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A Cowboy Christmas
A Cowboy Christmas
A Cowboy Christmas
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A Cowboy Christmas

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A second chance only comes once in a lifetime. They were perfect together... until they weren’t. He was Mr. Right until he broke her heart. Sparks fly when they’re together, but... They were best friends — and more. Then she let him down. He’s thought of her every day for the past ten years. Now she’s back, but...

Release dateDec 22, 2021
A Cowboy Christmas

Melanie P. Smith

Melanie P. Smith went to Dixie State College and the University of Phoenix where she received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management. She also has a Postgraduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution and Negotiation from the University of Utah. She worked for the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office for over 26 years. Most of that time was in the Special Operations Division where she worked closely with the SWAT Team and The Child Abduction Response Team coordinating communications and logistics. She also worked closely with Search & Rescue, The Mounted Posse, K9 and the Motorcycle Squad. Melanie has been able to utilize both her knowledge of police operations and business practices to make her novels fun and exciting.

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    A Cowboy Christmas - Melanie P. Smith

    A COWBOY Christmas

    Hunter Holiday Collection


    Melanie P. Smith

    Book Description

    A second chance only comes once in a lifetime.

    They were perfect together… until they weren’t.

    He was Mr. Right until he broke her heart. Sparks fly when they’re together, but...

    They were best friends — and more. Then, she let him down. He’s thought of her every day for the past ten years. Now she’s back, but...

    Copyright © 2021 Melanie P. Smith

    First Edition | Series: Holiday Collection

    Edited by LaPriel Dye

    * * *

    No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the Author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All trademarks are the property of their owners and are acknowledged by the proper use of capitalization throughout.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Dear Reader —

    Author Links

    Chapter One


    Serena sat in front of the large mirror and watched as Judith wound her hair into an intricate braid that looked classy and stunning. She could never do anything like this on her own. Where did you learn how to do that?

    Here and there, Judith shrugged. I have younger sisters; you know that.

    You have a gift, Serena told her, turning left, then right to admire the stylish updo. If you hired out to the women here at college, you could probably make enough to pay for your books — maybe lab fees, too.

    If I wanted to be a beautician, I’d be attending a different college, Judith frowned. You know I’m focused on my studies. I don’t have time for something like that.

    Right, Serena nodded. Harvard law.

    You look incredible. Rory stepped into the room. Now, you just need the perfect outfit.

    Am I overdoing this? Serena asked her friends, worried she was making too big a deal out of this date.

    No, Rory said immediately. Of course not.

    What makes you ask that? Judith wondered. I mean, you know Rusty better than we do, but this date is a big deal.

    She knows Rusty better than anyone does, Rory laughed. I know a ton of girls here on campus that would kill to spend a few minutes in your shoes. But that man only has eyes for you.

    I wouldn’t go that far, Serena objected.

    I can’t believe it took him so long to ask you on a real date, Rory mused. Our first year of college is nearly over. You two have been hooking up for coffee, study sessions, and sneaking away on fun adventures since the first semester. Is there something wrong with him?

    No, he’s perfect, Serena whispered. That’s the problem. Rusty is smart, interesting, and a little wild and adventurous. He’s also sweet and thoughtful.

    And hot, Judith added.

    Serena smiled. And hot. He terrifies me.

    No, Rory pulled a silk shirt from Judith’s closet. The way he makes you feel terrifies you.

    Same thing, Serena laughed.

    It’s not, no. Judith moved to the closet and pulled out a pair of designer jeans. These would look amazing with that top.

    And wear these boots, Rory pulled out a pair of brown leather boots that she brought from her own room. They were long and would go all the way to Serena’s knees. They had intricate stitching and little charms dangling from a snap on the side.

    Serena stepped into the bathroom to change. Once she was dressed, she moved to the bed and slid into the fancy boots. Then, she dropped back on the mattress and groaned. Why am I so nervous? I’ve spent hours with Rusty. We’ve talked about everything and we’re even at ease and relaxed when we’re not talking about anything. We’re comfortable together. I don’t understand why I feel this way.

    Because it matters, Rory dropped onto the bed next to her friend.

    Because you really like him. Judith settled on the other side. You dated a little in high school and once at the beginning of the semester here at Berkeley, but none of those guys got your heart racing. You’re gorgeous and men follow you around like little puppy dogs.

    And when you want a date, you have one, Rory added. The rest of us have to work a little, overcome our fears, and step outside of our comfort zone.

    All you have to do is turn around and say, I’ll take that one...sort of like walking down the candy aisle at the grocery store, Judith bumped Serena’s shoulder. Welcome to reality. It’s about time a guy made you put forth some effort.

    Which is why you’re nervous, Rory added. Now, hurry and put on those earrings I picked out, dab on a little more of that amazing perfume, and go meet your man.

