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Nostradamus Volume 2 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences
Nostradamus Volume 2 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences
Nostradamus Volume 2 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences
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Nostradamus Volume 2 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences

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This series of books entitled "Nostradamus" is a publication of William Dudley Pelley’s original "Soulcraft Fellowship, Letters from Home, The Nine O’clock Sessions, Survey of Probabilities, Purposes of the Infinite, Letters from the Heavenly Home and Halls of Light Illumination" representing over 1500 legal-sized, single-spaced typewritten pages originally written in 1955 but never published in its entirety before now.

This material, thought to be unique in Pelley’s writings, was channelled by him and mailed weekly to his subscribers in five-page sets. One unknown individual in Washington State assembled these sets (minus issue #1) and bound them into the manuscripts. We at TNT Publishing obtained the manuscripts, digitized them and are publishing them herein, beginning with Letter Number 2.

While the majority of this material was received psychically from Nostradamus, other Steller historical personalities also "tuned in" to provide (absolutely awesome!) knowledge and valuable communication while Pelley was in contact with Nostradamus, Democritus, Henry Ford, Benjamin
Franklin, Thomas Edison and others...
Release dateDec 19, 2021
Nostradamus Volume 2 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences

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    Nostradamus Volume 2 of 17 - William Dudley Pelley

    LETTER No. 26

    The Third Plane Resembles a Way Station between the Astral and New Reality


    A PROSPECTIVE member of the Fellowship recently said in a letter to Headquarters, Enclosed please find my application, enrolling me in your weekly Lecture Course about Death. I knew what the good soul meant. But these aren't really lectures on death. These are lectures on conscious life in its higher ethereal phases to which entrance is gained by quitting the physical body. There is quite a difference.

    1956 marks the beginning of the 29th year that I have been industriously examining and investigating through psychical research the experiences that people have been reporting back as they could, through which they have gone in achieving what the earth describes as the Afterlife. Probably I have read as many as a hundred books of transcripts by others, attended between fifty and seventy seances of every nature, and recorded some 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 words myself by Extra-Sensory Perception, all on this selfsame subject. Curiously enough, the factual fundamentals of these have turned out pretty much alike. The differences are only in qualifying degrees of details.

    The reactions during and after the severance of the Life Cord that connects the Physical and Etheric bodies, to no two people are identically alike for the simple reason that no two people can have gone through exactly duplicate spiritual progressions. One's own spiritual attainments are qualifying factors, not only in the achievement of quitting the fleshly body but in the determining the higher plane on which they are best qualified to reside, and how much time is consumed in reaching it. So many people interested in Soulcraft, for instance, came down originally from very lofty planes to help in deciphering Cosmology for the lesser brethren, that it astonishes them frequently to discover themselves returning almost automatically to such planes. Naturally their experiences partake of a loftier nature than the great body of human folk, not very good and not very bad, who throughout the earth-experience have tried to do the best they could according to their light and who find themselves in consequence not capable of prolonged existence on any plane much higher than the Fourth. The wilfully benighted and depraved, as I described to you last week and the week before, find themselves shunted into the Astral or dim spheres, called Purgatory by the orthodox religionists or at the best the Lower Heavens by the psychically erudite. There they remain until of their own volition they generate the bona fide desire to better themselves. It is the personal adventure or adventures of the great mass of average folk getting through the Astral and Purgatorial sphere without much difficulty, that I want to dwell upon and make as clear as possible to Soulcraft students this week. I have called this Third Sphere in earlier lectures the Plane of Largess because it seems to be the octave whereupon anything can be created by Thought, and in the novelty of such discovery the mediocre person proceeds to create whatever he imagines he has been denied on earth or which best supply the complexes and fixations which he has brought over with him out of the strictly physical. It seems like largess to the average individual, since he has only to do what he calls thinking a thing and presto, he has it. That he soon gets satiated with having anything his imagination can fabricate, or noting that anybody else can have it too at will, is beside the point. He proceeds to work out his hungers and desires in reality but being eternally content with what he achieves is quite something else. Satiated with things there comes a time when he starts to cultivate discernment, let alone reviewing himself for his limitations in not being able to create things more worthwhile. And that is a definite upward step whether he grasps it or not. Personally, however, I've noted one consistent feature attending on such environment in practically all the reports of experiences from demised folk who have reached this plane. And that is what they most frequently describe as The Pearl-Grey Mist which they find surrounding them or in which they have landed. It does us no harm to give fullest attention to this Pearl-Grey Mist. I've come upon it in messages from the smallest children up to the hoariest old folk who've gone across in most pitiable ignorance of the true nature of the Afterlife because of orthodox religious teachings . .

