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Ebook78 pages38 minutes


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In this book, the author, Mwanandeke, has examined the most confused and controversial topic of all the time. That is to say, The Origin Sin, or the sin that was committed by Adam and Eve. It is the most misunderstood concept that resulted in the three major Abrahamic religions going their separate ways. The doctrine of the Origin Sin implies that there is no free-will and we must all follow in the footsteps of our father Adam and mother Eve. In other words, we are left without choice but to inherit their sins and expect to be judged accordingly.
Following the Christians doctrine, Jesus was born, raised and died on the cross in order to break the burden of the Origin Sin. Again, all in the name of paying the price of the damage that was done before his existence; washing away your sins and thus, achieving salvation. Whereas, the Jews in the Old Testament and Muslims in the Qur'an, took a different approach of achieving salvation. These last two groups demolished the idea of a single individual dying for the sins of mankind and the sacrifice of blood as the means of achieving salvation.

Release dateApr 27, 2021

Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo is a well-built new age philosopher, who like to participate in the general public thinking arena and facilitate thoughts that may seem overwhelming in our generation. He's a self-published author of self-help books. His first book was published in September 2019 and it goes by the name of "What They Asked Me: The Fear of Living and Dying Young". The second book, or treatise was published in July 2020. He decided to call it "Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism". The third and his latest book is called "The Hidden Secret of Quotes". It was published on the 14th November 2020, four months after the publication of the treatise on misconceptions of narcissism. The last book is going to act as a summary of the previous works. It is a book of quotes from the mentioned books above, including his new quotes that can't be found online. He is an engineer by profession, who is passionate in idea sharing, most of which through the writing medium. His writing appetite emerged after graduation, when he got involved in philosophical, psychological, theological and mysticism works. Most of his works may be found on the internet by searching his name (Mwanandeke Kindembo). Or, by visiting his official website at: Furthermore, he’s born in Baraka, Dem. Rep. of the Congo on the 11th November, and he is the fourth child in the family. He is the son of Mr & Mrs. Kindembo. It’s not always easy to live as a middle child who’s surrounded by siblings at all the time. ================================ For more information :- Google Search: Official website: Motivation Quotes:

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    Book preview

    Sinless - Mwanandeke Kindembo




    Mwanandeke Kindembo





    The  Origin Sin

    Who Died for Our Sins?

    How to identify the True Believer?

    The Source of the Smoke

    How to achieve Salvation?

    The Sign of Jonah according to Jesus

    The Lamb of God

    The Cry Upon The Cross

    Lion of Judah

    Who’s the Redeemer?

    The Beloved One

    Spiritual Separation from God

    Contradictory Teachings


    Religious Quotes

    Book Description

    About The Author

    Copyright Page


    This  book is a guide to help you understand the daily dogmas that we are constantly faced with when it comes to different religions. It is a book that is mainly based on famous beliefs entertained amongst our fellow Christians and other similar faiths that entertain similar doctrines.  The book will examine their claims and verify whether they have been telling  the truth or not. If the former was correct, then there would be no reason to write this book in the first place.

    Therefore, as the reader, you have full authority to judge it according to reason and not only by emotions. You must, at once, activate your critical mind, that is situated on the left-hemisphere of the brain. Thus, giving the correct judgement and learning something new from the book. At the same time, you must pay attention so as not to become too impulsive or overwhelmed when you see the answer that you have been seeking. Your mind must always be alert until you have finished reading. Neither are you advised to mock other religions after finding the truth for yourself. You must, instead, enlighten your fellow men and women. Allow them to taste the same food of thoughts that you have experienced. Or, allow them to criticise what you think is absolutely correct. Simply, because we are all unique and you cannot expect everyone to get the same understanding of the book. The book might be the same, but it is obvious that the minds and our understandings are not the same at all.

    Since big books are "out of fashion", the author has decided to compile his critical thoughts in this book. The book aims to be your new best friend that you can carry around with you. It will certainly guide you through life at each glimpse you take inside.  The author strongly believes that the best way to learn something new is to banish fanaticism in all of its shapes and forms. If you cannot manage to keep fanaticism outside the door, then it must be put to death at once.

    The  Origin Sin

    The majority of the people are mostly confused about The Origin Sin.  What is it and why does it matter to fully understand it in our daily lives? Simply put, it is the idea of having one man, which is Adam, and a woman known as Eve. These two individuals are the father and mother of all the humans today. Including generations which have passed and those yet to come. They are the roots of the tree and it can be said that we are the fruits of that huge tree. Perhaps, this is where the idea of having a family tree emerged?

    Now, here comes

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