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Grummpess Mummpiss and the Freshman Start
Grummpess Mummpiss and the Freshman Start
Grummpess Mummpiss and the Freshman Start
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Grummpess Mummpiss and the Freshman Start

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Although fifteen-year-old Grummpess Mummpiss has been living with facial disfigurements all his life, he has no idea that he is about to transform into a monster capable of much more than he ever imagined. When the dots on the keloids on his face begin forming a circular pattern and his fellow high school students begin referring to him as a freakazoid, Grummpess is forced to face a harsh reality he never requested.

Guided by his loving parents, Grummpess leaves his town of Marralow to begin anew in the isolated country of Scarsenova where he hopes to continue his education in a more accepting environment. As he attempts to immerse himself in the culture and traditions of his new home, Grummpess’s curiosity for solving problems leads him into an entirely different world when he discovers a hidden science laboratory formerly occupied by a famous inventor. But it is not until he decides to bring a stentz back to life one day that Grummpess unwittingly opens a new door to becoming the perfect scientist.

In this action-packed fantasy tale, a teenager battling a monstrous side he never wanted sets out on an unimaginable journey in a new country where he discovers a passion for science.
Release dateJan 12, 2022
Grummpess Mummpiss and the Freshman Start

Edward Klaiber

Edward Klaiber is a new novelist whose writing is inspired by a dark, isolated place where his creativity flourished. Grummpess Mummpiss and the Freshman Start is the first installment in an intended eight-part series.

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    Grummpess Mummpiss and the Freshman Start - Edward Klaiber

    Copyright © 2021 Edward Klaiber.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-1047-3 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-1046-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021915481

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 02/25/2022


    I would like to thank God for giving me the creativity, ambition, determination, and the will to be resilient against all tribulations in my journey. My struggles made me who I am today.

    Praises to all my family, friends, and my lovely lady that helped along this road to accomplishing this achievement. I dedicate this book to my daughter, Jiselle my beautiful princess gives me the ultimate drive to be great. Thank you.


    1       The Nightmare That Peeks

    2       The Picking of a Bully

    3       The Right and Only Choice

    4       A Daunting Beginning

    5       The Wild Supply Store

    6       The Surprise Call

    7       World Winners

    8       Gorbarn’s Lost Medallion

    9       The Vandalism

    10     The Healing

    11     Search Mode

    12     Tryouts

    13     Lies Detect

    14     Gorbarn’s Archives

    15     The Confession

    16     Spring Is Finally Here

    17     Harnold Horror’s Dark Past

    18     Project Finals Are Due

    19     Obstruction Brought To Justice

    20     For The Greater Good



    The Nightmare

    That Peeks

    O pen the safe! What are you waiting for? The next time I ask you that, you’ll end up just like the ones on the floor, Gorgavin said in a treacherous croaky voice. His voice echoed throughout the spacious open-floor bank.

    All the innocent hostages were terrified by the sight of him, and the bass of his voice took their fright to another level.

    I’m trying the best I can. Since you ripped the power circuit out, it’s going to take just a little more time to set the combination in to activate the door, the scared-to-death bank manager said in a most whiny voice.

    Gorgavin ruffled the back of his suit with his giant hand and hurled the manager forward to the combination switch. The banker groaned from the impact of the solid steel door that weighed close to a ton. Quickly the banker began rotating the three combination keys to activate the first of three sequence sets. His fear was so alive that a person could easily hear it through the air he inhaled and exhaled.

    Suddenly the banker felt an intense burning sensation on his back—the same spot where Gorgavin grabbed him. Gorgavin’s thick, juicy, jagged nails and fingers tore through the banker’s thin suit and tender skin. All the filth and grime from the streets, along with his chemical makeup, was scratched inside the banker’s back. The striking pain from the fresh scar caused the banker to go into convulsions. The second sequence was put in before the banker could collapse, but Gorgavin was right on his heels. The second he saw him lose his balance, Gorgavin grabbed the back of his suit—however this time less lightly—and shoved him into the steel door. The bank manager woke up instantly.

    What’s the third sequence? he growled with hostility.

    Luckily, Gorgavin had reminded the banker which sequence it was because he was clearly lost. The convulsion caused a gap in his short memory. Just less than ten seconds for the sequence and the door will be opened, the half-alive banker said.

    As the last sequence was logged in, the banker tapped the center button to release the lock from the four corners of the circular vault door.

    Clink! The door sounded as the locks were released.

    Gorgavin raised his thick, jagged right hand so quickly juices drizzled the wall and vault door in front of him. He thrust forward, knocking the banker off his feet and taking a huge chunk of flesh and bone out of the right side of his body. The banker’s body screeched against the marble floor as he slid into a pile of shivering hostages lying on the ground.

    The vault’s door handles were spun around quickly with one yank of Gorgavin’s hand. He opened the door so aggressively it banged against the hinged wall, echoing throughout the open space. Small murmurs of fright followed.

    Gorgavin hustled in, pinning the door against a rolling cart to make sure it didn’t close behind him. He shot passed the stacks of money neatly squared away on the table counters. He knew exactly what he was looking for, and he only had a small amount of time to get it because the cops were bound to come. A sign read Safety Deposit Room. He entered, taking a sharp right turn in the wide door.

    Deposit box after deposit box was bent upward and pulled out of its slot. He smashed the boxes against the hard ground, breaking the frail locks wide open. It took Gorgavin forty seconds to find the deposit box he was looking for. After breaking almost forty-three boxes, the deposit box with the raw diamonds, rubies, and gems was the one he took. He placed the half-pound cashmere pouch into a deep pocket in his raggedy garments.

    Gorgavin ran out the room, bumping into the door’s side walls smashing it out of its alignment. Before he stepped out the vault room, he ran toward the bags of money and grabbed two while all the civilians tremble on the ground.

