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HMBC Imperceptive
HMBC Imperceptive
HMBC Imperceptive
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HMBC Imperceptive

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Minty Jones’s life is a constant train wreck. Between her own mental issues and the world around her, she’s always one step away from her carefully constricted world crumbling around her. Then George Davis, who is technically her boss, enters her life as he runs from the dumpster fire that is his life. Together they try to navigate the world of Publishing, Kink, and Cover Bands.
Release dateJan 12, 2022
HMBC Imperceptive

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    HMBC Imperceptive - Lillian Jean Daub

    HerMistress' Bedside Companion: Book Four


    HerMistress' Bedside Companion

    Book Four


    By Lillian Jean Daub

    Flaming Accordions


    Copyright © 2022 by Lillian Jean Daub

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the publisher's express written permission except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    This book contains sexually explicit material, including sex, BDSM, and non-consensual sexual acts. If you are under 18 or illegal to read or possess such material, please do not read or purchase this book.

    First Printing: 2022

    ISBN 978-1-716-00377-6

    Flaming Accordions

    Sterling, VA


    I dedicate this to my Best Friend. She has stood by me and supported me in so many ways, even when I didn't believe in myself. She's always my biggest cheerleader and chosen sister. I wouldn't change my chosen sisters for the world. Wendy, Christina, Michelle, and Erin, I love you.

    I dedicate this to all the people out there who feel like no one gets them. That they don't have a place to be themselves. Come, be yourself with me.

    Chapter One- Veraminta Jones

    The music thrummed through her as she descended the steps at her favorite bondage club to the dance floor. She took a breath of freedom, of being her whole self even with the tight constriction of the black Victorian corset she was wearing w/ a short black leather skirt and knee-high black boots. Tonight she had decided to wear a black wig that hung straight to her shoulders rather than her natural hair braided tight under the wig cap. She could be anyone instead of who she was. Like this, she felt hot and sexy. Eyes turned to look at her as she stepped down on the dance floor. At first, there was little thought as Minty lost herself in the electronic melody. She was wound up tight and needed release in more ways than one.

    After she had worked up a bit of a sweat while dancing, she glanced around the club to see who was there. None of her regulars. Not that she expected the usual crowd, it was a Tuesday night. She wouldn't have been here if she wasn't on forced leave. She had accumulated too much, and the publishing house she worked had a 'use it or lose it' policy. If she only wanted to get sweaty from dancing, that would be it, but she wanted to go home with someone tonight. She wanted someone to take her home and fuck her hard. Let her get lost in giving herself over to someone else. She needed out of her head, and this was one way she could do that.

    She stopped at the bar and grabbed a drink, cranberry and vodka. Trixie, her favorite bartender, chuckled at her, Girl, there aren't any fisherman here for you tonight. Go home, pick up fresh batteries. Technically Trixie was more than her favorite bartender. She was the owner of the club and the closest thing Minty had to a parent.

    Trixie, or Theo Vasquez, had taken her in when she was eleven. He ran a group home during the day for at-risk boys, then at night, he became Trixie A Lotte, a strong Afro-Latino drag queen who ruled the bondage club he owned. Minty had grown up the only biological woman in a house full of boys that would never have survived a regular group home. Theo took in all the gay boys, twinks, sex workers, and other misfits and made a home for them. Between him and his partner, Paul, the house was full of acceptance and love. So when Minty came to him with her budding kink during her teen years, he had accepted that too. He became her protector when she needed it and her favorite cheerleader, who never made her pay her tab.

    Minty snorted, knowing she wrinkled her nose in an unattractive way as she did. Roommate and boyfriend in residence. Don't want to deal with that BS. Come on. There has to be one.

    Trixie snorted. Alright. Grey suit, table to the right of the DJ booth. Not quite a regular, but known to be a fair and safe partner, and he's casting. She slid a second drink over to her, a whiskey neat. Go get him.

