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Rediscovering the Divine: Seeing God in a Whole New Way
Rediscovering the Divine: Seeing God in a Whole New Way
Rediscovering the Divine: Seeing God in a Whole New Way
Ebook162 pages2 hours

Rediscovering the Divine: Seeing God in a Whole New Way

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About this ebook

Does God exist?

No matter who you are, where you were born, how you were raised, at some point you’ll ask yourself this question and you’ll begin a journey to find the answer. Along the way, you may ask if it’s even possible to know God, if He has a plan for the world, and if God has a plan for you. And is so, what

Release dateSep 29, 2016
Rediscovering the Divine: Seeing God in a Whole New Way

Suz Meyers

Suz Meyers lives in Highlands Ranch, Colorado with her husband Paul. In addition to owning a business, writing, and serving in many volunteer capacities including missions, outreach, and women's ministries, she enjoys cooking, traveling, flying, fishing, and just hanging out with her hubby. Suz has a heart for the poor, the brokenhearted, and the captive and it is her hope and prayer that this book will bring healing and freedom to others so they can live the life that God has intended for them.

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    Book preview

    Rediscovering the Divine - Suz Meyers


    Getting to Know God Like a Person

    I’ll never forget the day I returned home after graduating from college. I was sitting on the couch, lost in thought, while a rerun of that old, irreverent game show Match Game blared from the television in the background. I couldn’t pay attention to the show because I felt a heart-wrenching pain so deep inside—like my soul itself was crying out in agony. My mind was numb from a confusion about God that was as profound as it was relentless.

    How did I get to this point? Since childhood I had been certain that God existed, that He loved me, and had a special plan for my life. Now, I wasn’t so sure. I still went to church, sang praise songs, and prayed before meals, but I felt like I was living a lie. My relationship with my Maker was hanging by a fraying thread, ready to snap with the slightest pressure. Is there a God? If I couldn’t answer that question, my whole life—all I had been raised to believe, everything I thought I was—would crumble.

    No matter who you are, where you were born, or how you were raised, at some point you’ll ask yourself this question and you’ll begin a journey to find the answer. For some, the journey becomes a lifelong quest. For others, the journey ebbs and flows like the ocean tide—intensifying during troubling times and diminishing when everything seems to be going well. Either way, if you’re on this journey now, you may still be asking questions like:

    Who is God?

    Do you think He is loving and joyful—someone who comforts you and gives you peace and strength?

    Is God indifferent and angry—someone you’re not sure you want to get to know?

    Is He great and powerful—someone who can do anything?

    Do you think God is distant (out there somewhere) or aloof (interested in other things besides you)?

    Does He even exist?

    Whatever your view, you’re not alone. People have been asking these questions ever since Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent. Today, the debate about God’s existence and what He’s like is more intense than ever, with all sides fervently arguing for their point of view. The debate rages in living rooms, classrooms, and conference rooms, on the radio, television, and the Internet.

    But I wonder how many of us really consider His point of view. If God exists, what is it like to be Him?

    What is it like to be righteous, all-powerful, and all-knowing?

    What is it like to interact with a surly and disbelieving people on one hand and the forces of evil on the other?

    Does He get frustrated?

    Does He laugh?

    What does He really care about?

    What does He want you to know about Him?

    Over the years, I have spent a fair amount of time contemplating the nature of life and God’s possible role in it. And I have found that questions like these can be exhausting.

    As I sat there on the couch that day, with the Match Game host exchanging innuendos with his guests and garish ‘70s fashion washing over me, my train of thought went something like this:

    You are born into this world. You learn to eat, walk, and talk. You head off to school and get an education.

    Great! Then what?

    Perhaps, you land your dream job or serve your country, get married, and have a family. Maybe, you work your way up the corporate ladder or through the ranks, lead a successful company, start your own business, win the Super Bowl, fly in space, or find a cure for a deadly disease.

    Yay! Then what?

    Well, after a long and distinguished career, you might retire and spend time hanging out with your grandkids, walking on the beach, hiking in the mountains, riding motorcycles, fishing, hunting, golfing, reading, writing, painting, volunteering. Perhaps you travel the world and see everything you’ve always wanted to see.

    Lovely! Then what?

    Let’s say you end up in a nice, friendly assisted-living facility playing bingo on Friday nights, eating fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, and apple cobbler with your aging buddies.

    Um, maybe not what I’m looking forward to, but okay. Then what?

    At some point, you die. Your friends and family gather at your funeral, share some stories, eat some food, and have something to drink. Afterwards, they continue living life.

    What happens then?

    After all the twists and turns, ups and downs, and peaks and valleys in life, when all is said and done, will your death be the end of your existence or the beginning of something else?

    As I sat with this question, a second set of questions crept into my mind, setting my feet on the path to learning more about who God really is and what He really wants:

    Can I know Him in my everyday life?

    If so, what does He want me to know about Him?

    Does He have a plan for the world? For me? If so, what is it?

    Since you’re holding this book, you’ve probably taken at least the first few steps down the path toward finding your own answers to questions like these. I pray that through this book you will gain a better understanding of who God is and His plan for you. It is also my hope that you will:

    Understand that the God of the universe has a name, has declared Himself to be the one and only God, and has been interacting with humanity from the beginning of time.