    Gorgavin didn’t think he’d caused enough damage, so he wanted to put the icing on the cake of his murderous rant. Perfecto! he said mischievously as he stepped over the perfect victim. A pregnant woman who huddled beside her husband was squeezed in the corner. Gorgavin picked her up and stood her on her feet. He raised his right hand and came down quickly toward her. The woman looked into his death-fulfilling eyes for mercy. She even raised her hands, putting them together, begging.

    Gorgavin’s five fingers scraped the surface of her stomach. Halfway through his thrust, a security guard fired multiple rounds directly into Gorgavin’s back, stopping the swing from full momentum. It was enough to put the woman into a state of shock.

    Gorgavin ran toward the injured security guard and clawed him diagonally across his midriff; he died instantly.

    Outside, the sirens got louder. Gorgavin felt it was time to make his exit. He busted out the front door, heading down the street and then to a side alley to an opening in the sewer system that led to the underworld beneath the surface. Marralow town police rushed in and secured the area and the bank. Numerous pedestrians felt it was safe and got to their feet hurrying out of the bank’s crime scene. The unidentified woman with the deep scrapes on her ballooned pregnant stomach was the only survivor alive who had been assaulted.

    Police officers were now tallying up the body count. In all, there were ten bodies, all with deep carve marks. On every casualty, the carvings were almost identical. One officer knelt closely, analyzing the death wound on one of the bodies. Before touching the body, he put some latex gloves on so he wouldn’t tamper with potential evidence.

    It was the security guard, who lay dead on the floor, who the police officer had chosen to observe. Four deep curve marks and one moderate scrape had come from Gorgavin’s four fingers and thumb. The flesh wounds seem to still be somehow alive from the police officer’s observation. Blood had stopped leaking from the wounds a few seconds after impact. The carving marks scabbed up from the toxins within Gorgavin’s fingers. The greenish-reddish scabs were thick and juicy and looked like a thick, spongy coat. In the tiny air pockets, a whitish cream was seen. The smell of raw meat that’s been thawed out was thick in the air, so strong you could almost taste it.

    The officer took his observation a step further. With his finger, he gently touched the inside grooves of the carvings. He took a deep breath and looked wide-eyed. The texture was smooth and damp, but as he applied pressure, he felt the rigid, hardened texture that formed the layer beneath. He pulled back when he felt a scratch on his index fingertip. Quickly, he retrieved his hand from the wound. He removed the gloves to see his naked index fingertip.

    A cut mark no deeper than one-eighth of an inch and no wider than a quarter of an inch was visible. Blood began to pour out the wound. And then came the nerve-wracking pain that shot through his finger, down his arm, through his shoulder, across his body, and down to his fat left big toe and back—all through one single connecting vein and nerve. Suddenly, the blood stopped and then came much more pain rooting from the same finger.

    Get some paramedics in here! We got a live one, another officer said, squinting for a sharper view. She’s pregnant too! Hurry up and bring the medics! The officer’s voice took on a more caring and concerned tone once he realized she was carrying a baby.

    The paramedics arrived within seconds, hoping to relieve the woman from her trauma. She was accompanied by her husband, who was right by her side. When they made it inside the ambulance, a paramedic lifted her sundress to see the wounds on her naked skin. The light-skinned, five foot eight, tanned brunette was in excruciating pain. There was no blood at all leaking from the flesh wounds, which baffled the paramedics. It only took a few seconds for them to see the rawness of the wound.

    What in the world could have caused this? one paramedic said. This is the first time I’ve ever seen those type of wound marks. On top of that, there is no bleeding. They look pretty deep, don’t they? I know they scratched and tore beyond the surface of the placenta. He checked her vitals and temperature, seeing that it was way above normal rates. Ma’am, I want you to take deep breath in and out continuously; now I want you to tell me the pain you’re feeling, the paramedic directed, his tone somber.

    "The wounds are hurting my belly. My baby is going crazy inside. Please save him before I lose him. Please! she said through gritted teeth and pain. Awww! Get me to the emergency room. Save my baby! The pain won’t stop; please make it stop," the woman begged.

    Honey, calm down, everything is going to be all right. The hospital is only a few blocks away. Just relax and hold on, her husband said compassionately, praying every second of the way.

    The baby inside the woman’s belly began kicking wildly from the moment her husband began praying. The infant inside used all his limbs, thrashing against the placenta walls, to display his anger. The woman’s pain was at its peak, and the only remedy that could relieve her was screaming as she touched her stomach with her left hand while her husband held the other.

    They reached the emergency entrance shortly. The paramedics hauled the woman off on the gurney with her husband still by her side. As soon as they stepped foot inside the double doors, her pain was suddenly relieved. The deep wounds on her belly began to close up on their own. Within five to fifteen seconds, they all were fully closed, with only a greenish-red line bead with white marks like small zits throughout them. The baby inside the woman’s belly completely stopped kicking and poking her placenta.

    The woman was back to normal. But she thought the baby was gone. Tears and grief followed her painless belly. Within twenty feet from the operating room, though, the woman felt a sign; she knew the baby was OK inside her stomach. The infant gently glided his hands along the placenta walls, giving her a tickly feeling inside. From that very second, she knew her baby was safe again. From that moment of clarity, the reality of the outside world was restored.

    Ma’am I have to ask you some questions, the doctor aiding her stated. Do you feel pain inside your stomach?

    No! she said, without a clue as to why that was the case.

    "How many months along are you?

    Seven and a half, she replied without any resistance.

    We’re going to operate immediately to save the baby. There might be some damage we need to look into if you want to save your child, the doctor said as he did his own inspection, looking her over from all angles.

    I don’t think that’s going to be necessary, doctor. I feel perfectly fine now, as if the accident never happened. I won’t let you cut into my stomach when there’s no need. I won’t allow it! the woman said with deep determination. She looked at her husband, who was gazing into her eyes and could see that she was telling the absolute truth.

