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Uncage the Lion Within: Navigate the jungle of your mind to uncover your purpose, find deeper levels of happiness, and let go of what no longer serves you
Uncage the Lion Within: Navigate the jungle of your mind to uncover your purpose, find deeper levels of happiness, and let go of what no longer serves you
Uncage the Lion Within: Navigate the jungle of your mind to uncover your purpose, find deeper levels of happiness, and let go of what no longer serves you
Ebook215 pages2 hours

Uncage the Lion Within: Navigate the jungle of your mind to uncover your purpose, find deeper levels of happiness, and let go of what no longer serves you

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About this ebook

Chances are, something deep inside has been calling to you for a long time, you've just been too afraid to listen. 

Instead of dulling this voice by latching onto short-term problems and temporary fixes, why don't you stop and listen to what you have been searching for all along?
We all have the answer to what brings us

Release dateMay 3, 2019
Uncage the Lion Within: Navigate the jungle of your mind to uncover your purpose, find deeper levels of happiness, and let go of what no longer serves you

Zoe Hyde

Zoe Hyde owns and operates Zoe Hyde Transformations in a small town of Drouin, in Gippsland, Victoria. The business has been in operation since 2015, and what started as a small home studio, has turned into a 400 square metre facility where women come to exercise, educate themselves on their health, and unleash their potential and happiness. Zoe's journey started when she was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired! She made a huge change to her own life, and challenged her preconceived beliefs that she was the quiet, red-faced girl who wouldn't amount to anything. She realised then and there just what was possible when she made the decision to live her life from her purpose, follow her dreams and let go of the fears she let define her. Zoe is now expanding her work to motivational speaking and workshops, and she is passionate about impacting women's lives and helping them take a step away from mediocrity, and into their true selves!

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