    Which begs the question, Judith stood. Why isn’t he coming here? If this is supposed to be a date, why isn’t he picking you up?

    He has to work. Serena dabbed her neck with her favorite perfume. I don’t mind meeting him at the library. He’s going to bring me home afterwards.

    We’ll accept that. But we still won’t get to see him, since you don’t live here, Rory complained.

    We can accept it this once, Judith added. But next time, he needs to park the car, walk up to the door, and bring you a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

    I don’t think I could control that if I wanted to… which I don’t, Serena laughed. I have to go. Don’t wait up.

    Her friends laughed.

    Oh, Rory studied her fingernails. We’ll probably just crash once you leave.

    Uh-huh, Serena hugged her friends but paused at the entrance. I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow.

    Movie time! Serena heard Rory and Judith exclaim just before she shut the door. She was laughing when she entered the elevator.


    Serena stepped into the library and glanced around. There was no sign of Rusty; so, she selected a table and settled onto a chair to wait. Ten minutes later, she was still waiting. Impatiently, she stood, moved to the long row of shelves, and randomly selected a book. She settled back at the table and flipped it open.

    Serena sat inside the library, aimlessly flicking pages, for another half hour. Finally, she had to accept the heartbreaking truth — Rusty wasn’t coming. He stood her up. She rose to her feet, slowly walked through the front door, and just dropped onto the cement step. Tears filled her eyes, but she pushed them away. She would not cry. If Rusty didn’t want to date her, that was his choice.

    But why ask her out in the first place? He seemed so kind and attentive all year long. Plus, he was the one that asked her out. None of this made sense. Maybe something was wrong. Maybe he’d been hurt or delayed for some reason. She sat on the step for another twenty minutes before she pushed to her feet and made her way back to her friend's apartment. She found them watching movies on the couch. The instant she stepped through the door, they jumped up and rushed toward her — asking a ton of questions. She didn’t have any answers. Emotion swamped her, and she began to sob.

    Serena watched for Rusty, in class, on campus, at the coffee shop, everywhere she went — for the rest of the school year. He never appeared. Rusty had vanished. He dropped out of school; and apparently, he never looked back.

    Chapter Two


    Serena, Morgan called from behind her desk. I need to speak with you. It’s important.

    What’s up? Serena paused in the doorway of her mom’s office.

    Come in and shut the door, Morgan instructed.

    Serena frowned. That was odd. Her mother never had closed meetings. She believed in being open and inviting with the employees. Morgan thought closed doors discouraged free discourse. She slid the door shut and slowly moved across the room, dropping into one of the visitor’s chairs.

    Morgan remained silent for several seconds. Finally, she stood and moved to stand in front of a large bank of windows. I used to love this view.

    Serena joined her. I still do. You don’t, really?

    I will always enjoy that majestic bridge — and the ocean, but the smog, the putrid air that engulfs you the instant you step from inside the building, the constant harassment from pan handlers, and traffic? No, I don’t enjoy that.

    Okay, you have a point, Serena stared out the window. But that view. Look at the Golden Gate Bridge. There’s nothing else like it in the entire world. It just floats there with the ocean below surrounded by white, luminescent smog. If you didn’t know better, you’d think it was a mystical, translucent floating pillow of fog that glides over the landscape and settles on the surface of the water.

    That right there, Morgan turned and settled back in her chair. That’s the reason I promoted you to VP of marketing. How many people could promote the cold, windy smog of San Francisco and make it sound enchanting?

    What’s going on, Mom? Serena also returned to her chair.

    Your father and I have been stressing, trying to find a solution to a problem, Morgan began. We’ve been discussing it for months and we’ve finally made a decision. I’m not sure how you’ll react to the news.

    What decision? Serena frowned. Sure, her parents were still technically in charge of the business, but she ran marketing, Matthew handled sales, and Tea took care of all things technological. There were very few business decisions her parents had to make these days.

    See that enormous pile of papers on my desk? Morgan pointed to the corner that contained a stack at least an inch tall.

    What is it?

    Transfer requests, Morgan admitted.

    Transfer—? Serena furrowed her brows. To the Montana office?

    Yes, Morgan answered soberly. It seems those employees are also finding it hard to love San Francisco like they used to.

    You’re moving our headquarters to Montana, Serena realized. I think that’s a bad idea. Her heart was racing, and she was on the verge of her first actual panic attack. Mountains, snow, and freezing temperatures were in Montana. Worse, Rusty Baines was in Montana. How could she face him after she ran away from him last Christmas?

    A million memories flooded her mind. Some were from college, but the most prominent were the emotions she felt last Christmas. When, out of the blue, he called Colby’s house on Christmas and asked to speak to her, she’d been shocked for sure. But a stupid bubble of hope and longing awakened from somewhere deep in her soul, and she didn’t know what to do. She gave him a non-answer, put him off, and rushed back to the cottage to think. Then Harley convinced her to ignore all the emotions, all the baggage from the past, and take a risk. Like an idiot, she called him and invited him to join the family for a carriage ride at Colby’s farm.

