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Someone Like You
Someone Like You
Someone Like You
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Someone Like You

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In the much anticipated sequel to "Opposites Do Attract", readers will follow the life of Lisa Harris after her tumultuous break-up with her former boyfriend, Mike Daniels. Whatever happened with Lisa Harris after Mike left her? Did she eventually find that one true love? Or did she continue with her destructive path as a self-centered and egotisti
Release dateOct 13, 2014
Someone Like You

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    Someone Like You - Smith Sherman

    Supreme Publishing, LLC



    Supreme Publishing, LLC

    Richmond, Virginia

    This book is work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    © 2014 by Sherman Smith

    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

    For information regarding special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Supreme Publishing, LLC at 804-386-5716 or

    First Supreme Publishing, LLC Fiction Paperback edition 2014

    ISBN: 978-0-9815869-1-5

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    Cover Design by: GWE


    As always, I would like to take this opportunity to give praise to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for blessing me with the talent and the ability to become a published author. It is through His mercy and His grace that I was able to complete this journey.

    I want to thank my family for their unyielding support, and for always believing in me. There were many long days and long nights when I tirelessly sat in front of my computer creating this wonderful story. And without your wonderful support I couldn’t have completed it. Thank you so much.

    I also want to thank Mrs. Vera Thornton. You were actually the very first person to purchase my debut novel. As a new author, I was so nervous and anxious, and couldn’t wait to sell my first book. Receiving your check in the mail was very rewarding and it confirmed that I had officially achieved my dream. I truly thank you for your support and your honest critique.

    I would like to give a special recognition to the late, Reader Parker. She was a special fan who praised my first book and patiently looked forward to this one. I truly thank her for all the kind words and encouragement. It is people like her that have always given me the motivation to continue when I think I can’t. I’m disappointed that she isn’t here to read this book, but I’m sure she would have loved it. May she rest in peace.

    And to my number one fan, Mr. Harry Parker, I can’t thank you enough for always believing in me and encouraging me. Since reading my first book, you have always commended me on being a talented writer. You have no idea how much I appreciate your respect and inspiration. You speak as if you personally know my characters, and that is the goal that I want to achieve when creating those characters. Thank you so much.

    I would also like to thank Genevieve Wilson and Apex Reviews for helping me to create this book. Thank you for your patience and support, your unparalleled professionalism and of course your excellent creativity.

    Finally, I would like to thank my fans for always putting a smile on my face with your kind words. I’ve kept you waiting for this sequel, and now that it’s finally here, I hope you enjoy it. I truly thank everyone who have encouraged me and continually given me the motivation to create another wonderful story.


    This book is dedicated to my wife, Nichelle. Thank you, sweetheart, for your unconditional love and unwavering patience through this whole process of me achieving my dream. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.

    All my life I've waited for someone like you.

    With a heart of gold, I always knew

    you would come my way.

    All my life I've waited for someone just like you.

    -Patti LaBelle


    The sun couldn’t have shined any brighter as Lisa Harris stood at the bus stop in the midst of a crowd of people. Everyone eagerly anticipated the arrival of the bus as the temperature seemed to rise by the minute. The bus was due soon, and it couldn’t get there fast enough. Although it was a beautiful day and only about eighty-five degrees, to Lisa; it felt like a humid one hundred degrees as the sun seemed to shine directly on her. Lisa could have complained about the sweltering heat like everyone else, but she had other things on her mind. Her mind had been suddenly spellbound by memories of happier times in her life when her former boyfriend, Mike Daniels, drove up and stopped at the traffic light.

    After three years, it was wonderful to finally see Mike again. Lisa really missed him. She smiled after Mike pulled off and drove through the intersection in his beautiful, black Range Rover. What a coincidence, she thought. The man whom she cheated on Mike with, Charles Whitaker, also drove a black Range Rover. Her affair with Charles was definitely a huge mistake that Lisa would always regret. She hated herself for hurting Mike, and it took several months for her to get over her loss of him. She shared some special times with Mike, and she loved him dearly. She knew that he was a good man, and she hoped that he was happy. Mike always promised Lisa a happier life together with him, and she wondered how things would have turned out if they would have remained together.

