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Kevin and the Great Dolphin Rescue
Kevin and the Great Dolphin Rescue
Kevin and the Great Dolphin Rescue
Ebook53 pages35 minutes

Kevin and the Great Dolphin Rescue

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Gregory the reef shark and Randolph the Spinner dolphin have gone to find Randolph’s lost cousin. As they are planning a rescue, Gregory loses Randolph, who is also captured.

Gregory feels guilty for not being able to help his friend and goes to find the others to try and rescue Randolph.

Kevin and his sea creature friends find themselves on an amazingly outstanding adventure, as they attempt to rescue the dolphin.

Follow Kevin as he gets stung by lionfish, is attacked by octopi, and is captured by humans. Will he make it in time to rescue Randolph, or is the dolphin gone forever?

Release dateDec 24, 2021
Kevin and the Great Dolphin Rescue

Lenora Gilbert

Lenora Gilbert is the pseudonym used to publish books as part of the "Kevin's Amazingly Outstanding Adventures' Series.Kevin is a 14-year-old Australian boy, who moved to Toique Nasaintru Lile islands in the Indian Ocean. He lives on the main island, Isle V. One night he meets Francis, a turtle, and along with a number of other marine species, they embark on numerous adventures. In the process, they rescue marine animals, find lost treasures and discover marine species that were thought to have gone extinct or those that Kevin thought didn't exist.Follow Kevin and his friends on his many underwater adventures.

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    Book preview

    Kevin and the Great Dolphin Rescue - Lenora Gilbert

    Kevin’s Amazingly Outstanding Adventures - Book 2

    Kevin and the Great Dolphin Rescue


    Lenora Gilbert



    On the hunt for a dolphin

    Fixing wounds with needles and lion-fish venom

    Wrapped in tentacles

    Kevin’s botched rescue

    When all else fails, get whales reinforcement


    An escape and a mysterious girl

    Kevin and the Great Dolphin Rescue

    Gregory the reef shark and Randolph the Spinner dolphin have gone to find Randolph’s lost cousin. As they are planning a rescue, Gregory loses Randolph, who is also captured.

    Kevin and his sea creature friends find themselves on an amazingly outstanding adventure, as they attempt to rescue the dolphin.

    Copyright © 2021 by Vantha Publishing.

    All rights reserved.

    First published in 2021 by Vantha Publishing.

    This is a work of fiction. Characters, places and incidents either are a product of the author’s imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    N o parts of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author/publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, journal, blog or on social media.

    On the hunt for a dolphin

    Randolph stared at the huge oil slick in front of him for a long minute before turning to Gregory the grey reef shark, next to him.

    Do you think she came this way?

    Gregory had not expected him to ask this question, and so he, in turn stared at the spinner dolphin, not knowing how to respond.

    The two had been swimming for close to 15 hours with no idea where Randolph’s cousin had disappeared to. The female dolphin had fallen into severe depression after losing her baby, following complications as a result of the oil spill. She had left her pod and hadn’t been seen for about 5 days. Randolph had decided to go look for her and Gregory had followed him.

    Suddenly, from beneath the waves, there came a loud crash. The two animals quickly dived into the sea, to try and find out what was going on. It had started to get dark beneath the waves and it was difficult to see anything that was further than a few meters in front of them. It proved difficult to locate the source of the noise. After swimming around for a few short minutes, the two decided to keep moving forward. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a small sharp object hurled past Randolph’s left side and almost hit him. He quickly twisted around to avoid the object, and was instead hit hard by another object.

    In the very

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