    She was sure she could handle it; she’d be surrounded by friends and family. What could go wrong? They wouldn’t have any privacy. Unfortunately, that was a double-edged sword. No privacy meant no personal interaction — which meant no personal discussion. She couldn’t demand answers, she couldn’t confront him, tell him he broke her heart, ask if any of it meant anything, or if it was all just a game to him. Still, she called, and he showed up.

    The ride out was a little tense. She was nervous to see him after all that time, and her emotions were all over the place. Rusty was impossible to read. He rarely spoke and when he did, it was just casual conversation that included all of them. There were a couple times when he turned and Serena could feel him watching her, but she was too much of a coward to look back. Then Colby stopped the ride to give Matt a special moment with Harley so he could propose. Once the reunited couple walked away, Colby talked Dani and Tea into a short walk in the opposite direction. That left Serena alone with Rusty, in the carriage, under a warm, cozy blanket, surrounded by darkness, a beautiful moon, and a million bright stars.

    When Rusty turned and said her name, she ran. Literally. She jumped from the carriage and bolted. She didn’t realize she’d followed Tea and her new family, but when she caught up to them, she latched onto the coincidence and pretended it was intentional. The ride back to the house was excruciating and the most uncomfortable ride she had ever experienced. She accepted that as her answer — because, since the moment she met Rusty, they never had an uncomfortable moment together. Until last Christmas. Heart a little broken, Serena packed her things and headed back to California the following morning, determined to avoid Rusty Baines for the rest of her life.

    That was only possible if she lived in California, and he stayed in Montana. But now her parents were talking about moving the family, the business, her life, to Montana. To Rusty’s hometown. She couldn’t avoid him forever if they were living in the same small town — and that scared her. It terrified her more than she could ever admit. She couldn’t move, she’d just convince her mom there was another option — but what?

    Our lease on this building is up at the end of January, Morgan continued. It makes sense, Serena. You know I’m right, and your father agrees. It’s the right move for the company. It’s the best thing for everyone. I know Tea and Matthew will be thrilled when they learn you’re going to join them — that we’re all going to join them.

    Serena begged to differ. This was not the best thing for her. What about the employees who can’t move? She challenged. You know Darla can’t leave. She cares for her mother, and the woman is too old to pack up and move to Montana. Plus, with her arthritis, I don’t think the cold would be good for her.

    I’m not sure, Morgan admitted. That’s why we haven’t announced the move. I know we have people that can’t, or simply don’t want to move to Montana. We’ll have to deal with those employees individually.

    Maybe we could look for a smaller place, here in San Francisco, Serena offered. We could just downsize here and the employees that want to move to Montana can transfer out there. The rest of us could stay here.

    Serena, Morgan sighed. We’re moving to Montana. Your father is leaving this weekend. That will give us roughly two months to finalize things here. You and I will be joining him at the beginning of December.

    That soon? Serena started to panic again.

    We want to spend the holidays with Matthew, Harley, and Anastasia, Morgan studied her daughter. It’s the baby’s first Christmas. I will not miss that.

    I know. Serena softened at the mention of Matt’s new baby. They named her Anastasia after the mother Harley never knew, but everyone called her Tassi — everyone except for Morgan Hunter. I want to see Tassi, too...and Matt, Harley, Tea and Dani.

    Jack will come back for Thanksgiving, and the three of us will have a nice dinner at our place. But Tea really wants us to spend Christmas with her family in the mountains. I’ve been putting her off, but she’s trying to schedule their Christmas activities. I need to confirm we’re going to join them. You know how excited Dani gets. I don’t want to miss any of that. I know this will be a big adjustment for you, but it’s a wonderful place to live. Plus, out there we have room to expand, something we’ve been needing to do for years, but can’t do here in San Francisco. I’m confident if you keep an open mind, Montana will grow on you. You’re going to be happy there.

    You and Dad didn’t find happiness there, Serena challenged.

    Actually, I loved Montana. Morgan closed her eyes and pushed away the memories. It was just too hard, after Harmony had her accident. I just couldn’t — I struggled. Your father and I, we always knew we’d move back. It just took longer than we thought it would.

    Which is why you guys kept the house, Serena realized.

    We have a little time, Morgan relented. We can talk about this in a few days.

    I have a feeling nothing will change, Serena sighed. So, do you and Dad have a plan? How will you coordinate the move?

    We’re still working on that, Morgan admitted. I guess the first step would be approving all of those transfer requests. Then, I suppose I’ll need to schedule meetings with each of the remaining employees and talk to them about the future of the company. I’ll see how they feel and find out if moving with us to Missoula is an option.

    I think you should work on that pile of requests, Serena pointed to the edge of the desk. "Give those employees the good news

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