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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 83: 11 Erotica Books
The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 83: 11 Erotica Books
The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 83: 11 Erotica Books
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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 83: 11 Erotica Books

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About this ebook

This is a massive collection of 11 Erotic Books for Women, an ultimate package consisting of 11 tremendously popular Erotic Short Stories for Women, by 11 different authors.

All of the 11 chosen books are exclusive to this specific collection, so even if you've purchased other volumes of ”The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection” you can rest assured that you will receive no duplicates between collections.

These are the 11 included books in this collection:

A Plain and Simple Prince by Rebecca Milton

Writer and Actor by Emma Bishop

Acting Between The Sheets by Jean Mathis

Apple Blossom Breezes by Elaine Wilder

Wine, Chocolate and a Red Dress by Pearl Whitaker

Best Man Gets His Maid of Honor by Bonnie Robles

A Summer Affair by Grace Barron

Acting on Impulse by Diana Vega

Cycling Through Life by Rose Boyd

Yearning To Be Partner by Georgia Farley

A Love Through Time and Space by Odette Haynes

Whether you prefer romantic erotica, light erotica, or really hardcore stories you will surely be satisfied as this collection is a mix of the best of the best across many different erotica genres.

Simply put: If you have even the slightest interest in reading great Erotica specifically written for women readers, you are going to LOVE this collection!

Warning: These stories are intended for adult readers 18 years of age or older. They contain explicit language and graphic sexual content.

Release dateJan 5, 2022
The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 83: 11 Erotica Books
Author publishes sizzling erotica and romance stories that pack a punch.With over 40 authors under our umbrella it doesn't matter if you prefer cosy romance stories, light erotica, or really hardcore stories - you are bound to find something you like.

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    The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 83 -

    The Ultimate

    Erotic Short Story Collection 83

    11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books for Women


    Copyright 2021

    Distributed by Smashwords

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    Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and is intended for those over the age of 18 only.


    Table of Contents

    A Plain and Simple Prince

    Writer and Actor

    Acting Between The Sheets

    Apple Blossom Breezes

    Wine, Chocolate and a Red Dress

    Best Man Gets His Maid of Honor

    A Summer Affair

    Acting on Impulse

    Cycling Through Life

    Yearning To Be Partner

    A Love Through Time and Space

    A Plain and Simple Prince


    Rebecca Milton

    It wasn’t so much the act that troubled her. She knew her brother had killed before. It was part of his job, part of his place in the family. She knew this, looked past it, accepted it and, still, she loved him dearly. No, the knowledge that he had killed was not what bothered her. What bothered her was the casual way he said it. He had never told her before, never outright, like this time. Sitting in the great room, by the fire, her needlepoint on her lap, Giovanni sitting opposite her, both of them listening to the howls of their older sister. She wept and thrashed in her room, expressing the deep grief of a young bride who had lost her husband.

    She is inconsolable, Katina said to her brother, he nodded, saying nothing, looking deep into the dancing flames. Will she ever be happy again? Again, he said nothing. She believes herself the only woman in the world to have lost a husband.

    Your sister has many stories she tells herself, she is delicate and must be allowed to believe the stories she tells herself, Giovanni said, she believes her husband was killed by thieves on the road.

    Was he not, Katina asked and then it happened, the casual, easy answer as if he offered wine or sugared dates.

    No, he said, shaking his head, his voice sitting on a smile, I killed him.

    Their sister had married a man of whom their father did not approve. She married him just to prove herself strong against her father. He was a man that did not help the family in ways of alliance or wealth. He was a simpleton, she had heard father say, a failure at business, a coward in war. He was handsome enough; he poured honeyed words into their sister’s ears, promised her love and happiness. In return, he wanted a piece of the family fortune, the power their name carried and all the trappings of a rich family. Father gave him two months to prove his worth. He failed. Now, he was dead. Now, their sister howled in her chambers, threw bedding, refused medicines, company, solace. The house moved in the waves of her sorrow.

    Will you kill my husband, Giovanni, she asked her brother, he looked from the fire and into her eyes.

    If you make a poor choice in husbands, then yes, I will. He looked back to the fire, and she felt cold. He was serious, she knew this.

    What if I love him, she asked, wishing to find some kindness in her brother, some reason to continue to love him, would you kill him then? He moved to her side and knelt. He took her hand in his and kissed it. He could be tender, he could be gentle. He was handsome and had many women at his disposal, and she knew why. When she was younger, she said she would marry no one but him. She meant it. He had a power over women. Over men as well. He had power. Simple as that. He wielded it well. He wielded it in the service and care of the family, and Katina knew this, was thankful for this and yet, she still held a quiet fear of him at times like this.

    If you choose wisely, you will never have to worry, I will die for any man you love, dear sister, he said, laying his cheek on her soft, white hand, if you choose wisely.

