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Women Don’t Underestimate Your Potential: Practical Steps Towards Your Vision
Women Don’t Underestimate Your Potential: Practical Steps Towards Your Vision
Women Don’t Underestimate Your Potential: Practical Steps Towards Your Vision
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Women Don’t Underestimate Your Potential: Practical Steps Towards Your Vision

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About this ebook

In Women Don't Underestimate Your Potential, Josie Kimball guides you through an honest self-development by sharing the difficulties, misfortunes, and how she re-routed her own trajectory ---including the truth she learned about what she was thinking, feeling, and reacting to every step of the way. You'll gain insight into how Josie discovered the secrets of winning by calming the mind, responding to the crisis with clarity, and creating without permission---and how you can as well. This special 1st edition includes an additional companion affirmation book.


You'll also discover how to:
Find peace by focusing on mind-shifting.
See the truth by embracing what you can change.
Use spirituality to see beyond what exists.
Overcome lack by examining the thinking patterns that create our current situation.


If you're one of the millions who suffer from lack, confusion, anxiousness, worry, doubt, you are experiencing a restriction in your mind. Overcoming limiting thoughts prevents limiting actions. Don't surrender to lack another day. Find out today what you can do differently, whom you need to connect to ensure you walk in the direction of your vision and creativity.

PublisherJosie Kimball
Release dateJan 11, 2022
Women Don’t Underestimate Your Potential: Practical Steps Towards Your Vision

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    Book preview

    Women Don’t Underestimate Your Potential - Josie Kimball

    Activating your vision requires a commitment of the mind, an examination of thinking patterns, and the daily practice of action steps.


    Walking Many Paths


    Don’t allow limited thinking to keep you off the path of purpose, vision, and creativity.

    Certain situations are designed to kidnap your faith. They rob you of your joy and hold your potential hostage by blinding you of the possibilities in your life that have always existed, even if they weren’t in your initial field of vision.

    This book is designed to release the giant inside of you, uncover your hidden potential, and dispel any illusions you’re carrying about being unable to change your current situation. It’s time to go from lost in the fog to being your own lighthouse of love, light, and inspiration, just as God made you to become.

    Are you ready to be transformed? If so, keep reading.

    Chapter One:

    Self-Identity isn’t the Entire Picture



    Through what lens do you see yourself?


    We have many unfolding layers to our self-identity. I never really subscribed to labels because you may be in a season of life where one layer of you dominates the others and convinces you are this current version that is being projected. For many, you know deep down inside if the identity that is being portrayed does not represent your best self, does not uplift your own humanity, does not encourage empowering thoughts, does not encourage empowering behaviors, does not encourage integrity, kindness, compassion, forgiveness then it is simply a small layer of our surface version that is attempting to convince you, this is who you are. It is not who you are at the core; it is currently only who you are at the surface level.

    There are two areas to our self-identity: the core and the surface. The surface level will always conflict with the core level. Some may refer to it as the surface or core versions, but they are constantly in conflict. The surface level can only do two things to our self-identity: it can either falsely convince you to stay on the superficial level by adapting to the surface level requirements, by adjusting to a lower level of thinking and by accepting a lower level of behaving, which will ultimately attract those on the same level of consciousness- all design to persuade, convince, influence you to believe a false version, a lesser version of your true design. These superficial layers are not the totality of who you are, but the vibration, the energy the forces behind it is so strong you start believing it. You start getting your surface-level confused with your core level.

    The surface level may encourage you to explore decisions that contradict your beliefs system, it may encourage you to reject your values, it may speak to a dark part of us that keeps you in bondage to unforgiveness, to betrayal, to all the ills that you may have experienced rather it be jealousy, doubt, anxiety, anger, blame, victimization, guilt, embarrassment- you know that less favorable version of you. You see, the surface version is an enormously powerful place that can almost seem like it has its own life source, its own energy, its own forces. Many churchgoers refer to it as the enemy, and others may refer to it as distorted thinking, but those who have embraced it often see it as part of their new identity. Imagine knowing you are designed to be loving in nature, but you project anger as your nature of design, perhaps because you were badly hurt or betrayed. Now you have convinced yourself, this is just who I am, and mentally you see your identity as an incredibly angry person. Meanwhile, you do not focus on the anger experienced; you focus on the hurt and betrayal that keeps you in bondage to anger. This is the surface level or surface version.

    That is simply one example of a false identity due to operating on a surface level. Let us talk about the work required to deep dive into the core version. Boy, oh boy, that is a lot of work. Some people may say, you know I’m fine where I am, or you can’t teach an old dog new tricks not that I am calling you a dog or anything, but I’m sure you have heard the expression meaning I am too old to change my ways. How unfortunate that is to give up on yourself and never experience your core version because of age. Doing the work to reach and stay at the core requires a daily intention, a daily commitment, and a daily promise to yourself. It begins by being honest with yourself and looking at the most unflattering things about you, looking at the things that interfere with your happiness, looking at the things that interfere with the peace, that interfere with your confidence and harmony. Here is where many people become confused; they begin looking at people- oh, if I remove John or Jane Doe, I will have peace again. Sorry, but that is not how you get to the core by looking at other people, but it is done by looking at the self and asking yourself why you are choosing to allow certain people to occupy the most precious thing you can offer, which is your time. It is not the person; it is the thinking that prompted you to allow a particular person in your life that interrupts your peace, interrupts your joy interrupts your harmony. You must begin to question yourself, hold yourself accountable and responsible for the choices you make with friends, with family, with partners. Start looking at your patterns of thoughts. Do you see a trend that keeps you in unhealthy relationships? Regardless of whether it is an unhealthy space with your mother, father, child, friend, spouse or other, some people have become so conditioned to stay in unhealthy spaces because of their genetic titles. Many people will remain in relationships with parents, aunts, grandparents that have caused major interruptions to their mental wellness, without any consciousness of it partly because of pathology. Trauma is often passed down through generations and becomes a normal way of functioning. Because a person serves as a birth parent, a birth aunt, a birth grandparent or a birth (you fill in the space) are not given a lifetime pass to always remain in a person’s life. In addition, it may not be a birth relation, but it may be a spiritual relationship. The same principle applies to a spiritual father, spiritual mother etc... somehow, many people think an automatic lifetime pass is given to people because of their birth or spiritual role that was given to them to serve in our lives. Trauma looks differently for each person.

    One of the hardest things for most people is to acknowledge the hurt, harm and danger that was inflicted or created in their environment by their parents, more so by the mother. It pains a person to openly admit they did not experience love from their mother. Somehow, we all have received messages that moms are supposed to love unconditionally, and most people want to be able to say my mom loved me. That desire to message I’m loved can sometimes create a false version of our experience because the pain is too hard to admit or feel; we were not loved. Remember, trauma is passed down to generations, and until it is interrupted, we continue to embrace toxicity and unhealthy ways of living to avoid abandonment. We can allow these unhealthy experiences to become our teachers to exert love and receive love.

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