    Learn what is important to Him and why that is important to you.

    Discover a God who is not distant, who speaks to His people in many different ways, and has an amazing plan.

    Observe God’s struggles with people, and discover the source of humanity’s struggle with God.

    Together, we’ll take a look at human history, consider ancient writings, and contemplate the future. It is my desire that this book will help you see, experience, and understand God in a whole new way.


    Knowing God is the Best Story at the End of the Day

    Good Morning!" my phone alarm sang as the sunlight crept into my bedroom. What, already? With one eye open, I slid out of bed and made my way to the door. Within seconds, my two cockapoos—Buddy and Charlie—greeted me, their stubby tails wagging wildly. We started our morning routine—the boys stretched while I scratched their backs, we played and rolled around on the dog bed for a bit, and then we raced downstairs to the backyard so they could do their thing.

    Once outside, my attention turned to the sky. A layer of platinum clouds stretched over the horizon while orange and red clouds burned bright like the heart of a fire underneath them. I was fascinated by the slow dance of shapes and colors as the sun rose higher in the sky. My soul bathed in the beauty of the sunrise. Then I went inside, grabbed my daily dose of caffeine, and started surfing the net. That’s when I came across something unexpected:

    But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.

    JEREMIAH 9:24 (ESV)

    Whoa, what a statement: let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me. Imagine the comments your friends would make if you made such a statement and posted it on a social media site.

    As the carbonation fizzled in my soda, I thought, Who is the LORD and why would He make such a declaration? What does He know that I don’t?

    I sat back in my chair and reflected on the verse, I could see that the sun had risen. The huge fireball was now entirely above the horizon and it stirred something within me.

    Over time, I have learned that what is translated as the LORD is the word Yahweh, a name that simply means God. By declaring himself to be the Lord, He is not saying He is one of many. He is saying that He can be understood and known by us, and that those who understand and know Him should be proud of it. Why? Because His character and actions are rooted in love, justice, and righteousness.

    Have you ever caught yourself bragging about something? Or can you remember a friend being eager to tell you a story about a recent party, sporting event, or vacation? Perhaps the person took a bunch of photographs with a smartphone and wanted you to see them, as the vigorous swoosh of a finger across the face of the device revealed one photograph after the other. Maybe the story involved getting an autograph from a famous person now proudly displayed for everyone to see. Whatever the experience, the story begs for attention.

    Why do people need to share stories with others? I think it’s because people want to connect. One of my friends believes in the motto Whoever has the best story at the end of the day wins. A friendly competition for the best story makes people feel connected and like they have something important to share.

    But Yahweh makes it clear in this verse that at the end of the day, He is the best story. Better yet, He’s inviting us to know and understand Him, to the point of bragging about it.

    It’s a mind-blowing concept and a bit scary. Why? If God exists, then something bigger and better than life—something beyond personal achievements or a selfie with a famous person—also exists. It means there’s a greater purpose for life and something behind it all.


    Over the years, I have read a few articles, listened to a few interviews, and heard a few stories about Bono, the lead singer of the band U2. I have never actually met the guy. I know about him through articles, interviews, and stories, but I don’t actually know him.

    I did, however, meet a counterfeit Bono once. Every summer, a series of concerts is held in one of the parks in our community. A couple thousand people typically show up with food, beverages, and blankets to listen to the music and watch the sun set over the mountains.

    One week, the concert series featured a U2 tribute band. The lead singer dressed, looked, and sounded like Bono. Everyone knew it wasn’t him, but by the way people danced in front of the stage, you would have thought Bono was actually there. When the concert concluded, I went home and forgot about it. I didn’t take any photographs, get any autographs, or buy any souvenirs to display in the house.

    However, it would have been a completely different story if I had met the real deal, told him about my favorite U2 song, or talked to him about his efforts to help the poor around the world. I would have posted the get-together on Facebook and attached a selfie or two. Wouldn’t you?

    As exhilarating as an encounter with Bono would be for me, imagine if he had asked me to be part of his band? It would be nothing short of euphoric! I would not only get to know and understand him, I would be a key player in his world. Attached to and basking in Bono’s fame, I’d be important! I’d have a purpose!

    Now consider this, Yahweh says you can be part of His band, you can know and understand Him, and you can be part of His world. Take a moment and let that thought sink in.


    History played an important role in my search for God. It helped me understand that God wants to have a personal relationship with me and that I can have a personal relationship with Him.

    Humanity’s search for god (any god) dates back thousands of years. Out of the top ten organized religions in the world today, only three religions have a god who claims to be God (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity). Followers of Hinduism, one of the oldest religions, believe that millions of gods exist, although Hinduism focuses primarily on three major gods—the creator, the protector, and the destroyer. Buddhism follows the teaching of Buddha (who did not claim to be God) and focuses on pursuing a path to enlightenment.

    Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all stem from the same God—the God of Abraham. Islam (better known as the Muslim religion) claims Judaism and Christianity (who call God Yahweh) have distorted the story over time.

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