    First off, is it truly some sort of watery fog they have entered or are they describing it in such manner purely from some sort of earthly comparison? Most of them agree that it is infiltrated by some sort of constant half-real illumination, and few can see very far through its volume. If the transiting person have no close relatives to meet them and orient them to their new state, and they must find their ways through it experimentally, it stacks up to them as a vast and terrifying area of emptiness where anything may loom that they call up by the galvanism of thoughts. They may have a sense of being suspended 'twixt earth and heaven as it were, just a unit of self-aware consciousness in free space, wondering what is due to happen to them next. It is particularly a state reached by the spiritually illiterate who are not especially vicious.

    These people truly are upon the threshold of the Plane of Largess and what seems to them to be mist is really a participating contact with Ether in its elementary or raw state. Several practical earthly physicists who have gone over have tried to describe such Ether as the ancestor of all Matter that earth-senses identify as Substance or substances. But neither man's senses or instruments are sensitive enough to perceive it in its pre-atomic form.

    This is the element so responsive to conscious and constructive thought that it obeys the powers of it and shapes itself infallibly into the images of what the Mind desires to become reality. Most quasi-scientific minds are content to describe it merely as God Stuff out of which the universe is built. It must exist, at any rate, because so many temperaments note it and refer to it.

    In May of 1924 Elizabeth -- a child of fifteen or there about -- made a conscious communicating contact with Miss Geraldine Cummins of London, one of Britain's greatest psychics, and imparted a lot of naive information that supplies us with some of the most valuable data we possess about Ether as viewed through the eyes of a child. Incidentally, Miss Cummins states that she had not known the girl in mortality but got the messages for Elizabeth's mother who in turn was but a chance patron. I say we can listen and learn from this unsophisticated girl . .

    I am greatly surprised and puzzled, Elizabeth said first. Of course I would be so grateful if you would tell my mother that I have now reached a state in which I can be at peace. I mean that at first, after I died as earth-folks call it, I was so upset and distressed at the thought that everything I cared for was going from me. I felt as if I were in a feverish dream. They told me later that it was simply my parting from the body. I learned that I should have a new life and that really I was only at the beginning of things. The promise was made me that when my mother died and came over, I should see her and meet her . . I have waited so long. How is Mummy? If you see her will you talk to her about me and tell her that I am sure that she and I will meet. I wasn't quite sure before about people coming together but now I see it is quite simple. I keep my wish for her alive in my mind; I never forget that I want her. It is just ꞌkeeping up wantingꞌ that makes it possible for us to meet. The wish, if it is strong enough, goes out like a thread. It will draw her to me when her time on earth is over. But she must want me too, quite badly. So you will tell her not to forget. I might slip out of her mind. There are other people and other things to take up the attention and once the wish is gone it is hard to get it back.

    An associate of Geraldine's, near at hand on the earth-side, exclaimed, But I thought people always met!

