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A Noel State of Mind
A Noel State of Mind
A Noel State of Mind
Ebook65 pages52 minutes

A Noel State of Mind

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From suicide, cancer, therapy, and more, Zachary describes his life journey and how the events in his life lead to where he’s at today. His life has changed forever when he survived cancer when he was 14 years old. And not only did he survive cancer, but he also fought through suicidal thoughts and mental health. Going through these battles helped Zachary in finding who he was. He had a vision that he would write his life story to impact others. And now, his vision comes to life.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 10, 2022
A Noel State of Mind

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    A Noel State of Mind - Zachary Noel Jr.

    Copyright © 2022 by Zachary Noel Jr.

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    Rev. date: 01/06/2022






    Chapter 1  Self-Destruction

    Chapter 2  Mental Thesis

    Chapter 3  Conversation

    Chapter 4  Sexuality

    Chapter 5  Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

    Chapter 6  A Therapeutic Approach

    Chapter 7  The Word of God

    Chapter 8  Who Am I?

    Chapter 9  The Final Thought



    You know. I’ve imagined this conversation many times. You’ve written all these wonderful things about other people. You’re sentimental, thoughtful, and heartfelt. Have you ever thought about writing to yourself? Look back at everything you’ve done Zack. All the accomplishments you have. All the friends you made. All the families you became a part of. What does that tell you? You’ve made an impact on so many people’s lives. You’ve done your part. I know sometimes you worry about not being good enough. And feeling that you don’t get enough recognition. You’re going to have to realize that not everyone is like you. They can’t do what you do. So, don’t go above and beyond only to hurt yourself in the process. You’ve taken care of a lot of people. Now it’s time to take care of you. Make you happy. Do what you want to do. When you look in the mirror what do you see? You don’t know? You know what I see? I see a handsome, intelligent, hilarious, and an awesome man. I see a man who been through hell and back physically, spiritually, and mentally. I see a man who cares for others while he’s suffering. And many people may not understand. But I knew you were special since the first day I met you. You changed in the past few years, but you remained that sweet, thoughtful, and beautiful soul. You always said that people are special and one of a kind. Zachary, you’re special. You’re one of a kind. And I’ll prove it to you. Ladies and gentlemen, if this young man has touched your heart or made you smile, please rise. Look around Zack. These are all the lives you touched. All the people you made smile. You may not get the same level of love in return, but you’re appreciated. And that should be enough. Focus on you. Take care of yourself. Stop going above and beyond if it’s going to hurt you. You’ve set high expectations for yourself. Now it’s time to set new ones. Now it’s time to go with the flow. Ask God what you need, thank him for all he’s done, and let him take care of the rest. You know he’s real. So just trust the process. Keep going Zack. Don’t give up. You got this. You’re a Rockstar. And the world needs to see who you really are. Because you’re awesome. You’re Zachary Noel.

    The passage above was a vision that I had one night while I was at work. This was during the time where my mental was really not where it was supposed to be. I was thinking about how I always write meaningful notes and letters to everyone to touch their hearts. Then, I thought why hasn’t anyone written me a letter? Don’t I deserve one? That’s when it hit me: Motivation to Self. I envisioned it as someone else writing me a thoughtful letter but in reality, it was me motivating myself to keep going.

    That’s a lot easier said than done, though. I struggle many times mentally and you can find it difficult to get yourself out of a funk. The process takes a long time for some, and it certainly did for me. But once my mind started to clear and I was in a better place, that’s when I thought of how I can use that experience to help others. When I first had the thought of writing this book, I didn’t think I could do it. It came to me in a vision

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