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The Code Mind Power Quantum Power
The Code Mind Power Quantum Power
The Code Mind Power Quantum Power
Ebook149 pages2 hours

The Code Mind Power Quantum Power

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About this ebook

Accelerate wealth, health, and happiness beyond the Law of Attraction with all Four Pillars of Manifestation and your Full Power!


Learn the essential "Combination" or the "Formula" required to Access > Activate > Manifest.


We call it "-=THE C O D E=-" Accelerated Quantum Method. Accelerating your wants - goals - dreams - intentions into reality in your life while you control your own destiny!


Let's clarify what this is...


The "True Secret" of Manifestation is not the discovery of the junior Law of Attraction, or the senior Law of Vibration, or any law for that matter.


The "True Secret" of Manifestation is the discovery of the correct "Combination," the "Formula," or "-=THE C O D E=-." This is required to Access and Activate the key Manifestation Laws and accelerate your wants - goals - dreams - intentions into reality in your life.




-=THE C O D E=- Accelerated Quantum Method Techniques unite our "5 Inner Realm Technologies" afforded to everyone at birth, with the astounding power of the "Quantum Field," accelerating dreams into reality in our lives.




Four Pillars of Manifestation expand beyond the Law of Attraction, as you simultaneously:

"Attract" (Attraction Hypothesis or The Law of Attraction)

"Export" (Simulation Hypothesis)

"Shift" (Multi-Verse Hypothesis)

"Reconfigure" (Retro-Causality Hypothesis)

Release dateJan 1, 2022
The Code Mind Power Quantum Power


tomaso luigi

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    Book preview

    The Code Mind Power Quantum Power - TOMASO LUIGI


    Copyright © December 2021 by Tomaso Luigi

    First released January 01, 2022

    Produced in the United States of America


    Accelerate Your Wants - Goals - Dreams - Intentions

    By Tomaso Luigi

    Published by Belleza Investment Holdings, LP

    3857 Birch Street, Suite 572, Newport Beach, Ca 92660

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, including but not limited to, mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use- other than for fair use as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews- without prior written permission from the publisher.

    For Permissions Contact: Belleza Investment Holdings, LP

    3857 Birch Street, Suite 572, Newport Beach, Ca 92660

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly.

    Cover Art by TT Designs

    ISBN: 979-8-9851593-0-1 RETAIL EBOOK

    ISBN: 979-8-9851593-1-8 LIBRARY EBOOK


    This work is dedicated to humanity, for this and future generations, to help others enjoy a Life of True Power and Manifestation.

    Additionally, this work is dedicated to the mentors both past and living noted herein, providing insights, inspiration, and wisdom.



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    Tomaso Luigi is the author of the groundbreaking work titled THE CODE Mind Power Quantum Power, released New Year’s Day, 2022.

    With decades of application into the power of the mind, coupled with quantum physics and cosmology, Tomaso has a passion to share his understanding in this discipline.

    Tomaso has completed advanced areas of study in meditation, yoga, quantum physics, cosmology, and has achieved mind power quantum power expert level status.

    He has developed THE CODE to share Techniques uniting our 5 Inner Realm Technologies afforded to everyone at birth, with the astounding power of the Quantum Field, accelerating dreams into reality in our lives.

    With family roots originating in Abruzzo Italy, Tomaso lives in Southern California where he serves as CEO of two companies in the capital markets. He attributes his business achievements directly to his Mind Power Quantum Power Techniques.

    When he is not writing or working on his companies, Tomaso can be found on nature walks, driving the coastline, or enjoying pasta from his favorite Italian Ristorante.