    There was a beautiful woman in the passenger seat of Mike’s truck. Lisa wondered who she could be. Was she his girlfriend? Was she his wife? Maybe she was just some trick that he met last night. Whoever she was; the stunning woman caused a sense of jealousy to suddenly come over Lisa. The idea of Mike being in a happy relationship with someone else made her jealous. Lisa’s life had become a wreck after Mike left her, and lately things hadn’t seemed to get any better. She did start a new job that she really liked, but she was still unhappy. As Mike’s truck drove through the intersection and on down the street, Lisa wondered if maybe things would ever get better for her. Would she ever find another man like Mike? Would she ever be in another happy relationship? She also wondered something more important. Could she ever get Mike Daniels back?

    Chapter 1

    Like every morning, Lisa Harris walked into the break room to get a cup of coffee before she went to her desk. A hot cup of coffee always seemed to help her get through the morning. Lisa worked at Metropolitan Media Group, a major advertising and marketing company in downtown Washington, D.C., for about three years. She began working there shortly after she left D.C. Cable. After getting her new job, Lisa was very motivated to move up the ladder quickly. The company had plenty of room for growth, and Lisa took advantage of every opportunity. Her motivation and hard work paid off, as she was recently promoted to a junior position in management. Although her love life was nothing to write home about, she was definitely happy about her new promotion and it seemed like things were finally getting better for her.

    Three years ago, when Lisa’s relationship ended with her boyfriend, Mike Daniels, she moved back home with her mother and quit her job. Back at D.C. Cable, everyone made Lisa’s life complicated because of her affair with her boss, Charles Whitaker. Therefore, it was inevitable for her to follow Charles’ lead and just resign. She fell into a deep depression, and things didn’t get any better until she found her new job and new friends. Getting a new job with Metropolitan gave Lisa a new found desire to live again. She felt more compelled to be the woman she once was. A petite woman, standing about 5’5" and weighing about 125 pounds, Lisa was always a very beautiful woman. She used her looks to get what she wanted and who she wanted.

    Lisa also saved her money while living with her mom, and a year later she was able to move out on her own. She moved into a quaint two bedroom apartment in Capital Heights, MD. It was Lisa’s first time getting her own place, and she really enjoyed her independence. After only living with her mom most of her life and with Mike Daniels for the couple years that they resided together, Lisa got a late start at her new-found independence. It was a long time coming, but well worth it.

    After getting her coffee, Lisa went to her desk to prepare for her Monday morning meeting with her supervisor and team members. Before their meeting began, Lisa and her co-worker, Carmen Johnson, entertained each other with their usual morning gossip.

    So, how was your weekend? asked Carmen, arranging some folders.

    Girl, I had a great weekend. Saturday, I went to the Warner Theatre to see that new Tyler Perry play.

    Really? Who did you go with?

    I went with James. You remember him, don’t you?

    He’s that sexy-ass guy we met when we were on our lunch break at McDonald’s, right?

    Yeah, that’s him.

    I can’t believe you kept his phone number. I thought you were going to get rid of it, reminded Carmen.

    I was. I forgot that I had it in my purse, and one day when I was at home I was going through my purse when I found it. My curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to give him a call. I kept thinking about those sexy dimples, so I had to at least see what he was all about.

    Yeah, he did have some sexy dimples. So, how was the play?

    It was great. We really enjoyed it. I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. Tyler Perry is so talented.

    Yes, he is. Well, I’m glad you had a good time. Me and Mark just sat around the house and watched TV, Carmen explained with a sigh.

    You sound like you’re disappointed or something. It’s nothing wrong with spending a little quality time with your man. How long have y’all been together anyway?

    We’ve been married for four years. Why?

    Well, y’all have probably out-grown the dating thing. You know? But even though you don’t go out all the time, you can still enjoy the quality time that you share.

    Wow! That sounds wonderful! Carmen sarcastically blurted. I enjoy quality time. I really do. But I want to see Madea, too!

    Lisa laughed. Well, maybe you can see Tyler the next time he comes to town. One thing I know for sure is that I definitely won’t be seeing him with James.

    Carmen raised a brow. Why do you say that? she asked.