    Minty took a deep breath, picked up the drinks before sauntering over to the table that Trixie had pointed out. He was good-looking from what she could see. Thick dark hair, well dressed as Trixie said, and just finishing up his drink. She placed the glass on the table and smiled as she took in his face. What she had taken in as dark hair was actually a deep Auburn with matching brown eyes. While he wasn't around the office often, there was no mistaking George Davis. One of the owners of the publishing company she worked for, Her Mistress's Bedside Companion Publishing or HMBC Publishing. Her boss. Here. What was he doing here? He lives out of state.

    Trixie matchmaking? he asked, pulling the drink over to him as he met Minty’s eyes.

    Minty blinked, trying to say something and failing. Her mouth opened, then closed. The best unkept secret at HMBC was that Eden, the main boss, was kinky and kept submissives. Even the name of the company, for those in the know, screamed her wonts. Minty was sure that their percentages were skewed because of it. Probably half the place had fetish gear, and the other half wanted the fetish gear. She had never thought about George Davis, a man she had met only at company parties, if at all.

    George snorted and took a sip of the drink. Trixie knows my tastes, so I'm going to take this silence as a positive sign. Sit, he ordered, pointing at the booth seat.

    Minty found herself sitting down, her eyes falling on her cranberry and vodka as her brain churned. She was just one of many staff accountants. He might not recognize her dressed up like she was. No one from the office would recognize her like this. She should tell him. She should-

    I'm assuming you're a regular here, and we've just not crossed paths before. He spoke just loud enough to be heard over the music that was still thumping through her.

    She sucked in a breath as he moved in the round booth until he was next to her, and she felt his hand on her thigh, just below the skirt. Yes, she managed to say. I've never seen you here either. She looked up and over to him. He was good-looking, but she had never looked at him as anything but one of her bosses the few times a year he came to the offices. Are you looking for a... She had never experienced this level of shyness before. She had always been able to voice what she wanted. Had been a hallmark of who she was. The words were just gone, refusing to be recalled and spoken. Are you…

    What do you think I'm doing here on a Tuesday night? He looked dead at her, holding her eyes. Do you have a regular? Don't want to take someone else's property.

    Minty shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs. This wasn't like her, not at all. I don't. She dropped her eyes again as she felt his hand on her thigh, sliding under her skirt. She was nervous, shy. What the hell?

    The club was mostly empty. About a dozen or so people on the dance floor. Less than a third of the booths held people. She had seen a few people pop out of the curtain that led to the club's more private rooms, but it was slow for a Tuesday night. The DJ was even too bored to change the music, lost on his phone with his headphones around his neck.

    I wondered if Trixie would send you my way when I watched you come down the stairs. His hand slipped higher on her thigh with his words.

    Minty swallowed, feeling her legs open a bit further. She shook her head. This was not even vaguely out of the ordinary for her in this club, yet she was apprehensive. Her breath was hitching, and she couldn't take a breath, making her light-headed. Not a lot of choices here tonight. She swallowed, closing her eyes for a moment. I’m not….

    I don’t need small talk. I’m not looking for anything more than a couple of nights of fun. No need to play at getting to know you. I don’t need that to fuck you. His hand was right outside her panties, black satin to match the outfit. Fingers tracing up and down, as if he could feel her heartbeat. Would you feel safer at your place or here? He reached out and lifted her chin so that she looked at him with his other hand. Or can I ask if you would be comfortable coming to my place?

    She found herself blinking. Self-doubt creeping into her head. But you don’t even know….

    He smiled at her, reaching up and running his fingers down her cheeks. The night is young, and the music here is loud. Drinks at my place are free and aren’t watered down while Trixie watches us like some weird chaperone. His hands left her face, and she gasped at the loss as his hands retreated. As I said, she knows my tastes, and as she sent you over here with this, he held up the whiskey she had brought over, I feel it’s safe to assume that you fit my tastes. Stand up, he ordered her.

