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Free-Will Choice: The Story
Free-Will Choice: The Story
Free-Will Choice: The Story
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Free-Will Choice: The Story

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Free-Will Choice: The Story contains some hard truths that may be difficult for some people to accept. However, free-will choice has been God’s plan since before the creation of the physical heavens and earth. This book is an illumination of what may be considered new truth and a fresh presentation of who God is. The book spans the time period from before Genesis all the way to Revelation, during which it argues that free-will choice has always been in God’s mind since the creation of His most majestic being, the Son of the Morning, now known as Satan. What is the true story of God’s plan for humankind throughout history? Because of God’s foreknowledge, did He intentionally predestine unbelieving humans to spiritual death? What is the real truth?

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 30, 2021
Free-Will Choice: The Story

Dr. Fred Mora

Dr. Mora has served as a professor at Fresno Pacific University. He has also served as an instructor at Fresno State University, Fresno City Community College, and the California School for Professional Psychology, now known as Alliant International University. Dr. Mora holds a PhD in Psychology, specializing in organizational development, a master’s degree in organizational behavior, and a bachelor’s degree in pastoral theology. He has also done graduate studies in biblical literature at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Dr. Mora was engaged in church pastoral ministry and international evangelism for over forty years. He is the founder and president of the Human Resources Consortium, president and chairman of Moramax, Inc., and the founder and president of the Corporate University, Inc., where he serves as a lead instructor. He also founded the non-profit ministry Last Generation Ekklesia, Inc.

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    Free-Will Choice - Dr. Fred Mora

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5241-7 (sc)

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    Contrary to my desire, I have decided to identify Satan as a proper name,

    even though I would prefer to not give him any credit as a person.

    I wish to give special thanks to my son, Fred Mora, III, MA, and daughter, Dr.

    Nancy Mora, for their contributions in the development of this book.

    This book is a representation of the

    Last Generation Ekklesia, Inc.,

    Fresno, California


    To my family, who has been a continued encouragement and support. Especially to my wife, Lenore, who has been a foundation and strength to me these many years. My appreciation for her patience in our lifelong journey together. Thank you, Lee.

    Also, a very special thanks to God, my Father, the Holy Spirit, who has been an endearing help, and to a friend and brother, the Lord of my life, Jesus Christ.


    For wide is the gate . . . that leads to destruction and

    many enter through it, and small is the gate . . . that

    leads to life, and only a few find it.




    Chapter 1     The Conceptual Birth and Our Eternal Inheritance

    Chapter 2     The Son of the Morning

    Chapter 3     Free-Will Choice and Pre-Adamic Beings

    Chapter 4     The Celestial Kingdom of God

    Chapter 5     Satan as King Tyrus

    Chapter 6     God Grieves for Every Individual

    Chapter 7     The Identity of Satan

    Chapter 8     God’s Free-Will Choice Process

    Chapter 9     God’s Mind Is Past, Present, and Future

    Chapter 10   The State of the Living Dead

    Chapter 11   Creation in the Then and Now

    Chapter 12   Free-Will Choice in the Last Days and End Time

    Chapter 13   Free-Will Choice but for the Grace of God

    Chapter 14   Free-Will Choice: A Blessing or a Curse



    As I was writing this book, I gave considerable thought for whom it was written and why it was written. As you read Free-Will Choice: The Story, you will find it addresses contemporary thought on creationism, evolution, and our efforts to consider ourselves self-existent without the need of any kind of god.

    In addition, you will find throughout this book sections identified as Discussion. I have included these in the hope that this book will serve as an addendum for student reading in a class or group setting. I propose that the material will serve as an effective experiential learning platform for learners and students.

    You may even find that some of this book feels like a spin-off from Hal Lindsay’s book, Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth. Present and historical world and church-related last-days and end-time revelation is cited here from John Hagee, prophetic author and supporter of Israel. This book shares additional narrative regarding our end times and the role of free-will choice before Jesus’s Second Coming and even up to the end of the millennial period. This book is also purposed to dispel prior, culturally accepted, and even preconceived religious understandings or notions.

    Considering the terminology and conceptual expressions presented in this book, not everyone will find the content believable. Yet, that is what this book is all about, free-will choice, to believe or not believe. From the outset of this book, I present extensive philosophical, psychological, spiritual, and narrative without apology and as fundamental truths, subject to correction where necessary.

    Some will consider this book as speculative and purely prejudicial. If you proceed with the reading of this book with your own preconceived perspectives, that is fine. I only encourage you to have an open mind regarding what I consider many potential revelations and/or renewed thoughts of what I consider incomplete or shadow truths.

    God is not human, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? (Numbers 23:19, KJV)

    This passage is the most profound reference to the character, nature, and mind of God that I have ever read. It establishes who God is as Planner and Creator in spiritual and physical existence. It also demonstrates God’s omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence toward His design of free-will choice in and for His creation.