    Girl, his young ass got on my damn nerves! First of all, I didn’t know that he was only twenty-three. And he definitely acted like it! Then, all he did all night was talk about himself. We had dinner at Georgia Brown’s before we went to the play. During dinner, he continually bragged about being a model and living in New York. Everything was about him. He even talked my ears off when we got to the play. I was so glad when the lights went out and the play started because that was the only time he would be quiet! I mean, I know he’s fine, but damn; he’s not that fine!

    Carmen laughed at Lisa’s candid description of her date from hell. Well, he was definitely working that high yellow skin and curly hair look, she joked.

    I guess that’s what I get for dating a light-skinned brotha’, huh?

    My husband is light-skinned. So what are you trying to say? Carmen asked with an innocent smirk.

    Girl, I’m just saying it’s hard enough to find a man out here as it is. I don’t need a man thinking he’s all that just because he’s light-skinned with good hair, explained Lisa. And I damn sure don’t want a man that thinks he’s prettier than me!

    Girl, I know that’s right! Carmen agreed, giving Lisa a high-five.

    Lisa decided to change the subject. You are very fortunate that you’ve found the right man, Carmen. Dating is so hard when you’re trying to find a good man.

    Yeah, I agree with you, Lisa. That’s why you have to stop looking for a good man. You’re a beautiful, single woman. Just enjoy the men that you meet and stop trying to find Mr. Right. Trust me; when God is ready, He’ll introduce you to Mr. Right. Until then, just enjoy dating.

    I guess you have a good point. My mother has also been telling me that. But it’s hard for me to take advice about relationships from her when she’s never been married.

    I can understand that, but do you think that maybe she doesn’t want to get married? Carmen asked.

    I don’t know. I never really thought about that.

    Well, some women aren’t pressed to have a husband. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have great advice to share. I’m sure that she’s a wise and mature woman that you could definitely learn a lot from. I’m sure that she’s a great mother. Look at how her daughter turned out.

    Lisa appreciated the compliment from Carmen. She and Carmen had developed a great relationship over the past couple years, and she always valued Carmen’s advice. Speaking of being a great mother; you’ve been married for four years. When are you going to have some children? she asked Carmen.

    I don’t know. We’ve talked about it, but we haven’t decided yet.

    Carmen gazed into her hand-held mirror, applying lipstick to her voluptuous lips. A sexy twenty-five-year-old biracial woman, her lips were one of her greatest assets. She and her husband, Mark, got married right after they graduated from college. Mark, a Black man, maintained a successful career as an investment banker. Carmen also worked in the banking industry until she was laid off due to the recession. She decided to change careers, and she had been at Metropolitan Media Group for two years. After becoming a member of Lisa’s team, she and Lisa started to build a bond and their friendship blossomed. Just like Lisa, Carmen was also an attractive woman. With sandy blond hair and pale skin, most people thought she was a white woman with a Black woman’s body. And although she looked white, she definitely demonstrated signs of growing up around Black people.

    Well, for the record, Carmen, I think you would make a great mother.

    A huge grin formed on Carmen’s face. Thank you so much, Lisa. You are so sweet.

    Have you seen Karen yet? asked Lisa, gathering her paperwork for the meeting.

    She went into the boardroom a few minutes ago. Are you ready?

    Yeah. C’mon. Let’s go get this over with so I can get my real work done.

    Everyone gathered into the boardroom to begin the meeting. Karen Dawson, the supervisor of the marketing department, sat at the head of the table waiting for everyone to get situated. As one of the few female senior members of the company, Karen had been the Senior Product Manager for a little over five years. Her position headed three separate teams, and Lisa was the leader of one of the teams. Karen was a great supervisor, and everyone enjoyed working for her.

    Everyone, please settle down, commanded Karen, running her hand though her long blonde hair. She positioned her eye-glasses on her tiny face before going over her notes. I would like for each team leader to give their presentation first, and then I’ll follow up with my expectations for the week, she continued.