    Ma’am your wound mark healed miraculously! Don’t you think that should be looked into further? I’ve never seen fresh wounds heal up as quickly as yours did—ever in my doctoring career. I know there’s more to what you’re feeling. I know it may seem like it isn’t, but I just have a gut instinct for these things. Just look at the healed marks on your stomach. Wounds don’t heal like that. He pointed at the five cuts in parallel form. He then gently touched the surface of her beaded wounds.

    He felt smoothness, along with moisture on the surface. When he applied pressure, his finger became wetter with liquid from the tiny pores on the surface. Then he felt something moving underneath his delicate touch. He gave her stomach a astounded look, his forehead wrinkling.

    That’s my baby letting me know he’s doing fine inside there. I know it feels and looks strange to you, but I don’t feel as if there’s anything wrong with either of us. I honestly feel that this is true, so I don’t think that your education or experience can tell me anything different, the woman said with extreme confidence.

    Well, just let me take a sonogram and give you a thorough physical before you leave the hospital. That’s all I can ask you to do for me. At least that’ll gives me the assurance that everything is all right with you and your baby, the doctor said.

    I guess a physical exam won’t hurt anything. The woman looked on with a smile.


    Grummpess continued to have nightmares throughout the night. Even though his bedroom made a cozy fit for him, it didn’t seem that way for his subconscious thinking. He slept on a queen-size bed with a night table and a night-light slightly dimmed for his night snacks he kept on his counter. The walls of the bedroom were navy blue with white trimming all around the room from the windows to the doors. Two five-by-eight shelves were separated by a desktop with a Mac computer. An adjustable black lamp was pinned to his table, along with a draft board that flipped up from the bottom and angled at forty degrees, which he used to make his mechanical draft drawings.

    Pictures of nature’s wildlife covered some of the walls but not too much so that it was congested. Everything in the room was neat and clean, just the way Grummpess kept his things. Even the dirty clothes in the hamper were folded when he had the time.

    In one of the corners of his bedroom, Grummpess kept a small wooden house no taller than two feet for his ferret. One of the walls was knocked down so the ferret could have easy access to jump out. The small house was equipped with a small cot, a running wheel, and squiggly lines that had beads on them that slid back and forth for the ferret to play with.

    Grummpess called his ferret Nibbles. Even though Nibbles had a decent house to sleep in, he never rested inside it. Only when he was in trouble and wanted to run or play with the beads would he go inside the mini home. Nibbles slept next to Grummpess every night on a beige pillow.

    Grummpess hardly ever moved while he slept, and when he did move, it was so subtle a person would think he was dead because he laid so stiff.

    For the last month and a half, his body had been going through a physical change—all developing on the inside and ever since his fifteenth birthday, on July 2. Throughout all the occurrences, Grummpess had no idea that his body was developing a monster side, which was going to ever evolve after his fifteenth birthday.

    Grummpess was a special child. Ever since the date of his birth, his mother Doribee had an innocent guilt for the way he came out. She felt somewhat cursed because of the facial disfigurements her child suffered from. But she never rejected him or withheld her love from him. As a loving mother, she gave Grummpess so much of her love he began to think it was only because of the way he looked. But no matter how much Grummpess justified it, she denied the truth from him.

    Grummpess’s facial features looked like nobody’s in all the world. Crooked, flat keloid marks that all connected to his nose covered his entire face. These marks rose up a bit over his skin and had red spots all over them, almost posing as freckles. Some were wider than a quarter of an inch. His pale skin in no way shadowed his facial disfigurement. He even tried to style his hair wildly to hide the slash marks, but he eventually gave up trying and just kept his hair that way because he felt it was the way the world wanted him to be. His black wild hair was six inches in length and stiff.

    Even the palms of his hand suffered from the same affliction as his face. The only difference was that the sprinkled marks on his hand were black instead of red. When he gently touched the keloid marks on his hands, they were soft on the surface’s, but if he applied pressure, he felt a hard texture beneath like jagged rocks under the marks. As a fifteen-year-old boy, he stood five foot five, had a slim, skinny body that was well on its way to muscle development for the years to come. He loved to wear a one-piece suit that looked like a gown. From the waist up, buttons lined the center all the way to a collar on the top. From the waist down, the same connecting piece stopped short of his ankles, almost six inches from the ground. In the back it dragged about half a foot on the ground. Two pockets were on his hips and two on his chest pads. Every one of his one-piece suits were short-sleeved.

    On this particular morning, Grummpess fell asleep while putting together a mechanical drawing of a building he had in mind. Prying his thoughts away from the utmost uniqueness of the crafty building, he fell asleep lying on top of his sheets with his shoes still on.

    While he was sleeping, in the wee hours of the morning, Doribee put together a small plate with cookies and milk and went back upstairs. She didn’t even notice how wide Grummpess’s bedroom door was opened because she was so worried about feeding her stomach.

    Oh, Grum-Grum, why do you always leave that night-light on? she quietly said to herself, about to step foot inside his room.

    Doribee pushed the door open a little with her elbow because both hands were full. The door opened without making a sound. When she looked straight at Grummpess, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She felt weak in the knees, and she was losing her grip on the milk and cookies. She was able to recover some cookies but spilled a little milk on his carpet.

    Her movement didn’t stop what was taking place with Grummpess.

    Nibbles climbed out of the bed, went over to where Doribee had dropped the cookies, and gobbled whatever was left on the ground. She didn’t pay Nibbles any mind and walked closer to the bed, only five feet away. She put the plate on the nightstand, along with the milk and continued looking at Grummpess, hoping to come up with an answer.