    No, Elizabeth replied, not always. A great many don't. Besides, they may go to different levels if they are differently developed. Some very high folks even may go to a distant star and develop a different shape or body. One may have the power to shape one's own form when one goes to a sphere. I only know a little but I am telling you what others have told me. There are so many different places and conditions you would be bewildered. But we always have the power of wishing, if you want to call it that, like the true power of the fairy godmother in the old fairy stories. I have learnt that, at any rate, so it all depends on what we wish for. You have to wish very very hard and all of a sudden it seems to come true . . I have long wanted to send a message to Mummy. I have wanted her to know that I am with her in a way, but one that you or she couldn't understand. It's like being together as you used to be. But it's more by feeling than seeing. I think she will come through after a time, because that part of her that you or no other living person has met, has told me she will. It is the part of you outside you. You see it in a cloud. It's being explained to me. You don't see the roots of a tree, they are underground. Well, can you think of other roots of the human tree that are overground, I mean more in our world than in yours? It can think. It can know. But the body is so deaf it can only hear a mighty little part of what the over-here part says, I mean the brain hears it, not the ears. Of course I am a bit different but not in the things that matter. Mummy will know when she comes here.

    Elizabeth is innocently touching here on the mighty mystery of what we of earth label the Oversoul of each of us, which we are not going to touch upon in these Letter-Lectures for a long time yet. It has to do with a function of the Etheric Self and would only confuse the student at this point. Listen to what she relates to us, however, about the creation of an etheric horse . .

    "I have wanted to tell you of a funny thing I met, but you won't believe me . . a horse! One I thought I was fond of when I was alive. Of course it had no body as you know it. But at one time I was lonely and I saw it. It didn't stay with me. It had some other kind of life. It seemed like a shape that one can see into. I mean, into the part of it that thinks. You know that horses do that, don't you, in a way? But none of them stay here where I am now. I understand that like all other animals they go back to earth, get themselves born over again. This horse was brown, not chestnut, but not dark brown. He was a dear and had a white spot on his forehead. I remember we used to cut his mane close. Well, here he was on this side, or anyhow I wished him very strongly and there he was, moving through the pearl-grey mist I've come to know so well where things turn real when you wish them hard, like in the fairy tales. I just wanted Old Shep and there Old Shep was. You want to know more about this place where such things can happen? Well, I guess most of what I know might be called the Children's Department.

    "The children who die young, sleep for a long time, They sometimes, if they are very young, slip back again into mortal bodies and grow up to become men and women as they had been expected to do before they lost their baby-lives. On the other hand, a great many don't, due to the fact that they had bargains made with certain mothers and none other. After the ones who aren't going back have slept the longest time, they are taken by ladies who do that sort of work on this side to what seems like houses and wide-open country. They are told that these aren't the same as in the earth-world; they aren't really there in earthly materials but they are real all the same. The grown-up nurses have thought them so the children can see them. We see each other as children where I am, because we think the figures or bodies of children and so we appear to each other to look just like children.

    "Our bodies, when we get over here, aren't made of anything that earth people would call solid, they act and feel as if made of something lighter and finer than air. This something can take the picture of whatever you wish to print on it. We have wished to print the picture around our minds of our bodies and we have done so because we have known how to think. You will, when you've gotten the wish for it strong enough, learn how to make the same sort of pictures of other things. You will learn how to make the picture in your mind of a certain house, and that identical house will spring up around you. It is like fairy stories being the only true stories. The wand that turns an old woman into a young girl, and the magic carpet that carries you where you want to go, are all just wishes made strong enough in the mind that don't have anything to stop them from becoming real. I know you will think I'm talking silly rubbish but that is really and truly what happens. The children are too young, when they come over onto this side of Death, to know how to use their wishing caps, their minds. They just see pretty country again, and nice people, and houses, that for this sphere are all picture books, not really in any way the same as what they might have seen on earth. But they would be so lonely they couldn't bear it, if they didn't find people and things they had first known in earth bodies. Of course after awhile they begin to feel their own mindsꞌ strength. They want to give up playing. Then the first thing they are taught is how to ꞌthinkꞌ the place they want to have around them.