    Minty found herself standing up as he continued to scoot around the booth and push her out. She turned to face him as she stood up. He reached out, taking her by the hips and pulling her into the V of his legs. He was searching her face again. You know this, but I’m going to say it anyway. Unless you’re 100 percent on board with this, you don’t have to.

    Minty smiled. He had no idea who she was. She was sure of it now. She knew that this side of her was very different from her professional side. Still, he was looking at her with no recognition. Her only hesitation was based on screwing up her job, but they only crossed paths at the Christmas party and the summer beach party. One night with him would fuel her spank bank for weeks, if not months. Red is stop and desist, yellow is back off, and give me a minute, she heard herself say. Basic. Easy. No-fuss. No breath play, no scat, no permanent marks. She gave them the same speech before letting them take her home or to a private room. Condom required.

    Agreed. He smiled, those deep brown eyes looking at her with hunger. Take your panties off.

    She smiled and gave a slight chuckle. Predictable. Normal. Nothing she hadn’t done a hundred times. Deciding to give him a show with her obedience, she lifted the front of her skirt and pushed her panties down, keeping her eyes locked on his. The corset made it impossible for her to bend at the waist, but she slowly worked them down, over her boots and to her ankles. She squatted, knees spread in front of her, and pulled them off her ankles before standing up and holding them out to him.

    He reached out and took them from her. I think you and I are going to have a lot of fun. He slipped them into his jacket pocket before standing up. He gestured for her to go first, and she slowly sauntered back across the dance floor.

    She stopped at the bar, per Trixie’s rules for her, knowing that she could see everything as she ascended the stairs to the street level. Caught, she laughed low. I’ll call you in the morning. Or text, depending, she looked back over her shoulder at him and smiled, depending on what we get into.

    Trixie made a noise that Minty decided to take as an agreement.

    George retrieved his car from the valet parking, and Minty readily embraced the submissive role as she always did. She relaxed into it as if it was the real her versus the other she presented to the world.

    The drive to his apartment took minutes. As soon as they entered the parking garage, she knew they were going to one of the publishing house properties. She smiled, shaking her head slightly. This was dancing on a razor. It was exciting.

    She didn’t know if she should think of him as George or Mr. Davis. He hadn’t introduced himself or informed her what to call him. Come to think of it, he hadn’t asked her name either. She smiled to herself as she took the private elevator up to the apartment. The thrill of being strangers coursing through her.

    They stepped out of the private elevator, which faced the home office. Minty knew the layout well. HMBC Publishing owned three units identical in this building, across the street from the offices. The folding doors of the office were open, displaying the mess of papers and laptops and manuscripts he must be working on. Minty gave another smile as she followed him down the hallway to the main living area. There was a kitchen off to her left. The living room was forward, with a dining room up and off to the right. The second bedroom and a full bath were past the living room and down another hallway. The backside of the apartment held the master suite with attached walk-in closets and a bathroom.

    He stepped into the kitchen and pulled down glasses. You want to stick with the cranberry and vodka? Or would you like a glass of wine? Or something else?

    Water. Would rather keep a clear head, Minty replied, looking around the apartment, hoping it appeared like she had never been here before.

    Smart. He pulled a water bottle out of the fridge, which they had at the office. I guess you do this a lot.

    Not a lot, Minty responded. And not usually on Tuesdays. I’m on vacation, had too much leave built up at the day job, and was forced to take a week. She reached over, grabbed the bottle of water, and opened it.

    So, you don’t usually go trolling on School Nights? He laughed back, pouring some whiskey into a glass.

    No. I usually work 9 to 5, so no, I don’t usually go out on School Nights. Minty chuckled at that. He was over forty. Why would he call them school nights? Until she remembered that he was a teacher at some school out of state. You want my Bonafide’s?

    He gestured for her to follow him to the couch and even sit on the couch next to him. I’m not usually in the habit of picking up girls in the middle of the week, either. He took a deep breath and a sip, looking away from her. I just… I’m going to be in town for a while. And having a bit of companionship would be nice.