    Grummpess’s face was fully open. All the keloid marks on his face opened up aiming toward the ceiling. The keloids that all came to a point at his nose broke apart. It was as if acute triangles with his natural skin in the middle of every piece opened up as wide as they could. Even the insides of his palms did the same thing. But Doribee didn’t notice his hands since his palms were faced down. The skin began to open further, pivoting from the ends of his face.

    Doribee wanted to see the inside of Grummpess’s moving skin. As she moved closer, it seemed his subconscious knew she was there, because with every step closer she got, his skin pivoted, jumping at different angle degrees and even bending a little. Doribee put her right hand over the center of her chest and leaned in to get a better look. The dimmed light didn’t give her a sharp visual, so she had to lean over his high mounted bed. She noticed a black vapor rising like steam from the inside of his face.

    She touched the night-light to give the room more light; the second she did that his face sealed back up. The keloids on his face quickly closed as if his face was never opened.

    What is happening to my baby? I never asked for any of this to happen to me and then to him. Please, if you’re listening up there, please make it all right for him, Doribee said, looking up to the ceiling, hoping somebody could answer her prayers.

    Nibbles had finished eating most of the cookies on the carpet and even drank some of the milk. He rubbed his soft fur along Doribee’s leg to show his appreciation, and then he headed back into Grummpess’s bed by climbing the stepladder on the right post.

    When Nibbles got on top of the bed, he lightly crawled over to Grummpess’s face and stood over him. He rested his right paw on his chest while looking over the keloids of Grummpess’s face. Doribee knew there was more to Nibbles’s action than just looking over her son’s face. It was set in her mind that Nibbles had witnessed his keloids open before. Then Nibbles touched one of the crooked keloids on Grummpess’s face. The second he touched it, something made him quickly scoot under the pillow.

    Doribee was devastated. She left the room the way it was, completely forgetting the deed she’d had first come to do. When she went back to her room, she didn’t even bother to take off her robe before slipping into the bed. She pulled the covers over her body and took a fluffy pillow from the foot of the bed to hug tightly. For the rest of the night, she couldn’t even keep her eyes close. So many things were running through her mind.

    Why did God have to curse such an innocent child? How can I explain this to Ruepheo and make him believe me? My son’s a monster. Why did I have to be the victim? Why can’t that look of the vicious criminal go away? Why can’t any surgery fix Grummpess?

    And on and on Doribee thought. Just before the sun came up over the horizon, Doribee finally sobbed her worries away and went to sleep. She cried for most of the early morning hours.

    Breakfast wasn’t the same anymore in Doribee’s eyes. She was a nervous wreck because she couldn’t sleep and had guilted herself all night. She woke up three hours later at 8:05 a.m. Ruepheo prepared the breakfast. Scrambled eggs with cheese, Italian beef sausage, and grits were served. Grummpess helped out on his end and made the toast with a dab of margarine. They sat in regular formation around the glass table. Grummpess sat on the side while Ruepheo sat across from him on the other end of the glass table.

    Doribee finally came downstairs dressed in her casual wear and ready to go to work. She sat at the table and prayed to herself while the two of them were already eating. Ruepheo stopped chewing his food and looked perplexed at Doribee. Grummpess did the same thing, but he continued to chomp down his food. Ruepheo and Grummpess looked at each other, wondering to themselves why she was praying.

    Dori, is there something wrong? You look like something is terribly troubling you. What is it? Is there anything I could do to help? Ruepheo said, extending his hand across the table to hold her palm.

    Doribee shook her head and began to sob a little. She looked up at Ruepheo and then quickly dropped her head back down, dwelling in her guilty emotions. Grummpess thought nothing of her actions and paid her no mind as he gobbled his food and gave Nibbles pieces to eat.

    Ruepheo couldn’t eat anymore because his wife’s problems were troubling him. He sat up with his arms folded on the table, waiting for her to say something that would calm his worries. Doribee extended her left hand far out on the table toward Grummpess. She looked at him while he was still eating his food, completely ignoring her emotions. Grum-Grum, I just want to let you know that I never wanted any of this to happen to you. I am so—

    Ma, please! I don’t need you to keep sobbing over me like I don’t know how to handle myself. I’m OK with my condition. Now please! Grummpess said while raising his raspy voice. He dropped his head down, hiding his face with his black hair.

    Grummpess, that’s no way to talk to your mother. Can’t you see that she’s going through something? Why don’t you just show her some empathy? That’s the best you can do to help her out, Ruepheo said in a scolding voice.

    But Dad, every time Mom goes through these emotional swings, it’s all because of me. I’m dealing with my situation the best way that I can. He dropped his fork and pointed his thumbs into his chest. I don’t want Mama or you to keep reminding me of my facial condition. You tried the best you can with your surgery procedures, but nothing worked. You tried the best you can, and I can’t thank you enough for that. But you guys need to let me learn how to deal with this myself, Grummpess said softly with his raspy voice as he looked at them both.

    Nibbles wondered why he’d stopped feeding him. He stood on his two feet, extending his paws close to Grummpess’s kneecap. He tapped his leg consistently so he would continue feeding him.

    Grummpess was finish talking to his parents. He picked up his knife and fork and proceeded eating once again. He cut a small piece of the beef sausage, stuck his fork into it, and pointed toward Nibbles, who picked the beef sausage off with his tiny claws.

    Doribee held her composure, thinking of what had happened the night before. The image of Grummpess’s face opening kept flashing back. She came to the conclusion that Grummpess didn’t know of the parting of his own face. She didn’t want to bombard him with her revelation because he was already upset. She waited for the right time to explain it to Ruepheo.

    Grummpess lifted his face from his clean plate and looked at his father, who was looking at Doribee picking away lightly at her food. Ruepheo turned his attention to his son. He looked straight into his face and noticed a sudden change. He squinted to get a better look. He even leaned toward him.

