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Captured by Her Vampire Mate
Captured by Her Vampire Mate
Captured by Her Vampire Mate
Ebook89 pages1 hour

Captured by Her Vampire Mate

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**I've tasted her blood and I'm never letting her go.**

A captured witch with the sweetest blood.

Trapped in a war between vampire clans.

She made a deal with the devil to secure her freedom.

She thought she could escape with her life and purity intact.

I should have let her go once she fulfilled her end of the bargain.

But I've tasted her sweetness.

I want more.

I'm claiming her and making her mine.

Mine forever.

Release dateJan 3, 2022
Captured by Her Vampire Mate

Drusilla Swan

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    Book preview

    Captured by Her Vampire Mate - Drusilla Swan

    Chapter 1

    I watched in horror as the golden-haired vampire snapped Althea’s neck and tossed her body aside like a rag doll. My sister’s lifeless eyes stared right at me, a final warning from her. I had to get out of here before the vampires got to me too.

    The vampire intruders slaughtered members of our coven one by one. Once our circle of power was broken, our magic was no match against their brute strength.

    In the middle of the chaos, I escaped out of the room unnoticed. My heart raced as I ran.

    I had no idea where I was going. The city hall building where our coven and a small community of humans had been hiding was filled with windowless hallways. That’s what made it such a good place to hide from the vampires. It also made it easy to get disoriented if you were in a panic and didn’t pay attention to where you were going.

    For the millionth time in my twenty years on this planet, I wished that I had a fraction of Althea’s power. My sister would have conjured up a teleportation spell and escaped already.

    Instead, here I was, running like a scared little bunny being chased by a fox. Not only were my spells useless, they were less than useless. It was a good day if my magic didn’t turn back on myself and give me a face full of purple spots or a pair of giant horns.

    I had been the joke of the family for my entire life. I was a witch, born to one of the oldest witch families, but I couldn’t even make a simple love potion. There was no doubt, I was a constant disappointment to my parents compared to my sister, Althea, with her natural ability for magic.

    A door thudded shut from somewhere down the hall behind me. I was somewhere deep in the belly of the building. It was completely silent except for the pounding of my heart and the sound of my own breath.

    There was no way that door closed by accident. I forced myself to take shallower, quieter breaths as I crept deeper down the hallway. In the meantime, I kept my ears perked for any sound from my pursuer.

    The back of my neck tingled when I heard it. The hard sound of heavy boots against the linoleum. Someone was coming.

    I ran.

    The footsteps behind me got louder. Closer and closer they came. I might as well have been running in place.

    I groped the walls and doors desperately. There had to be a stairwell or exit out of here. The hallway ended at a solid door. I twisted the handle frantically. It was locked.

    A hand dug painfully into my shoulder. My pursuer spun me around and pinned me to the wall with a hand around my throat.

    Gotcha! His eyes lit up, and his lips curved with cruel satisfaction.

    My hands flew up and tried to pry his hand away. He only tightened his iron grip around my neck until spots filled my vision. Just when I was about to pass out, he loosened his grip.

    He leaned in until we were so close that our noses almost touched. As I gulped in deep breaths of air, I could smell his uniquely dark scent mixed with the leather of his jacket and cigarette smoke.

    Well, well, well. What do we have here? He ran his eyes slowly up and down every inch of me.

    Did little red riding hood honestly think she could outrun the big bad wolf? His taunting words spilled out past his protruding fangs.

    The vampire leaned in and tilted his head towards the crook of my neck. He took in an audible breath and moaned.

    A witch. I’ve only tasted one once, half a century ago. The magic adds a bit of spice to your blood. His eyes glazed over and took on a dreamy look.

    He was drooling over me like a dog with a rib eye steak.

    Oh, Goddess. I was going to die tonight.

    The vampire grinned and ran his tongue over the tip of his fangs. Close your eyes, girlie. This is going to sting. He wrenched my head to the side and dived for my neck.

    I yelped. Clenching my eyes tightly, I blurted out the teleportation spell that I had memorized my sister casting many times before. I had never successfully completed the spell before. I hoped today was going to be my first time.

    There was no time like the present to try my luck.

    A terrifying rush of power surged through my body. Blood surged to my head, the pressure pounding against my skull until I was ready to pop like a champagne cork.

    I uttered the last word of the spell as his lips brushed against my skin.

    And then there was nothing as everything faded to black.

    Chapter 2

    My head felt like it was stuffed with cotton when I woke up. I brought my hand up to steady my groggy head, but something cold and metallic weighed my arm down. I tugged on the heavy iron chains clamped around my wrists. It was no use. The chains were attached to large bolts secured to the concrete wall. My ankles were similarly shackled.

    Mindful of my bonds, I shifted until I was sitting upright against the wall. My entire body was sore and aching from being stuck in one

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