    If I am not wise, in your eyes, in my choice, but I still love him, what then, brother? she asked. He looked at her, smiled and brushed a lock of her hair from her forehead.

    If you choose poorly but still love him, then, dear sister, I will hesitate one second before I kill him and in that second, I will pray for your forgiveness. She accepted this answer because it was the truth.

    I will endeavor to choose wisely, she said. He nodded, rose and walked to the sideboard where he poured two goblets of wine and brought one to her. She accepted the goblet and took a deep drink.

    You have no need to worry, Katina, he told her, your choice is being made for you right now. You will marry Aaron of Sovacci, the second son of a King and then, there will be a useful alliance between our two cities. Father will be pleased. The people will be pleased and, I will be pleased. He toasted her, the gold of the goblets picking up the flickers of red in the fire. They drank. Smile now, dear sister, we must not allow Deirdre’s mistake and her howls to dampen our spirits. We must look forward to the good news we will soon receive from our emissary to the court of Sovacci. They drank their wine. Giovanni filled their goblets again; she sank back in her chair and thought about Aaron, second son of a King.


    She ran down the hallway, her shoes echoing off the marble floor. The emissary had returned; he was with her father in the receiving hall. She ran into the room, breathless and then composed herself. She walked to her father, curtseyed and then kissed his cheek. She stood by his side.

    What news from the court of Sovacci, her father said, his deep, warm voice filling the chamber, making her smile, was our proposal of an alignment well received? The emissary hesitated, and Katina’s heart sank. Was her portrait viewed and rejected? It was rare, but she had heard of Princes who had refused their father’s choice for them in marriage. Had this been the case in Sovacci? Speak, her father commanded the silent emissary.

    My liege, he began, the Sovaccian King is very willing to form an alliance with yourself and our people but... he stopped, looked at Katina and then went on, the young Prince, Aaron, the second son whom you wish to betroth your lovely daughter to... hesitates.

    Hesitates, Giovanni roared and stepped forward, causing the poor emissary to leap back and cower. Her father held up a hand, and Giovanni stopped in his tracks.

    Did the young Prince, Aaron, see the portrait of our daughter that we sent with you, her father asked, his voice full of wonder, edging with anger.

    He did indeed, my liege, the emissary said, keeping an eye on Giovanni.

    And was he not pleased with our daughter, her father asked, I believe I am not speaking simply out of fatherly pride when I say our daughter is beautiful.

    Oh no, my liege, you speak the absolute truth, the emissary said. Your daughter is a sparkling jewel. Her father smiled; his pride in his children was well known.

    What then, pray tell, is the cause of the young Prince’s hesitation? The emissary struggled for words.

    My liege... it is very strange but, he stuttered, the young Prince said to his father, to all of us gathered... What if she doesn’t like me?

    He said what? her father asked, everyone in the chamber shocked by the words, What did the young Prince say?

    My liege, the emissary said, the young Prince, once his father agreed to the marriage, stepped forward, said no and then said, what if she doesn’t like me. How can we consign this poor, beautiful woman to a marriage to someone whom she does not like and could not love? Is that the way to build happy futures? There was silence in the chamber. Her father looked at her, and she had no words. The silence continued for a long time. Even Giovanni had nothing to say.

    Royal emissary, Katina finally broke the silence, in your opinion, would there be any reason why I would not like Prince Aaron?

    May I speak plainly, Royal highness, he asked and she allowed. Prince Aaron is very wise, very well educated. He can speak many languages. He can ride, he is comfortable with the sword, he reads, and he writes, but as some of the women in their court say, he is not the most attractive of the King’s sons. He fears, I believe, that you would find him unpleasant to look at and thus, you would be unhappy. Again, silence. She looked around the chamber, seeking some advice in the eyes of those watching her.

    Did you see the Prince, she asked the emissary and he nodded. Did you find him... unappealing? He thought for a moment, trying to give his best answer.

    My lady, the young Prince is certainly not blessed with the good looks and the charm of your brother Giovanni, that is to be sure. But, then again, he does not look like a horse or a pig.

    High praise indeed, her father said and the chamber broke into laughter. What does the Prince propose, emissary?

    My liege, the Prince wishes to come to our court and meet the lady Katina. Her father looked at her, and she agreed.

    Very well, he said, standing, using, what Katina called, his decreeing something voice, we will entertain the Prince Aaron at our court and our daughter will decide if she can stand him enough to marry him and form this much needed alliance between our two cities. All in the chamber bowed and followed the King out. Katina and her brother Giovanni stayed behind.

    What think you, Gio, she asked her brother.

    I think that he is lucky that he wonders if he is worthy of you for if he wondered the other way, I would not hesitate even that one-second.


