow control of the mines for the following season, and cull the ever expanding numbers of inhabitants in two realms. The opposing nations found the only fair way to deal with this was by having a tournament of their most glorious champions. The blood-shed was just a bonus...

For as long as can be remembered, every year teams and thousands of their supporters would arrive at the Feudal Mord Plains to witness the carnage.
The tournament of Maul is split into three fast-paced rounds, where opposing teams have compete to keep possession of a Detonator for long enough to explode a bomb. If successful the opposition team will have a few less cheers, as a swathe of supporters in their crowd are vapourised!

You might ask why on Draego’s Underearth would any being go to support this, however the only privilege greater than being left standing at the end of Maul, is to be vapourised before then. There is no shortage of supporters to wear the brand, or spread the ashes of their fellow villagers for that matter.

In an ongoing series of stories readers will discover the stories of Maul's greatest heroes!

PublisherJ P Robertson
Release dateDec 24, 2021
Tanni and the Dark Souls

J P Robertson

I am a Science Fiction writer, releasing my first novel in 2014.Although I am an adult, I am a kid at heart, often reliving my youth vicariously through my children. I love everything about SciFi, from futurist concepts, to high-tech weapons and gadgets, and pure escapism.My writing is aimed at adults, and young people that can handle a bit of violence and foul language. Although neither attributes are foundations of my writing, I do not shy away from using the common colloquialism you would expect to find with the types of characters I develop.If you like futurism, action, espionage, and colorful characters, you'll like what I make.

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    Book preview

    Tanni and the Dark Souls - J P Robertson



    The hooves impacted in an almost hypnotic rhythm…


    Thu, thud

    Thu, Thud


    As the moment neared, the movements slowed, the dust swirls became blurs of red, and the clash of bone and metal became muted.




    Thu, Thud…


    On the call Tanni shot out from behind Grun’s legs and headed straight for the opponent’s Flanker. The blurs of limbs and armour faded away as he focussed on the Det.

    ‘It’s mine. This is it Tanni, take it!’.

    The only thought in his mind was taking the Det and getting it to Latdi who was waiting on the edge of the tussle. He caught him from the corner of his eye and knew he would be coming around for a slingshot pass, just as they practiced.

    Darting between legs and hooves as though they were stationary, Tanni felt the surge of energy he had been waiting for. Skipping off his Carver, Tanni threaded through the gap between the opposition Vangard, grabbing the Det before they knew what had happened.

    For a moment the crowd went into a silence before Tanni emerged from the dust weaving through the remaining Vangard with the pace of a veteran Scavenger. The sudden change caught everyone off guard, and then the crowd roared into a frenzy of

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