    Accelerate Your Wants - Goals - Dreams - Intentions






    1. Insights from the Author

    2. Core Principles of The Code

    3. Mentors

    4. Accelerated Quantum Method

    5. Advancements

    Techniques Parts 1 – 6

    6. Part 1 – Personal Access Code

    Manifestation Objective

    7. Part 2 – Techniques Preparation

    8. Part 3 – Foundation Action Techniques

    9. Part 4 – Access Quantum Field

    10. Part 5 – Activate Quantum Pillars

    11. Part 6 – Manifest the Objective

    12. Closing Insights

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    The Mainstream Myth, a massive lie with adverse life diminishing implications for each and every one of us, has been perpetuated upon the human race.

    Forcing us to enter the Life Default Program, which reinforces the Mainstream Myth, which again reinforces the Life Default Program, creating a powerful Detrimental Loop.

    Regardless how desperately hard you try to change it with your power of will, you are up against a behemoth adversary with multiple times the power, who will crush your efforts every single time.

    You will soon understand why this negative cycle severely limits your efforts to create the life you desire, and how you can enjoy a Life of True Power and Manifestation.

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    It is my sincere hope that through this work and an understanding of -=THE C O D E=-, you will Apply your 5 Inner Realm Technologies, reject the Mainstream Myth, exit the Life Default Program, enter the Unifying Energy Realm of Infinite Probability (Quantum Field or The Field), and enjoy a Life of True Power and Manifestation.

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    Throughout this work, the words Manifest, and Manifestation are used to convey the conversion of your wants, goals, dreams, and intentions into reality as you perceive it in your life, with =The C O D E=- Mind Power Quantum Power, accelerated Quantum Techniques.


    At 21 years of age, I stumbled upon and gained access to Great Universal Power that completely changed the trajectory of my life. From a struggling and failing college student who was totally stressed, ready to quit, and physically out of shape; I transformed over a rapid 90-day period, into a dean’s list scholar scoring high academic achievements and awards, into a popular leader of two organizations on campus, and into a member of an elite athletic squad composed of football, tract, and water polo athletes.

    This power source propelled me forward to great heights while attending college, but soon after graduating and entering the business world, this Great Universal Power diminished gradually from immense, to consistent, to intermittent, to non-existent.

    Completely perplexed over the loss of this power, I set out on my Mind Power Quantum Power Journey to rediscover it and answer two questions, How and Why. How is it accessed and activated in order to manifest my dreams? Why does it work, what are the mechanics, what universal powers, principals and laws are in play?

    During the following years, I continued on my personal Mind Power Quantum Power Journey reconnecting with the Great Universal Power, discovering -=THE C O D E=- to Access > Activate > Manifest. At times it was sporadic or intermittent like a partial cell or wi-fi connection. Life was like that of a roller coaster ride with a steep climb to great levels of success, then declines downward. As I stabilized and successfully continued forward, the Core Principals established, and -=THE C O D E=- refined, now complete and published for the benefit of others.


    Over my Mind Power Quantum Power Journey that initially began decades ago, I have been drawn to mentors both past and living, presenting principles that are similar to, borrowed from, or rooted within -=THE C O D E=-. This is not the work of any single person. This is the collection of golden threads from many areas, but most importantly, direct insights from the Unifying Energy Realm of Infinite Probability (Quantum Field), that I have woven into concise and easy to understand Core Principles and Techniques of -=THE C O D E=-.

    These mentors include:

    Meditation Center LA

    Napoleon Hill

    Joe Carbo

    W. Clement Stone

    Earl Nightingale

    Norman Vincent Peal

    Yoga Center CM

    Claude Bristol

    Albert Einstein

    Nicola Tesla

    Jose Silva

    James Allen

    Wallace Wattles

    Deepak Chopra

    Dr Wayne Dyer

    Louise Hay

    Greg Braden

    Jerry and Esther Hicks

    Bob Proctor

    David Lynch

    Michio Kaku

    John Kehoe

    Dr Joe Dispenza

    Bruce Lipton

    Each of these mentors played a key role in my Mind Power Quantum Power Journey, crossing and re-crossing my path when I needed that perspective or missing piece to the larger puzzle. I now

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