    Dad you’re starting to look at me like the people in my school. You’ve seen my face a thousand times. What’s different today than any other day? Grummpess said with frustration.

    Grum-Grum, you know I don’t like to look at you unless there’s something that worries me. Have you noticed the change in your face? he asked softly.

    Yes of course I have. I have keloids on my face in straight and crooked lines that make me look like a pizza with a hundred slices, Grummpess said sarcastically.

    No, genius, I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about the red tiny spots on your keloid marks. Ruepheo left his chair to analyze it carefully. "They were once shattered, now they’re forming a circular pattern. And I don’t think they’re supposed to be doing that. I really think something strange is going on with your body—or should I say, your face. Look in the mirror, and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about." Ruepheo stared intently at the circular patterns of red spots on all his keloids.

    OK, Dad I get the picture. Now can you please give me a little breathing room? Goodness gracious! Sometimes both of you make me feel like I’m some type of science project that gets monitored on a weekly basis, Grummpess said with great frustration. He removed himself from the table to get ready for school. He didn’t even excuse himself. He just left.

    Doribee began to well up with emotions again. Ruepheo walked to her side, giving her comfort. He gently rubbed her back as she leaned forward on his shoulder to cry. All Ruepheo could do was wait until she found the strength to overcome her emotions before he could go off to work.

    Dori, it’s not your fault you were attacked that day. So don’t blame this on yourself. The man upstairs made Grummpess a very special person. Whether you believe he had something to do with it or not, it’s the way Grummpess was chosen to be, so don’t put the guilt on yourself. We’re all playing a part in his show. You did your part. You just have to let Grummpess play his, Ruepheo tried to explain.

    My son is a monster, Rueph. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I never thought he would have to conform to those types of people. He’s a monster, Rueph! Doribee sat straight up to look Ruepheo straight in the face.

    What do you mean he’s a monster? No son of mine is a monster! I see monster people all day; they all live in Scarsenova. We live in Marralow, a small city with normal citizens who abide by the law. I know the scars make him look out of place, but he’s still a handsome young boy to me. I can’t believe you can say such a thing about your own son, Dori! Come on, how could you? He looked at her with great wonder.

    Ruepheo, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. He is turning into a monster. A burst of tears built up quickly in her eyes. They came down her face like a leaking faucet. She then angled her body toward him to reveal the story.

    "Last night, when I went for my usual midnight snack, I walked into his room because I saw his night light on. When I went to go turn it off, his face was opened. I thought he was dead, Rueph! I seriously did. Those keloids on his face peeled all the way back to his jaw line and hairline. They were moving up and bending at the same time. A small black steam came from out of it. I swear that’s what I saw.

    "When I went to put more light in the room, his face closed up the second I touched the night-light. Then Nibbles climbed back on the bed, standing over him and touching his keloids, as if to make sure everything was OK. It was as if Nibbles knew about his face peeling open before. I’m certain that’s why he stood over him.

    Ruepheo, I’m telling you something is developing in that boy’s body, and it’s all because that monster attacked me. Doribee broke down into a heavy sob and continuously shook her head.

    I can’t believe such a thing is happening to my child. Grummpess has a monster side that he doesn’t even know about.

    "Throughout all my years as a plastic surgeon, especially working with those deformed at Scarsenova, now my son is one—in our own backyard and home, Dori? I don’t know what to say. To me, he’s still human in my eyes.

    I still can’t believe this Doribee I have to see it. I’m going to take your word on it. But I just have to see some proof. This is just as shocking to me as it is to you.

    Ruepheo, I can’t believe you don’t believe what I’m saying to you! Doribee pulled back and gave him a sour face.

    I do believe you, Dori. But I still want to see it for myself. I want to witness the monster side of him too. Until then, I can’t be 100 percent sure of it myself. Trust me, Dori. I do find truth in what you say, but you have to let me see for myself. Ruepheo caressed her hand, trying to get back on her good side.

    I have a hidden camera in the storage room somewhere. I’m going to set it up before he comes back to his room.

    Ruepheo, do what you want to do. I don’t know what that’s going to prove when I am telling you—she looked at him wide-eyed—something is wrong with Grum-Grum, and we have to find a way to fix it before it gets broadcast to everyone who knows us Ruepheo and we’re humiliated, Doribee said as she buried her face inside her palms.

    It took Doribee five to ten minutes to gather her composure and go to work. Ruepheo stayed back inside their small mansion to set up the hidden camera. Grummpess had already gone to school a few minutes after he left the table. Ruepheo went to the storage room to get the hidden camera. Once he opened the storage door on the first level, he noticed the long mirror he used to look at when they had a much smaller house. He gazed into the mirror, looking over his physique, which was way out of shape.

    As a man who stood five foot eight, he weighed 220 pounds. His oval face was shaped just right to complement his black hair that was combed back with the help of no grease. His skin had begun to sag a little on his cheeks, and a few permanent lines waved through his forehead. He was fifty-three years old and looked every bit of. His pale skin made his green eyes stand out.

    He cradled his small potbelly and shook it in front of the mirror. He shook his head and rolled his sleeves halfway up his forearms, ready for work. He gave his old mirror one last look before he began searching.

    The last time I looked in the mirror I didn’t even have a stomach. Times have changed, and I am growing old, Ruepheo said to himself.

    He walked in the room, catching a glimpse of all the memorabilia he and Doribee had shared over the years. All he could do was smile at the objects he saw on the middle shelf. Now where is that little camera at? I know I put it up here somewhere. He shuffled a few things around and nailed it on the bull’s-eye. Aha! There you go, he said with a sense of relief.

    Ruepheo headed straight to Grummpess’s room to set the hidden camera up. He wanted to make sure Nibbles was totally out of the way because he was a little too smart for his own good. Grummpess had trained him to do many things, especially to watch out for whoever came in his room. Ruepheo knew because on numerous occasions Nibbles had pointed out the things either Doribee or Ruepheo put in the room before they could tell him themselves.

