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Beauty of True Love
Beauty of True Love
Beauty of True Love
Ebook225 pages1 hour

Beauty of True Love

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“Unconditional love is the greatest power of all.”— David Hawkins
And then there was silence. Silence in the wake of a prolonged storm that has just passed and all that is left is this silence…. followed by peace. A sense of stillness like the world is at rest, everything is serene. Yet, the peace doesn’t really last because the mind, filled with ego-love, is a stranger to this feeling. The mind feels anxious- as if something is lacking and another storm is on its way which will knock down the building still standing in aftermath of the previous storm. And all it is doing is resting in this ephemeral silence while inevitably, peace is going to turn into utter chaos. This is what the ego-love dominated mind is waiting for and surely, that loving peace is fading away gradually, and the silence is getting replaced with cluttering self-limiting thoughts.
Yet, the heart knows that it can hold on to that loving peace forever. There doesn’t have to be another storm or if there is one, it doesn’t have to cause noise or havoc. The heart knows that to live with peace for all eternity, the tether to hold onto is true unconditional love. And then only this silence will not be feared by the mind. It will just be loved, the way it really has to be. The sigh of relief can become an everlasting breath of love, only if the heart can remove the clutches of fear and all the negative emotions. Only if the heart can connect to true love, make it the only intention, then all the dreams will become reality and the heart will finally be at peace full of inner convictions.
In this book, you will be able to feel this power of unconditional true love residing in your heart. As you read, you will be encouraged to shift your perspective towards life from existing with ego-love to that of living with true love. So, embark on this journey of recognising the beauty of true love by reading this wonderful collection of poems. Simple yet profound, these poems will inspire you to look within and connect to your true love.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 6, 2022
Beauty of True Love

Vanita Godara

From a small village in the outskirts of Delhi, where female equality is still a fantasy, Vanita broke the age-old societal norms and bloomed into this self-sufficient woman that she is. She is a girl who’s a survivor of the worst around her. Coming out of these shackles was not easy. But Vanita is blessed with a seventh sense of positivity. And this optimistic approach has instilled in her immense strength. This book of hers is all about this. A must read for all those who find this world a difficult place to live in. A pinch of positivity from Vanita and what-a-wonderful-world will be your perspective.

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    Beauty of True Love - Vanita Godara

    Copyright © 2021 Vanita Godara.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-7035-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-7036-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/27/2021

    In loving memory of-


    Dedicated to-

    My mother for being my ray of light




    1 Prologue- The Confusing Mind

    Part I Whims and Demands of Our Ego-Self

    Section I—When Life Gives You Lemons

    2 Wallowing in Self Pity

    3 It doesn’t seem Fair

    4 The Thing that seems Out of Reach

    5 The Tale of Ownership

    6 Island of Peace

    7 Vision of a Parrot

    8 If only I could Time Travel

    Section II—When Your Ego Values Others More…

    9 All the Opinions in The World

    10 Pleasure to Judge

    11 Great Expectations

    12 The Fairy Tales She Read

    Section III—When Your Ego Limits You …

    13 Worthy of Love

    14 The Perfect Moment

    15 The Lost Me

    16 When the Dreams don’t make Sense

    17 The Fear of Fear

    Section IV—When Your Ego Tries To Pull You Back ……

    18 It is a World of Comparison

    19 The Hocus Pocus

    Part II The Callings of Our True Inner Love

    Section I—When You Move Towards Your True Inner Love

    20 It sounds so Simple to Say

    21 Candle of Hope

    22 Beauty of Fallen Dreams

    23 Journey with No End

    Section II—When You Change To Become True Inner Love

    24 The Changing Me

    25 The Coincidence of Life

    26 The Art of Saying No

    27 The Puppets of Life

    28 An Ode to Humanity

    29 The Divine Within

    Section III—When You Have Connected To Your True Inner Love, You Realize ….

    30 I am The One

    31 It was all Meant to Be

    32 There is No Other Reason

    33 I have Everything I Want

    34 The Dreamer of Dreams

    35 My Intention

    36 I Love to say Thank You

    37 I am The Creator

    38 The Convictions

    Section IV—And You Will See The World in A New Light …

    39 Real or Unreal?

    40 The Secret of The Garden

    41 It is a World of Imagination

    Section V—When You Sometimes Digress from Your True Inner Love

    42 The Secret of Success

    43 Giving Advice

    44 I Went to Hell and Back

    In The End, Just Remember ….

    45 Keep Love in your Heart



    All the poems in this book are a product of the true love residing in me. So, my first thanks to my inner true love for writing this book. A mother’s love is a great example of unconditional love and the same is true for my mother. Her unconditional love, care and support have shaped me into the awesome being that I am today. She has always been my pillar of strength and has encouraged me in all my ventures. Words cannot express my gratitude towards her but a special thanks to her for supporting me in making this book a reality. Love and support from family can make your life very easy. Similarly, the process of publishing this book has been made easier by my family. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to my wonderful sisters Rohini and Pooja Dahiya for reading my book and encouraging me to publish it. A heartfelt gratitude to my brother Chiranjeev Dahiya for guiding me through the publication process and being my tech support. Friends happen to be wonderful example of unconditional true love and I have been blessed with wonderful friends especially my dear friend, Kushagri. She led me to the idea of this book and has been with me in each step of the journey of publishing this book with her love, support, and advice. So, a wonderful thanks to Kushagri. I would also like to thank Bindu Pillai for always being my supporter and cheerleader. A heartfelt thanks to staff of Balboa Press for being with me throughout publishing of this book. In addition, you will find a poem dedicated to expressing my gratitude to all the people in my life who have led me to this amazing moment of making this book a reality.



    Dear readers,

    I love writing poems. Writing poems isn’t just a hobby for me, it is also a route to escape from stress and a source of relaxation that fills me with productivity, happiness and joy. There have been many instances in my life when I wished that life was as easy as writing poems. But in reality, it is not. Life is full of struggles and challenges we all deal with in our own way.

    The idea to create a poem book came to me when I was facing challenges in my life and many things in my life were not going according to my so-called life plan. Most of those things seemed out of my hands and the thoughts of helplessness and impatience had led to frustration and anger. So, amongst all the struggles and waiting, my intuition told me that I should focus on something that is in my control just to feel a bit empowered in life. And hence, the birth of this book.

    While the decision of writing poems was an easy one, choosing a topic was not that simple. After a lot of introspection of around one hour, I decided to keep the topic close to my heart. Something that my own life has taught me in the last few years- becoming a being of true love. And no, I am not talking about the romantic kind of love. I am talking about the true love which is present in all of us- sometimes referred to as God or soul or spirit. I like to call this as my inner true love. Over the past few years, I have learned to connect to this love and transform myself to a being in love.

    Let me clarify. We all live this life in our own unique way with a view that the world is full of love. However, I would like to argue that this love that we see, most of the times, is not the inner true love I am referring to which is unconditional in nature. In words of an anonymous wise person-

    The world is full of love. But not unconditional love.

    The reason for this is that most of our life is ego-driven. Ego is a part of us that controls our emotions and actions and just makes us focus on ourselves and not in a good way. Dr Wayne W. Dyer, one of the teachers in my life, has

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