    The meeting lasted about forty-five minutes, with everyone successfully accomplishing their missions. They took their first break after the meeting was over, and Lisa decided to give her friend Tonya a call. Tonya and Lisa had been friends since high school. Although Tonya was from the ghetto and she had a lot of hood in her, she had done a great job at slowly becoming a success. There was a time when she only dated thugs and hustlers. However, after she broke up with her boyfriend Jay, a notorious drug dealer, she decided to focus on herself and enrolled in college to become a nurse. Shortly after she started school, she started dating Darin Wilkes, a TV producer for one of the local stations in D.C. They have been together for over three years, and Tonya couldn’t be any happier.

    Hey, girl. What are you doing? Lisa asked after Tonya answered the phone.

    I’m just sitting here going over these charts before I give them to the doctor. Aren’t you at work?

    Yeah, I’m on a break right now. We just finished our Monday morning meeting, so I decided to give you a call and see if you want to get together after you get off.

    Yeah, that’s cool. Why don’t you come to the hospital by six, and that way I won’t have to drive over to your apartment to pick you up?

    Okay. I’ll just catch the Metro up there, replied Lisa.

    Hopefully, my car won’t be a problem, Tonya said disappointedly.

    What’s wrong with your car?

    That raggedy shit keeps cutting off. Darin is supposed to put it in the shop one day this week, Tonya replied in a frustrated tone.

    Lisa laughed. At least you have a car.

    Girl, don’t worry. You’ll be able to get another car. Tonya laughed to herself before continuing. I still can’t believe that raggedy-ass Escort caught on fire during rush hour traffic!

    Girl, be quiet! I was scared to death! exclaimed Lisa.

    I can’t believe that you thought you could keep driving around with no coolant in the radiator in the middle of the damn summer! What were you thinking?

    Bitch, will you please leave me alone?! How many times are you gonna bring that shit up?

    Tonya continued to laugh. All right. I won’t say anything else. I don’t want to hurt your li’l feelings. So, are you gonna get a new car?

    Yeah, but this time I’m getting a brand new car. I drove that damn Escort for almost five years, and it was almost ten years old when I bought it.

    Well, you definitely deserve a new car, Tonya assured Lisa in a sentimental tone.

    Yeah, I know.

    Well, let me get these charts to the doctor before he comes looking for them. I’ll see you when you get here.

    Okay, Lisa replied before hanging up.

    No matter how many problems Lisa may have had with men, finances, or other personal issues, she could always depend on her friend Tonya Caldwell. Friends since high school, Lisa and Tonya could always depend on each other. Lisa supported Tonya when Tonya decided to leave Jay and pursue a college education. And it was Tonya who was there for Lisa through her tumultuous breakup with Mike. Their friendship was truly an unbreakable and genuine bond. It was the kind of relationship that most women longed for.


    Lisa casually flipped through the pages of some old magazines as she waited for Tonya’s shift to end. She was so proud of Tonya. Watching the nurses and other staff members conducting business throughout the hospital gave Lisa a sense of pride in knowing that Tonya had chosen a great career that she could also be proud of. After glancing at the clock on the wall, Lisa realized that Tonya should be on her way to the lounge shortly. She continued reading an interesting story in US magazine when Tonya walked into the lounge.

    Hey, girl! said Tonya, walking into the room.

    Hey, girl; I thought I was going to have to get on the P.A. system and page you. What took you so long?

    Damn, girl. It’s only ten after. It took me a while because I was about to gather my things and leave when one of my patients decided he wanted to get out of bed to go to the bathroom.

    What’s wrong with that? asked Lisa.

    Girl, he’s seventy-eight years old, he has Alzheimer’s, he’s blind, and he has an I.V. and monitors hooked up to him. He’s supposed to use the urinal or bed pan. He was hanging off the edge of the bed yelling and shit for someone to help him.

    Lisa began laughing. Is he all right?

    Yeah. He’s fine. We had to convince him to use the bed pan after we finally got his old ass back in the bed.

    Well, are you ready to go now? asked Lisa.

    Yeah, I’m ready. Girl, I am so tired, Tonya said, stretching. This new shift is really wearing on me, she exclaimed.

    What new shift? asked Lisa, walking out of the room with Tonya.

    Well, they just started me on twelve-hour shifts from 6am to 6pm. I get more days off, but these long days are going to kill me.

    Aw, girl, you’ll get used to it.

    Hopefully, when I become an RN I can go back to eight hour shifts.