    Nibbles, where are you, little buddy? he said aloud to get the ferret’s attention. Nibbles, come on out, little pet monster. I know you’re in here somewhere.

    Nibbles peaked out from the covers and Ruepheo spotted him. He continued to move toward the little brown furry creature. Nibbles fully came out from the pillow and stood straight up with his paws pointed downward, waiting for his cookie he thought Ruepheo was about to give him. With soft gentle fingertips Ruepheo picked Nibbles up and stared at him. He petted his fur as Nibbles searched all over his arm for food. Ruepheo walked toward the door and tossed him out of the room. Then he quickly shut it before the little animal could creep back in.

    Where can I put this thing where he wouldn’t even think about looking or touching? Ruepheo said aloud while staring into circles all over his room. That’s the perfect spot.

    Ruepheo walked over to his son’s action figure toy shelf, looking for the right animated toy to set the hidden camera in. He picked up a Voltron action figure and noticed one of the lion’s mouth opened at the end of all the limbs. He picked one of the legs in particular and adjusted the mouth wide enough to put the small lens in. He made sure the Voltron action figure was facing the bed. After estimating his son’s sleeping location, Ruepheo stepped off the chair and put it back under Grummpess’s desk.

    Ruepheo didn’t leave after he’d set the hidden camera. He snooped around the room a little. It was something he’d never done before. For a teenager, Grummpess kept his room cleaned to a tee. So Ruepheo was extra careful as to the things he touched, he didn’t want to raise Grummpess’s suspicion. He couldn’t help but stare in the hamper. The clothes were folded neatly, which was strange to him. When Ruepheo bent his head down to smell if they’d had a fresh washing, he stood up straight and had a scowl on his face. The clothes didn’t have a smell at all. So, he went through them, starting from the top.

    The first item he pulled out was a sheet from his bed set. He unfolded it with one yank of his hands and noticed several spots that had been cut with a scissor. The circular diameters of these spots were no bigger than eight inches. He folded the sheet back properly and then went to the next one. When he unfolded the green sheet, he saw the same identical marks as he’d found on the yellow sheet. After going through two more sheets and finding the same scissor marks, he didn’t have to look anymore; he knew what to expect when unfolding each sheet.

    Suddenly, his mind drew a blank. He didn’t know which color went on top of which. Even though he’d only gone through four sheets, his short-term memory was shot for a moment. He only remembered the very first sheet, which he put back on top.

    Your little furry friend isn’t an angel pet at all. But what would make him dig these holes in your sheet? Ruepheo said aloud, trying to answer the question for himself.

    A little voice in Ruepheo’s head told him to pull back the covers off the bed. He made sure to remember how Grummpess had set his sheets. When the cover peeled back in one motion, there were the same cut marks. He placed his fingers through one of them to see if it went through the mattress and found out they were only a few inches deep.

    Somethings weird is definitely going on with this boy and his bed.

    Ruepheo continued to think. What could possibly be the root of all the cut marks? He could only come up with Nibbles. He set the sheets back properly and left Grummpess’s room with many questions on his mind.

    Nibbles was waiting right at the door when he opened it. He jetted back into his own hiding quarters, the house Grummpess had built for him.

    Later that evening, Grummpess came home from the library after he left school. The library was the only place he felt he had a sense of dignity, a place where no one looked at him funny because other people were too busy in their own little worlds. When he came home, his tranquility was broken, due to his parents’ steady aggravation over his facial deformity.

    Before going to his room, he went inside the kitchen’s pantry to get a few beef sticks for Nibbles to eat. When he went inside his room, he felt something wasn’t right. Nibbles was sleeping inside his miniature home. Grummpess looked up, scratching the back of his head, wondering to himself what could possibly be biting at him. His mind was drawing a blank, so he gave up trying to figure it out. He pressed Nibbles’s little doorbell and woke him. Nibbles rolled out the small cot and weaved his way through the small home. He stood up straight with his paws on Grummpess’s long black one-piece suit. Grummpess gave Nibbles the entire beef stick and gently stroked the top of his head. He began playing with him by tickling his belly. Nibbles lay on his back and wagged his tail and hind legs to show he was enjoying the play.

    Nibbles, for some reason I think someone has been in our room. He looked around again but still couldn’t fish out what or who had been inside the room. Do you know who was here? he asked, looking straight forward.

    Nibbles paid him no mind as he continued to chomp down on the beef stick. Now Nibbles began walking around in circles on his two hind legs as he ate away at the beef stick.

    I’m going to make this a little easier for you, Nibbles, Grummpess said as he walked toward the shelves and grabbed a picture of his two parents. He then stood right in front of Nibbles and drilled him again. Which one was inside my room, Nibbles? Was it this person? He pointed to this mother. Or was it this person? He pointed to his father.

    Nibbles wobbled over to the picture frame and dragged his right paw down the picture of his father’s face—not once or twice but three times—before going back to eating his beef stick.

    Good job, little maggot. Grummpess smiled at Nibbles, showing his perfectly aligned teeth. He even rubbed his head again and tickled his belly.

    He continued to wonder why his father had suddenly been in the room. Was it something Mama told him when I went to school to make him snoop around? Or was it just him being nosy again to see what I’m up to? Grummpess asked himself.

    His eyes focused on the hamper, which didn’t look exactly the way he’d left it. Something was wrong with the formation of his sheets. When he lifted the lid, he saw the green sheet didn’t have its pointed ninety-degree corners the way Grummpess usually folded them. He lifted up the very next sheet and saw no corner points at all on the yellow sheet. He slammed both sheets back down in the hamper and put the lid back on.