    Minty blinked at that. Oh, that’s…. What was that? Strange? How would she know that? You don’t live here?

    He looked back at her. No, but it looks like I may be moving back, at least for a while. And who is vetting who here? His smile was roguish and handsome. The auburn hair was the only thing that linked him to his sister, Eden Ryan.

    Her boss. Her boss would pounce on her if she knew. That was one of the reasons that Minty had done everything in her power to stay off of Eden’s radar. She had seen how she treated her submissives, and that wasn’t Minty’s game. Would he tell Eden about a girl he picked up? Her name was memorable. Should she give him a fake name? She took a deep breath. Back to the transaction part. What do you want to know? I’m on the pill, but I want you to still use condoms. And I already told you my hard nos. I’m clean and was tested three months ago. I can show you my test results. As I said in the club….

    He put a finger to her lips. She stopped speaking, looking up at him. You’re nervous.

    She gave a smile, trying not to think. There was too much to think about. Picking up strangers at the club, to start with. This was technically the first time since Billy that she had let herself be picked up. She had stayed in the club for the last year and a half. It’s been a while since I… allowed someone to take me home from the club. It was a lame excuse, and she knew it, but they were strangers, and strangers didn’t talk about baggage.

    You only play at the club? He asked, taking another sip while he watched her.

    Minty shook her head. It was a safety net after…. She turned and looked down at her hands, worrying the bottle of water. Simple answers, she told herself. Stop volunteering information Iike this was a first date. She’d let him fuck her, spank her a bit, and then she’d be on her way. What about you? You always pick up random girls?

    He reached over and, placing a finger under her chin, turned her to look at him. No. I wasn’t expecting Trixie to actually send someone over. He gave a chuckle. You’re the first girl she sent my way in two weeks. You must be something special.

    Wah? She stood up, looking around. There was nothing special about her. She tried to take a breath, calm herself, but it was like her lungs stopped working. When he figured out that she was nothing more than a half-breed, whore’s daughter who let men do things to her that no rational person would want, he would cast her aside like they all did. She started back to the elevator, looking for her wallet and phone that she had set down in the kitchen. I… She was shaking as she reached for them, and when she turned, he was right there next to her.

    He reached up and held her face, soft brown eyes looking into hers. Why are you so shocked?

    This was a bad idea, she huffed but didn’t move. Panic was starting to well up as her heart pounded in her chest. I… Her boots were nailed to the floor.

    Need to calm down. He leaned down and kissed her.

    Minty opened up and let him. She let her boss kiss her, deep and hard. She felt his hand leave her face, trace down her neck and down to the front of her corset. She pulled back from the kiss. She tried to step back, but his finger hooked on the corset, keeping her there. I’m going to get you naked, he said matter-of-factly.

    Yes, please, her body screamed, not listening to her brain as it tried to ruin the moment like it always did. Listen, this is… she started again, but he silenced her with a look.

    I don’t care. Whatever objection you have. I don’t care. I’m not going to force you, but I also don’t care whatever you think is stopping you from just relaxing and enjoying this. He pulled the string of the corset and slowly pulled them loose. You want this as much as I do. Isn’t that what you went out to the club tonight? What did you expect to happen?

    I dance for a while, get a nice spanking by one of the club Dom’s and then go home and rub myself raw, she said, her breath starting to speed up. The need to run was ebbing. She did want this. She needed this. This was what she was.

    He continued to pull on the string, and then tension released in the corset. She moaned at the corset-orgasm. She had gained 15 or so pounds since her breakup, and it was tight. He continued to pull the corset loose until it dropped to the floor, leaving her bare. Lovely. A bit bigger than I had imagined, he said, at her rather than to her, but the comment was like a knife.

    She dropped fast and grabbed the corset, wrapping it around herself and trying to replace it. I know. I’m fat and disgusting, and no one—

    His finger was on her lips again, silencing her. Hush. And drop it. Your skirt too. Leave the boots.