    Some people may believe that God condemned humanity to spirit death, leaving us the will to choose and the propensity of Satan’s will over us to choose death rather than life. We must consider the inescapable fact that God, as Creator, has purposed through the eons of His time the planning for a family and its salvation. Other than Eve and Adam, specifically starting with the creation of the Son of the Morning, who was the most majestic created being in the Celestial Kingdom, God always had in mind the crown of His most brilliant thought, which is free-will choice.

    Some of what you read will almost sound like a novel, fictional in character; nevertheless, I wish to assure you that this book is non-fiction, what I consider a revelation of God’s mindset. God depicts Himself as characteristically human, with all of His divine attributes but without the evil nature of humanity. God expresses Himself with human-like feelings and emotions, responding and dealing with what may appear as mistakes on His part. Yet, with this perception, as the scripture passage states above, God is not a man, or the son of a man. I propose He makes no mistakes. The reason why will be revealed in this book.

    In this book, God, a human-like being, expresses His emotions and feelings as they relate to His gift of free-will choice


    The opening chapters of this book pay significant attention to the character of the Son of the Morning or Satan, as we now know him. All creation, physical and spiritual, has essentially evolved, through God, to where we are today. As such, God has demonstrated who He is in the context of creation. We understand this through Scripture, which provides progressive revelation about the role that free-will choice has played in God’s eternal plans even before the visual foundation of the heavens and earth.

    As difficult as it may be to accept, God had no choice but to process His free-will choice in the Son of the Morning and Eve and Adam, even with His pre-knowledge of their fall. To further understand this free-will choice, God wants us to understand the person of Satan and his relationship with God before and after Satan’s fall from God’s Celestial Kingdom. In addition, it is apparent that God also wants us to have insight into what transpired in early existence with the creation of the heavens and earth and pre-Adamic existence leading to God’s plan of re-creation for all of humankind. Even before the foundation of the heavens and earth, God has always had free-will choice in mind for His creation. This plan entails the gift of eternal life for every living person today and the reality of the Kingdom of God eternally and finally established on earth.

    This book is a deliberate presentation of God’s purpose for the restoration of His creation through the eons. God wants us to have better insight into His character, His person, His emotions, His thought processes, and His actions. God wants us to know that He is much like we are, but He is holy, as He purposed we should be. Our eternal destiny is the evidence of God’s free-will choice process, which is especially made known to us, this last generation, as a precursor to the upcoming end of time. The doctrine of free-will choice is not a matter of debate or persuasion but a fact of God’s creative evolution.


    Who is God really, and is He

    personally engaged in our lives?


    The Conceptual Birth and

    Our Eternal Inheritance


    God will now have what He has always planned and dreamed of through the eternal ages and by virtue of His free-will choice process, and that is to have a family eternally joined to Him and part of Him forever.


    We, as this last generation, begin with that dateless period between the eternal Celestial Kingdom and the re-creation of the heavens and earth. (Genesis 1:1; 2–31) The re-creation of what God has made is not a new concept to God. His purpose and plan in the totality of His creative actions is what we will discuss extensively in this book.

    As God reveals Himself to humankind, there is no question or attempt to prove His existence or reality. God is! Questioning that would be like someone asking if you are alive and breathing. Of course you are! God as spirit is as alive as you are as a physical being. There is no reason to prove otherwise. It is our free-will choice to accept God’s existence as truth or not. If you deny this truth, you deny the existence of God and His creation, the human race included. It is truly a contradiction or oxymoron in either case. As an example, to say that God is unbelievably existent is an oxymoron. To deny our human existence is to deny God. This is truly a logistical equation. Does 2 + 2 equal 5? In our way of thinking, it does not. Can an anvil float on water? An immediate response in the natural may be, That’s ridiculous! To God, it can, and it will if He chooses to make it float. God’s mind defies the natural laws of physics or mathematics. This is illustrated in 2 Kings 6:6, where God caused an axe head to float on water: Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float. In the same way, one may say that the universe evolved on its own, and humankind is a production of evolution. According to God, that is ridiculous because God says He created all things. It is not a matter of debate or proof with God!

    We will initially relate to that period of God’s time, which is eons ago, possibly billions of years, when time was not measured by the linear method. The beginning of God’s plan for our eternal life and state begins even before the creation of the heavens, the known universe, and the earth.