    So you’re going to finally become an RN. That’s wonderful, Tonya.

    Tonya and Lisa continued to walk down the hallway when Dr. Victor Hodges walked by. He smiled at the two women.

    Hi, Ms. Caldwell. How are you today? Dr. Hodges asked.

    Hello, Dr. Hodges. I’m doing great now that I’m leaving. She noticed Dr. Hodges staring at Lisa. She decided to introduce the two. Dr. Hodges, this is my good friend Lisa Harris. Lisa, this is one of the best neurologists in the hospital, Dr. Hodges, Tonya declared with a gracious smile.

    A huge grin graced Dr. Hodges’ face. Thank you, Ms. Caldwell. Hello, Lisa. It’s nice to meet you, he said, reaching for Lisa’s hand.

    Lisa gazed into Dr. Hodges’ eyes. His eyes were alluring. Hello, sir. It’s nice to meet you, also.

    She continued to stare at the tall, handsome doctor. His face was clean shaven, and his hair was short and wavy. Standing about six feet tall and weighing about a hundred and eighty-five pounds, his body was well sculpted. He spent a lot of his off time at the gym, and his body definitely illustrated it. Lisa continued to give the attractive doctor a look-over. She was definitely impressed with what she saw. She admired his handsome face. His dark, intriguing eyes were attractive, and they fit his almond colored face perfectly.

    Dr. Hodges continued to hold Lisa’s hand. He held it gently as he methodically rubbed her fingers. You don’t have to call me ‘sir’. You can call me Victor, he explained.

    All right, Victor, Lisa replied with a soft smile.

    You’re heading out, Ms. Caldwell? Victor asked, diverting his attention to Tonya.

    Yeah, I just got off. Lisa and I are going to hang out for a while before I go home and get some rest.

    Okay. Well, I’m not going to hold you up. It was nice meeting you, Lisa. Maybe I’ll get a chance to see you again, Victor said with a subtle wink.

    Likewise, Victor, Lisa replied with a beautiful smile.

    Tonya noticed the attraction between Lisa and Victor. She thought it was cute. She knew that Lisa was used to dating successful gentlemen, so her meeting someone like Victor wasn’t really a big deal. However, Lisa had never dated a 45-year-old doctor before. This new friendship should definitely be interesting.


    Lisa and Tonya stopped at a nearby restaurant on New York Avenue to grab a bite to eat. Tonya had a taste for a cheese steak, so she convinced Lisa to get one also. The restaurant was crowded, so the women had to wait a while to be served. Tonya decided to give her boyfriend a call to let him know that she wouldn’t be coming straight home.

    Hey, baby, what are you doing? Tonya asked after her boyfriend, Darin, answered.

    I’m just going through the mail. How was your day, sweetie?

    I had a great day until I was about to get off.

    Really. What happened? Darin asked.

    I’ll tell you about it when I get home. I was calling to let you know that I’m out with Lisa. We decided to hang out and grab something to eat. If you would like, I can bring you something when I come home or you can just fix something for yourself.

    You don’t have to bring me anything. Y’all just enjoy yourselves. I’ll probably get something from the Burger King up the street, Darin reassured his woman. Tell Lisa I said hi.

    Darin said hi, Tonya said to Lisa.

    Tell him I said what’s up. I’m also waiting for him to hook me up with that fine-ass camera operator down at his station.

    Darin over-heard Lisa through the phone. Tell Lisa that when the time is right, a good man will come into her life when she least expects it. She can’t keep meeting guys through hook-ups, he said.

    Tonya laughed. He said stop trying to get hooked up and wait for God to send you the right man, she said, improvising.

    Well, He needs to hurry because I’m almost thirty. I’m not getting any younger, you know, Lisa replied.

    Tonya continued to talk to Darin while Lisa casually scanned the room for hotties. There were a few handsome men in and out of the restaurant. Some of the men noticed her, and she occasionally greeted them with a quick smile. Lately, it seemed like meeting men was a real task for Lisa. Occasionally, a man would approach her, but she found herself always comparing men to her former boyfriend, Mike Daniels. Dating Mike was the best thing to ever happen to Lisa, and it would be very hard for someone else to take his place.

