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The Charm of God's; You Are a Magnificent and Beautiful Being
The Charm of God's; You Are a Magnificent and Beautiful Being
The Charm of God's; You Are a Magnificent and Beautiful Being
Ebook110 pages1 hour

The Charm of God's; You Are a Magnificent and Beautiful Being

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This book offers a variety of interesting topics such as the beauty of mankind. That the distance of the earth from the center of our galaxy is a contributing factor in our beauty. How is it that a human being is a supernatural being or better to say a transdimensional being? The importance of variety and differentness in nature. What is "Big Picture Cosmology" and its role in providing our life with meaning and purpose? Humans and God. The difference in the speed of the flow of time in the earth environment and the realm of spirits. We have also discussed where the sense of “I am right” comes from. And much more fascinating topics you will love.

Release dateDec 19, 2021
The Charm of God's; You Are a Magnificent and Beautiful Being

Mahnaz Javaherynikou

My focus of interest is Big Picture Cosmology. It took some three decades for me to develop this worldview. Once we broaden the scope of our view, meaningful patterns start to emerge. In a large-scale worldview, mankind, especially, assumes a meaningful place in the cosmos. By cosmos, we mean Mother Space or Hyperspace (Multiverse). Each one of us is a brain of the cosmos. Because the cosmos is infinite in her spatial and temporal stretch, she cannot have one infinite-sized brain floating in space. Rather, Mother Space (= cosmos) has no choice but to have numerous smaller brains. That is where my brain and your brain come into the equation. Your face and my face are two of many faces Mother Space has. Your life story and my life story are two of many life stories Mother Space experiences her existence in the form of sentient persons. Enjoy your eternal existence because you are brilliant.

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    Book preview

    The Charm of God's; You Are a Magnificent and Beautiful Being - Mahnaz Javaherynikou


    Charm of God’s

    The Advent of a New Species of Mankind, Named:

    Homo Theos


    Mahnaz Javaherynikou


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    Enjoy Your Life; that’s why you are here

    We need to have a Bigger Picture of us and our position in this vast limitless cosmos. To have a Big-Picture Cosmology, the tool is a philosophical mind equipped with common sense and enriched by the vast mankind experiences throughout its entire history.

    I know, and it is proven time and again, that philosophy is difficult to handle with. I know few philosophers can understand even their own books and articles, let alone other people!

    But the philosophy you find here is different. I have come to this understanding that we, as human species, need philosophy! We are philosophical creatures. We need to deal with Big-Picture Cosmology and to do so we need philosophy. So I decided to create an easy form of philosophy.

    So understanding the topics presented in this book will be piece of cake for all of us.

    The topics are presented in the form of articles.

    I hope you will enjoy the book.

    Mahnaz Javahery Nikou

    October 2017 – Feb 2022


    Dedicated to the most magnificent sentient being on this beautiful earth:

    Homo Sapiens → Homo Theos

    Dedicated to you as a member of this magnificent species.


    Enjoy Your Reading



    Table of Contents:

    The charm of God’s

    Big Picture Cosmology = Well Defined Theology

    Human Being: A Supernatural Being

    Human & Mother Space (Human & God)

    Alpha Plus Theory in brief

    The human being is a beautiful species

    The Force We Call Intelligence

    Ancient astronauts

    You are not alone

    Can hardware intelligent beings travel to other parallel universes?

    How can a spirit affect the DNA?

    How do we, humans, know the world around us?

    We experienced horrible things

    Variety is the Spice of Life

    Watch and Learn!

    Where did all this variety come from?

    Love Therapy (Care Therapy)

    If we do not need wars, so we need new ethics and new ways to raise our children

    What does it take to understand God?

    Why one God?

    Population; bless or curse?

    We are the products of our environment

    We need to wage peace in all parts of the planet.

    We all live on the same spaceship we call the earth.

    What about us?

    A Homo Theos is a hybrid being: a mixture of Homo sapiens and God.

    I do not trust the white-bearded man

    Insecurity the root of all evil

    Keep Talking

    Why do we, humans, feel we are right?


    The Charm of God’s

    Everywhere you look you see beauty. Beautiful flowers, beautiful birds, beautiful insects, beautiful scenery, and above all the beauty of mankind. The creative force in the cosmos has a strong tendency for beauty. All evolutionary processes are aimed at creating more and more beauty. Beauty is a life-supporting attribute. This Cosmic Creative Force has an innate tendency toward creating beautiful creatures. Beauty is the main principle for the creation of all creatures. That is why we see all this breathtaking beauty all around us.

    The planet earth was formed some 4.6 billion years ago. But the first form of life on it was formed some 4.2 to 3.8 billion years ago. In other words, when our earth was 400 to 800 million years old, the first form of life was created on it. But for a very long time, the earth could not have complex organisms on it. The reason is simple. For diverse complex forms of life to be able to live on the earth, the earth needed to have an oxygen-rich atmosphere, and living lithosphere (soil that is alive and can support plant and insect lives). The earth also needed a lot of water in liquid form.

    For all these to happen, a long time was needed. For the formation of an oxygen-rich atmosphere over 800 million years were needed. During this time a kind of alga named Cyanobacteria or blue-green alga produced oxygen. Through the process of photosynthesis, this kind of alga produced oxygen that was released into the atmosphere.

    At the same time, the earth's soil was gradually being transformed from a dead substance into a life-supporting substance. The soil that could support life formed some 400 million years ago. Let us wait for a moment! The earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago, the living soil was formed some 450 million years. In other words, for 4.15 billion years, the soil on the earth was barren and could not support life. It means no plants, no grass, nothing was able to grow yet. The creation of the living soil was a gradual process that was completed some 450 million years ago. Since then, the face of the earth gradually changed.

    As you see, for the creation of beautiful creatures a long time was needed. The majority of this long time was, in fact, a preparatory process. The first insects were created some 479 million years ago. The first insect that was able to fly was formed some 400 million years ago (79 million years after the first insects appeared). The first flower was created 130 million years ago. The first bird was created 150 million years ago but this bird was not as beautiful as other birds we see around. And finally, the human species came into being some 4.5 million years ago. (Our species, namely Homo sapiens was created some 300,000 to 200,000 years ago). (We are one of several species of the human race. Other varieties of human species are all extinct on the earth, now.)

    All the beautiful creatures you see around are as old as 400-300 million years. It is difficult to estimate exactly when beautiful animals were created. But one thing is for sure, and that is: for beautiful creatures to form a gradual process took place, starting some 300 million years ago, give or take. This process is still in action. One of its latest gifts is the human being as one of the most beautiful creatures on the earth – God’s beauty manifested in the form of human body.

    Every time a new life-supporting planet is created, it heads toward beautifying itself. Because every new life-supporting planet is a newly grown tissue on the cosmic body of Mother Space (= the whole multidimensional existence in its totality = God the all-loving) is innately beautiful, as a result, all the newly grown tissues tend to beautify themselves. And that is definitely true about our beautiful earth – this blue gem floating in space.

    Later in other parts of the book, we will see that all intelligent beings (including human beings) are inseparable holographic parts of Mother Space. In other words, if we notice the process through which non-living matter turns into living matter we also see

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