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Wild Weekend
Wild Weekend
Wild Weekend
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Wild Weekend

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*Inspired by Pride and Prejudice*

Willow's life is often complicated by her over-the-top family, but things are taken to new lows when she meets Heath on the set of a cheesy dating show. Though the two are both happy to see the backside of the other when filming wraps, fate seems determined to keep putting them in each other's path. Now if they can only get past Heath's ego and Willow's animosity, they might just have a shot at happily ever after.


The event space, a relatively new addition to the rear of the library, had been draped with strands of golden fairy lights, giving the room a warm, rich glow. The linens, place settings, and other adornments were spot-on, mimicking the neoclassical design of the room. Heath definitely knew what he was doing. Willow found the effect breathtaking.

Nibbles and champagne circulated as the arriving guests mingled before the formal call to dinner was announced. When the notice was given, the attendees filed in an orderly fashion towards the dining area.

Heath and Willow found their place cards and headed for table number one. Dean Genaro, an imposing woman who to this point Willow had only seen in photograph, was already seated at the table. Introductions were made, and she gave Willow an appraising look.

"Miss Asher. You are the young lady that has been working for my nephew?" Dean Genaro asked. The fact that she said 'working for' instead of 'working with' didn't go unnoticed by Willow.

Willow smiled, "Yes. It's very nice to meet you."

"With your accent, you must be from the south," Dean Genaro stated. It was evident from her tone that she found this to be an unfortunate situation.

"Texas," Willow said, her tone not carrying a hint of apology.

"Hmm. I assume that you attend the University?" the Dean asked.

"I do," Willow confirmed, "I'm a political science major."

"Hmm," the Dean said again, the sound a pronouncement, "An interesting major to leave home so far behind for. And how did you happen upon Columbia Miss Asher?"

"My father attended Columbia. Class of seventy-six," Willow informed the Dean.

"Is that so?" the Dean asked raising her heavily penciled eyebrows, "And what does your father do for a living?"

Willow hesitated, remembering her response the last time that she'd been asked the question.

"Her father is Frank Asher. He's one of the country's top environmental engineers," Heath offered. Willow looked at him, clearly both surprised and suspicious. Heath just grinned at her.

"An environmental engineer you say?" the Dean said, recalling Willow's attention to herself. She was impressed in spite of herself, "That is a respectable occupation indeed. Are there other Asher children?"

"Yes, there are five us all together. Five daughters. I am the second eldest," Willow replied.

"Five daughters! Goodness! The private school tuition must have been quite a burden for your father on his public servant's salary," Dean Genaro speculated.

"Oh, we went to public school," Willow informed her, finding the Dean's flabbergasted expression at this announcement amusing.

"Hmm," said the Dean.

Willow spent the remainder of the dinner holding her own against the most invasive line of questioning that she'd ever had directed towards her. A less collected woman might have cracked under the pressure, but Heath was pleased to see Willow holding her own against his overbearing Aunt.

To Willow's great relief, Dean Genaro's attention was finally waylaid by a member of the board of directors.

"Dance with me?" Heath asked, leaning close so that only she could hear.

Willow agreed and rose from the table, thankful for any opportunity to escape Dean Genaro.

PublisherLeigha James
Release dateDec 30, 2021
Wild Weekend

Leigha James

Leigha James writes playful and sexy heteroromances with characters you're sure to remember. Always keeping things fun and fast-paced, Leigha's stories are sure to excite the imagination, and always leave you feeling satisfied when the story ends.

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    Book preview

    Wild Weekend - Leigha James

    Wild Weekend

    by Leigha James

    © 2020 - Leigha James

    Chapter 1

    Mother, how could you! Willow admonished.

    What are you so upset about? I didn't sign you up for the show, her mother said, dismissing her second eldest (and least favored) daughter's concerns, Skye doesn't mind, do you Baby Blue?

    Skye, who minded tremendously and hated the nickname Baby Blue, just smiled meekly, Of course I don't mind Mother.

    Willow rolled her eyes but gave up the fight. She knew how Skye hated it when she argued with Mother. And poor Skye was upset enough already. Plus, really, what was the point? Mother would have her way no matter the cost anyhow. Willow retreated to her and Skye's bedroom as Mother droned on and on about the stupid dating show that she was forcing Skye into.