    On the phone, Darin took the opportunity to flirt with Tonya. He knew it would put a smile on his hard working woman’s face. So, what color panties do you have on, baby? he asked.

    What?! Tonya blurted, looking at Lisa with embarrassment.

    You heard me. What color are they?

    Tonya thought for a moment, trying to remember which pair she put on. I have on the black, cotton ones, she replied.

    Ooh, y’all are nasty! Lisa said.

    Tonya laughed. Baby, let me go before you start something. I’ll see you when I get home. I love you.

    I love you, too, baby.

    After getting off the phone, Tonya continued to smile. She really loved Darin. He was a good man, and after only dating thugs all of her life it was a real pleasure to finally date a hard-working man that had a great career. Not only was Darin handsome, successful, and caring, but he treated Tonya with respect. And his romantic and affectionate behavior was unmatched by any of her previous boyfriends. More importantly, it was the first time that Tonya had truly been in love.

    The women finally got their food, and the cheese steaks were as delicious as they hoped they would be. Lisa laughed as she watched Tonya licking the grease that ran down her wrist.

    Is it good? Lisa asked sarcastically.

    Hell yeah, it’s good. Pass me that napkin.

    The women continued to enjoy their time together. Ever since Lisa started her new job, she and Tonya seemed to spend less time together. She really cherished moments like these. She continued to check out the men in the restaurant while she enjoyed her meal. Tonya also gazed at a few guys as she and Lisa began commenting on some of the men. Tonya noticed one particular guy sitting at a table with an attractive woman.

    Doesn’t that guy in the blue cap look a little like Mike? she asked.

    Yeah, he does, replied Lisa. Speaking of Mike, I forgot to tell you that I saw him the other day while I was waiting on the bus, she continued.

    Really? Did he see you? asked Tonya.

    Yeah, he looked right at me.

    Did he say anything?

    No. He just pulled up in a new Range Rover and stopped at the light. He had some woman in the truck with him.

    What did she look like? Tonya asked with a smirk.

    She was cute. I mean, she didn’t look better than me, but she was pretty.

    Do you think she was his new woman, or some skeezer?

    Girl, I don’t know. I don’t really care.

    Yeah, whatever. So was he looking good?

    Hell yeah! He was sitting in that nice-ass truck with that Frankie Beverly playing, looking all good and shit. Damn, he was fine!

    Both women laughed.

    Damn, I can’t believe you messed that up, said Tonya.

    I know, girl. I know.

    Lisa sat quietly for a brief moment as she reminisced about her relationship with Mike. She truly missed him. He was one of the few men that she had truly loved. She really regretted the mistake of cheating on him. For the past couple years, she beat herself up wondering what could have become of their relationship if they would have remained together. Would they have ever gotten married? What would he have been like as a father? These were questions that she may never know the answer to. Of course, she always tried to put their relationship behind her and forget about him, but there were always little things that would remind her of him. On occasion, she would hear a certain song on the radio that reminded her of Mike. Then there were occasions when a man would walk by with the alluring fragrance of Mike’s favorite cologne. Sometimes she even found herself driving and thinking about Mike for no particular reason at all. Now, here she was wondering if she could ever get him back. Lisa didn’t know who the stunning woman was in the truck with Mike on that beautiful day. She didn’t even know how Mike felt about her after all the time that had passed. Maybe he had forgiven her. Maybe he still loved her. Whatever the case, she knew that she owed it to herself at least to try and get him back.

    Chapter 2

    It had been a week since Lisa first met Dr. Victor Hodges. Lisa convinced Tonya to give Victor her phone number just a couple days after they first met. They occasionally talked on the phone when Victor wasn’t busy at work. As a leading neurologist, his schedule was demanding, but he found time to have lunch with Lisa on Friday. The new friends really enjoyed each other’s company, and they hoped to be able to spend more time together soon. Now that the weekend was over, Lisa was preparing for a new work week. She sat at her desk gathering some paperwork when she noticed her supervisor, Karen, walking with a new employee. Lisa occasionally peered in their direction as her attention was diverted by Karen’s gesticulated tour of the facility. Just as Lisa found herself gazing at the attractive man walking with Karen, her phone rang.

    This is Lisa. How may I help you? she

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