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Change Your Thinking & Change Your Life: The Ultimate Life Changing Workbook
Change Your Thinking & Change Your Life: The Ultimate Life Changing Workbook
Change Your Thinking & Change Your Life: The Ultimate Life Changing Workbook
Ebook168 pages1 hour

Change Your Thinking & Change Your Life: The Ultimate Life Changing Workbook

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Be open to new possibilities that until now were only a dream! The inspiration and motivation for this book comes from my personal desire to make you aware that no matter how challenging you may think it is to have a fulfilling lifestyle, it is entirely within your power to transform yourself and be the person you’ve always wanted to be, l

Release dateAug 28, 2015
Change Your Thinking & Change Your Life: The Ultimate Life Changing Workbook

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    Book preview

    Change Your Thinking & Change Your Life - Kevin Collins

    Change Your Thinking & Change Your Life!

    Author: Kevin Collins

    Copyright © 2015 by Kevin Collins

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be

    reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express

    written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief

    quotations in a book review.

    Copyright©2015 Kevin Collins. For Information contact

    Table of Contents

    About the Author


    1. Patterns and Behaviour

    2. Brain Waves

    3. Creative Visualisation

    4. Self-Esteem

    5. Stress Factors

    6. Eliminating Worry

    7. Relationships

    8. Eating and Toxins

    Self-Discovery & Setting Goals

    9. Comfort Zones

    10. Your Values

    11. Beliefs

    12. Setting Goals

    13. Essential Recovery Time (ERT)

    14. Accountability

    15. Personal Success

    TOOLS: Manifest Your Reality

    16. Manifestation Process

    17. Vision Boards

    18. Goal Affirmations Guide


    19. Thought Field Therapy (TFT)

    20. What Is a Paradox? & Paradox Technique




    About the Author

    Kevin Collins was born in a small coal mining village called Fauldhouse, in West Lothian, Scotland.

    In 1996, Kevin earned a Social Care Qualification that entailed courses in Psychology, Sociology and Counselling. His studies led him on a path of self-discovery into the personal development field. He draws from a wide repertoire of skills and training, including certifications in Thought Field Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, in addition to being a qualified Hypnotherapist and a Substance Abuse Therapist. His expertise includes the 12 Steps, the Release Technique and Theta Healing. He’s also an Avatar Master and a practitioner of Vipassana meditation; but Kevin’s main claim to fame is being a graduate of the School of Hard Knocks.

    Kevin himself says: My biggest personal achievement to date was recovering from alcohol and drug dependency in 2002. Until that time, I was using narcotics and alcohol to suppress my negative emotions. These substances became my coping mechanism for dealing with the phobias and social anxiety disorder that isolated me and prevented me from forming relationships with others in a normal, healthy capacity. I was so afraid of people that unless I was under the influence of drugs, I had no confidence or feeling of being part of society.

    The 12 Step Recovery Programme became the foundation on which Kevin re-built his life into a normal and productive one filled with a positive new outlook. Kevin has developed into a confident man both internally and externally by dealing with all the negative elements that caused his fear, guilt, anger and shame. He has dealt with all the major issues from his past that were hindering his progress as a normal human being. This process awoke the spirit within Kevin as it put into perspective the negative experiences that had created all the fears that were at the root of his problems. The old issues no longer disturbed him and Kevin was able to let go of the distress associated with painful circumstances and situations.

    After working as a therapist in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation unit in Thailand for two and half years, Kevin decided to write a book on personal development that would help people cope with the ups and downs of life. He wanted to give people the tools that had helped him turn his negative situations into manageable issues by using some simple techniques. Kevin decided to explore the physical and emotional elements that make his life the way it is today. This process produced the solutions and materials that make up this book; a collection of tools that helped to change the deep-rooted negative issues with which Kevin previously struggled and suffered.

    Kevin Collins is currently working in one-on-one therapy sessions to help people live better lives, by helping them find freedom from their most debilitating issues. He also facilitates group workshops, teaching his techniques for improving emotional and mental balance — techniques he wants to share with you in this book.