    Her mouth fell open as she thought that through. You want me anyway? That was inconceivable. They never really wanted her. No one ever really wanted her. She was a chore, a thing to be tolerated. He had called her fat, and yet he wanted her naked.

    He laughed. Yes. Stop overthinking and come here after dropping the corset and the skirt. He sank back down on the couch. You really want me to stop, call your safe word.

    Minty dropped the corset and pushed the skirt to the floor. She walked back over to the couch. She sank to her knees even though he hadn’t told her to. I don’t understand, she whispered, her brain still trying to ruin this. I’m not even pretty. I mean—

    He gave a sigh. If that was what I wanted, that’s what I would have told Trixie. That queen and I go way back. I’ve known Trixie since before she was Trixie. He reached out and lifted her chin again. I told you, she wouldn’t have sent you to me if you didn’t meet my requirements. I don’t want to hear another word from you about not being pretty or being fat or anything else self-deprecating.

    She opened her mouth to protest but stopped there. He knew Trixie before she was Trixie? Trixie knew his requirements? Was he a chubby chaser? That he liked mixed girls? What were his requirements? She took a deep breath and swallowed. Why had she done this? Why hadn’t she just stayed home? Yes. What? Why had she said that?

    Now that is settled. He smiled at her, leaning back to sip at his whiskey. So, dancing. A spanking. And a little self-action? He gave an amused snort. I’ve got music if you want to dance. A spanking? That I can make sure happens. And self-action? Hmm, I have a few better ideas. Unless you really had your heart set on that?

    She opened her mouth again to tell him that this was a bad idea. She worked for him, even if it wasn’t directly. How would they have a professional relationship after he had seen her like this? Used her like he was implying?

    You have reservations? He asked her as he finished his drink. He scooted to the edge of the couch and leaned down towards her. Are you with me? Or should I call a cab for you? I’d rather you were here with me, but I’d understand. I figured Trixie would have given you the lowdown.

    Minty shook her head, cursing Trixie. She hadn’t said anything about who he was. She just… gave me the drink and pointed. She was relieved to hear something come out of her mouth. She swallowed. This was the end. Once he knew, she’d be downstairs in a cab. I need to tell you something.

    He reached out to play with her hair. Her wigs were quality, and she took care of them. She wondered if he realized that it wasn’t real? While she knew she was mixed, she wasn’t sure precisely how mixed she was. Her mother had been dark, she remembered, that perfect bronze color, but she didn’t think she was black. Her memories had her mother as a blonde. Her mother never talked about her parents or background, so Minty assumed Latina. Minty was light-skinned, almost passing with red freckles across her face and nose. Her hair gave her away. Thick, curly, coarse, and unmanageable on the best of days. She closed her eyes and swallowed again as he ran his fingers through the wig. Would he still want her when he realized that she was black?

    Just out of a relationship? He posited. A collared one? He gave another snort. And not looking for anything more than a fun little fuck and spank? I’m not looking for anything more than that myself. I’ve here on business. Might want company once in a while. That’s all this might lead to beyond tonight. His hand left her hair and trailed down her face and neck down to her breasts, where his fingers traced circles around her nipples, large and dark instead of pink with more of those red freckles, as she rolled her shoulders back and lengthened her neck as she gave in. There was no way he hadn’t noticed those, another part of herself for her to hate. Passing for white except for these small parts made her feel inferior.

    Yes, she breathed out, pushing her hips forward as she spread her knees wider in her kneeling position. That’s what. Fuck it, she thought. What was the worst that could happen?

    His fingers closed around her nipple, rolling it. Her eyes fluttered open to see him smiling down at her. How rough can I be? He asked her, the pressure increasing slowly.

    She rolled her shoulders back, pushing her breasts out to him. Yes, she breathed out, realizing that it wasn’t an exact answer to his question. There really wasn’t an answer. It all depended on what else was going on.