    "It's called Wild Weekend. Twenty hot, local women compete over one wild weekend for a dream date with Mr. Texas himself, Justin Hillsong! The heir to the Hillsong Sausage empire! He's worth millions Baby Blue. I sent the production people a few of your headshots, filled out a questionnaire, and you're in! I knew the lord didn't make you so pretty for nothing!"

    At that moment Rowan and Clover, the two youngest Asher sisters, burst into the room in a flurry of activity and sound.

    Is she going to do it Mother? Clover, the younger and the leader of the two, demanded in a fit of giggles.

    Of course she is! Mother exclaimed, and the three, Mother, Clover, and Rowan, all squealed with delight.

    It was then that Dawn, the middle of the five Asher sisters, entered the living room. She froze when she heard the squealing of her sisters and mother and pulled an abrupt about-face, receding into the shadows of the kitchen. Skye, who watched her go, wished for about the millionth time that she could be that invisible to her mother and youngest sisters.

    As they sat alone in their shared bedroom later that evening, Skye expressed her true feelings to Willow, her best friend and closest confidant, I can't believe that she's still on this whole find me a rich husband kick. If only Daddy was in town; he'd put a stop to this nonsense. Why does she always plan her schemes for when he's away?

    Of course she plans them for when he's away. Daddy's the only one that she's afraid of. And that's only because he controls her purse strings. You could give Daddy a call, Willow suggested.

    Skye sighed, No, no. I don't want to be a bother. He always looks so tired lately. I wish he'd never taken this travel job; I don't think it's good for him to be away so much.

    Nor for us, Willow added, As Mother's becoming downright wretched in his absence. I can't wait for August when I go back to college.

    Skye, who would be entering her senior year at a local university, sighed, I wish that I'd picked an out-of-state school like you did. Then Mother couldn't meddle in my life anymore. Do you know what the sad thing is though? She has a reason for meddling; I haven't had a date in months.

    Who knows, maybe things will work out and the sausage king will be the answer to all of your, um, needs, Willow suggested.

    Skye laughed, You're terrible.


    Friday afternoon found Skye and Willow driving into Dallas for the first day of filming for Wild Weekend. Skye was understandably nervous. She was so nervous in fact that she had stood up to Mother for once and insisted that Willow, and Willow alone, would accompany her to the show's taping. Mother had agreed, begrudgingly, with Skye's promise that all of the Asher women could attend the taping of the final round... if Skye made it that far.

    Willow glanced over at Skye in the passenger seat. She was fiddling with her purse, a sure sign that she was nervous. But she looked amazing. All of the Asher ladies had worked together to help Skye select her outfits for the weekend; one casual dress for Friday evening, one jeans and blouse look for a Saturday afternoon adventure, a sexy dress for Saturday night, a sweet dress for Sunday brunch, and an evening gown for the Sunday night dream date. Hair and makeup looks were planned and re-planned. All with the understanding that Skye could be eliminated at any point, the remaining hopes and dreams (and ensembles) dashed.

    For her part, Willow still thought the whole thing was ridiculous. But Skye had been softened to the idea by the excitement of Mother, Clover, and Rowan.

    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited to meet him. You know, just to see, Skye admitted.

    Of course, Willow said with a smile, just to see.

    The sisters pulled onto the studio lot and parked before heading towards the reception area. Skye, who was the undisputed jewel of the beautiful Asher sisters, looked even more amazing than usual. She wore her long honey blond hair in loose waves, the baby blue of her dress exactly matching the shade of her eyes and highlighting her tan skin and long legs.

    Skye bit her lip nervously, You're sure the skirt's not too short on this dress?

    Willow considered the hemline, then counseled, Honestly? It is a bit short. But if this whole dating show is worth doing, you might as well do it right.

    Chapter 2

    Skye and Willow entered the reception area, a standard drab waiting room lined with rows of utilitarian chairs and coffee tables stacked haphazardly with ancient magazines. Around half of the seats were already occupied by a dozen tall, beautiful, predominantly blond contestants and their assorted friends and relations. Skye checked in at the counter while Willow scoped out the crowd. Though comprised mostly women, there were a few fatherly looking folks in the group, and

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