    Without any more thinking of his father’s nosy acts, Grummpess left the investigation alone and went to work on the mechanical drawing he was preparing. Out came the drafting board from beneath his desktop, and there was the mechanical drawing pasted on the board in perfect symmetry. Grummpess came up with a thought for the windows of this building and lodged it onto his futuristic high-tech watch on his left wrist.

    It was like a computer all compact on his wrist. The circular diameter was two inches and raised three-eighths of an inch high. It was held on with two thick, black leather bands with the logo Dymetech sketched on the side of it. The watch came equipped with a quirky board that slid out on the right side with the press of a button and was aligned with the second hour on the perimeter of the watch. The watch was also a touch screen with a circular interface to adjust volume, zoom size, speed, and so on, all by a clockwise or counterclockwise motion. A camera was built on the perimeter wall, aligned with the twelfth hour. A tiny USB outlet was located on the perimeter wall along the seventh hour. It was also blocked with a rubber stud to keep out dust and other debris.

    A few touches and a circular motion here and there were all it took for Grummpess to pull the drawing of the window out. He then rotated the 3D image with the touch of the screen in a clockwise motion. Once the specs were locked inside, he didn’t need the image to track it on the drafting board. It took Grummpess twenty-eight minutes to fully sketch the drawing and then scan the images of the building onto his memory card on his desktop computer. After he finished this drawing, it was time to do his homework.

    Every subject took him no longer then twenty minutes apiece to finish. With seven subjects to comply with, two hours and twenty minutes had passed when he finally finished his schoolwork. By this time, it was already close to nine o’clock in the evening. Food was already made, which Grummpess didn’t bother to eat because he knew he would have to go into the realm of his parents to eat. He was already fatigued and tired, and he didn’t want to be annoyed by them—picking at his physical anatomy. Even though they didn’t pick on him, they acknowledged it more than he did; that made him agitated.

    Grummpess changed into his pajamas for the night and was ready to go to bed. He made a stop downstairs to get a cup of milk and cookies. Along his little journey, he saw his father, who was on his laptop checking emails and stocks. He also passed his mother, who was headed toward the laundry room to fold the dry clothes. He saw them both and avoided making conversation. He made the plate and poured the cup and then headed back up to his room.

    Nibbles ate his normal two chocolate chip cookies and some milk that was poured into his cup. Grummpess also ate a few cookies and put the rest into the nightstand drawer so Nibbles wouldn’t overeat his normal serving. He pulled the blanket back and slipped into his bed to sleep. The last thing he did was remove his watch, placing it on the stand. His head was planted deep inside his pillow from the fluffiness of it.

    Three hours had passed, which made the time 12:24 a.m. Ruepheo had his laptop set up and had watched Grummpess from when he went to bed to the present time. Doribee didn’t participate in the eavesdropping and was already in a deep sleep. Ruepheo turned back and looked at her because at points her snoring grew louder, indicating she was deeply asleep.

    Grummpess began to dream after 1:00 a.m. Small body fidgets began to erupt throughout his body. Nibbles felt the quick movements on the bed and woke up looking over his gracious master, making sure everything was OK. Grummpess’s body jumped a few more times, and that’s when Nibbles got the bad vibe and hid under his own pillow.

    It was back to the bank scene in Grummpess’s dream. He kept envisioning people’s dead bodies after Gorgavin’s murderous assault. A woman in a gray suit with a name tag on her lapel lay on the floor. Her skin was tan with wavy hair. Gorgavin took a chunk out of her midriff the second she didn’t cooperate with him. The wounds were deep inside her stomach and her clothing was shredded. The perspective of his dream stayed over her body for a few seconds, and then it zoomed in on the necklace and chain around her neck. The impact of Gorgavin’s slap had popped her locket wide open.

    Inside the locket, there was the woman and her husband on one side and the three children who’d been left behind after the murder. Grummpess’s subconscious dream stayed on the locket charm for more than ten minutes until it was broken by glass, which fell down on a young boy who had a pet dog by his side. When the glass shower settled, the boy’s face was seen in clear view.

    The boy was an eight-year-old with brown hair that was styled in a mop top. He wore summer clothes—a short sleeve shirt and a pair of tan cargo pants. The most disturbing thing in the picture was the boy’s face and naked skin that wasn’t covered by clothes.

    The falling glass made fresh cut marks all over the boy’s face, arms, and legs. Cuts in crooked lines ran all over his face. The boy showed no signs of emotion whatsoever. Then at the very pit of his eyes, tears began to slide down his face. As the two tears slowly moved down the boy’s face, his cut wounds began to tighten. The trail of tears zigzagged along the cuts and built up on his chubby jawline. When the tears got heavy enough, they dropped. Within that very instant, the boy’s cuts turned to keloids similar to the ones Grummpess had on his own face.

    The abrupt change made Grummpess jump out of his sleep. He woke up feeling a tingling sensation all over his face, palms, and fingers. His palms felt somewhat moist, as well as his face. He sat up to drink some of the milk he’d left on the counter. Nibbles wasn’t next to his pillow or under it. He was terrified of Grummpess’s opened face and palms, and he’d gone to sleep in his own miniature home.

    Ruepheo watched the footage and couldn’t believe his own eyes. From the moment Grummpess woke up, he stopped recording and replayed the footage several times. He was totally lost for words. He didn’t know how to attack the situation or find a cure for Grummpess’s hidden monster. He began to cry inside. He pulled down the laptop screen just before it closed and cried.

    What in the world have you done to my son? Whatever he is becoming, all I want for you to do is make sure he keeps his sanity throughout it all. Please, I beg you! Ruepheo looked up toward the ceiling with his palms closed together. He fell asleep in his comfortable La-Z-Boy chair in the corner of his room and slept until the wee hours of the morning.