    So she waited. The journey from Sovacci to their castle would take the Prince a week. In that time, she thought, worried, wondered and waited. She spent time with her sister, whose heart was still deeply slashed. She spent time walking in the lush gardens with her brother. She sat with her mother at nights and did her needlepoint, played cards and asked her questions about how to be a good wife. One afternoon, she sat with her father, the King, while he looked at maps and planned to build a new house for the poor.

    Gracious father, she said to him after she had watched him quietly for some time. Her father, though loving and decent, intimidated her with his wise ways and his powerful frame. She saw much of Giovanni in him and knew that her brother would one day make a fine King. She wondered, was her dear father as ruthless, as quick with the sword as her brother was? Had he, in his day, dispatched the husbands of his sisters to please his father?

    Loving daughter, he said, keeping his eyes and most of his attention on the plans spread across the table in front of him, the yellow parchment glowing like gold in the light of a candle.

    What if I don’t like him, she asked and this made him turn to her, what if I cannot stand to be with him? A valid question, she felt as the Prince himself had posed it. Her father looked back at the plans on the table, laid down his glass and sat next to her. He was thinking, something she loved about her father, even when in the throes of most roiling emotion, he took time to think, to reason, before he spoke.

    If you don’t like him, well, then, I would first applaud his insight. Then I would pity his loss. Then I would feast him and send him on his way. He kissed the top of her head and went back to his work. She didn’t accept this as his true answer. Sometimes, he treated her like a delicate piece of china, sometimes like an equal, sometimes as an adult. Now, she needed to be treated like an adult.

    Father, she said, moving to the table, standing on the opposite side, looking at him intently, I am serious. He saw she was and gave her his attention.

    What can I say, my child, you are a second daughter, he is a second son, he spoke softly and with hint of pain in his voice, it simply is this way with the second ones in line. Your sister should have the pick of husbands, the rich ones, the powerful ones, but... well, we sorrow at her loss, but we also know that she may never marry again. He looked down at his work, and she wondered too, if her sister would ever recover her senses. The second daughter is usually free to marry whom she chooses, but we need an alliance and so, that now falls to you.

    I see, she said.

    Do you, he asked, and his eyes flashed, he wanted to make sure she did know, did understand how important this alliance was for him, for the Kingdom, for the people. Are you sure you understand, because, I feel certain if you did, you wouldn’t even think about not liking him. You would have agreed to marry him even before he made this journey.

    She felt scolded, and he sensed this. He didn’t mean to be so harsh, but her older sister’s mistake, her ignorance of the needs of the family and her willful marrying of her late husband had put certain pressures on him that he was not wanting to deal with. Now, so much rested on Katina’s wedding. He truly loved his children, truly wanted them to be happy, but, matters of state sometimes had to take precedent and this was one of those times.

    Do you see, my child? he asked, his voice more tender now. She smiled, came around the table, raised herself up in her toes and kissed her father’s cheek. As she moved to leave, let him get back to his business, he stopped her. I love you very much, he said to her, truly, I seek nothing more than your happiness. If... If you truly do not like this man, if truly you cannot bring yourself to giving yourself to him... I will accept that choice. Knowing what that would cost him, knowing how difficult that would be, she felt a rush of joy and love toward him, and she ran across the room and leaped into his arms.


    So, you will marry, Katina’s sister said, giving her a start. She sat in the semi-dark of Katina’s room, her back to the windows, Won’t that make Daddy happy... if you marry the right man. Katina stood still; her sister’s voice was strange, dark, and full of anger. Make the right choice for Daddy and your husband will live.

    Deirdre, she said, trying to remain calm, calm her sister, we are all so deeply sorry for your loss. I know that, if you wish, if you are ready, father will see to a match for you, one that will make all happy. Deirdre sprang from her chair and moved threateningly to her sister. They stood facing each other, Deirdre breathing heavily.

    I will never marry again, she said, I will never be responsible for another innocent man’s death again. Watch yourself, little sister, chose wisely, or you too will be wearing mourning black so soon after donning your wedding whites.

    Deirdre began to cry, and Katina took her into her arms. Her sister sobbed and then, instantly recovered and fled the room, back to her own chambers where she would continue her weeping and refusal to see anyone.


    The week, seeming to take three, finally ended, and Prince Aaron from Sovacci arrived with his entourage. They were gathered in the reception hall. Katina sat on the dais to her father’s left, Mother to his right and Giovanni stood, off the dais, on the floor, to Katina’s right. The rest of the hall was filled with honored guests, Cardinals and the like.

    The great wood doors opened slowly, and the entourage moved into the room. A line, a procession of men, some in armor, carrying swords and spears, flags and some carrying chests, gifts from the court of Sovacci. Katina’s heart pounded in her chest. She was sure the room could see it beating against her rib cage. The procession stopped, and a man stepped forward. He was young, dark, and handsome, his smile was white and bright and Katina thought to herself, he was being modest for, this man is very handsome, very pleasing to her eye, why would she not want to marry him? The room around her, she could

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