    It is evident that the existence of humankind and all of creation, the physical heavens and earth, are inexplicably and enigmatically connected. As an enigma, it is a puzzle, a riddle, a mystery for us to figure out, which our natural minds cannot do. Our academics, astronomers, and cosmologists are still attempting to explain the existence of the universe and their perception of our purpose in it. As an academic, businessman, and psychologist, I choose to believe in God and His written Word. This is my choice, and I acknowledge it to be a wise one. These professed academics and scientists remain perplexed over the theory that the universe began with a big bang, as they advocate. They take this even further, coming with a theory for the existence of a multiverse.

    To confuse matters even further, when Satan was cast down to earth from out of the Celestial Kingdom, his fall affected the totality of the known physical creation. If you do not believe in spiritual matters, then to speak of Satan may sound foolish. However, if Satan fell out of heaven to the earth, as explained in the Bible, then this explains why all of physical creation, the heavens included, are waiting for its rebirth, essentially for God to make things right. To blame God for the condition of the cosmos, life on earth, and the human dilemma would be logically and practically incorrect. We will explore many of these so-called enigmas as we proceed through this book.

    It is interesting that Scripture notes that all of creation, the visible heavens and earth are in eager expectation of its redemption or re-creation from its bondage to decay to its freedom and glory of God’s children. All of God’s planning and creation has centered on our present and future eternal life existence.

    The Bible reveals this explicitly, that all creation—the visible universe and earth—are still waiting for this renewal:

    For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of God’s children. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. (Romans 8:19–22, NIV)

    The Eternal State of God and His Creation

    In a comparative sense, God does not attempt to explain Himself from an eternal perspective. Scripture states that God is spirit (John 4:24, NIV). God as spirit is eternal and not subject to temporal effects. Scripture also states that God created humans in his image, Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, in our likeness . . . (Genesis 1:26, NIV). Therefore, humans are also spirits. We can assert that the spirit of a person is not subject to temporal effects; however, it is subject to spirit effects. The human body may die, but the spirit lives eternally, subject to eternal life or eternal death. Nevertheless, the spirit lives, the outcome of which is our free-will choice to determine. To expound further from Genesis 1:26, God goes on to state, so that they may rule over, essentially over all the earth. We will explore this truth more extensively later.

    Jesus Christ said, God is spirit, and those who worship Him are to worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24, KJV). The fact that God is self-existent and eternal is difficult for us to comprehend. We may accept this statement, but our minds are unable to fully grasp this truth. In our finite thinking, we are accustomed and essentially confined to a human life span of no more than 120 years, though few make it that far. Originally, we were to be endowed with God’s very nature, the essence of eternal life. God’s will and desire has always been to live His life through us for eternity. A plan was conceived, the gift of free-will choice, to ground this reality in our human flesh.

    As it relates to our creation, we were created as living spirit beings in a physical form, possessing mental and emotional faculties, just like God. To think that God has feelings and emotions does not sound realistic. Is God able to relate to us on that level? We accept that God is omniscient and omnipresent. As such, He is past, present, and future, all at the same time. Yes, this is another one of those enigmas, but it’s true!

    God’s ultimate intention for our lives is expressed in the following scripture:

    Now, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. However, as it is written. "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him—these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:7–10, NIV)

    Eternity as a Life-and-Death Concept

    We have no real frame of reference to explain the concept of eternal life, except what we read in God’s Word, the Bible. And yet, without realizing it, our human form is living proof of God’s will for us to live eternally. Life eternal is what God is as spirit, existent in a spiritual world. There is a distinction between eternal life and eternal death. For our purpose, we will allow this book to be a progressive realization of this difference. There is one verse in the Bible that I will relate to in this section that clarifies this difference. It certainly is evident that God addresses eternal life as a fact of reality. We can essentially accept that God considers eternal life much like we may consider the atmosphere we live in, the air we breathe that sustains our existence. We may accept then, as determined by our free-will choice, that God is self-existent. How and why? Simply because eternal life is self-existent. It is the fabric and thread of what binds the spiritual world together. God is that fabric and thread that holds all life together in both spiritual and physical realities.

    Here again is another enigma that our human minds cannot comprehend. With all the mystery associated with the thought of eternity, the most profound question many have asked for thousands of years is, What happens after I die? It depends on whether you are referring to the body or the spirit. As God has created us, neither one dies eternally. Whether one believes in God or not, every human being wants to know if this physical life is all there is. If you believe you are just an animal life form, you will be profoundly surprised when, at the split second your physical body dies, you as a spirit being will continue to live. Hereafter, the eternal human spirit continues from its conception.

    Many surveys and loads of statistical data have been gathered on what the general population believes. To delve into the reality of life after death is not sufficient on its own. Belief in the afterlife is dependent on what you consider to be absolute truth. The absolute truth is that God has given every man and woman free-will choice to act on what they believe. Let us cut to the chase and reveal what is true. Despite all the religious beliefs that currently exist, Christianity inclusive, only one truth matters. That truth is what is written in God’s Word. The foundational concept

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