    He gave a light snort and smiled a bit more broadly. His hand left her, and she let her breath out with disappointment. Come, he ordered, standing up.

    Minty rocked to her feet and followed him down the hallway to the master bedroom. The rest of the apartment was bare and impersonal. Clean and sterile while the master bedroom was anything but. The sitting area at the front of the room had a leather couch, shiny black, with a blanket and decorative pillows. A rectangular coffee table with leather cuffs, a crop, clamps, and several insertables that Minty tried not to focus on. There was also a matching leather chair and a TV off to the right and slightly behind her. The bed was unmade with the same black and blue color palette as the rest of the room. There were small things all about the space that took away the impersonal feeling of the rest of the apartment. Minty stopped, looking at the framed pictures on a shelf. She recognized her big boss, Eden, in several of them. A couple from parties the publishing company had thrown or award parties. A couple of friends, an older couple, most likely parents. A woman, laughing as a hand reached for her.

    My fiancé… he started as he pulled off his tie and jacket and noticed what she was looking at. He disappeared into the walk-in closet, left me. If you’re wondering, he continued. She decided she couldn’t live with my darker self. She… There was something he wasn’t saying. That was fine. This wasn’t a relationship. This is a corporate condo owned by the company I work for. He stepped back out wearing boxers and an expensive watch. That’s why I’m here.

    Minty nodded, turning away from the shelf and smiling. I didn’t ask, she heard herself say, but she was curious. This man was a part of her life, even if it was in the periphery.

    Bullshit. He gave a laugh. You’re a very curious little cat. He walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her. Even If Trixie hadn’t sent you my way, I was hoping that I would get you here.

    She smiled, dropping her eyes. Why? She found herself asking. I’m…

    He spun her around so that she was looking at herself in a full-length mirror. He was behind her, head bent as he nibbled at her neck. I’ve never understood why women can’t see their own beauty. His hands came down her arms. Once at her wrists, he pulled them behind her, and she felt the metal of handcuffs. Then heard the click as they were secured. You see what? A woman whom society tells you is fat, overweight, and undesirable? Hmm? His mouth was at her neck, his hands on her hips. You know what I see? His hands slid down to her thighs and gently urged her to spread her legs. I see a woman who can take what I want to dish out. I see a beautiful woman with flesh that will ripple with each slap or lash. I see a woman who will ask for more because she can take more. His finger lightly brushed up her labia. I see a woman whom I can fuck all night and then again in the morning.

    What did she see? She’d always been a big girl. Couldn’t remember a time when she wasn’t on a diet. She had taken the energy and effort to do her makeup and hair before going out. Made herself up so that she felt beautiful. Being naked except for her boots did present a pretty little picture ignoring the fat rolls around her middle. The apparent defects that screamed she was other, like the dark nipples and the dark scraggle of pubic hair around her pussy. She looked up and met his eyes in the mirror. He didn’t see Veraminta Jones, a mild-mannered staff accountant. Instead, he saw some sexual creature that he wanted. Can I? He asked into her neck. Can I spank you? Fuck you? Make you beg me? Then wake you up in the morning and do it all again?

    Yes, she said, closing her eyes. Please do.

    Chapter Two- George Davis

    Can I? He asked into her neck, biting the flesh there, wishing to leave teeth marks. The color of rich, thick honey unmarred at the moment, and he was yearning to change that. Had been since he watched her walk down the steps into the club. He had gone there tonight to get drunk and maybe a blow job. The pickings had been slim since he had arrived, and he had lost hope in finding a girl to pass the time with. Sure, he could ask his sister, and she would have one, but that took the chase and seduction out of it. That’s what he wanted, the seduction. Then he had seen her. Perfectly put together and confident as she walked in and then to the dance floor. She wasn’t some thin little girl ready to play-act for him, but a full-figured woman who could take what he wanted to dish out. Can I spank you? Fuck you? Make you beg me? Then wake you up in the morning and do it all again?

    Yes. Please do. Her eyes closed as she pressed back into him. He

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