    "You would be awfully surprised at some of the things you see them start building, and amused as well. At first the things they wish just come in little bits. It was lovely when I was able for the first time to think a horse, then to see it actually there in front of me. Daddy couldn't even do that. Some children are so silly, they think such stupid pictures. One boy wanted first a jungle and then a prairie. Well, he was clever and finally he got them. But he changed his mind and didn't like them a little bit when he got them around him. They almost frightened him to death, being alone and all that. I can tell you he worked mighty hard to get rid of that silly dark jungle. Why, it even had great snakes in it. So he made a cozy den around his mind as quickly as he could. You needn't blame it on the fact that he was only a boy. Grown-ups make things just as senseless at times when they discover what they can do in the condition theyꞌve reached. One man pictured himself as having roast turkey and cranberry sauce three times a day, because he had never had his fill of roast turkey in his earth-life. It was a completely foolish thing to do because he didn't need it as people need earth food, anyway.

    "We live, you see, for a time in a way that is quite like living in an earth-side home. Only there is really a big difference. It is, that home is made for us when we come here first, by older minds, but we are taught soon enough how to change it, how to make it not with hands and muscles but by seeing the completed picture of what we want in our minds and then believing it is really there. You should see the astonished look on people's faces when they find out it really is there. It's the believing that's so hard. I had to make-believe lots before anything came at all. The bad people when they come here believe mostly in what is nasty and so they get it all around them, but children usually have an awfully good time because they know what they want to believe in, and when they are sure of finding a home, that mostly satisfies them.

    There’s just one thing we can't make with our minds, and that's people. I can't make Mummy or Daddy. They say it's because no one can make what is called spirit. I know you'll think instantly of what I said about Old Shep, our horse, 'the part of him that thinks.' But I never can be sure it was truly old Shep's spirit or my own thought-memory picture of him produced in a fashion that made him seem so real to me.

    One in the group asked Elizabeth how long these thought creations endured? So long, replied the girl, as we keep working to make them stay. They are made for us at first by these older people. When we know how to do them, we have to go thereafter on our own. I have done more than make a home for myself, with pretty country around it. I and a girl named Ruth have just learned how to travel on a thing like a magic carpet, made of the same stuff that composes all of our world. It has lots of colors and we float off on this contraption, going as quickly as on a train, as quickly as the wind. It is simply splendid. But soon they are off in the empty pearl-grey mist again and must come back.

    When such a quaint paper as this is gotten in London, another in South Africa, and another in Australia, all reporting identical features of such Third Sphere conditions and techniques, then my own daughter Harriet materializes for me in central Indiana, confirming them but adding more, we get an understandable pen-picture of this Plane of Largess and wherein it gets its name. I'm by no means finished with it, or with Elizabeth, however. Let's go on with it in more detail next week in Lecture-Letter 27 . .

    Peace, Love, and Knowledge

    LETTER No. 27

    Life on the Third Plane, Blending Up into Realities of the Fourth


    THE QUESTION has arisen, now that six months of these Lectures have been circulated to students, why they have seemed to treat so exclusively with the conditions of living on planes above the mortal? Some among the younger element are vociferous about it. What about the secrets of this earth-plane? Aren't they of superior consequence to anything maintaining above us? Why shouldn't the higher octaves be left until the soul reaches them? What's wrong with a one-life-at-a-time philosophy? One youthful student said quite frankly that he wasn't interested in what his experiences were due to be a hundred years hence; he was concerned with knowing what his experiences were due to be right here on this earth in his current incarnation, and why.

    This is not a challenge to be priggishly ignored, at least I can't ignore some of the insinuations in criticisms of my own attitude. It has been implied that this interest in the celestial octaves is more or less confined to the oldster who has lived his earth-life, seen and done everything, and suddenly is concerned in what is due to happen to him next. However, I can say with reasonable honesty that it's not because I'm particularly fed up with mortality that I for one find exploration of the loftier planes enthralling. The thing that intrigues me lies more in the realm of getting this earth-life properly graded for importance in the ascending series of the worlds. The youngster, by the very attitude of his youth, assumes and accepts that because he finds himself in it, that this material earth-world ranks first in significance in the grand ensemble of the planes. As he grows older and delves deeper into the real esoteric wisdom, it startles him not a little to grasp gradually that nothing of the sort is correct. This earth-world is really of quite minor consequence when stacked up against some of the higher. Take them all in conspectus and even coming into mortality at all suddenly assumes an altered meaning. Just why has he

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