    This time, Doribee was up and running before everybody in the house. She made breakfast for the two people she loved and adored so much. The aroma of pancakes, scrambled eggs with cheese, cinnamon rolls, and turkey bacon filled the air throughout the big house. Cooking, cleaning, and other home chores took Doribee’s mind off everything else. She even made their plates and left them in the oven warming until they came from out their beds.

    Doribee sat down on a stool at the island countertop. Her sleeves were rolled up to prevent spotting her white shirt; she also kept her apron on as she ate peacefully. Her mind and body were captivated in bliss as she bit into the cinnamon bun, tasting all the flavors. Feeding her belly was another way of taking her mind off all the wounds in the world.

    Nibbles was already up and about since he smelled the breakfast downstairs. He tried his best to wake Grummpess so he could go downstairs and get pieces of food under the table. But Grummpess paid Nibbles no mind and woke up on his own accord.

    Ruepheo got downstairs just as Grummpess was getting up. He greeted his wife with a big kiss on her cheek and then checked for his plate. Doribee pointed to the oven as if she’d already read his mind. He opened the oven, and all the smells that put together Doribee’s all-star breakfast punched him right in the nose. When Ruepheo sat next to Doribee, they began to do their early morning chitchat.

    Did you find what you were looking for last night? Doribee said while slowly biting into her pancakes.

    Yes, I did, Doribee. I’m so sorry I didn’t take your word for it 100 percent. He stopped eating to face her, giving her all his attention. I just couldn’t believe something like this would be happening in our own house. I love him so much, and I just couldn’t stomach that type of news until I’d witnessed it for myself. This is so unfair. Out of all the children in the world, why did this have to happen to our son—our one and only son? There are millions and millions of people in the world this could have happened to, but the life of chance picked us. I just don’t understand the ways of this world. Ruepheo said nothing more and quietly ate his food as he shook his head from left to right slowly.

    Grummpess’s parents heard the sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs. Grummpess made his entrance, with Nibbles following right behind him. They all caught eye contact for a few seconds, and then Grummpess ended it with a toothless smile.

    Good morning, Mom and Dad, he said softly in his raspy voice.

    And good morning to you as well, Grum-Grum. Did you get a good night’s rest? Doribee asked while looking at Ruepheo out of the corners of her eyes. She pointed to the oven as well, because she knew what he was looking for.

    It was all right. I had a lot of schoolwork to do and then some work of my own. I feel every time I work hard throughout the day and go to sleep at night, I don’t have dreams; I have nightmares. They all somewhat connect with each other in a sense. It’s hard to describe them, but they’re very weird. I mean these are some weird nightmares. I hope sooner or later they will give me some answers. Grummpess shrugged his shoulders, blowing it off, and began eating his breakfast.

    Nibbles immediately pushed his paws on the side of Grummpess’s leg, waiting to get fed. Not denying his loving pet, Grummpess cut a small piece of the cinnamon bun and pieces of bacon and gave them to Nibbles, who cleaned the fork right off with his mouth. Grummpess was so comfortable with Nibbles that he didn’t even bother to check if he used his paws or mouth and continued to eat off the same fork.

    Well, Grummpess, all I could say to help you out is just to relax. Meditate a little before you go to sleep. Maybe that’ll help out with your nightmare dreams, Ruepheo said while looking into Grummpess’s face, wondering how his face could open so easily without fatally damaging him. He then looked over the keloids, which looked like they hadn’t opened for years. He sighed to himself as he looked back into his plate of food.

    Grummpess had eaten all he could and now was waiting for Nibbles to stuff his face so he could leave the table. Instead of using the fork, Grummpess picked the food off his plate and gave it to Nibbles by hand. After every piece of food he gave Nibbles, Grummpess returned to his comforting position with his hand on the marble table tapping his fingers from right to left. It suddenly hit him that the tapping of his fingertips was louder than usual. The sound was so solid it was as if his fingers were metal or iron tapping on the marble countertop. He stopped quickly before his parents could catch on. He then used his own thumb and tapped against each finger and heard a clicking sound of metal.

    The keloids on his palms and fingertips were much thinner in width than the ones on his face. They were one-eighth of an inch wide and zigzagged wildly with no pattern or structure at all on his fingers. On the thin keloids, there were tiny black spots on them. He didn’t know the spots had changed formation and were now in a diagonal parallel pattern.

    So, Grum-Grum, how do you like your new high school? You know your father and I paid a lot of money so these people could give you a great education. Doribee spoke calmly.

    When Doribee spoke to him she broke his attention from his hands. He subtly removed his hands from view, folding them together between his lap off the countertop. For all that money you paid, they surely give me a lot of homework. I think your money is very well spent with Technology High. The classes are extra educational, the only thing I don’t like is the way people stare at me. They look at me like I’m some type of freak-a-zoid. I really don’t care for it, and I know why they stare. I’m somewhat popular already, and I’ve only been in school for almost three weeks, he said somewhat saddened. It’s like I’m popular for all the wrong reasons. I just hope this freshman year goes by quickly. Grummpess sighed as he left the island countertop.

    Nibbles followed right behind him. He yanked on his garment that was dragging a foot in length.

    Grummpess turned halfway around to pick him up. As he began to walk again, Nibbles kept pointing to his chest. When Grummpess stopped to give Nibbles his undivided attention, he pointed behind him as if he was pointing through his chest. He moved out of range of Nibbles pointing, and the ferret continued to point toward Ruepheo. Then it finally hit him like a ton of bricks.

    Dad, why were you in my room yesterday? Grummpess scowled and looked at him sideways.

    Nibbles motioned his head up and down like he’d hit it right in the nose. He then crawled up on Grummpess’s shoulder, standing tall with his left paw resting on his head and his body leaning on his ear.

    Ruepheo hustled for a quick thought and tried not to make it seem so untruthful. I hadn’t been in your room for a while, and I just wanted to know how you’re living inside there. I just walked and looked around; that was it. Am I

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