    Be open to new possibilities that until now were only a dream! The inspiration and motivation for this book comes from my personal desire to make you aware that no matter how challenging you may think it is to have a fulfilling lifestyle, it is entirely within your power to transform yourself and be the person you’ve always wanted to be, living the life you’ve always wanted.

    With the correct life components in place and a few simple new rituals performed on a regular basis, you can positively impact your relationships, whilst simultaneously improving your self-esteem. This book will help you improve your subconscious state of mind by reconditioning your personal physiology, mental focus and self-talk to direct your life any way you choose. In addition, you will learn how to eliminate any physical and emotional ailments without being dependent on traditional treatments, which usually have a poor success rate when it comes to improving our lives and well-being.

    There are many elements that go into the specific patterns and behaviours that make a person tick. These elements are directly linked to the actions that determine the achievements, failures and degree of happiness you experience in life. This is what I will explore with you. The goal is to help you to change the negative elements of your makeup into positive ones and to see that everything you do is a lesson, not a failure, on your way to personal fulfillment.

    Many of life's challenges are created from living a dysfunctional lifestyle in an unhappy reality. This is usually due to your past indoctrinated experiences and to the society and family system into which you were born. Like an onion, when you peel away one layer, another one appears, right down to the core. Together, we will be peeling away the layers connected to your negative emotions, memories and behaviours. The goal is to stop them from becoming bad habits that contribute toward you experiencing painful situations that keep producing negative outcomes. The processes outlined in this book awaken people to an awareness of their negative core beliefs so that they can change them — and create lasting change in their lives.

    According to neuroscience, the subconscious mind is one of the major factors that contribute to our struggles and the inability to achieve our goals. Your subconscious might be wired or programmed to work against you, instead of for you! That depends on the core beliefs you developed during the formative first six years of your life. For example, if you were born into a single-parent family and are having difficulties developing an intimate relationship with your partner as an adult, your core beliefs may be sabotaging your ability to develop healthy loving relationships. If you were born into a poor home with beliefs like money doesn’t grow on trees and money is scarce, your core beliefs will make financial abundance very challenging to achieve, as you do not have a belief system or mindset that supports financial success.

    We have all inherited certain truths and values that manifest as negative characteristics and rituals that do not serve us in the way we want to live our lives. This book will help to reveal and eliminate your personal negative challenges to living a better, happier life.

    Many people go through life wanting to look like a movie star, or dreaming about winning the lottery, or pinning all their hopes on meeting that special person, the soulmate who will finally make them happy. These people will be constantly looking for happiness in the wrong places, obsessively thinking that it will come from outside themselves or that an intimate relationship will make them feel secure. They will never be truly happy, because emotional security comes from within.

    Good self-esteem is the main ingredient to unlimited happiness and contentment in your personal life. You cannot improve your self-esteem until you understand the basic principle that no matter how many material things or external trophies you accumulate in life, they will not bring you happiness, and will not change the way you feel inside. True self-belief, self-love, self-confidence and happiness will remain out of reach. You will feel like a worthwhile person only when you condition your mind with new, positive patterns and beliefs within that bring you emotional balance.

    Maybe you have been procrastinating or searching for an alternative quick-fix solution to your problems, which has left you on an eternal hamster wheel going around in circles and getting nowhere. Maybe you are constantly recreating the same old pattern, the same old behaviours, leaving your life in someone else's control, feeling powerless to change your situation.

    This is what you are going to change! You're going to become the master of your own destiny. You only need to make the decision to follow the suggestions in this book. Together we will create the structure and discipline necessary to enable you to have the lifestyle and relationships you never imagined you could have!

    Internal personal change is made possible when you show up with the willingness and desire to follow through with the necessary actions to develop new rituals that will positively change your life. Having a resilient positive mental attitude is very important. A 100% commitment to work with diligence, self-determination, patience and a desire to succeed is essential for any real change to happen.

    All the readings, exercises and techniques in this

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